Bad Company

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Bad Company

Post by specter » Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:23 pm

well, i couldn't make it. i called it all off so i could go turkey hunting with my dad but then he takes my sister so i end up planting a garden with my mom. :angry:
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Re: Bad Company

Post by GARRETT » Sat Mar 31, 2012 6:31 pm

I had a ball today. Great attitudes, intense firefights, most fun I have had in a while. Thanks to everyone who came out, you guys rock.

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Re: Bad Company

Post by Mr. Marauder » Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:12 pm

I haven't played here in a couple years, so needless to say, I was looking forward to it. Also, it doesn't hurt I'm a Battlefield: Bad Company 2 fan. Props to Garrett for the MCOM/bomb station. Excellent idea and implementation.

In regards to the gameplay. The first skirmish went well enough up until Alpha managed to break through and arm the MCOM. Bravo had too many players going to or coming from our spawn, so Alpha was able to push through and take it. That match helped a good number of the players new to the field get a fix on everything, and for the veterans, get a feel for how things changed post-fire. The place is different now.

The second skirmish didn't go as well, at least not for Bravo. We weren't aggressive enough, and didn't harass and stay on top ofAlpha. Lack of cohesion here didn't play in our favor. I will admit I got aggravated because I knew we could push up and starting securing areas, but in the end it didn't happen. I felt things could've gone better.

At this point you may think I didn't have a good time today. You'd be wrong.

The next skirmish started with Bravo defending the MCOM in one of the smaller office rooms, and Alpha attacking. This is where things got interesting. What we lacked in aggression the previous skirmish, we made up for with this one. Rolling with the players from NC, we were able to immediately breach with grenades and gain a foothold. We pushed back Alpha several times, maintaining our positions, and preventing them from gaining access to the MCOM, though there were a few close calls. The highlight was digging in and holding a defensive line in the room and area of the MCOM. Many kudos to the NC guys I ran with today. They played their ass off to make sure Alpha couldn't get the MCOM. We holed up and made sure any advancing forces were either held off or killed. Other members of Bravo were able to ensure we weren't flanked, and prevented Alpha from moving forward and becoming a threat.

The firefight that played out near the end is one for the ages. Alpha and Bravo constantly exchanged fire and casualties. We were only mere feet from our respawn, so we had a steady supply of players to hold off Alpha's pushes. Many times, when it seemed they had broken through, we were there to stop them and push back. Numerous instances when I just knew the room containing the MCOM station was about to be overrun, we had the support we needed to keep them back. Communication, teamwork, and the collective desire to stick it to Alpha and win kept us going. We were determined they wouldn't take it. With two wins already under their belt, we could not accept another loss.
Unfortunately, at the end, with a well placed grenade, those protecting the MCOM(myself included) were killed. The last remaining line of defense had been eliminated, and with that Alpha moved in. Respawning, I doubled back around and emptied a barrage of ammo through the window taking out 2-3 that were in the room. With that, I attempted to rally Bravo for one last rush, a "Hail Mary" if you will, but time was against us, and the beeping and blaring MCOM station had reached its one minute mark. It was game over, we had lost again, but we didn't care. We had just taken part in one badass skirmish, and simply put, it was freaking awesome.
That skirmish today ranks in my top five favorite airsoft moments, and I look forward to future games at Wellford, half burned down or not.

Many people left after that, so eventually we all went at it solo deathmatch style with pistols, shotguns, and knives. In case you didn't know, that's a recipe for fun. The objective was to secure a location for 1 minute whilst simultaneously holding off the other players in a King of the Hill style match. I was able to kill GreenNinja, and wound up holding that objective for around 10 minutes waiting for someone to call it.

On the second playthrough, many of us teamed up to take out anyone who was holding the objective. This eventually turned into a free-for-all, which turned into everyone vs GreenNinja, who sneaky as always, moved from cover to cover, and almost getting taken out by my pistols, before finally we all converged on his hideout, and took him out.
A couple of quick-draw pistol matches later and the day was done. Worn out and sore from my wounds, I was ready to go home, but man I had a blast. For all those that couldn't make it, you missed out on a great event. Thanks to Dom, Garrett, Mojo, and Ninja for helping the game run smoothly. Sportmanship was at a high here, everyone had fun, and I can't wait to do it again.
Last edited by Mr. Marauder on Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Bad Company

Post by specter » Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:24 pm

gah! i new i should have gone! i'm always missing the good games!
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Re: Bad Company

Post by stuckmojo » Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:30 pm

first of all let me say that i enjoyed meeting all the new players: team david, the raptors from nc and another team in atac whose name i forgot. you guys were awesome today. second i have to say in my 3 years of playing welford this was the best game i have been a part of in terms of sportsmanship and great attitudes. every player that showed up today made the game awesome. those of you that didnt come missed a great game. the highlight for me today was the first game after lunch that mr marauder spoke of above. which btw was the only game i really got to play today. mr marauder did an excellent job gaurding the mcom and the first couple of time aircross and king david got up in there we were wiped out. finally aircross spit up and went 2 different ways with some other alpha players and meet up in the middle and then dom showed up with a well timed granade and we broke through. that was the most fun i have had in a while. again great game to all the players that showed today you guys all rocked it

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Re: Bad Company

Post by jesus_freak » Sun Apr 01, 2012 11:21 am

stuckmojo wrote: (...) and another team in atac whose name i forgot.

We are Team Nikeo. =]
stuckmojo wrote: you guys were awesome today. second i have to say in my 3 years of playing welford this was the best game i have been a part of in terms of sportsmanship and great attitudes. (...)
I have to agree... super friendly from the get go, acknowledging and encouraging each other... and the few disputes I saw were handled with maturity and humility. (including one of my own.) Honestly, every game can be like this... it just takes enough people being intentional about sacrificing their "being right" for the cohesion of the group as a whole, and the fun of the game. And as long as you truly value the game over yourself, it's not even hard to have that attitude.

One of my first ever airsoft games was at welford, and I have to say, while I miss the non-burned-down version, I'm a huge fan still, and can't wait for the next game there!

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Re: Bad Company

Post by Edrahil » Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:21 pm

First off, i think the burned down building looks badass, but i have some obvious qualms about the wreckage. I understand (i think) why its still there, but still.

The game itself was a blast. I really liked the bomb, good way to spice up a game. CQB is always intense, but that helped keep it moving.

I only stayed for 3 games, but they were crazy. The first one was crazy frustrating trying to move through the warehouse. Just so many people shooting across all the open spaces. In the end, a combo of enough bravos dead and/or elsewhere, and a fast push on my part put me up top, after safety killing 3 people and shooting the 2 people uptop (plus the ref...oops). I was freaking out as i waited for the bomb to count down, i kept expecting someone to get the drop on me, the same way i did earlier. Didn't happen though (whew).

the 2nd game was fun, highlight had to be clearing that apartment above the garage. the 3rd game was soooo frustrating (but in a good way). Bravo did a great job holding those offices. After about 1/2 through the game, alpha had the warehouse and had pushed bravo back to the offices, but thats a lot of people to cram in a small space. Those last 15 feet were killer (and i have the marks to prove it). For about 10 minutes, we were chilling in the hallway, plinking away at people in the bomb room and in the lobby. Finally i went and snagged Dom's grenades (and him) and we were able to get a few people in the room. At the end it was a matter of just holding that hallway, which i was freaking out over. I only had my sidearm, as my piston had stripped earlier in the game. Hell of a fun time

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