Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by CharleyNovember » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:32 am

Alrighty then my viewpoint.

Orginization: The game seemed very light on planning. The objectives and missions didn't seem very well thought out. "Here's some crates oh and remember this tree this is your secret respawn" Paraphrasing there. At one point one or THE game admin. I was never really sure if it was just him or other people were also admins left for the day to go to work about half way through. We all have lives and jobs that are more improtant than a hobby, but if I ran a game(and I have run many) I would have made sure I got the day off for a game I was running. Just seemed odd? There was a chrono and that is excellent but there was no formal safety speech that I recall. So just from an organization standpoint this seemed to be not well organized, and more of a backyard throw together game. 2/10

Players: I met many friendly players and not one douchebag amongst you. That is always a nice thing. I heard murmurs their were some instances of douchery here and there, but I experinced none of that. I had many instances of people surrendering to the tank(I was the gunner during the morning) Many smiles and good shots from Dom with his AT gun. "Great job again on those two kills on us". 9/10

AO: It was interesting terrain but an absolute killer for tanks. It beat the tank and us up all day. Summer is also a bad time for a lunar landscape So it was interesting but because I really enjoy using the tank I am not sure I would go back to that particular piece of land again. 3/10

Price: It is hard to complain about 5 bucks. I can waste 5.00 at taco bell and just get fatter from it so this was worth the money. Had I payed 40-50.00 I would have been a bit angry that an organized scenario was not really delivered.9/10

Overall:Total 24/40 so that is kind of a poor score but here's the thing, I still had a good time. I try and stay positive about things. This was more like backyard airsoft to me not a well thought out or executed scenario game. It was also hotter than 400 hells as my pops used to say. but I met some good people and I got to go hang out with some good teammates. I was able to ride in a tank for a few hours and shoot people and get shot by AT. That is an overall win for me.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by KingSalami » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:21 am

0 / 10

Elaboration : Lack of organization, IFF, field refs, competent planning / execution (cookie cutter "move this thing to this place" missions, "remember this tree" base locations), admin for 2nd half of the day (wtf?), safety briefing, port-a-john (which i don't care about, but was promised and not produced), etc.... made this a solid 0 / 10. I may return to the field, but not to a game produced by the same group / individual.
Last edited by KingSalami on Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:10 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by fallout11 » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:54 am

Mr. Marauder wrote:It was great to see some many come out and have fun, though I had expected more to show. All in all it was a very active day. Did anyone stick around to see if anything happened Sunday?
I can confirm that nothing happened on Sunday, I was out there loading up the tank for the long ride home.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Mr. Marauder » Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:41 am

While echoing Charley's sentiments that the game was only $5, and in that aspect wasn't much of a loss given the lack of gaming, a number of people, myself included, were quite a distance away. Had I had known what was to come, I may not have been as likely to show. Nonetheless, thanks to all those that made the long trip. We enjoyed having you there.


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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by SteevoLS » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:21 am

Bad field for tanks: I told you so! ;)

I wouldn't let the relative lack of organization discourage you. This field really shines when people aren't passing out every 5 minutes. We will be running official AOSC games (as opposed to the unofficial game every is talking about) later on in the year. This "lunar landscape" is not nearly as brutal in the fall, winter, and spring.

KingSalami: Either offer much appreciated input like CharleyNovember, or don't bother posting.
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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by KingSalami » Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:03 am

Noted, elaboration added to OP.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by CharleyNovember » Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:18 am

Also lack of portajohn other than trees was a real bummer it really is my BIG requirement....

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by rack0730 » Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:43 am

I had a blast. I feel like the field has a ton of potential and with official AOSC games being planned there has the ability to be the best field in the state. Oh and I am pretty sure the guy running the game was there for the entire day. Actually I am positive because he was right beside me for the second game. Not all games are going to be a 100 percent successful game but that doesn't mean the field sucks. This was the first BH game in 3 years so of course its going to have some glitches. As far as the porta potty goes bring your own toilet paper and dig a hole. We are all men here suck it up ;)

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Re: Blue Hole p- Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by SteevoLS » Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:16 pm

Well... closer to a year and a half. ;)

I had a pickup game out there a couple of months ago with Siggod, Gambler, and a few others but that was a total of 7 players.
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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by KingSalami » Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:29 pm

rack0730 wrote:I had a blast. I feel like the field has a ton of potential and with official AOSC games being planned there has the ability to be the best field in the state. Oh and I am pretty sure the guy running the game was there for the entire day. Actually I am positive because he was right beside me for the second game. Not all games are going to be a 100 percent successful game but that doesn't mean the field sucks. This was the first BH game in 3 years so of course its going to have some glitches. As far as the porta potty goes bring your own toilet paper and dig a hole. We are all men here suck it up ;)
The "admin" came up to my group and told us he was going to work and had to leave pretty much right when the 1st game ended. If there was a second admin on the field (i never saw him) then why didn't he organize the players to get the second mission started on time? An hour after game on was supposed to happen a random Bravo player walked up to us and politely requested that we take the field and get some kind of a game going since no one else is. Also, why didn't he prevent the use of a firework mortar battery as an AT weapon? (a seriously dangerous feat, both to man and material) The original admin told us not to even smoke on the field due to the fire hazard, so how on earth is that any safer? Not to mention you can kill someone with one of those.
Last edited by KingSalami on Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Skywalker » Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:32 pm

I think if you don't wear full gear it would've been easier to deal with the heat.... :P
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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by CharleyNovember » Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:39 pm

As far as the porta potty goes bring your own toilet paper and dig a hole. We are all men here suck it up
I have crapped in the woods enough in my life not something I drive across two states to do. How about don't advertise one thing and have something different after I travel from Florida it's simply bad form. You asked for constructive crit. I gave it to you. I never said this field sucked or the people running the event sucked I am sure they tried to do what they could to put on a good game. I feel they need to try a lot harder..

Edited for civility...

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by SteevoLS » Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:59 pm

AFAIK the one person who said there would be a portajon was not involved in the planning. I thought I had mentioned later on in the thread that he was incorrect, but it appears I didn't.

If you don't mind my asking, how long of a drive was it for you? Are you the same CharleyNovember I remember seeing on the SCAA boards years ago?
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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by idiot88 » Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:25 pm

Unfortunately I have to agree with the negative comments above on lack of organization and communication, but with only a $5 fee I guess I won't complain too much (even though I drove 100 miles :( ). That just makes me appreciate more the work that Dom and others do when planning games. I can't wait until there are some proper AOSC games out there!
Lack of port potty didn't bother me too much because I went in the woods, and that makes me feel at one with nature. ;)
One specific improvement I might suggest, due to the heat and not as many showing up as anticipated, would be to have the two bases closer together so there would be more action and less walking.

Highlights for me-
-Watching Dom get a kill on the tank
-When I walked over and killed two Alpha hiding in the grassy sloped field. I only noticed them when I saw their yellow goggles reflect sun light. (It would have been cool to have to find an objective in that field.)
-This was my fourth game at Blue Hole and the terrain (grassy sloped field) was different than before. Also got to see and play in parts that I had not played before.
-Watching Steevols in his snipers perch.
-Found out the hard way the tank can kill you without pointing the turret at you because I did not know it had side ports.
-The heat didn't actually bother me that much.
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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by SteevoLS » Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:27 pm

idiot88 wrote:-Watching Steevols in his snipers perch
That was the most fun I've ever had at a game. That, and I made it look good too! ;) I'd officially like to complain that nobody took any pictures of that rather awesome looking setup from the ravine beneath me.
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