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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:34 pm
by BKMrBlack
yeah.... that would have been handy to know, and it would have explained a lot... LOL. All I know is that after hours of fighting, BK and Blackwater finally said "pack up your gear, they can have this place!"

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 1:15 pm
by VoidSuicide
Romba wrote:Mine didn't do much... -.- but one SC guy had Easter Eggs with military grade powder explosive with a 30 foot blast radius... THOSE worked.
I know mine were rather effective, but I don't think they had that kind of range. You know the name of the guy or what he looked like?

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 1:18 pm
by Romba
I dont... Mine werenot the greatest because they were just two ground blaster firecrackers with the fuses glued together... not much firepower...

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 1:20 pm
by VoidSuicide
Ah, ok. I was using these m80 type of things. I'd have to go get one of the boxes to say what they are exactly.

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 4:49 pm
by Tres Maddox
We found a springer revolver, black, 8" barrel, and turned it in to the staff on Sunday AM, and a nice SC AT weapon at Camp Wounded just before dinner break, but left it where it was leaning....I hope both owners got them back.
That revolver would be the 'hand cannon' I spent an hour or so searching for in the field.

Any chance you also found a Samsung T301G Tracfone and a black springer M1911 loaded with green BBs too?

Both handguns belong to GuerillaBeatty, he's a great friend of mine that let me use his gear that day.

Other than managing to lose lots of gear I had a GREAT time at my first real game.

G0t to go on the special op with CORE team and had a blast, ambushed the minigun bronco, dodged close encounters (3ft away). I stayed for the whole game and I must say that I will be back next year in GA, and later this year wherever I can.

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 5:40 pm
by fallout11
Tres Maddox wrote:
We found a springer revolver, black, 8" barrel, and turned it in to the staff on Sunday AM, and a nice SC AT weapon at Camp Wounded just before dinner break, but left it where it was leaning....I hope both owners got them back.
That revolver would be the 'hand cannon' I spent an hour or so searching for in the field.

Any chance you also found a Samsung T301G Tracfone and a black springer M1911 loaded with green BBs too?
No, sorry to say. We were trapped in a wheeled plastic and metal box most of the event, I only found the revolver by random luck while going for a pee break (we were destroyed by SC AT and waiting out our 15 minutes).

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:32 pm
by Veimos
Tres Maddox wrote:
We found a springer revolver, black, 8" barrel, and turned it in to the staff on Sunday AM, and a nice SC AT weapon at Camp Wounded just before dinner break, but left it where it was leaning....I hope both owners got them back.
That revolver would be the 'hand cannon' I spent an hour or so searching for in the field.

Any chance you also found a Samsung T301G Tracfone and a black springer M1911 loaded with green BBs too?

There was a cell phone turned in by some GA guys. PM Dom about it since it was thrown in his tent, and I told him about it the next morning.

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:50 pm
The Strange Taco wrote:
GARRETT wrote: Anyways, story time over, Garrett, what happened after the Technical and I rolled off?
I face the Bronco from GA Was trying to buy some time in hopes that Killer could get a shot on the support gunner, but it didn't take long. Ending up having a long walk back to HQ.

BKMrBlack wrote: I spent the first 3 1/2 hours of the game fighting between the GA base and Lincolns Hold. .

The Black Knights
Ahhh, then you for sure battled it out with Aircross and the rest of 3rd platoon. That creek was pretty much our entire mission before the lines got compromised around the rest of the field.

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:31 pm
by Gambler
Mirakaski, you guys were awesome. You were one of the few I could count on to be where I needed you guys. Great job sneaking around and getting that objective!

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 8:20 pm
by Hollywood
So I was going to make another video of some footage I had at the last hour of battle. Its kind of a cherry on top of the game but I have decided on holding onto it for next year for the "Come get some video" like you posted of shooting the prisoners. So my peoples stay tuned for 300 more days and I will add the footage. Happy hunting.


Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:55 pm
by Dominum
Team Airsoft wrote:Hey guys,

Thanks to Diesel the other admins, land owners, SC players and GA players for putting on or showing up to this event. I'm at an airsoft game every week but had to drive 3.5 hours away to actually get to play and enjoy myself. Why didn't SC ever attack GA's camp site, or maybe I missed it?


P.S. A very special thanks to those who let me shot them with the mini-gun.

P.S.S. Good shooting to those who kept taking out the Rage Rover with the AT weapons.
Why would we waist our time doing that? GA missed out on a lot of points during the day because a lot of players fixated on attacking our HQ, which is pointless other than easy kills.

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 11:02 pm
by sgtgray
fallout11 wrote:....and:
....among others.
Unlike SC (and NC), Georgia has no central unified single group/organization. Some have tried to "impose" one over the years, but most consider it a bad idea and prefer to do their own thing. This was both our strength and our weakness at Delimitation, i.e a centralized command structure would not have worked well given the level of independence and experience of the teams/players/groups involved, hence a general lack of C^3, on the flip side GA teams are used to working as independent units and mesh well on that level. So you fought a loose confederacy of independents (i.e. warlord armies), rather than a single centralized organization (i.e. a nation state).
Thats funny how you put this, I really never thought about it like this until you said it. Truthfully its the way Ga runs though. I train with the Air dogs, so when game went in play, we just went with those guys. I never saw many other groups until we all united at Lincons hold for the all sides attack. I am curious though, after the SC teams have had time to have an after action review, have they thought out how they would run things on a second chance? I still can't figure out how they were able to sieze all the bases immediately after the game started for Ga. It was almost as if they had Airborne The first half of the day was all attack...

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 11:13 pm
by Dominum
Yeah: Next time I will not give anyone a position on my staff that is going to be totally useless and not do their job; I will reassign men to a new platoon if at the last minute half of another platoon doesn't show up; and I will pray to God that I am not severely outnumbered and out gunned again. I take it you liked my initial deployment strategy? It would have held the field for us for the entire day if those two problems I mentioned earlier had not been a factor. The men who were able carried out my orders very well, but as always in war even the best laid plans with the most willing and able men can be outdone by a combination of factors. All these factors combined to make GA deserving of victory and I commend you all on your efforts.

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 11:15 pm
by Dominum
BKMrBlack wrote:Great game overall. Lots of great play on both sides.

I will say that the safety kill rule was used ridiculously. The concept is good, but was abused. Example: my team walked up on a guy who, incidentally was in the wrong uniform, and at about 15 feet he says "safety kill, ur all dead". 2 to 1 odds? Killed everyone (there were 6 of my guys, some as far back as 30 feet)? Seriously?

I understand the intention of the rule (to stop point blank shots), but it should only be if u truly have the drop on someone (as in, ur behind them) and certainly not more than a person (maybe 2) at a time. So many people were calling ridiculous safety kills.

The way it was used this weekend by many is just asking for arguements. If u sneak up on my back within 10 feet and say "bang" or safety kill" or whatever, I will gladly pull out my dead rag and congratulate u on a job well done? but if u walk up on 5? Or if u r in front of me with ur gun down? I dont think so.

I think all in all it was a great weekend. For so many players there were very few problems. Thabks for everyone who played with honor and integrity!

The Black Knights
"Rule #3: A "safety kill" MUST BE CALLED when players engage each other under their minimum engagement distances. A safety kill is when you point your weapon at another player and announce "safety kill" or "surrender". Safety kills must be accepted at or under ten feet. A safety kill may only be called if you have "the drop" on someone, meaning you have them in your sights and they do not have you in theirs. You may never fire under your MED even if you call a safety kill that is not accepted. You may not call a safety kill at more than thirty feet, and you may not call one without an airsoft gun aimed at the target. Use common sense concerning this rule, if you happen upon another player at close range and you both have your weapons up, call "parley" and consider both of yourselves hit."

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 11:21 pm
by Dominum
Doublewolf wrote:
BKMrBlack wrote:Great game overall. Lots of great play on both sides.

I will say that the safety kill rule was used ridiculously. The concept is good, but was abused.
Yeah. You're only supposed to be able to safety kill 1 person at a time. There isn't an official rule, but that's how it's understood. You also have to be aiming at the person when you say it. I would've argued those kills.
Not true at all, you can legitimately safety kill as many people as you want and there is nothing wrong with it, as long as you follow the rules. The problem with his incident was not the number of people, but the fact that he apparrently did not have the drop on them, as they were all facing one another. I have safety killed large groups of people, BUT they had no idea I was there, and I was within all of the rules stated. Rather than be a dick and dump rounds into all of them I called a safety kill (or captured them, like at OP Desert Crucible I ;)). The same has also happened to me.