The Delimitation Conflict

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Romba » Sun Apr 17, 2011 4:42 pm

We did attack and hold your HQ for a little while. Thanks for coming.


P.S. I hate you and your minigun.

P.S.S I love the people who shot your tank.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by darklupis » Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:31 pm

Romba wrote:
P.S. I hate you and your minigun.
I'll second that, lol, gonna have nightmares for weeks from those vehicles...

Thanks and kudos to all who made this game possible, with something of this size there will always be issues, but admins were always quick to respond, good job guys.

Thanks to the Georgia players for having such a turnout, ya'll made the game. I look forward to engaging ya'll on your home turf next year!

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Romba » Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:34 pm

I'm not quite sure from this thread, but did Georgia win?

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by GuNZ95 » Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:38 pm

man i cant wait for next year. even though my group cancled sounded like a bada$$ game

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by stuckmojo » Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:41 pm

this was the largest game outside of op vietnam that i have attended. as usual i enjoyed playing with old friend and meeting new ones. let me say that EVERYONE on 3rd platoon did an awesome job and fought honorably for their state. team blackfox you guys rocked and to team bos is was fun watching abunch of little guys kicked butt (no offense intended) to team red i had fun rolling with yall at 1am and retaking our westen bases. sorry i bailed on you guys at 4:30 i was exhausted and could hardly move my body was so sore. thats what happend i guess when you get old. i want to thank everyone who made this game possible on both sides of the line. for the most part i thought ga played honorably and i enjoyed meeting alot of you guys. to team blackwater you guys have hell to pay for zip tieing our tents when we come down there nest year but i really enjoyed meeting you guys and had fun slinging plastic with you. to jester: as usually it always fun playing with you and you did a good job with what you had. i know that alot of the ga teams didnt recognize you as their co and did their own thing.
as to the pros and cons of the game: i thought that there was a lack of communication on the field especially the 2 times that dom was out of the game. whoever took his spot did not communicate with us at all and couldnt be reached on the radio. the first time dom went out at around 4pm things got bad fast and the chain of command broke down. i appreciate gambler stephen and garrett and myself huddleing together and trying to rally the troops but alot of players didnt want to listen and went rouge. pokerface from team war even said "i dont give a f...k what dom says". all of this allowed ga to come back on us the last 2 hours of the day game. we were not well prepared at night and again there was no word from whoever took dom's place while he was sleeping. if your going to step up to be in command then due just that command. as far as the admin goes you guys did a good job imo and was always there to answer questions and defuse things. the only complaint i had was that not all of the rules were 100% clear and cause some confusion.

i want to thank all of the aosc reps for all the hard work they did in making this game possible and for their hard work on the field during the game. Dom, Garrett, Stephen and Jason i will goto war with you anytime and always have your backs. im not leaving ninja out i just didnt see him at all during the game but i know he did a good job of kicking some ga booty. to diesel i want to appologise for my moment of tempory insanity during the nite and for stepping in to rally the troops you gave me the encouragement i needed to push on.

i look forward to this game next year and to fighting alongside all of my sc brethren again
Last edited by stuckmojo on Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Gambler » Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:46 pm

Guys, sorry I had to make it a short day, but somehow I definitely screwed up my back. I look like a ? right now. I had a great time playing while I was out there, but just wish I could have played longer. Diesel and Sev, you guys did a great job running things. The only real problem I ran into was people continuing to shoot players when they were dead. Other than that I didn't run into any other issues. Thanks to everyone for coming out and making this a great event and the biggest game in AOSC history, possibly even in the state ever.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by theboss62 » Sun Apr 17, 2011 6:34 pm

I had a great time at TDC. It was awesome. I met a lot of cool people on Friday night just walking around and talking to GA players. I was worried because on Friday there were only 20-30 players, but I woke up Satturday and there were a ton of GA players and yall are awesome for coming! I can't wait to come there next year. I had a blast. At big games there are always going to be some conflict and cheating, but from what I saw was really good. I felt like I was in Vietnam when the game first started. I was in the thick pine forest( I know Nam was jungle but still) laying on the ground just getting some kills with my L86. I only got shot by my own team in the morning lol. I think the big thing with the field was that the brush was so dense it was hard to see and made for a really interesting day. The night game was fun. I had a great time with my South Carolina friends and new GA friends. I had a good time with Codeman and Siako from Rogue OPs, always GRAVE, and Remy. I really liked hanging with ya Remy. I enjoyed talking about life. I always tell people who don't understand airsoft that it is more about the people and hanging than anything else. Hatch, I had a great time in the night game when we were holding down the road and that ditch. We let no GA players past us. Thanks to the admin and all the players who took command positions.
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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by UF_Jester » Sun Apr 17, 2011 6:36 pm

From what I've heard, Ga won. That would of course be up to the Admins to post the final point tally. Thanks to Garrett and the other organizers/admins for the work you put into making this an awesome game. Thanks to Dom for leaving the field so I couldn't be captured. I got into the thick of it all night. There were some temper issues on both sides, but that tends to happen in that kind of competitive environment. Thanks to all Ga players for putting up with my poor leadership skills. Ga is clearly a community that can run itself because I know I wasn't running it right. Thanks to SS for guarding me when my gun was down, for letting me run with y'all for most of the game, and to Arthur in particular for loaning me a gun when mine wasn't working. I will definitely be playing with y'all again.

Also, a very special thanks to the SC player who shot me in the middle of the SC base and let me bleed out without trying to capture me.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by savoy6 » Sun Apr 17, 2011 6:54 pm

The only real problem I ran into was people continuing to shoot players when they were dead. least for me...probably half the SC players i ran across after around 2-3 o'clock didn't have dead rags....either they had lost them or some other reason.when i'd see someone sitting in the brush halfway holding a hand up i'd have to ask them if they were hit or shot myself several time in response...that and some of the younger players weren't real loud when they would call hit.....

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Romba » Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:02 pm

stuckmojo wrote:to team bos is was fun watching abunch of little guys kicked butt (no offense intended)
Ha! None taken! We (Bos) or most of us, got separated from 3rd and pinned at HQ for the last few hours we were there. We couldn't leave without that damned minigun roling in. But we all had fun and enjoyed shooting you Georgia.
stuckmojo wrote:to team blackwater you guys have hell to pay for zip tieing our tents when we come down there nest year
This didn't affect me but I want to be part of the revenge!!

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Bushmaster » Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:11 pm

Overall, it was a pretty good game. I enjoyed staking out the woodline with Remy in the afternoon and holding Julia-9 with the rest of GRAVE at night.

One thing I want to say is that if the Bronco with the mini-gun ever gets used here again, it should have a MED. I got sprayed across the chest from 15-20 feet away, and it felt like it was shooting around 400, and the specs on ASGI say that they come shooting 400.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Romba » Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:16 pm

Yea that thing was coming pretty damn close and shooting us... if it really does shoot 400 that thing could seriously hurt someone that close.....

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Bushmaster » Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:21 pm

My only other real complaints are that there were a bunch of GA guys in woodland camo, which caused some confusion. On at least 2 occasions I approached them under the impression that they were SC and promptly got mowed down. The other thing was that the tan tank with the "strafer" on it was somewhat hard to determine whether or not it was dead. We walked up to about 20 feet away on the road at one point assuming it was dead because we could see 2 orange flags hanging on it. We were destroyed and informed that the flags didn't matter unless they were standing up.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by UF_Jester » Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:25 pm

Bushmaster wrote:My only other real complaints are that there were a bunch of GA guys in woodland camo, which caused some confusion. On at least 2 occasions I approached them under the impression that they were SC and promptly got mowed down. The other thing was that the tan tank with the "strafer" on it was somewhat hard to determine whether or not it was dead. We walked up to about 20 feet away on the road at one point assuming it was dead because we could see 2 orange flags hanging on it. We were destroyed and informed that the flags didn't matter unless they were standing up.
There were only one or two guys in woodland. We offered them to SC to simplify things, but we got them somehow anyway. Also keep in mind that Multi looks like BDU at range. We had a bunch of guys in Multi.

To that end though, how about the SC guys telling people they were Ga guys then knifing them?

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Bushmaster » Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:27 pm

There were more than 1 or 2. I ran into a couple guys in M81's, a couple in MARPAT, and 1 in tiger stripes. :-\
UF_Jester wrote: To that end though, how about the SC guys telling people they were Ga guys then knifing them?

When was this? I never heard about that.

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