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Sat March 1st at PBC

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 10:03 pm
by BaldEagle
Just a few items from Saturday's game....
First off, someone forgot to leave the heat on. Brr! (The PBC manager did have a nice fire going early though.)
Second, had gun issues early in the day. I think my guns were expecting it to be warmer then it was. Thankfully, got one working before missing too much.
Third, thankful for a mask on my face. I got lit up multiple times sitting at the "tree" respawn, while still having my dead rag on. Not complaining. If I could have seen who it was, I would have pulled by rag down and (attempted) to shot him, but I never spotted him.
Fourth, a tip of the hat to both Hoss and Crossfire. Both eliminated me at long range during the day.
Fifth, wish there were pictures of that N00b 2nd Ranger sticking his gun and the rest of him in the mud! That picture would be worth $$$.
Sixth, the siren/horn/signal at 1:00pm sharpe that turned into a "chemical/nuclear leak and we are all going to die" siren/horn/signal. LOL!
Finally, my day ended on "that" note. IMO, the bottom line is that it was handled VERY poorly.

Re: Sat March 1st at PBC

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 8:32 pm
by captainkirk05
Um yea, Sorry about #6 lol. Past experiences in chemical manufacturing plants had me freaking out a bit. I'm not sure how they expect newcomers to the area to know if it is a test or not. As for #5, I saw the impressive aftermath to the gun. And BTW, quicksand was my worst fear as a child after watching the Swamp of Sadness in The Never Ending Story.