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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 8:03 am
by stuckmojo
yea fallout i was at lincolons hold at that time and our commander was there to. the reason you guys didnt get in there all day is most of my platoon had that place surrounded and wouldnt let yall in. but about 30 minutes before yall attacked our co had to pull the majority of my forse away to go reinforse other areas. we were standing there and all hell broke lose. our co was shot but i managed to rally the troops enough to hold you guys off until he bled out. in fact not more than 5 sec after he bled out black water cam crashing in and took us. good sportsman though they congratulated us on defending well. that was the most action i had seen all day. it was different at nite though

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 8:07 am
by slickridley
buttontk wrote:I had a ton of fun during the day, but one thing that really ticked me off was all the barbed wire down in the third platoon AO. Several of were running and suddenly ended up getting sliced by it, as well as in the portion of the night game, I ran to take cover behind a tree and got rather sliced up on one side.... It would have been nice to have a warning about that in any case, or get it removed
Yeah i got caught up in some wire near the middle of the field, it was NOT COOL

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:59 am
by 75th Raiders/ TFD
Clutch wrote:Seems like most everything has been said so I'll not beat a dead horse. :) A big thanks to all involved in seeing this game through to the end. Very much appreciated. Thanks to GA for the great turn out! I do want to comment on a few things.
UF_Jester replies to Nytestalker wrote: Thank you. So many people think the Team Airsoft guys (most of the guys with NV play at Team Airsoft) are only effective at night because we have night vision. We turned it off for a little while at the game and still did alright. Not quite as well, but we were effective. Night games tactics are mainly about coordination and communication.
I say more power to ya. If you have it, use it. To the GA team as a whole, good job and congrats on the win!
GARRETT wrote: But respect to the 3 GA players who I safety killed in J-9 somewhere around 3am for being champs about it. Myself and 2 other SC gents thought we would try to raid the J-9 base. I decided to take point on the approach and got popped just a few ft from the base. Pulled out a menthol and my glow stick and thought to myself this isn't gonna end nice. A few min later I feel Sacarus grab my foot for the medic, as the GA guys kept firing on Vemois. Very calmly I lowered my glow stick back into my pocket, walk around the GA players right into the back of the base and one at a time I call the safety kill. No problems, the guys took it like champs.
That wasn't Veimos, it was me foo! :) There were a few things that happened behind you that was pretty funny in hind sight. When you got popped, I was in mid stride stepping over that downed tree that was about crotch height. After you called the hit, I slowly put my foot down but was still straddling it (not very comfy). It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

I can't remember the exact order things happened but here's the skinny. First of all, if you never made it to J9 at night, it was hidden back into the tree line and was pitch black with the exception of a few small beams of light breaking through from the moon. When the firing started shortly after that and I ran forward for cover behind two skinny tree's. At this time we were returning fire as they were spot lighting. About this time my battery dies on my M4! I pull out the pistola and hit the one guy. Was this before or after the Bravo guy from the field walks up? Can't remember.

I think Sac got hit at this point but he wasn't too far behind me. I rolled back over the downed tree expecting to take fire while I medic'd him. But no firing. Dead silence again. After healing, he whispers that he was out of ammo. I told him my battery died and all I had left was a clip and a half for the pistol. Looking pretty grim.

Thinking back the obvious question would have been if he could have used my mags - duh - instead I asked him to play cannon fodder to draw them out again so I could hopefully take them out. He dashed to the ground near Garret which was a nice distance when you're that close to an unknown number of enemies. If I remember correctly, no firing. After he healed, he gets up and dashes in the opposite direction of Garret and dives prone. No firing so he kicks the leaves around. They start firing. I start firing back and thats when you stroll up and get the safeties! Well played guys and great job Sac!
75th Raiders/ TFD wrote: hahaa yes sir. the 4 of us that freaking slept there lmao. 2 of us were asleep when the first shots were fired. our other 4 were in a hottub at the holiday inn i believe. we took hot tub shifts ;)
Thats too funny! After the dust settled, I remember walking up to the tire fort seeing everything you guys had and thinking, "wow these guys were here for the long haul!".

Enjoyed a different altercation and if I'm not mistaken, the last for the night at J9 between us and Mother's squad. Props to Mother and the way he ran his guys.

I had a great time Friday night socializing. Was good to see new and familiar faces. Wish we had more time to do that, but slinging BB's is much more fun. :)
Yeah man it was a real b*tch getting everything packed back up. we did pretty good considering our forth guy was out in the woods... with our only set of nods. I wish we had them maybe i would have gotten to go back to sleep. props on the safety kill. I was more than 10 feet away but i was tired as hell and wet and cold from the ground so i just gave in. The next morning though we got our revenge capturing the last side objective (briefcase) and running some ambushes on the entrance to the field from sc base. From the vid my guys took we did ALOT of damage there. It was a blast playing with you guys. I saw a few bad things but the good by far out weighed them.

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 3:48 pm
by Dominum
I don't have time to read everything ATM, but I need to post up obviously ;)

Congratulations to every SC player for doing as well as we did, though in the end we may not have pulled out a victory, you all gave it your best effort. That's just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes. Congratulations to GA on their victory, it was a long game and well fought. I have to say I am extremely proud of the South Carolinians for managing to keep it tied until the night game. Heavily outnumbered and out gunned (180 GA vs 140 SC) you all managed to hold it together. Well over half of 1st Platoon didn't bother to show up, and for the majority of the game 2nd Platoon had no command structure, at least that anyone heard from. These two factors meant that we lost our early on success and ended up losing by early morning the next day. I must say, I had no clue that Georgia would show up with so many players with so much money LOL. Almost all South Carolinians did themselves proud on the field of battle, fighting back hard with much localized success. In the end the huge numbers and equipment disadvantage, as well as some of our officers lack of action ended up leading to our loss. I had a great time, and commend Jester and his men for their success.

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 5:40 pm
Clutch wrote: That wasn't Veimos, it was me foo! :)
Woops, sorry Either way it was pretty dang fun. I remember standing behind them with my weapon drawn thinking, if I were them, I would prefer a safety.

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:29 pm
by Hotspur93
So I am glad Reaper Squad got make its first appearance at this game! It was a great game overall I'm just a lil dissapointed me and my guys weren't able to make a better name for ourselves :/ not to say we did anything wrong just wish we could have done more to send GA running. Anyway props to Stuckmojo for coordinating 3rd really well during the first part of the day, also props to GA for bringing their A game.

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:57 pm
by Veimos
Could someone drop me a link to GA's airsoft site? THanks in advance.

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:04 pm
by UF_Jester
Veimos wrote:Could someone drop me a link to GA's airsoft site? THanks in advance.
We don't have just one. My home field's site is
This game was also up on:

By the way Dom, you were warned about how much night vision we Team Airsoft guys have, you simply forgot. We actually had two guys with nice units not be able to make it at the last minute too. Nice playing against you Dom. I appreciate the time you spent off the field. Gave me a chance to fight without worry of being captured.

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 6:33 am
by fallout11
....among others.
Unlike SC (and NC), Georgia has no central unified single group/organization. Some have tried to "impose" one over the years, but most consider it a bad idea and prefer to do their own thing. This was both our strength and our weakness at Delimitation, i.e a centralized command structure would not have worked well given the level of independence and experience of the teams/players/groups involved, hence a general lack of C^3, on the flip side GA teams are used to working as independent units and mesh well on that level. So you fought a loose confederacy of independents (i.e. warlord armies), rather than a single centralized organization (i.e. a nation state).

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:34 am
by uboat4
It was a fun game, a bunch of good moment and a bunch of OMG moments. it was worth every bit! haha!

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:44 am
by The Strange Taco
GARRETT wrote:Wow what a game. Several months ago when this game entered into my mind, I would not have fathomed such an awesome turnout. Props to GA and SC for bringing it hard, and for some of the best fighting I have been a part of. To many epic moments and great firefights to mention any one is particular, as so with the teams and individual players I had the honor of running with. Mad props to my boys AIRCROSS.

I started the game as leader of 3rd platoon along the creekline, that's why you peacheaters couldn't . I am very proud of the teamwork by 3rd for the first 4 hours of the game as not one time did we get pushed back even an inch along the western border. That changed around 4ish as GA plowed down the road from center of the field, and from the north with a tank and infantry striking a hard blow to Lincoln's Hold. I personally was blown away here cause I thought SC was still in control of both locations. Shortly after that I find out that our tank was down due to a crazy rogue driver. Something had to be done so I went back found us a new driver. Things got funny here.... As we entered the field of play we came head to head with a GA tank right at I-8. Somehow he missed us with his AT and started chasing us across the At the time we had 3 AT guys in the back, and no one could get a shot off as we were driving. So we took off toward Camp Wounded in hopes of gaining enough time for our guys to get out and set up. That's when this happened..
fallout11 wrote:As a side note, SC anti-tank weapons blew us up 4 times (might have been five...can't remember) on Saturday afternoon alone (including a shot from the red truck after we finally caught up with it at Camp Wounded).....nicely done.
The rest of the evening game we spent in GA HQ dreading the Bronco that we knew would get there eventually...

I have seen a lot of guys complaining about the safety kills. This is a problem at every game I have been to. If a guy gets shot in the back, he cries why didn't you just safety me. If you safety him, he says no way and shoots you instead. It happens. But respect to the 3 GA players who I safety killed in J-9 somewhere around 3am for being champs about it. Myself and 2 other SC gents thought we would try to raid the J-9 base. I decided to take point on the approach and got popped just a few ft from the base. Pulled out a menthol and my glow stick and thought to myself this isn't gonna end nice. A few min later I feel Sacarus grab my foot for the medic, as the GA guys kept firing on Vemois. Very calmly I lowered my glow stick back into my pocket, walk around the GA players right into the back of the base and one at a time I call the safety kill. No problems, the guys took it like champs.

Hey Garrett! I was the one in the back of the Red and Blue truck carrying no guns (nothing) but your Big Bertha v3. That run off to hold the Georgia HQ was the most fun I had all day!

So what happened to me to get me there was, everyone was sitting around the SC HQ with not much to do, so we tried to rally some people into the deuce and a half to take back Lincolin's Hold, so I'm sitting in the deuce, when a guy with the Big Bertha v3 is getting in, he slides the rocket launcher into the deuce and starts to get in, when suddenly, a GA tank rolls in and he runs for it, leaving the Big Bertha behind! So I grabbed the rocket launcher and hopped out of the deuce ready to take out the tank, but it was already hit... :( So I figured, no worries, so I decided to hold on the Big Bertha until another tank rolled in, or someone else needed it.
Again in the SC HQ sitting around, when people start piling up into the technical, and start asking for an AT to come up with them, still carrying the Big Bertha, I run out of the place where I was resting with my team (accidentally leaving my G36C behind) and hop on the Technical.

So now, we're driving off in the technical off to camp wounded, (this part's been covered already), we get to camp wounded, I set up with the AT waiting around, when someone says "Hey! For the next half hour, only the HQs are getting scored till the end of the game!" So everyone starts leaving, and I asked someone (Garrett I think) if we can pile into the Technical and head back to HQ and Garrett says that we should head up and take the Georgia HQ, and boy, was I psyched for that! So we pile into the Technical and ship off to the GA HQ, and right outside the GA HQ is a large electrical tower, and there's a squad of Georgians standing around under it, and we roll by them, and even wave to them, and they waved back, no shots fired, but I'm pretty sure they had no idea why we would be in their HQ, so they figured it was admin business or something and ignored it. So we get to the GA HQ and completely and totally EMPTY. There wasn't a SINGLE person guarding it, we could have SWORN it was a trap, but we wandered in and settled down, no one came out of the woods attacking, no tanks rolling in, no anything. So about 10 minutes passes, we're sitting in the GA base, Garrett and the other two (they had guns) sitting in the HQ base, and me in the technical, watching for tanks with my AT. When a dead Georgian comes walking down, uh oh, trouble. We tell him he can't spawn here, he nods, and walks away.

At this point, we know he's going to run to his team and tell them all that SC's in their HQ, and as Garrett said, we were just WAITING for the Bronco to roll down. I'm sitting in place with the AT completely ready to take down anything that would come our way, and Garrett and rest of the squad hiding in their HQ. At that moment, about ten minutes later, what'da know, the Bronco comes rolling down the hill, and the driver of the Technical just TAKES OFF driving with me in the back, we circle the Bronco once with no problems, and I take a shot at it, and unlucky me, it curves off SLIGHTLY to the right and just misses it, so the driver gets us away so I can reload since I had another rocket, I reload, we roll back, I take another shot, but apparently I hadn't pumped it up enough! At which point, the Technical and I have to retreat, since there's nothing we can do. Leaving Garrett and the rest of the team behind.

Anyways, story time over, Garrett, what happened after the Technical and I rolled off?

Oh, also, I had a great time at the game, no problems with not calling hits, but did have a few problems with people shooting WELL over their MEDs, while we were in the Technical (with Garrett) headed towards the GA base, we made a quick run by of Lincolin's Hold, and the Georgians there thought it'd be funny to shoot at us with their 400 fps AEGs on full auto, well, to say the least, we were stinging all over, and pretty pissed at them. There was also (Again, in the Technical, same story, from SC HQ going to Camp Wounded) while we were driving by the exit to our HQ someone LOBED AN EASTER EGG GRENADE INTO THE TECHNICAL. It landed in my lap without me knowing, and when it blew up, my ears were ringing, and I literally couldn't hear for about 5 seconds. Also from that same grenade, a piece of shrapnel (sharp plastic) from the easter egg shot off the nade and gave me a bad cut on the chin. But, other than those two experiences, I had an amazing time. Great fun.

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:41 am
by UF_Jester
How well did the Easter Egg Grenades actually work? The idea seems like it could go either way.

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:44 am
by Romba
Mine didn't do much... -.- but one SC guy had Easter Eggs with military grade powder explosive with a 30 foot blast radius... THOSE worked.

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:19 pm
by BKMrBlack
Thanks for pointing that out, Fallout, about the GA command. I have found it interesting reading about the downfall of the SC command structure, when GA didn't have any real command structure to speak of. Please understand that is not a knock on Jester. As Fallout pointed out, the planning took place across so many websites, etc, that any planning before the game was nearly impossible.

As a note to a previous post about the GA HQ, and the way our command structure went: I spent the first 3 1/2 hours of the game fighting between the GA base and Lincolns Hold. We eventually made the decision that we were simply going to abandon the GA base, as we had heard that there were other spawn points, and we were just about sick of fighting for a base where we were not making any progress (after walking by Lincolns Hold on the way out, it became quite obvious why: we were badly outnumbered in that portion of the field). It was simply a decision made by a few team captains to abandon the base. there was no "command" decision made. But it worked well. Our "warlord armies" worked quite well together.

The Black Knights

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:24 pm
by UF_Jester
Actually, Mr Black, abandoning our base was a command decision at the beginning of the day that never trickled beyond platoon leaders and those who overheard. I totally agree with you guys about the warlord army thing. That's not knocking on me at all. It's just how we are down here.