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Re: TDC 2

Post by Iam_Hoss » Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:26 pm

Georgia ruled the field all day. If they wanted to take a base they took it. We, SC, could not stop them. We made valient efforts to slow them but they took what they wanted. It was fun trying to push and flank them. It was definately a challenge and a fun time. Our Forward Operating Base that we set up and put our C.O. in worked superbly. Else GA would have captured him multiple times if we had left him in our HQ. GA finally found the FOB towards the end of the day game, but luckily out CO had been already been hit and healed 2 other times when they finally took us all out and he could not be healed.

Thanks to Black Poison Airsoft for bringing the thermal cameras (courtesy of ISG Infrasys and Fireco) and letting SC use 2 of them.

They made a difference in the night game. Both sides having the ability to see in the dark made for some great ambushes. The best one for me was when our group came upon about 5 GA players we engaged them and took them out to only find out that there were about 10 more GA nearby that lit us up and got most of us but one or two. Then to hear someone come up and stealth kill 9 of the GA players to only learn they were his teammates.

A great game had fun. I got to meet some new people and got to see many I knew. A great weekend of airsoft.
The last game I attended was- Op Iron Marches
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Re: TDC 2

Post by jsts ghost » Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:38 pm

By the way, whom ever the SC player, during the night engagement, whose red glow stick auto-timed off, Moose was sorry for the quick trigger response. He laughed about the reply, "ouch, it turns off automatically! But I am still dead!" Haha. That made his day.

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Re: TDC 2

Post by GARRETT » Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:52 pm

First half - SC 1 - GA 4
Second half - SC 3 - GA 6
Night game - SC 14 - GA 6
Sunday turned into very fun pick up games... no points.

To be honest GA kicked SC in the teeth during Saturday day games. They knew how to work there artillery with the guys on the ground, and were ten times more aggressive than most of SC's players. Walking around just doing admin I was able to see where SC failed at. #1 and probably the biggest thing is never get yourself trapped inside a base. Set up parameters outside the location, and use the massive amount of undergrowth to your advantage. The popular belief that green camo in green undergrowth is hard to see is not a myth. #2 don't shoot at players who may be inside your guns range. Wait until you know whithout a doubt that you can't miss, don't give your positions away so easily. #3 use some kind of tactics. I am not a huge tactic guys, but I know my share of guerrilla warfare and it works well. Spread out, be quiet, be a little patient, and when the time comes, be loud, be aggressive, sling a lot of ammo. Aircross has used these tactics as long as I have been playing, and have accomplished well with them. #4 COMMUNICATION - COMMUNICATION - COMMUNICATION. Stay in touch with the rest of your faction, know your location on the map, be part of the entire team as a whole, and make sure you let everyone know when you have contact on the field.

So how did SC win after getting hammered by the aggression of GA all game long? It was the over aggressiveness that lost the game... well kind of. Having Diesel help as admin during the night allowed me to be able to play and this is how it went down. At game on GA immediately hit the open field hard and heavy, and for a little while it looked like SC would be trapped in the woods again for the night game. After making sure everything was ok I went to SC HQ and spawned into play only to be shot like 2 min later right outside. After bleeding out, I shot out to the field and had a blast lighting up the place with my crazy $20 dollar 500 lumen flash light making there assault a little harder. It worked well until I got shot again in the backside... After returning to respawn once again I ran into Mr Marauder and about six other players, changed plans, and headed out on a nice long flank around the property. You could hear the firefights in the field still as we used the FLIR unit to navigate our dark journey down the road system and into the trails just south of the parking area. Never saw one player until we came out right where the main entry to the field was, but they were headed to the parking lot. Moved slowly down the road passing the GA QK and headed down the back road toward number 6 where one of the guys grabbed up another objective, then down toward 3 where we found our first GA player. Thanks to the FLIR unit we were able to spot him before he could see us... After that we ran into Hoss, Gerb and Dom. Hoss grabbed an objective from 4 and we easily walked back to HQ. When we got there it was one min till 12, and I think all of GA had left the field except for one.

I want to thank everyone for a great game. 253 was the final count, and it turned out to be the second largest game in SC history behind TDC 1. As far as winning, the real winners is airsofters in general because the owner is putting a chunk of that money back into the field. Today they were drawing up plans for 10 new buildings, and turning the buck field tower into something sim to REX at CDWC.

Props to Black Poison for the FLIR units, and the chrono which is still in my van.

RED Tactical, thanks so much for the donations for raffles.

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Re: TDC 2

Post by SSA-Walker » Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:05 pm

I had a blast, great practice on how to clear an AO of hostiles as we had many repeat engagements. Hell, just the fact that all but one of my guys was able to attend was epic in of itself. Enjoyed seeing my AJAX and Bogeymen buddies as usual, plus the few other faces I seem to only see at the larger games. As with every game this one had its pros and cons. Most players I came across (GA and SC alike) all felt like the game was pretty much over by 7:30pm on Saturday. As I watched groups of SC players walking off the field, I would give them a quick "good game", "keep up the fight" type comment and most just snorted and you could see the fight had left them by that point. My guys decided hot food and alcohol would be more entertaining then sticking around for the night game so we bailed.

Personally I view all this bickering about "we won" childish, if you feel you won, CONGRATS, and the next time I am around I will give you a cookie and slap on the back

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Re: TDC 2

Post by SSA-Walker » Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:06 pm

Oh and a big thanks to Garret for the effort he put into this event, THANKS for hosting us GA boys again!!!

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Re: TDC 2

Post by jsts ghost » Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:09 pm

^ { clapping }

To Garrett and Walker!!

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Re: TDC 2

Post by specter » Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:41 pm

Seriously, when we roll into the HQ and say to everyone "Hey! We captured 2 bases on the other side of the field! You can spawn there!" You need to take an effing hint. I mean, seriously, if you're just gonna bitch and whine about being base camped, and then not do anything about it when you can actually do something about it then there's obviously something wrong with you.
>Implying I'm not going to just shoot you in the face

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Re: TDC 2

Post by Rock5 » Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:48 pm

Garret thanks for running the game had a blast. Had some really good engagements during the day game. I also had a lot of fun in the night game trying to hunt y'all running the FLIR on the side when you where headed back to base. Kinda disappointed that somebody moved chem stick from barrels so GA couldn't recover them. I know that some GA players thought of doing the same but I told them that would be unfair. BTW thanks for the ride back from SC respawn that night. Rock5 out

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Re: TDC 2

Post by mives » Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:15 pm

jsts ghost wrote:By the way, whom ever the SC player, during the night engagement, whose red glow stick auto-timed off, Moose was sorry for the quick trigger response. He laughed about the reply, "ouch, it turns off automatically! But I am still dead!" Haha. That made his day.
Hahahaha, It's all good. That'd be me. I've had that cheap wal-mart flash light since Fulda and I already knew it had probs, but it scared the crap out of me when I'm sitting there dead and all the sudden I got tracers flying at me from 15 feet away in the dark. Honestly that was the only issue I witnessed during this event. Mostly during the day because of thick foliage, people were getting over shot. But it happens. Oh well. You'll never hear me complain about myself getting overshot unless I knew it was on purpose. That's what I wear protective gear for. derp.

Props to Garrett and the whole Air Farm team for putting on an awesome event. That was the most people I've ever seen on that field since my introduction to it at Op Apple Pie. The Georgia players came out with huge numbers and very aggressive tactics. I only wish to one day fight alongside some of you guys. Great job.

However. Being privileged with the responsibility of Alpha's Green Platoon I must say we gave em as much hell as we could dish out. All of the troops under my command were responsive and willing. The Georgia tank support kept us on our toes and forced us to use... other routes. Shout out to the Camera man following Green and Yellow Platoon on the way to Base 7 when we got redirected by the Black Mamba. Shame we didn't have AT with us. We fought smart, not hard. Many of our troops were able to avoid the massacre at HQ and proceed to engage enemies on other fronts.

Big thanks to Mr. Marauder who valiantly lead out troops as CO. There was a lot of pressure on him to avoid Georgia and focus on troop coordination. He kept in regular contact with myself and Yellow Platoon. Good job, I'll be proud to serve under you any day. Also big shout out to my main man Hoss, who was out on the front lines with myself covertly capturing and defending out-lying objectives.

Finally, the best two night games of my airsofting career (which isn't saying to much) have been at the Air Farm. Saturday night was an absolute blast. Outstanding work by Dominum with the thermal imaging camera (courtesy of ISG Infrasys and Fireco). It helped us gain an unparalleled edge in the battlefield... untill we rolled up on the NVG bro's at base 3. Overall great night of game play. Sunday was even better. With a total of about 40 players we conducted quick attack and defend games that I enjoyed more than any other engagement that weekend. Thanks to everyone who stayed till Sunday, got rained on, and still carried on into battle. You all are the real troopers.

And so are the one's that have read all this. Great weekend everyone!

Untill next time, stay frosty, watch you six.

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Re: TDC 2

Post by Wolfy » Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:30 pm

Ironfox did do a little recon of its own however. Our 5 players did a little trip through the brush and thorns and ended up at a Bravo base by the tower (2) and killed everyone inside before people from inside the tower got the wiser and got us. It was fun to do that, we spent at least an hour just getting there and even had a run in with a GA player who when they were unsure what team we were on called out "SC?". We assumed they were SC since we couldn't see them and responded "SC, Friendly" only to be promptly shot at. Luckily they missed and were lit up by all 5 of us. We assumed they underestimated how many were there. We had the Bravo tanks constantly driving not 10 feet away from us and still got up there almost undetected. That was what we came out there to do, not to bicker over who won based on points or whatever. It was just a game, and I had a lot of fun.
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Re: TDC 2

Post by Star_folder » Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:33 pm

Rain was nice. Stopped shortly before the game started, just like 2 years ago. Started back after lunch started, and then ended again before the afternoon game started. Weather is funny, but at least we didn't have to play in the rain.

We started out with Infidel's Platoon on the side of the field where we first died. Jsts Ghost was my first kill of the day. ;D Then Fallout showed up. Then that little dwarf tank. Then the Black Mamba. Needless to say, we were hunkered back into the woods with our heads between our legs praying that none of the tanks would see us. Of course, that gave GA enough time to come up and clear out the brush, as we were rather defenseless at this point.

We fell back to the HQ, sat there for a while, more or less just hanging out, waiting for GA's inevitable path back to the HQ from where they originally took us out. As the other large tank, the one with the minigun, came around the corner, I opened fire. I'm unsure if I got the gunner, but he sure did duck quickly. I assume the tank was taken out pretty quickly as they began to back up. Still didn't stop GA from coming through. I think the main GA force came from the other side of the HQ, so I moved into position to have some fun, eventually being taken out. GA quickly swept through and took the HQ, without realizing it was our HQ. Of course, with the enemy sitting in our uncapturable HQ, once my 3 mins dropped out, I walked into the base, pointed my gun at the nearest GA player, removed my dead rag, and safety killed Mother of all people.

Yes. I safety killed Mother and didn't go to the hospital.

Of course, that lead to a little confusion. He didn't understand how it was fair what I did. I'll admit, it was underhanded, but given the situation, I wasn't about to sit around waiting for GA to leave to respawn, as we didn't own any other respawn points. After clearing stuff up, GA left, and a few people ended up shooting them as they were leaving. One particular GA player didn't like that and got a little hot tempered from it, but the situation quickly defused and we went back to business.

I don't fully remember what happened after this, I think I wandered up towards Base 1 after hearing some cries of help from a teammate. Once I arrived I realized that there was no way we were going to take the base and just contented myself with shooting a bunch of GA that were standing around in the field. I soon fell back after the few amounts of support I had were eliminated, along with our medic. Back at the HQ, we started to advance forward again towards Base 1, but took a different direction. Some GA came up behind us and mistook us for GA players. We ended up with a parlee because of it. Very soon after this, lunch was called.

After lunch, starting back at the HQ. Not much happened. We got run over again, and Infidel stepped in, gave a big ol' rallying speech, sorta. About 40 alpha started up the path from the HQ, and then one crazy GA player stood up and opened fire on the group. It was really quite something watching about 40 alpha all raise their gun, and then point and shoot at this poor fellow all at the same time. Of course, trigger happy SC didn't stop firing and a few of us had to start yelling over the gun fire to get them to stop. That poor man must have been shot at least a couple thousand times. I and Bishop went over to speak with him to apologize. We talked a little, gave him some instructions on how to get back to his HQ, and then ran off to join the rest of our team. We ended up assaulting base 12, that Bravo was holding. I'm not sure where everyone else was at this point, seemed like there were lots of GA that must have been busy elsewhere on the field.

Anyway, we had a blast pushing up against base 12, but never ended up taking it. Eventually they got reinforcements and pushed us back. But at this point, the forces were so tattered that the fighting basically stopped by the time the few remaining GA players approached the base. We talked a little and then walked with them off the field. It was about 7PM and we didn't return to the field.

I had a blast getting my butt handed to me over and over. I haven't had that much fun losing, even though we technically won the game.

  • Contacting the CO was difficult. Perhaps because he was hiding in the back of the field :P but it was almost impossible raising him on the radio when I was able to keep in contact with the rest of my team without issue.
    That lead to poor communication, and not knowing that we actually took a few bases at one point.
  • Lots of clumping together and poor tactics all around on our part. It was interesting watching us fall apart so quickly after a firefight started. You guys need to remember to stay spread apart. Grouping up all behind one tree just makes you a larger target. Also, medics should not be on the front lines, they should be just behind the front lines.
  • Weather was fantastic for the game play. Between and before the games, it wasn't all that great, but during the games, perfect.
  • Tanks. I love tanks. I love that aspect of having an unstoppable force of death and destruction roaming around. Being forced to either flee or die is a nice change of pace from the ever killable enemy team.
  • Medics being limited. It creates interesting game play, and ultimately causes more team focused game play. With everyone being a medic, you can push, and you can push HARD. Limiting the medics slows down the game, makes you have to take a few extra steps, and gives you a reason to protect someone a little more than just "he's my friend."
  • Hit calling. One issue, but several follow up shots solved it. People were honest. I checked out one issue of people not calling their hits, but it soon became clear it was simply because the brush was much thicker than either side realized.

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Re: TDC 2

Post by marpat96 » Tue Apr 30, 2013 7:05 am

I will admit to one thing:

I was technically useless the entire game with a stock bolt action, but I had fun. Relations will better with this game between the states.
Last game I went to: Redfox, March 29th, 2014
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Re: TDC 2

Post by UF_Jester » Tue Apr 30, 2013 7:37 am

mives wrote: It helped us gain an unparalleled edge in the battlefield... until we rolled up on the NVG bro's at base 3.
I was the only one there with NVGs, but I did have the rest of UF and a couple guys from AARP helping out. I remember shooting you a few times when your red stick turned off. You were a great sport about that. By the way, HUGE props to all SC players that ran into our little ambush spot at 3. I shot guys at upwards of 75 feet away through thick brush and every one of them called it.
Team United Front CO
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Re: TDC 2

Post by TokenTech89 » Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:35 am

I had a great time out there. Of course tactics on SC side were due to younger players playing the defending part. THey did not expect GA to actually come to them and them some. WHich caused alot of the younger players to be mad. THe afternoon was the same thing, so I started to get ballsy and not command so much but to lead small groups for ambushes. ALot of them were successful til we see the ratio of 3:1.

Night game, one GA guy wore green and ran with me and Specialists. Specialist finally learned why he was called "Water Buffalo". We got to the open field and saw Garretts giant light, and we were trying to ambush that group but got cut off by the other light source in the back. They also had thermal, so it was like o well.

Sunday was really showed what airsoft is all about. THe sport, the fun, and the enthuiastists.

Thanks Garrett for hosting the game, and Thanks GA players for coming out all this way. Hope to see yall next year for part 3.

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Re: TDC 2

Post by Ghost141 » Tue Apr 30, 2013 11:24 am

Mainly the kids ma and token were supervising over. They just stood there. Bout shot them my self if they didnt
Operation Detachment Alpha - 3871[

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Red Fox 03/02/2013
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