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Post by jsts ghost » Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:45 pm


Now that is dirty..
Awesome, but dirty... hahahh

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Post by Zoobie » Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:14 pm

Sorry for such a late post on this thread.

First off I want to thank all Admins and hosts for putting the game on and doing the work to get this sucker to run right. It was big op and I enjoyed playing and help command S.C. in it. It was an honor to both server S.C. as well as play in it.

Secondly I want to thank all the commanders both S.C. and G.A. for their hard work and time that they invested in this to make this Op run and help players get organized. They did a wonderful job on the S.C. side and I saw smiler set ups on the G.A. side.

Thirdly I want to thank the players, You guys are why these big ops run. I want to thank you guys for listening and just coming out and having a good time wither on the field or just hanging around the fire swapping stories. I meet a lot of new S.C. players as well as some old buds. I also made some friends with some G.A. players both on our side and against us. I'm glad to say I played with and against you guys.

Fourthly I understand there was a lot of cheating going on both sides, however I mainly saw it on G.A.s side (Due to the fact I was on S.C.), but I did see a few things on S.C.s side. I was a little discouraged about people not calling their hits, even more so in the night game. We did have people with NVG watching enemy players flinch and not calling it (That right there not only make you look stupid but also your state, but hey if you want to dishonor your state that is fine with me. I know my boys would rather not play then dishonor S.C.). Then there was the fact we had players shooting LAW rocket launchers (When there wasn't even a tank around) and hitting players. I kinda felt this was just pushed a side cause out of the 3 time it happen 2 of them a Player was hit. Another note is if you hit a Tank you still must respect the 15 ft guard. just cause you hit it does not mean you run out in front of it and sit down screaming call your self out. That is just stupid and bad sportsmanship. For all you know they may have heard it and where turning around to go back to base, but still running in front of the tank and picking up the rocket and then throwing it into the tank and sitting in front of it makes you look stupid and like a little child. Next Eye pro. I don't give a crap if your a dead man walking to re spawn or riding in a vehicle back up, EYE PRO SHOULD BE WORN AT ALL TIMES ON THE FIELD!!! I saw one to many players both S.C. and G.A. with no Eye Pro riding the tractor up and down to re spawn as well and walking back to re spawn. Some one could accidentally mistake you for a live player and shoot at you, which you could see what would happen.
I have one experience I would Like Air dog to look into though. There was player who was shoot and asked for me to come check him out. So I pulled my dead rag to go up and find a guy bleeding on his arm. He said he would be fine but he wanted me to check the guys MED. I then turned to the guy who was no more then 20 ft away and had a Red zip tie. I asked him to check his MED. The Guys re spawns was to surrender or he was gone shoot me. 1 I'm 20ft away and he has a re zip tie, 2 I have a orange rag out so I am already dead, 3 he heard me talking to guy so he knew why I was there. I was really depressed with how this player was acting towards me lucky though one of his friends lowered his rifle and told him something.

Finally, I did have a good time helping with the game and playing. There was a lot of bad but then again there was a lot of new players as well as elite ones. I enjoyed testing our new tank out there and had a lot of good feed back. I also had a blast defending the forward re spawn and I have to give props to the One G.A. player who sneaked all the around and safety killed me at the Forward re spawn. He did amazing getting all the way around. I also have fun storming the wall to help defend the backhoe mid day. The Fighting was fierce and very entertaining. I had fun moving up and down trying to take ground. The guys I fought along side with put up a good fight but in the end G.A. manged to over whelm us and storm the base. I also have to give it up to the G.A. player with the shotgun who got on our right and got three of our guys before we knew where he was at. Good job dude. Night game was a blast how ever I know I may have made some people made ore confused. In the night game My team sneaked into the city (or the Labs) divided up. On group of us went to the wall and the other to take the city. When we got to the wall My friend and I safety killed about 15 + G.A. players and then where safety killed our selves. Then our boys behind us peppered the remaining G.A. players and just about took the wall before the game ended. I had a good laugh with a couple of the G.A. guys right before the game was called. We had a good laugh about the gun fight as we watched both side throw up glow sticks and such. After they called the game I was a little sad to see it ending on such a good fire fight but I understood something was up.

I had some rather enjoyable moments and some I rather to for get over all I had fun. I hope to see my new and old friends at the game next year. Until then hope to see you guys on the field.

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Post by SC Moose » Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:34 pm


"Common sense is like deodorant, those who need it the most don't use it."

Tactical equipment:

36" stick - 15fps
6 pine cones - 25 fps
green switch - 45 fps (when whipping)
one roll of toilet paper
one bottle of H2O


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Post by SC Moose » Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:02 pm

I am new to airsoft and wanted to say thanks to everyone on both sides. I had fun and am hooked on the sport. I too had some thoughts and appreciate a place to post them.

I think all of the topics have been well covered.

To those who played correctly, awesome you made it fun, exciting and enjoyable for all.

To those who did not, I hope you will change your ways. You miss out on more than you know. But you will never stop me from enjoying my life, even in a game. So sucks to be you.

In all things there will always be those who break, bend or ignore the rules for there own arrogance. We will only empower them further by allowing them to steal our spirits, not alcohol, but attitude. My instructors use to always push us to have an indomitable spirit, obviously for battle, but even more so for life. Airsoft is a game, but one where we can practice traits that will build exceptional character in all who try.

Your BBs make you a player. Your character makes you a friend. I enjoyed seeing my friends and making some new ones this past weekend. Can't wait to see you all again soon.

Definition of INDOMITABLE
: incapable of being subdued : unconquerable <indomitable courage>
"Common sense is like deodorant, those who need it the most don't use it."

Tactical equipment:

36" stick - 15fps
6 pine cones - 25 fps
green switch - 45 fps (when whipping)
one roll of toilet paper
one bottle of H2O


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Post by GARRETT » Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:19 pm

cycobob wrote: if you are in position and i walked up i broke your med and what happens to me is on me,no crying,or ref calling,just pain and a bandaid!
if you run up on me shooting and break the med then you have broken the rules.
i think this is what caused a bunch of the problems.
Wow really? This has to be one of the most irresponsible things I have ever heard a player say. After reading through the last seven pages and everything that was said, I had planned on just giving props to the players from both sides and leaving it at that. But that comment changed my mind completely. Number one how could a player have any idea what FPS another players gun was chronoed at? Is it every players responsibility to watch his opponents MED? No. You sir are responsible for yourself, and yourself alone. That's why we strongly encourage players with higher FPS rifles to carry a lower FPS sidearm in South Carolina. I would really like to hear you explain your answer.

As for the game, overall I had fun. The field was challenging, the scenario was good, and any time I get to shoot airsoft with like minded players is always a good day.

To my fellow SC airsofters, much respect to all of you for showing and playing with honor. And a big thanks to the GA players who stood by our side. To our command staff, big props.

To the GA players, thanks for the challenge.

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Post by cycobob » Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:00 pm

GARRETT wrote:
cycobob wrote: if you are in position and i walked up i broke your med and what happens to me is on me,no crying,or ref calling,just pain and a bandaid!
if you run up on me shooting and break the med then you have broken the rules.
i think this is what caused a bunch of the problems.
Wow really? This has to be one of the most irresponsible things I have ever heard a player say. After reading through the last seven pages and everything that was said, I had planned on just giving props to the players from both sides and leaving it at that. But that comment changed my mind completely. Number one how could a player have any idea what FPS another players gun was chronoed at? Is it every players responsibility to watch his opponents MED? No. You sir are responsible for yourself, and yourself alone. That's why we strongly encourage players with higher FPS rifles to carry a lower FPS sidearm in South Carolina. I would really like to hear you explain your answer.

As for the game, overall I had fun. The field was challenging, the scenario was good, and any time I get to shoot airsoft with like minded players is always a good day.

To my fellow SC airsofters, much respect to all of you for showing and playing with honor. And a big thanks to the GA players who stood by our side. To our command staff, big props.

To the GA players, thanks for the challenge.
you know
we have a lot of games in ga
this one makes the 4th i have co-ed
this is the only game that this has happend at.
and i stand by what i said.i also heard that a sc tactic is to charge a med and call out player.notin this state,if you run up on a med you get shot.
this is just one of those things,you guys want to play airSOFT
we play airsoft
maybe its time for nerf.
i think i am done here
i don't think i will ever come to terms with the soft rules.
i am sure i will get hazed over here for this post.
called irresponsible but this is a combat sport.don't take the combat out of it.
one day you guys will grow into full airsoft,and when you do it will be a great day.
good luck

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Post by Gambler » Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:49 pm

cycobob wrote:
GARRETT wrote:
cycobob wrote: if you are in position and i walked up i broke your med and what happens to me is on me,no crying,or ref calling,just pain and a bandaid!
if you run up on me shooting and break the med then you have broken the rules.
i think this is what caused a bunch of the problems.
Wow really? This has to be one of the most irresponsible things I have ever heard a player say. After reading through the last seven pages and everything that was said, I had planned on just giving props to the players from both sides and leaving it at that. But that comment changed my mind completely. Number one how could a player have any idea what FPS another players gun was chronoed at? Is it every players responsibility to watch his opponents MED? No. You sir are responsible for yourself, and yourself alone. That's why we strongly encourage players with higher FPS rifles to carry a lower FPS sidearm in South Carolina. I would really like to hear you explain your answer.

As for the game, overall I had fun. The field was challenging, the scenario was good, and any time I get to shoot airsoft with like minded players is always a good day.

To my fellow SC airsofters, much respect to all of you for showing and playing with honor. And a big thanks to the GA players who stood by our side. To our command staff, big props.

To the GA players, thanks for the challenge.
you know
we have a lot of games in ga
this one makes the 4th i have co-ed
this is the only game that this has happend at.
and i stand by what i said.i also heard that a sc tactic is to charge a med and call out player.notin this state,if you run up on a med you get shot.
this is just one of those things,you guys want to play airSOFT
we play airsoft
maybe its time for nerf.
i think i am done here
i don't think i will ever come to terms with the soft rules.
i am sure i will get hazed over here for this post.
called irresponsible but this is a combat sport.don't take the combat out of it.
one day you guys will grow into full airsoft,and when you do it will be a great day.
good luck

Well, then you would only play once in SC and when you broke your MED I would have no problem kicking you out of the game. Just because it's airsoft doesn't mean you can break the rules tough guy. How about someone just comes up and punches you in the gace after you break your MED, then what happens? You go home crying about getting punched when you probably deserved it. See, we avoid all those problems by simply following the rules. I think the only state you are going to play airsoft in is in GA, because you would get kicked out of any national event in 20 minutes with an attitude like that. Enjoy your GA airsoft.
You name a game, I've been to it.

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Post by Foxx » Tue Mar 13, 2012 12:51 am

Okay, if you like getting the hell shot out of you, that's all fine and well. But are you honestly not even thinking about the legal hellstorm surrounding this sport? This jackass "suck it up" attitude isn't going to stand up against a state court moving to ban what some people consider a "ridiculous and dangerous game of make-believe." Do you REALLY think an attorney will back off an injury case just because his client didn't "Man up"?

I don't think a single airsofting soul in this country wants to have those BS fps and gun color limits that the UK has, but if ignorance like this keeps up, it's not too far away.
Crossfire|Desert Crucible|Blue Hole Campaign|White Noise|Op. 24|Imperator|SC vs. NC-2|CQB Sh*tfest|Domino|Pres. Assin.|White Noise 2|Aug. 21st CQB|AOSC Anniv.|Op. 24-2|Strat. of War|Phantom Hawk|Mantis 2|RedFox Feb. 19th|Dead Dawn|TDC|CID-1|Blue Hole Jun. 18th|Blackwater 2|Op. 24-3|FPTC Jan. 21st|SC vs. GA-2|Flash Heaven 2|Op. SGC|Apple Pie|Airfarm Aug. 4th|Blue Hole Sept. 15th|RedFox Dec. 15th|CID 3|Double Cross|TDC 2|Vietnam Patrol II|Vietnam Patrol IV

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Post by Rock5 » Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:32 am

Alright that was a bunch of crap to read through.

Just like any other Airsoft game I have been to both sides complain about hit calling. MED's are hard to observe and if I broke mine I apoligized to the other player and took the hit and a Long walk back to re-spawn. I played with SC to get to know more players and run with 6mil Bogeymen and I had fun doing it. Thanks to the command staff took the planning to the next level, just remember not everybody will do what ya ask them to.

My fireteam of 4 made the 2 and 1/2 hour drive to play airsoft and have fun while doing it, so that is what we did.

THANKS to all players, Airdog, and Gunner was good times. Hope to see and shoot y'all again soon.

ROCK5L out

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Post by Zoobie » Tue Mar 13, 2012 8:10 am

Rock5 wrote:Alright that was a bunch of crap to read through.

Just like any other Airsoft game I have been to both sides complain about hit calling. MED's are hard to observe and if I broke mine I apoligized to the other player and took the hit and a Long walk back to re-spawn. I played with SC to get to know more players and run with 6mil Bogeymen and I had fun doing it. Thanks to the command staff took the planning to the next level, just remember not everybody will do what ya ask them to.

My fireteam of 4 made the 2 and 1/2 hour drive to play airsoft and have fun while doing it, so that is what we did.

THANKS to all players, Airdog, and Gunner was good times. Hope to see and shoot y'all again soon.

ROCK5L out

^---- Great example of how a true airsoft. Apologizing as well as uplifting. Just didn't want you to go unnoticed. Also thanks for helping me rely coms up the hill when they where breaking down.

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Post by stuckmojo » Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:16 am

i also heard that a sc tactic is to charge a med and call out player.notin this state,if you run up on a med you get shot.
this is just one of those things,you guys want to play airSOFT

bobby you misunderstood what i told you. what i said was that if there is a sniper out there your fighting that has a 100 foot med, then a good tatic would be to run to get inside his med so he cant shoot you. gambler and garrett are right you would get kick out within 20 minutes of any national event for shoot a player within your med. those rules are there for safety. this is why we try to make all players especially sniper carry sidearms so that they can still engage their enemy within their med. btw i want to know now after i share this with you on the phone that night did you tell the ga players to shoot us if we ran inside your med?

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Post by cycobob » Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:34 am


Well, then you would only play once in SC and when you broke your MED I would have no problem kicking you out of the game. Just because it's airsoft doesn't mean you can break the rules tough guy. How about someone just comes up and punches you in the gace after you break your MED, then what happens? You go home crying about getting punched when you probably deserved it. See, we avoid all those problems by simply following the rules. I think the only state you are going to play airsoft in is in GA, because you would get kicked out of any national event in 20 minutes with an attitude like that. Enjoy your GA airsoft.[/quote]

Well, then you would only play once in SC and when you broke your MED I would have no problem kicking you out of the game. Just because it's airsoft doesn't mean you can break the rules tough guy. How about someone just comes up and punches you in the gace after you break your MED, then what happens? You go home crying about getting punched when you probably deserved it. See, we avoid all those problems by simply following the rules. I think the only state you are going to play airsoft in is in GA, because you would get kicked out of any national event in 20 minutes with an attitude like that. Enjoy your GA airsoft.[/quote]

you got me
a punch in the face,man what sportsmanship

my point is not to intentionally break a med(i can't remember the last time i have done that)
it has happened to me,i don't cry and wine(combat sport).
my point is that in airsoft you will have players not calling hits,players thinking they hit someone and screaming call your hits.do i think a player that violates a med on purpose needs to be warned/ejected.YES
do i think every time a player breaks a med that its grounds to gripe.NO
do i think every report of a med violation is founded.NO
med's are set for safety,like a helmet when you bungee jump.(at 150 feet up what good is a helmet)
my point is i was radioed tons of time with "bob tell your players to watch the meds,bob they say your guys are not calling hits',bob they say your guys are not going to respawn,bob they say players are not getting medic ed "
i have never had that at any other game i have co-ed.(and i had most of the same guys)i did not get one complaint from my guys on med violations.i had a few reports of not hit calling,but thats airsoft.so what does this tell me?
1 my guys don't care if they are shot up close(not likely)
2 my guys are so good,they could walk up on the sc team before you knew they where there.(not a chance,i only know 2 or 3 guys that may be able to pull that off)
3 people had a problem judging distance(i like this one,i saw it myself)
4 the med violations where an excuse to gain ground,as was hit calling.(i don't like this one,i played sunday and the sc guys played with honor and pride.it made up for all the drama)
5 our style of game play differs,sc rules say a med break can make a player surrender.our rules give you a choice to fight.but when in rome

guys i am just saying that what would have been a epic battle on amazing terrain turned into a gripe fest
of rules and accusations.
i had my hands full on Saturday morning,i thought i was in for a fight.
in the first few hours you guys had us on the ropes.as soon as we started pushing and gaining ground the drama started.(that's not cool.some will say that ga cheated to gain ground.but come on,you all know that's not true)
i had a radio in my ear all day
i was kept up to speed by the admins.i know what was going on.
i was following it.most of you guys where on the field.
most of the command staff was fighting
i have used the words "sc command" to keep from singling out a few people.
all of the sc command staff need to read these posts,and ask about some of the choices
that had been made.i was told of votes that where made.how many of you voted?
i know a few who did not get the chance.
in the end i had a great time(a little frustrated,a little tired from daylight savings time)
i have heard statements of how things went down,but i also know how things went down.
as co i and mojo had info that even our xo's did not get.
remember crap roles down hill.the only way to find out where it started ,is to walk to the top of the hill.

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Post by Gambler » Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:38 am

You obviously did not get the point of my post. The problem with your attitude is that it is going to lead to further incidents. We don't put up with rules violations in SC. You break the rules, you leave the field, that way there are no further incidents.
You name a game, I've been to it.

If I've banned you, then you have more than likely deserved it.

If I deleted a post it didn't need to be there or I simply didn't like it.

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Post by stuckmojo » Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:49 am

i see he is avoiding my question and for the record i only talked to you on the radio all day a total of 2 times once was to tell you of a co kill and the other to find out how many of my players were up at your hq when i was doing a count. so this statement of calling you tons of times is complete bs

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Post by s92harrell » Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:42 am

Bobby, I've got to throw this out there. This was the fourth op we've both attended, my second playing against you. At none of them were there problems to the degree there were at this one. That's one of the reasons I apologized to the SC guys for my fellow ga players actions...I don't know why this game was dofferent, but I can attest to the fact that a large portion of the accustaions coming from SC are indeed valid.
