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Re: TDC 2

Post by SC Moose » Tue Apr 30, 2013 1:49 pm

GREAT FUN!!!!! Hats off to Garrett. Well done on the game design and overall play. Even though we (6mil Bogeymen) ran on the Ga. side, I was very happy to see the marked improved play by our fellow SC gang. There were some tough firefights that could have produced a lot of whining and yet it did not happen. That is awesome and shows the best attitude of sportsmanship, that alone will make us run SC next time around. The hit calling that I observed was fantastic. Even people calling when they thought that they may have heard a pop on there gear, that is integrity and I have the utmost respect for those that did, on both sides. Day play was fast and furious and that made it great fun. When engagements went our way that was cool and when they did not I learned something every time. Look forward to applying it in the next game. Mives, sorry about the night game, but when the red light went out, I had to assume you had been healed. Thankfully, it was a CQB gun with tracers, still......sorry buddy. To Dom, Marauder, Mives and whoever else was there, thanks for the night engagement. That was the highlight of the event for me. You guys did an awesome job with the flank and got all of our guys but two. They were able to then medic us and that is the only reason we were able to respond. It was a great battle and the tracers made it look even more intense. Thanks again.

1. Field - my first event at Airfarm and I have to say I like this field a lot.
2. Mutual Respect - glad that everyone we talked to on both sides seemed positive and upbeat.
3. Blind Man - twice "blind man" was called and both sides responded immediately to it, with no sneaking closer to the other team or trying to take advantage of the pause. Again great sportsmanship.

1. Would have liked a few more "task missions" mixed in with base acquisitions.
2. Tanks need to have designated "walkers" with them. At other events I have participated in, tanks have a designated individual who walks along with the tank in a safety vest and helps with hits or distances of players.
3. Radio contact with Generals and Admin. - already made some suggestions to Garrett, so no need to post them here.

Over all, as always I had a great time. Great job everyone, both sides. Ga and SC both had some very strong battles and both won some and lost some. Over all points and score do not mean anything compared to the new friends and contacts that I met and the chance to visit with preexisting ones. I look forward to the next get together and am excited to see what else I can learn to improve my play.
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Re: TDC 2

Post by xyzpdq0121 » Tue Apr 30, 2013 2:42 pm

Well another game in SC and another few days of recovery. I have to agree with what Moose and a few others have said. The game play of SC was much better this time then in past games that I have played in SC. (I get to 3-4 games up there a year). While the tactics might still need some improvements, the sportsmanship was a MARKED improvement. I was tasked with being a "GA Rules Enforcer" and did not have to use that title once all day. Every hit that I knew I put on was called without questions. There was no advancement during the "blind man" episodes. People were civil to each other and things seemed to go well. So Kudos for that!!!

Sadly, saying that SC won that game is a kin to me letting my 10 year old son pin me in wrestling! Sure, SC stacked the odds from the get-go by giving themselves a HQ surrounded by other bases for quick take and recapture. I expected that "home field advantage". But when I personally get asked by SC guys I know if I can pull my guys back to give you a fighting chance, I agree to let you take a base or two and then hear those same SC players comment about how they "walked right in to that base and took what they wanted" it just makes me laugh. We gave you your FOB, we knew where your CO was, we gave you respawn bases on the other side of the map and even directed your players in HQ to go to them. Hell, we did everything including walk off the field and drink a beer or two. But, like walker said, I will give you a cookie next time I see you if you think you won that game!!! Like letting my son win every once in a while, I will do anything that helps boost your confidence in the long run!!!

My only few complaints are this:

When I travel 4 hours to go to a game, start the damn thing on time. Hour late to start the game, hour late to restart game after lunch, being told no break before night game and then you call ANOTHER break. At that rate, I could have gotten much more game play at my local field for much less overall cost. PLEASE make it a point to start on time and get your stuff together. It happens at EVERY SC I go to and it is starting to get old.

The game needed more side missions. 2 years ago we had much more of these and it helped break up the day rather than just sitting by SC HQ and picking off players.

SC Admins need to enforce the rules. Eveyone knows the story of the pick-up truck from 2 years ago. Well this year it was the damn buggy. Garrett knew about it and that it was driving WAY to fast. His reply, "I know I have told him MANY times now". You should only tell him once.. Heck, with the track record in SC, you should not even tell him at all, just boot him off the field. I swear to god that the next time a technical hits someone like 2 years ago, I am going to be the first to offer my services as a court witness to the long standing problem with this and the AOSC. Fix it and fix it now!!!

At any rate, it was good to see my SC Airsoft friends. Sorry to hear about all the drama in the AOSC right now. Ya'll need to do what you do best and kiss your cousins and make up!!! Damn hillbillies!!! But I got nothing but love for ya'll. Look forward to seeing ya'll again soon!


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Re: TDC 2

Post by Dominum » Tue Apr 30, 2013 2:59 pm

Just typed half an AAR, then accidentally deleted it. Pissed off at myself for not ctrl+c. Will read these 5 pages and post later, but for now:

I had fun playing airsoft.
xyzpdq0121 wrote:Sure, SC stacked the odds from the get-go by giving themselves a HQ surrounded by other bases for quick take and recapture.
Brandon, only one capturable respawn was anywhere near our HQ (14), GA had two within a short distance (7, closer to GA HQ than 14 is to SC HQ, and 6, which is a straight shot down a road far from anything else except 3). Just like last time, we had the crappy HQ.
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Re: TDC 2

Post by Raibyn » Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:33 pm

GARRETT wrote: #1 and probably the biggest thing is never get yourself trapped inside a base. Set up parameters outside the location, and use the massive amount of undergrowth to your advantage. The popular belief that green camo in green undergrowth is hard to see is not a myth.
This was a major issue at base #1. You can't defend a base real well when you are cowering inside it afraid to stick your head up. Set up ambushes at all the approaches to the base, don't all crowd inside it. GA did this well when they took it from us and it really hurt SC to not have that respawn.

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Re: TDC 2

Post by crossfire876 » Tue Apr 30, 2013 4:22 pm

Video is up. AAR to come. Let me know what you guys think.



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Re: TDC 2

Post by kraminater66 » Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:03 pm

Diesel wrote:Hey kraminater66, 2nd ranger is a SC player. Not Ga. Personally I don't care who won. The way I see it is everybody did. We came out, played airsoft, met new people, seen old friends, and in the end, had a great time. This is what airsoft is about, not winning or losing. One day when you get older, you might understand.
I'm not so much as saying winning is everything, but tht 2nd Ranger shouldnt be hating just becaude SC outsmarted GA and won when apparently he doesnt even care who won. I went there to just have fun aswell, but when somebody basically says "I don't care who won but its so stupid that SC won" is a hypocrite

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Re: TDC 2

Post by kraminater66 » Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:06 pm

jsts ghost wrote:Those that care about winning and losing, are the same people that should stick to video games. This was not for money, not for bragging rights, or even for f'ing a award. This was for people to come out in fellowship, have fun, play hard, shoot and be shot at, and... oh yeah to visit with new and old friends. Who cares? GA won with tactics, communication, preperation, and leadership. SC won with points. Night game was just a bonus. My guys got the HVT. Could not find red glow sticks on top of the barrels that we walked by. Sunday we got a player in side the GA hq, but because she was wearing woodland, though ducktape with "Georgia" written on her arm. I told her not to lie, and if asked a question to answer it with a question. But that was against the rules? BS...
But you know what I and all that I had been around had fun. Quit complaining. Rub some dirt on it and move on...
Dude kid I could destroy u in airsoft

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Re: TDC 2

Post by atl » Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:30 pm

and we have are new troll/ang

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Re: TDC 2

Post by thebutnugget » Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:12 pm

crossfire876 wrote:Video is up. AAR to come. Let me know what you guys think.

damn my ass looks good from that angle up on that ladder

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Re: TDC 2

Post by fallout11 » Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:31 pm

Dominum wrote:Brandon, only one capturable respawn was anywhere near our HQ (14), GA had two within a short distance (7, closer to GA HQ than 14 is to SC HQ, and 6, which is a straight shot down a road far from anything else except 3). Just like last time, we had the crappy HQ.
I have to agree with you there Dom, and at lunch break there was talk of and an offer made to switch sides of the venue to give both teams a chance to see the other side of the field.
Next time, we (GA) will take the crappy HQ.
atl wrote:Thanks for letting me borrow the russian helmet I bought my self one on ebay today, similar only polish and it's back. If I end up going to sovereign fury I'll see you there.
Anytime ATL. As an aside, the one you ordered is an actual tanker's helmet, mine was issued to paratroopers (no provision for intercom/earphones).

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Re: TDC 2

Post by Felix » Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:35 pm

kraminater66 wrote: Dude kid I could destroy u in airsoft
Yeah.. Right..

I don't think you could destroy Ghost in anything..
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Re: TDC 2

Post by 2nd Ranger » Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:37 pm

kraminater66 wrote:
jsts ghost wrote:Those that care about winning and losing, are the same people that should stick to video games. This was not for money, not for bragging rights, or even for f'ing a award. This was for people to come out in fellowship, have fun, play hard, shoot and be shot at, and... oh yeah to visit with new and old friends. Who cares? GA won with tactics, communication, preperation, and leadership. SC won with points. Night game was just a bonus. My guys got the HVT. Could not find red glow sticks on top of the barrels that we walked by. Sunday we got a player in side the GA hq, but because she was wearing woodland, though ducktape with "Georgia" written on her arm. I told her not to lie, and if asked a question to answer it with a question. But that was against the rules? BS...
But you know what I and all that I had been around had fun. Quit complaining. Rub some dirt on it and move on...
Dude kid I could destroy u in airsoft

You should really really learn who you are talking too before you open your mouth...


Now on a related topic, I actually enjoyed this game even though I kept getting my ass handed to me left and right by the GA guys and even some of my teammates... :o

First of all I want to apologize to Moose for the bleeder he got on the tip of his nose, I did not mean to hit the face, it was a poor snap shot.

Secondly big props to GA for bringing their A game, they were clearly the more prepared this year and it showed, Majorly. However this should just be more incentive for SC to work even harder to try and get even next SC-GA game :evil: .

I know it has been said before but I would just like to mention the awesome Hit calling I saw this game, I did not have a single problem all day. I just wish this sportsmanship would start manifesting itself in the weekend games ;)

As for the tanks, even though I would head the other direction when I heard them coming (no AT) I loved the fact that there were forces on the Battlefield that could instill such "fear" into players. However some drivers need to be told to slow down or booted off the field. I saw a few times a certain tank come hauling ass by my position. If this person had hit someone like happened last year, it would have lead to broken bones or worse. Just something to think about. If you are willing to boot someone off the field for removing eyepro I think it is only reasonable to boot a tank off the field for excessive speed.

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Re: TDC 2

Post by Foxx » Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:44 pm

My turn.

I'm glad we won, but it doesn't really feel like we won. Sure, we had some good moments, (Namely when IronFox snuck behind the GA forces and launched a suicide attack on some reserves. That caught em off guard.) but we were simply out-numbered, out-classed, and definitely out-gunned. GA had more damn armor than a Nazi tank battalion, but I feel like they would've still had us during the day even without the armored support. Do I even need to mention the amount of casualties we took around 6:30 when charging masses of troops towards that small bunker? We just didn't have the coordination we needed.

I saw questionable tactics all day, but nothing rule-breaking. Had an instance where a GA player called out "SC" to us while we were flanking. When we replied "SC" back, they opened fire. We killed them before they actually hit any of us, but it was a pretty big wake-up call.

I really feel that GA steamrolling the HQ was quite excessive. There wasn't a rule against it I don't think, but it still left a bad taste in my mouth. It was also a prime example of how much coordination GA was implementing. At first I was actually pretty pissed about how things were going, but then I realized I was actually more jealous of how much fun GA was having, advantages or not. At the end of the day, that's all I really cared about. Not winning, just having fun. That's exactly why we left at 7:30 pm. Hot food and Mechwarrior Online sounded more appealing than being cut to shreds by guys with NVGs.
kraminater66 wrote: Dude kid I could destroy u in airsoft
Yep. That's uh... Wow. Sure glad this is the new generation of players.
Crossfire|Desert Crucible|Blue Hole Campaign|White Noise|Op. 24|Imperator|SC vs. NC-2|CQB Sh*tfest|Domino|Pres. Assin.|White Noise 2|Aug. 21st CQB|AOSC Anniv.|Op. 24-2|Strat. of War|Phantom Hawk|Mantis 2|RedFox Feb. 19th|Dead Dawn|TDC|CID-1|Blue Hole Jun. 18th|Blackwater 2|Op. 24-3|FPTC Jan. 21st|SC vs. GA-2|Flash Heaven 2|Op. SGC|Apple Pie|Airfarm Aug. 4th|Blue Hole Sept. 15th|RedFox Dec. 15th|CID 3|Double Cross|TDC 2|Vietnam Patrol II|Vietnam Patrol IV

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Re: TDC 2

Post by fallout11 » Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:00 pm

The first large GA push on the SC HQ was almost an accident, we were told there was a black case to recover and remove in the area and sure enough, it was there. Once located, we were told we couldn't take it, there had been a mistake of some sort. Garrett was actually on the scene and confirmed it (although at first it appeared that one of the SC players was simply being a jerk about not letting us pick it up and leaving with it), and hence before you could count to 100, most of the GA team was converging on the spot just south of the SC HQ. Since we were taking fire from troops at the HQ, everyone moved to suppress them. It was about this point that we actually realized where we were!

The second time I visited the SC HQ was about 6:30pm, and we came alone playing music, didn't fire a single shot, and was literally just passing through the road junction out front. Got blown up by my own launcher, loaned out to Team SC at lunch. ;)

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Re: TDC 2

Post by kraminater66 » Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:04 pm

Ha ok lets clear up some confusion... I cant stand hypocrites... "dude I don't care who won but...its just so dumb tht SC won I mean we obviously destroyed them but like I said I don't care who won I was just there for fun"..... ha no. I was just there for fun also. All I was saying is tht it DOES in fact matter who goes for the obj cus well... thts wht compels people to compete and tht is how the game js won. Now is it more fun to shoot people? Uhh yea. But don't hate on the people who actually took the time to think about what was needed to securw victory and applied themselves wholeheartedly to the game for the spirit of competition. Now regarding my "I could destroy u in airsoft" remark... ghost told me tht people who care tk win and compete belong in videogames... now I said tht remark to disprove his point. I succeeded, becus if nobody cared for competition and the will to be superior to another man (victory, in other words), nobody would've stepped to the defense of ghost... yet a few of u did, thereby disproving him. Who knows, ghost may b able to demolish me in airsoft, yet tht wasn't the point of my remark. Sorry for any confusion. I love u guys ur great players and sportsmen...

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