Crisis in Dunundistan III; Sat. Jan. 5th SQA: AAR

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Crisis in Dunundistan III; Sat. Jan. 5th SQA: AAR

Post by Star_folder » Sun Jan 06, 2013 5:56 pm

Welp, I enjoyed my time on the field, it was fun to see everyone and catch up.

Gold Team started a tad late after finishing up a few things at the top of the hill. We were on alpha, and we went towards the alpha HQ to spawn in. Well, we ended up being sandwiched between the HQ and some bravo players and were taken out, turns out we were outnumbered more than 2:1. Anyway, they walk past us, we bleed out and walk back to the HQ. Bravo had just passed through the HQ when we respawned and opened fire on them. We took most of them out, and a few disappeared into the woods. I imagine they were after a certain objective that was in that direction.

Once we were happy that they were far enough away, we were recruited to help clear out some bravo at the top of the hill near the Alpha HQ, We went up there, but with the sun in our eyes, we ended up dying again. Bravo colors are especially camouflaged this time of year. Anyway, back to the HQ to respawn, and then we headed to the trenches to check out what was going on out there. Came up behind the berm on the south side of trenches and started throwing some shots in. I was pretty happy, was able to get a 300ft kill with the 417. Half of Gold was taken out, we had split up to try finding different ways to attack the bravo occupied trenches, turns out the other half was a little ballsy and jumped in by themselves. They cleared a trench, but where quickly taken out. Myself and Watchman were further up when we found out that our other members had been hit. We came back down the berm to find out what had happened. Still shooting into the trenches, we began to get a small force ready to go. Within a few minutes, we jumped over the berm and began to clear trench after trench, and had the whole area secured in a few minutes.

Once everything was locked down, Gold team had all respawned, and we grouped back up and headed to Rocky Top, the other two respawn points. We hit some resistance, taking some shots at them, was rather hard to do through all the brush, their bbs seemed to be a little more lucky than ours in finding their way through brush. So, Gold decided to start to flank around and hit Rocky Top from a different angle. Not entirely sure what happened to them, I lagged behind a bit, shooting at people on the road, when I caught up to my team, they were all hit. There was one guy remaining in the area, one enemy, I was trying to hunt him. We both kinda stumbled on each other and both missed, I dropped down watching for him to move from where he had jumped back. Eventually see him move further back through the brush, and then dart over to a fallen team mate of his. As soon as I see him begin to run through the brush, I opened fire, putting burst after burst towards him, hoping to hit him. He laid down behind his team mate, and I continued my assault, edging closer. Well, All I had was the ammo that was in the midcap in the gun, and that soon ran out. Knowing that I was completely out of ammo, my team was dead, and we were all about to take a lunch break, I did the only thing I could think of. I just raised my gun in one hand and ran at the Bravo player and yelled Safety kill when I got close enough. Of course, he saw what was coming, and already had a pistol out, as soon as I said Safety Kill, he said he wasn't taking it and shot me in the chest. Well played sir, well played. lol, I was just hoping I'd be lucky enough to get the kill, but that was fun.

We went up, ate lunch, took a small break, and came back onto the field. We didn't find much, went into the woods in the middle of the field. We found some bravo, sorta, attacked them, turns out it was just a few. We continued to push forward, found a few more, well, we thought it was only a few. We got taken out one by one, and then respawned at the trenches. We moved from their to Rocky Top, and not sure what to do, decided to go hunting for bravo. We traveled down the road only to find about 30 or so bravo standing in the middle of the field. Tired after a long day of play, and ready to call it quits, we, the 4 of us, just charged them. As soon as I stopped moving, I got lit up, as did the rest of us. It was a fun way to end the day, and I got to catch up with a few of my Bravo friends. We left as they formed a perimeter around an objective.

All in all, fun day, I wish there had been something to do besides just the 10 people hunting for the objectives. There wasn't that drive to go do something like there is for most games, because the objectives were the only things that were worth any value. Truly happy with how the 417 turned out, I was planning on selling it, but not anymore, that gun performed and performed. Beast of a rifle.

So.... What'd you guys think about the field? Complaints? Complements?

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Re: Crisis in Dunundistan III; Sat. Jan. 5th SQA: AAR

Post by Akaishinobi » Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:30 pm

I was with Bravo team this game. Got to try out my KC02 for the 1st time and brought my little brother for his 1st game. The field didn't make the experience a disappointment for either of us.. The game was undoubtedly fun. It got started late but once it did, it seemed to flow very smoothly. The trenches were a really nice addition to the field compared to the last time I played there, and if this game was any indication, I'm sure that any addition to the field will be great and I look forward to the experience.

Now I'm just waiting for the pictures and videos to be posted.

and btw, 1st! lol Just because
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Re: Crisis in Dunundistan III; Sat. Jan. 5th SQA: AAR

Post by Felix » Sun Jan 06, 2013 9:29 pm

Great field, good game. I got soured out by some random events as well as my one complaint. Back of the map has the HVT rule that was not talked about at all during any brief or on the forums. This was hidden, or strategically placed, between normal AOSC rules.

Will be at the SQA no matter the scenario. Love you guys.
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Re: Crisis in Dunundistan III; Sat. Jan. 5th SQA: AAR

Post by Cannon Fodder » Sun Jan 06, 2013 9:32 pm

Star_folder wrote:Truly happy with how the 417 turned out, I was planning on selling it, but not anymore, that gun performed and performed
You sure :3??? Haha but anyways great game man, I completely enjoyed playing at your field (like I said 10x better than Trigger Tyme and 1000000000000000x better than Air farm), no complaints other than the hills (but that is just because I am fat and lazy).

I also enjoyed seeing all of my friends after a few months of not playing, glad no one has forgot me yet haha ^-^ . Finally I enjoyed running with Frost and all of his friends because we did some work on the objectives.

All in all this was the most fun I've had in a while (besides freezing my ass off in the truck the night before haha) and I'm glad to be back playing airsoft.

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Re: Crisis in Dunundistan III; Sat. Jan. 5th SQA: AAR

Post by Gerbilizer » Sun Jan 06, 2013 10:12 pm

I had fun despite the fact of me being sick. I got to test out my new P*, but ran out of air towards the end of the day so I switched to my Thompson and used it for the last twenty or so minutes of the game. I like how the trenches turned out and the rest of the additions. Overall a fun day at a great field.
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Re: Crisis in Dunundistan III; Sat. Jan. 5th SQA: AAR

Post by Mr. Marauder » Mon Jan 07, 2013 1:08 am

With it starting out at 27 F yesterday, this is what players most likely meant:



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Re: Crisis in Dunundistan III; Sat. Jan. 5th SQA: AAR

Post by marpat96 » Mon Jan 07, 2013 12:18 pm

That was a fun game, plenty of dicking around and laughing during the game briefing, but when it got down to business, we did great. Alpha did fairly well that game, and my girlfriend kicked alot of buttocks, got 5 kills with the GR15. Overall, great game, loved it.
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(Stolen from Gerbilizer :D)

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Re: Crisis in Dunundistan III; Sat. Jan. 5th SQA: AAR

Post by SC Moose » Mon Jan 07, 2013 12:30 pm

My first game back in several months. It was great. Good play by the vast majority of players on both sides only observed a few infractions most I think unintentional. Being a big overweight guy, this field saved me more times then I can count, thanks to the underbrush. It had a great layout and contour changes that I found to be fun and challenging. Except that big stinking hill back to the parking lot. Props to the Bravo players, most that I ran across showed great comradery, even though we were the opposition in this game I got a lot of "good shot"s from many players and gave out just as many. That is what it is all about. Looking forward to the 19th CQB game. See you there.
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Re: Crisis in Dunundistan III; Sat. Jan. 5th SQA: AAR

Post by theboss62 » Mon Jan 07, 2013 12:40 pm

This was my first game back in about a year and a half! And I had a blast. It was good seeing everyone and meeting a lot of new people. The Escues and Gold Team are doing an excellent job with SQA. It is my favorite woods ball field i have played on. Nice meeting the guys from 6 mil bogeymen and becoming a part of AJAX. I will be at Wellford on the 19th
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Re: Crisis in Dunundistan III; Sat. Jan. 5th SQA: AAR

Post by Call-Name-Viper » Mon Jan 07, 2013 4:34 pm

Star_folder wrote:...Once we were happy that they were far enough away, we were recruited to help clear out some bravo at the top of the hill near the Alpha HQ, We went up there, but with the sun in our eyes, we ended up dying again...
Haha I was there on Bravo's team. Oh, the sun was in your eyes? You got to have a better excuse than that.

Anywho, great first AOSC game. I sure hope to play some more games sometime soon.
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Re: Crisis in Dunundistan III; Sat. Jan. 5th SQA: AAR

Post by Diesel » Mon Jan 07, 2013 7:21 pm

1. Interesting field layout. Lots of potential
2. Field owner very pleasant to all players, plus a great guy. Not sure about his son.
3.Good fellowship from all that I seen.

1. Late start to game.(really, it is all bout being prepared. No reason a game should start late.)
2. Miscommunication during briefing,(people need to learn to shut up and listen), bout the rules added on the back of the map. Maybe a mention during the meeting to make sure you read the back.
3. Lack of comms. It is simple to get a radio.

First time at this field, after been wanting to go to it for a while. Enjoyed playing a new field. Specially since there are trees to climb. Really enjoyed the trenches, but the brush piles may create a problem come warmer weather with snakes. Also love the thick under brush. Don't get rid of it all, some, not all.

Really enjoyed the missions, but if you wasn't on a mission, it was just a regular paintsoft game. Mission were well thought out.

Overall I had a good time and look forward to returning in May.
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Re: Crisis in Dunundistan III; Sat. Jan. 5th SQA: AAR

Post by Dominum » Mon Jan 07, 2013 8:10 pm

First I'll address a few concerns that were mentioned:
Star_folder wrote:All in all, fun day, I wish there had been something to do besides just the 10 people hunting for the objectives. There wasn't that drive to go do something like there is for most games, because the objectives were the only things that were worth any value.
I'm not sure how you got that impression, your COs had at least one primary objective for the faction at all times, and they (were suppossed to be) passed through the command structure. I myself updated the faction objectives via each faction command channel. The Special Missions were in addition to the primary faction objectives, both of which changed throughout the day. Nothing was "worth any value". No points were awarded for anything at all, both faction objectives and special missions were for the purpose of ecnouraging combat and for people to be able to have a sense of accomplishment, or failure in some cases. Anyone wanting to know their factions current objective(s) had only to ask their CO on command channel, or myself on the admin channel if they were unavailable.
Felix wrote:I got soured out by some random events as well as my one complaint. Back of the map has the HVT rule that was not talked about at all during any brief or on the forums. This was hidden, or strategically placed, between normal AOSC rules.
I'd hardly call handing it to you at registration and expressly telling you to read it at least two times during the briefing "hiding" it, in that case I also "hid" the maps from everyone LOL. I didn't discuss any details of the Special Missions on the forums for the same reason you didn't discuss several aspects of the first BW scenario you designed on the forums, sometimes gameplay mechanics are not meant to be given well ahead of the game so that there is still an element of novelty, excitement, and (like real life), last minute adaptation. Next time I spend $60 printing maps and game details sheets and tell you at the breifing that everything you need to know about the game besides the standard rules is on it, and that you need to read it... maybe you should listen to me?
Diesel wrote:Late start to game.(really, it is all bout being prepared. No reason a game should start late.)

Miscommunication during briefing,(people need to learn to shut up and listen), bout the rules added on the back of the map. Maybe a mention during the meeting to make sure you read the back.

Lack of comms. It is simple to get a radio.
I was not happy with the number of players that showed up just minutes before registration and chrono were suppossed to be closed. Players were asked to show up at 0800, and at 0800 I had 3 people at registration with it open and ready to go, and 4 people with 2 chronos open and ready to go. We had a small group show up to do both, then a long lull while we simply waited for people to show up. I'd estimate half the players showed up well past the practical time to get through chrono and registration on time. This is a major PITA for staff (because we are the ones blamed) but it is even worse for the players that actually showed up at 0800 and were ready to go on time. That is simply unfair to them. Maybe next time I will take Gamblers advice and just start the game without all of them.

I agree about the shutting up, I had to stop several times, blow the horn, and restate things. There was, however, no miscommunication about the information on the back of the map. During the first part of the briefing I asked if everyone had been given one at registration (they all said they had them) and that they needed to read everything on that page. Later on in the briefing, when I discussed Special Missions, I stated that you needed to read the back of the map and it would explain how to get them, and how they worked. I will not accept responsibility for players that refuse to read what they are handed at registration, and then refuse to listen at the briefing. It's not my job to spoon feed players when they have already been handed everything on a silver platter.

I agree about the lack of comms being an issue. As stated, this game depended a lot on them (and I think a decent number brought them), but there still were not enough players out there with them. A few times during the day I ran into small groups of players asking me where the action was. I told them what their factions objective was, and asked them why they hadn't heard from command. They told me they did not have radios. Those who did have radios were able to not only know what their objectives were in general, but also had the opportunity to participate in Special Missions.

Alright, now on to the "Report Card":
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Re: Crisis in Dunundistan III; Sat. Jan. 5th SQA: AAR

Post by D.Smitty » Mon Jan 07, 2013 8:37 pm

Dominum wrote: Alright, now on to the "Report Card":
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Re: Crisis in Dunundistan III; Sat. Jan. 5th SQA: AAR

Post by Dominum » Mon Jan 07, 2013 8:50 pm

One of the things that was different about this game's structure was the fact that both COs were receiving deployment orders directly from the Admin. Generally the Admin will contact COs at intervals and inform them of objective(s) and what points they are worth, if applicable. Alternatively, the objectives may be set beforehand and the CO will operate under those parameters as he sees fit. The CO then decides on who, how many, and to where he will deploy his forces (and in what timeframe) to accomplish these objectives. At this game, both COs where told when, where, and how many men (roughly) to deploy, and for what purpose. The COs were essentially part of the admin staff, and players at the same time. The dynamic was different, and afforded the staff more ability to change gameplay overall very quickly, and to avert stalemate when needed. This was a trial run of this concept, and has kinks to be worked out I think, but it proved to function at least well enough to merit further trial. I would appreciate well reasoned feedback concerning this particular aspect of the game from any players that assisted the COs with delegation, and the COs themselves.

Initial deployment orders:
-Alpha was to set up prior to the game at the trenches, and prepare to be assaulted.
-Bravo was to deploy at the 4 way intersection, and take one half of their force from the N road, and the other half from the E/S road to attack the trenches.

Result: Control of the trenches passed back and forth for some time, with major firefights punctuated by short periods of recuperaton. (Further elaboration from members of both factions would be appreciated)

Following orders:
-Alpha was ordered to marshall all of their strength and retake the entire trench area, consolidate there, and assault the "mountains" at B5 and B6 in and effort to take them.
-Bravo was ordered to withdraw from the trench assault and develop a solid perimeter on the "mountains" at B5 and B6 to defend from an expected attack.

Result: An intense and prolonged conflict over the hilltops that (as far as I know) left Bravo in possession of them, though major penetrations by Alpha were made. (Further elaboration from members of both factions would be appreciated)

Following orders:
-Alpha was ordered to call off the attack, recouperate, and marshall their strength at HQ and the trenches.
-Bravo was ordered to recouperate and marhsall their strength at HQ and the hilltops.

Result: Despite lunchtime losses, both factions were fairly organized and rested for what was to come. (Further elaboration from members of both factions would be appreciated)

Following orders:
-Alpha was ordered to seize and hold a line running through the valley from F10 to I10 and to hold it as strongly as possible.
-Bravo was ordered to seize and hold a line running on the low hill crest running from F9 to H8 and to hold it as strongly as possible.

Result: Both factions moved rapidly to establish their lines, and though Bravo held theirs, Alpha advanced up the slope a bit. Meanwhile Bravo skirmished on the flanks and inflicted serious casualties on Alpha. By this time Bravo had a significant numerical advantage. Some of the staff attempted to encourage some Alpha in the parking lot to get back out there and boost their numbers. (Further elaboration from members of both factions would be appreciated)

Following orders:
-Alpha was told at 1555hrs that there was a "hydraulic meter" at G13 that could be moved at 1620hrs. Either faction could then take it and move it to their HQ to complete that objective by 1645hrs.
-Bravo was told at 1555hrs that there was a "green container" at G6 that could be moved at 1620hrs. Either faction could then take it and move it to their HQ to complete that objective by 1645hrs.

Result: Both factions rapidly set up a perimeter around said objectives to defend them until they could move them. (Further elaboration from members of both factions would be appreciated)

Following orders:
-Alpha was told at 1605hrs that there was a "green container" at G6 that could be moved at 1620hrs. Either faction could then take it and move it to their HQ to complete that objective by 1645hrs.
-Bravo was told at 1605hrs that there was a "hydraulic meter" at G13 that could be moved at 1620hrs. Either faction could then take it and move it to their HQ to complete that objective by 1645hrs.

Result: Both factions moved part of their forces to assault the other. I am not sure what became of the Alpha group that went after the green container (help please) but it did make it's way back to Bravo HQ prior to the mission deadline. The Bravo group that went after the meter breached Alpha's perimeter at approx. 1615hrs and returned with the meter to Bravo HQ. However, there was a dispute as to whether or not they removed it prior to the specified time. I spoke with both parties and determined that both had valid reasons to consider themselves "in the right" as it where, and decided to void the objective. After all, it's just a game. (Further elaboration from members of both factions would be appreciated)

Following orders:
-Alpha was told at 1625hrs to begin gathering it's entire remaining force at the trenches, to take the respawns there, set up a perimeter, and expect the final assault. There was a "gray drop case" at A15 that could not be moved until 1710hrs, and after that time either faction could move it and had to get it back to their HQ by 1730hrs.
-Bravo was told at 1630hrs to gather their entire force at HQ and await their final objective.

Result: Alpha put together a solid perimeter and caught their breath, Bravo rested a few minutes at HQ after moving some heavy stuff. (Further elaboration from members of both factions would be appreciated)

Following orders:
-Alpha was told Bravo had been notified of the objective and was en route at 1650hrs. They were to hold the line and escape with the drop case when the time came.
-Bravo was told at 1650hrs of the "gray drop case" at A15 that could not be moved until 1710hrs, and after that time either faction could move it and had to get it back to their HQ by 1730hrs. They were to smash the Alpha lines, secure the case, and return it to their HQ at the appropriate time.

Result: Alpha held out, outnumbered nearly 2 to 1, for about 25 minutes. A last ditch attempt to remove the case was made, just as their lines were really cracking open, that got the case in Alphas hands and back to grid A18 (en route to HQ). At this point Bravo smashed the last bastion of Alpha strenght, stormed over the Southern trenches and took the case, literally running it back to their HQ. (Further elaboration from members of both factions would be appreciated)

That is all for my review of the overall objectives, next up is the Special Missions "Report Card".
PRincess and jsts ghost CERTIFIED "Tier 1 Operator"
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Re: Crisis in Dunundistan III; Sat. Jan. 5th SQA: AAR

Post by Esteban » Mon Jan 07, 2013 8:57 pm

Great game! Great field! Great owner!

I think the trenches were really fun. They could be used more. I enjoyed the missions and thought it was a great idea.
You could go on a mission or just try to take flags. It was very easy to do what you wanted, really. You could be involved, or you could just sit.

The field has great potential for being even better. We appreciated the truck rides, and I appreciated being able to recharge my batteries during a break.

KWA M16, KWA M4 RIS, KWA KP8 NS2, Echo 1 G3, Echo 1 P90, G&G MC-51, JG MC-51 RIS, UTG Trishot

Roger that! Tango Alpha Mango Salsa.

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