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Re: OP: 24-4

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:36 am
yes , complain, if you were at the game is fine , not my poin. Im talking about people ,my self inculded who were fanning , or debating , or what ever you may callin it . That seriously bogged down this thread . especially at the very begining . I welcome all constructive critisism , but not personal blatently attacks agianst my self or any other person in the aosc wthat being a Rep/Mod or just a player . I will discuss more later ,as of right now Im at work and do not have time .

Re: OP: 24-4

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:41 am
by Bishop
CLERIC wrote:yes , complain, if you were at the game is fine , not my poin. Im talking about people ,my self inculded who were fanning , or debating , or what ever you may callin it . That seriously bogged down this thread . especially at the very begining . I welcome all constructive critisism , but not personal blatently attacks agianst my self or any other person in the aosc wthat being a Rep/Mod or just a player . I will discuss more later ,as of right now Im at work and do not have time .

Regardless, it leaves a bad taste of power abuse when the only things deleted are personal attacks on the person who ends up deleting those personal attacks.

Re: OP: 24-4

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:30 pm
by Felix
Someone please start a thread and continue bashing the inability to die that Cleric has shown
Keep the inability to die by the CO on this page.

Makes sense? I hope so.

Re: OP: 24-4

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:26 pm
I did die ! Acutally a couple of times , and I did call my hits so thats not really the point. For me at least. ;D

Re: OP: 24-4

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:08 pm
by Felix
If so then what was said that needed "trimming"

As a third party who was not at the game and has read this thread since it was posted (i have nothing better to do) All i have seen is a complaint about 1) You not calling hits, 2) the tank game mechanic not working, and 3) game failure to start on time. There were others but these 3 were talking about the most.

Now yes, E1 worded them very strongly, but his points were still valid.

I don't think I have yet to see a post game thread in two years that has not had some form of the 3 topics above embedded in every page.

Re: OP: 24-4

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:06 pm
by mives
I had an awesome time! Even though it wasn't a full 24 hours (impossible for those without special forces training or endurance training in my opinion), It was the best night game combat I've ever been apart of. There was also several times when at camp, I was in bdu pants and a t-shirt, we got attacked by a couple bravo's here and there. I jumped up, tucked my side arm in my pants, shouldered my rifle and went after em! You don't get that kind of quick action in any other game.

As for the tanks: I was privileged with being outfitted with Fallout's awesome RPN (rocket propelled nerf). I feel I was half of Bravo's problem in armor support for half the day Saturday as I would run into Dom's battle-wagon every time I went out and achieved 6 confirmed AT kills (and one drive by AT kill). Being the lone AT for Alpha, later in the day I was unable to respond to my buddies being pinned down at 8 quick enough, due to problems in communication (I had no idea what was happening except for "enemy technical pinning us down").

Anyways, good fight everyone! Despite any "balance" issues and general battlefield intel confusion it seemed to be a well balanced fight... atleast for Saturday. If I remembered correctly, Alpha strobed the crap out of bravo during the night game missions! Regardless what anyone says, good job Garrett! we all kept you on your toes, esp during the night game. Thanks to the other field staff, and thanks to all the players who provided the moving targets.

Untill 24-5,

~Alpha AT Guy

Re: OP: 24-4

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:16 pm
by Murphy
mives wrote:I went out and achieved 6 confirmed AT kills (and one drive by AT kill).
Kudos to this man. He is not kidding. Johnny on the spot with rockets.

Re: OP: 24-4

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:25 pm
by UF_Jester
Echo1 and Cleric mentioned an issue with E1 calling a safety kill and getting upset. That was my guys he called the kill on. He already said he misunderstood the rule so so we're all square there. As for the guy walking to the medic: what actually happened was y'all shot him and our SAW gunner asked him to take a step out of his line of fire. Our player on the other side of the road took the opportunity to heal him, which shouldn't have been done because the player moved to get out of the line of fire and was technically dead in the middle of the trail. That was an oversight on our part so we apologize.

On to my hopefully short AAR.
We had fun. We got ambushed by AJAX several times, mostly to our death. We had a tough day but it was pretty fun. I was laying at base 12 alone in the morning when the Bravo technical rolled up. Absolutely terrifying. I shot two guys who jumped out and I guess they decided that was too much resistance because the truck drove away. Sadly, I was hit by a player on the truck as it drove away.

The night missions were great. We snuck pretty far across the field to snatch an objective, dodged the food truck a couple times, as well as a couple groups of players, got out objective, and made it back unchallenged. We did see some flashlights seemingly looking for us as we ran across the buck field on our way out, but they were far enough behind us that we just kept going. Then we led a couple objective raids on bunker 6 to pleasing results. We ended the night sitting by a warm fire talking with some good friends. Can't beat that. Then Dom invited us up his butt and things got weird, but that's another story.

Re: OP: 24-4

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:40 pm
by fallout11
Mives got more enemy vehicle kills than we did! Well done sir! He also didn't lose a single rocket, more than I can say.
The other Alpha AT weapons didn't seem to work very well, somewhat mirroring the problems Bravo was having.
Sorry we were not more help to you at #8 mid afternoon Star Folder, we did try but Marauder got us once and Dom the next time (or perhaps the other way around). Curses!
I also played part of the night game, and enjoyed it (thank you United Front), a first for both in probably 5 years.

Re: OP: 24-4

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:47 pm
by Star_folder
I wondered what happened there Fallout. We saw you go by twice with your flag up, we thought surely dom didn't get you twice.

It was nice to finally (really) meet you. Sure, we've met before, but we never really talked like we did on Saturday. It was a pleasure to converse with the famous owner of the flame thrower tank.

Re: OP: 24-4

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:36 pm
by Mr. Marauder
I particularly enjoyed fighting alongside Fallout in the Sunday morning pick up game. It's a shame his smoke mortar failed to deliver. I'd imagine it would've debilitated Alpha and cleared the area of all insects.

Re: OP: 24-4

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 9:23 pm
So do you guys even want to know who won the game?

first base check in Alpha had 3 for 75 points and Bravo 5 for 125 points
objective 1973 both Alpha and Bravo completed for 50 points each
objective 1706 both Alpha and Bravo completed for 50 points each
objective 1995 both Alpha and Bravo completed for 50 points each
second base check in Alpha had 1 for 25 points and Bravo 4 for 100 points
objective 1957 both Alpha and Bravo completed for 25 points each
Objective 2345 Bravo completed first half for 50 points, Alpha completed second half for 50 points
Objective 3651 Alpha gained all 6 glowing jugs for 20 points each totaling 120
Objective 9897 Alpha completed for 0 points - was to be used later in the game, but both teams decided to call it for the night.
If my math is correct that gives Alpha 445 points and Bravo 450 points. Objective wise this was a very close game. But there were the death cards that key players were to carry that could be taken by snipers and DMR's. Alpha gained four of these cards worth 50 points each, while Bravo turned in 0.

Re: OP: 24-4

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:09 pm
by Echo1 Operator
Semlohwerd wrote:Clear out the off topic things, sure; but the negative feedback, be it kind or unkindly spoken deserves to stay around as much as the praise. No matter who it is aimed at.
My comments were removed and I was banned from the forums to cover up the blatant cheating I pointed out. Kind of funny so many people cried about the way the SCAA was run, but the AOSC isn't any different.

If you catch a representative cheating at a game you had better keep it to yourself, or risk getting banned. You should also expect a PM from Garrett accusing you of not paying the field fee.

Expect this post to be deleted to further save face.

Re: OP: 24-4

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:19 pm
by Felix
Echo1 Operator wrote:
Semlohwerd wrote:Clear out the off topic things, sure; but the negative feedback, be it kind or unkindly spoken deserves to stay around as much as the praise. No matter who it is aimed at.
My comments were removed and I was banned from the forums to cover up the blatant cheating I pointed out. Kind of funny so many people cried about the way the SCAA was run, but the AOSC isn't any different.

If you catch a representative cheating at a game you had better keep it to yourself, or risk getting banned. You should also expect a PM from Garrett accusing you of not paying the field fee.

Expect this post to be deleted to further save face.
I would like to know why this player was banned. Normally it goes through a chain of command and is brought and put forward infront of the AOSC isnt it?

Re: OP: 24-4

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 6:27 pm
by Hatch
I know for a fact that Echo 1 Operator paid the field fee, he did nothing wrong and did not deserve this ban, you people need to get your act together or find new reps.