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Re: Fulda Gap 2012

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 10:38 am
by JumpGunner
ARR: First Fulda Gap and had a great time.

Let’s start with the good. More airsofters (and paintsofters) than I have ever seen in one place. That alone made for some amazing fire fights let alone the constant action. The command breakdowns and communications where great for Warsaw considering how many players. The best part of the day for me had to be clearing out OP Romeo and Duckett. It was constant conflict the entire morning. Apparently most of NATOs walk-ons spawned in at the NATO Special forces entrance but we cleared them out in good order despite some confusing moments. I was also given the opportunity to stand in the center of alpha with a SAW around noon on Sunday. Laid waste to about 6k rounds for no other reason than because I could (Killed about 3 dozen tree branches). First time in a long time that I have camped and had a good time, noise levels were high but I had an extra blanket to wrap around my noggin.

Now the bad: as to the refs, I have to agree with Mr. Marauder. In most cases I was amazed at the lack of caring and/or knowledge. Hit calling: that argument could go on all day but it comes down to 1000+ people with a few of them new to the sport and a few that obviously could care less for the rules on both sides of the game. That is disgraceful on all accounts, if your hit, just call it and walk, it’s not hard and gives you a break from the constant fire. There was overshooting because of this, that is ridiculous. Hamburger Hill on Saturday was I think the biggest disappointment I think, Not calling hits and overshooting went unchecked by both sides which made me just walk away from it. Lack of motivation and movement made for more than a few deadlocks through the game. I thought that people would have wanted a win more but apparently BB's are more fearsome than I thought. Speaking of BB's there was a lot of talk about the FPS limit, I agree with most here, there should have been a weight limit. Putting in .30's to get under 400fps is scary. Next we will have guys using metal bearings.

All in all a good game. I will be returning with more guns and gear, and a tent heater.

Re: Fulda Gap 2012

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 1:16 pm
by fallout11
Very funny Slickridley, well put!

Re: Fulda Gap 2012

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 3:42 pm
by Dominum
I have to agree with all the clueless ref/stupid rules/nonexistent enforcement/poor sportsmanship/generally poorly and incorrectly run paintball airsoft event comments. It's not bashing when it is totally true almost universally. However, I went to the game expecting just that, so it didn't phase me as much as last year (though I think it was a bit worse). The size of the engagements and the excellent field itself still meant I had a good time playing on 11th Calvary (yeah, even my player name tag says "calvary" on it, lmao). I have to give credit where credit is due though, they improved one thing over last year: more toilets (and well dispersed too). Good job on that one. I'll type more about our engagements later, we had some fun ones.

Re: Fulda Gap 2012

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 7:25 pm
by marpat96
bump lol

Re: Fulda Gap 2012

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:32 pm
by savoy6
yeah..that woods witch was the idiots next to us that thought it was funny to throw thunder b's next to their campfire to watch the propane fireball when they went off,as well as the grenade parts that were hitting people's cars parked 8-9 feet away....
....i would say it was just kids but there were grown folks over there doing it too...

Re: Fulda Gap 2012

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:19 pm
by Dominum
savoy6 wrote:also the idiots next to us that thought it was funny to throw thunder b's next to their campfire to watch the propane fireball when they went off,as well as the grenade parts that were hitting people's cars parked 8-9 feet away....
How did they get a propane fireball from carbon dioxide?

There were some seriously problematic people in the parking lot, Friday night I didn't get to sleep until around three because there was a huge group of people screaming non stop profanities and generally being absurdly loud. Of course, no staff enforced any of the lights out or quiet after bedtime rules.

Re: Fulda Gap 2012

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:35 pm
by savoy6
uh...cause they were charging the grenades they had with propane....

Re: Fulda Gap 2012

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:45 pm
by atl
Dominum wrote: There were some seriously problematic people in the parking lot, Friday night I didn't get to sleep until around three because there was a huge group of people screaming non stop profanities and generally being absurdly loud. Of course, no staff enforced any of the lights out or quiet after bedtime rules.
That was terrible, and what about that car that kept coming along with the dixie tune, DA DA DA DADA DA DA DA DA DA and that russian guy playing his music at like 2 am that might have been funny at like 10 or even 11 but 2 come on.

Re: Fulda Gap 2012

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:58 pm
by Dominum
savoy6 wrote:uh...cause they were charging the grenades they had with propane....
I'm not aware of any way to charge a Thunder B with propane.

Agreed atl, that music was obnoxiously loud at a very late hour and a direct violation of the rules.

Re: Fulda Gap 2012

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:02 pm
by Matthews
Uh Oh, I hope it wasn't the Beer Pong Tournament!

Re: Fulda Gap 2012

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:24 pm
by savoy6
may not have been a thunderb...what ever it was, it threw parts all over the place every time it went off...

Re: Fulda Gap 2012

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:28 pm
by Dominum
Then it wasn't a Tornado either, unless the "parts" were BBs... but then they would be throwing a $100 grenade adjacent to fire... but then if they are that dumb already, maybe they would. Who knows, either way, not the brightest bunch.

Re: Fulda Gap 2012

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:34 pm
by savoy6
there were parts hitting folk's cars and

Re: Fulda Gap 2012

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 8:32 pm
by Darkside6
I said something to Ferg about all the noise on Friday but you know how that goes. We will be staying in a hotel room for 2013. I was hollering at the retards by 2:00am but it never slowed down. No rule enforcement+ beer+ overgrown teenagers= staying in a hotel in 2013. Still had a blast though!

Re: Fulda Gap 2012

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 7:24 pm
by specter
I shot a guy point blank with my secondary in front of a ref, guy doesn't call his hits. so, I simply shot at him with my m4 and ended up breaking his mask after dumping a hicap into him. after laughing his ass off, the ref made him call his hit and gave me a penalty for overkill or some bs. I should have just taken the guys mask and thrown it. gotten him kicked. anyway, the refs were utterly useless and I will most likely never attend fulda gap again.