Teaser Photos, US Airforce Pararescue Visit

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Re: Teaser Photos, US Airforce Pararescue Visit

Post by Isotope » Mon Aug 23, 2010 2:55 pm

Straightshot wrote: The big question here Isotope, is why aren't you wearing a hat in the desert?

Nice pics. What weapons are you required to carry?
I took off my kevlar.  Normally I would be wearing it, but because the helo took so long, I removed it, of course I put it back on when transiting inside the rotor circles.

I carry a Beretta, all the USMC could afford to give us as they were tight on M4s at the time.
Villid wrote: the blackhawks are still a good choice for them.  quick, reliable, and quiet.  plus small enough to get into tight LZs while still carrying a buncha people
In Afghanistan, the Chinook is king.  Blackhawks don't do very well in the heat, aren't able to get to the altitudes some of the forces are at, are a bitch to work on, and are incredibly small (inside) for their size.  Quiet?  Not really.  Not to mention the Taliban are very good at shooting down helicopters.  An Airforce Helo carrying PJs picking up a patient was shot down 2 months ago, several were killed.
[img width=922 height=150]http://www.sublimeserpent.com/air/BT-banner.jpg[/img]

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