Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by MarksInnerDemon » Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:42 pm

This is going to be long, I'll probably mess things up, and I can't type for crap. Edited a bit, and added bold names either real or made up of people in the game

My investment for this game was probably about 80$ total for food, items, taking care of someone broke etc, not to mention 100 bucks of gear I was going to get regardless. I think however I may have not come if I had known about Saturday. evening/Sunday.

First off, parking.

While Google earth was ok, there were no signs and nothing denoting location of anything. When we pulled into the pond (convoy of SUV and car) we nearly bottomed out the car. That could have been fixed by a couple shovels of dirt, and while most cars made it up that hill I would be pressed in getting mine up. LJ left his at the bottom which was probably a very smart idea. Some sticks and string would have made a great parking area, and someone there Friday evening/more info would be great.

Restrooms/Camping area

Lets start with bathrooms. While I can see where Charlie is coming from, a military style slit trench or the investment of some buckets and the camping seats would work as well. You could get some buckets put it behind a hill/have a hung sheet and call it a day in my book. Frankly it wasn't a issue with me, but hey it worked well.

The camping side of things. If that much of the field will be used again you almost need either transportation (trucks from plays willing to help) or two camps. I will go into this later and yes I would love everyone to be in one spot so we can get to know each other. Maybe some suggestions here would be great.


Minus the mechanical issue with it later, it was fine. I heard people crying about chrono, but we all know our guns for the most part besides some new guys. New guys can say hey its a bone stock gun or I did XYZ mod and most people who have played can give you relative speed. Not the best way to do things but ohh well.

Game and Field

The game itself well I think Charlie hammered it out real well. I will add my issues and experiences with all this, however lets see if I can do this in order.

Game 1

Saturday morning everyone was mingling and I got to know Green team by walking around and talking to them. I really ended up very pleased with our team even though my first impression was ohhh crap. Obviously Fallout and crew were there smoking a hookah and playing middle eastern music which I think was outstanding, if you guys don't bring the tank come out anyways, and I don't smoke so hookah or not come join us. I was worried about Iron Wolf(fox I forget sorry guys) initially, since I have been around a lot of people who were survivalists that had gone off there rocker I was worried. The looks and outfits made me go ohh crap these guys aren't gonna work with us and are just going to do whatever they want. Which was reinforced by them segregating themselves up on the hill.

Bear in mind we had to walk the whole field to get to our location, there was no contact with admin, and our objectives were to get a flag, and defend. Once the flag was captured we would contact admin for further instructions, not to mention a secret base we had to defend and a few cases spread out along the way. However if we are gonna cashe something it wont be on the side of the main road coming up to our main base. I get the idea of going to a place where it can be found but still it was a give me.

So once we get to our base, which as in fact not a bad base, we had several objectives but they were kinda half told to us. After that I was hopeing someone would take charge, but most of us were unfamiliar with each other, and hadn't worked together. I saw a bunch of groups milling around and I talked to LJ asking if he would do base defense with most of our home team while I moved out with a portion on patrol. The renegades (what we called Iron Wolf) started walking off so I ran up and started talking to them and seeing what they had planned. I will surmise my experience with them. No knuckle bumping, and they are a great bunch of guys to work with plain and simple. Not exactly what I would wear to a game since I might trip on something, but none the less once we got them talking to us they worked with us and i was grateful for there drive and commitment.

Technically 3 groups moved out, first was the multi-cam group which I don't think wanted to be on our team at first but I had a great time with them, and we meshed well. We apparently left well after the game had started not know the time, and the admin was trying to rush us but most of us were already baked out from standing in the sun forever then marching through the heat up and down hill and dale. If we had known the distance I think someone would have volunteered to bring water up to the base like our savior did with his stuck truck. Well most of the way at least.

Anyways we moved out and I was running a patrol, and we all got stopped on the pond then repulsed, and once we got back to our base for re-spawn there wasn't much command and control. During all this we had to get in contact with the tank, and I got a sniper from Iron and a player named Gabe to do a end run harassment recon. I had played with Gabe in Daisy GA who is in the area for work and not a local. He didn't go down to Florida that weekend like planed, instead he came up for the game and I wish it had been a bit better but it was great working with him again. The person they picked for Falcon was semi injured and I don't think wanted to be in charge, so I started quasi coordinating groups while LJ worked primary defense. He radioed when he needed help and I tried to coordinate patrols, Falcons defense and rest players that were dehydrated like the flag snatching team (thanks guys!). We had so many people cooked there was basically no viable resupply and it was hard to keep any kind of attack going, much less almost as hard to make a good defense. I would get re-spawners back, have them hit the deck look for signs of dehydration then role them out on missions. Meanwhile Fallout's tank apparently was firing and hammering the enemy and spreading the word of allah, which was a moral boost to a lot of people.

Anyways once we got the flag we repeatedly tried to contact admin as we were told to do so for more missions. Needless to say I had sent Gabe as not only a recon, harasser but as a point of contact with admin. I orginally had John the Pilot loan his radio off, which got him stuck by himself. He has a great story about defending the base and taking lots of people down. Gabe was in position to have line of sight of nearly all of bravos property and almost the camp site. We tried to contact admin for 30 mins when I told everyone to give up find a cool place and defend until the clock ran out. Thanks to the truck we saved a lot of people from falling out, and thanks to my medic Rabbit for working hard and watching out for people. As always LJ was just short of force hydrating everyone which was outstanding.

Thanks to my team for...

Iron Wolf AKA the renegades thanks for actually being team players and great folks to deal with. You guys really did well and were great at creating support out of thin air, while also doing random chase kill tasks. Many of you were cooked just from running all over half way through but you got back up and kept going.

Alabama/Hookah/Fallout group thanks for setting the ambiance bringing the party and making green team enjoyable as hell on and off the field. I don't think it would have been half as fun without you guys. Also great teamwork and running the tank it was fun, and you made it that way.

Multi-cam group I know many of you guys wanted to be US forces and heard some gripes, but man you guys performed well had great teamwork and really did do a bang up job.

My first patrol team - lots of fun a few of you really stood out sorry I bungled the first patrol and moved us off path, luckily though Gabe used that path to great success later, and thanks for sticking with the attack and defense.

2nd Half Below sorry for the delay

Ok onto the second game. Yes the admin were gone, and that plain was near impossible for the Green team who had no defined objectives or missions told to anyone who played. Many people sat out this game, and frankly I don't think it was from being a horrible game, but being so disjointed.

Let me state this now, I don't think the Admin was a bad guy or poorly intentioned this should be constructive criticism not crying. I understand many people assumed something different was in store from other games in the region and I wish it was better myself. Especially since we were there all weekend and got two big rounds out. Yes 5 dollars isn't much stop complaining crowd will come as well. However the critics are the people who come to your field and people complaining are doing this so you know whats wrong. I am no game runner but that field would make an amazing 24-48 hour marathon game if done right, and for that I am glad I went.

Onto the second game

Fallout let me say your tank inspires me to want 72 virgins, and if it weren't for your tank the second time we would have been dead screwed.

The late arriving Truck guy (sorry really bad with names) you saved us from walking 8 billion miles again and brought water, how cool was that. Not to mention you were the linch pin of our attack and if we had a bit more intel on the hill and a bit more game info we might have taken it. Also we used his truck for a respawn because no one told us where to respawn....

First we started off just pass the wheat field in a downward position. Bravo had spread out in several defensive layers, and unfortunately for the life of me I couldn't tell you why. Neither could anyone who was on Alpha. Most of the people who played the first game didn't attend the second half expecting a night game or just plain fed up from the long walks. I would say most of Alpha just threw there hands up and said we will wait for dark since no one knew anything about the second game. Thanks for the handful that came out because even though we were totally boned it was fun.

The plan was a 2-3 pronged attack with the tank supported by infantry. A small team in the sand area, a larger force in the center and one off deep in the wheat field. Well we started pushing and before I knew it everyone stopped dead from the fire across the ridge. Between your range, the wind taking your BBs and the amount of fire several of us were taken out. I wish I had pushed our troops hard, but i was trying to get support for the trench team who were knee deep in mud, and prevent people from climbing our ridge. One of Bravo nearly took my head off on our ridge but I think the tank blasted him. I had to re-spawn, and talked to the Truck owner, and his small ditch brigade right before they were taken out.

At this point I think the field flankers were gone to with not sure where skillet boy went, but sorry guys that was a bad idea on my part, very good try on yours.

I suggested we do a long shot and end run the field, Truck said he knew the way and all of us decided to go for it. Taso464 aka John was told to move back (he had been trying to hold that damn ridge while I figured out what to do) and he swiftly moved back while our disabled tank went for repairs. I gathered everyone told them what was up and we moved into the woods toward the secret base from the first game. On the way we came in contact with two people, and I got everyone moving the hell away figuring they would radio in. At the time, I didn't think, it might have been our flanking team coming back, but all I saw was a whitish T-shirt so it might have been a kid from a nearby neighborhood. Both groups basically ran for it.
The trek itself was hard as hell, Zach aka Rabbit aka ____ on this forum was burnt out from earlier and I wasn't far behind him. Hell all of us were about dead but we moved over terrain stopped, went down a hill, stopped, and then the tank comes back in game. I tell them what we are doing and say let them have it. The response was priceless and hearing hadji music in the distance was amazingly rejuvenating for our team. That got us down a hill across a distance before we crashed at the base of a double tiered hill. Satans little ridge was what it looked like. ^-^ This is about time I think the tank took the rocket, and I called out to see if the tank could hear us on the radio but had no luck. We figured he was knocked out and we thought we heard voices so we scrambled up the first section of the hill, and died again. Then the last section up we climbed, and we died again panting, resting, drinking. I was amazed at how far the red haired bearded guy had gone with no fluids. If gingers have no soul this guy got all of the others for that long hike and like normal John gave him some of his precious liquids. Finally we trudged to the back of the base and a sight that almost made me cry was going down. :'( Fallout's little tank was absolutely terrorizing the hell out of Bravo. 8) For the last 7 survivors of Alpha it was absolutely amazingly thrilling. That got us our last push into the base where we killed lots of Bravo, who re-spawned, died again re-spawned again and then destroyed us at the last few minutes. It was a great defense and man that was actually a lot of fun and terrorizing. One hickup was the Jeep that rolled out. We had seen a red flag waved from the jeep and had assumed everyone was dead because everyone wasn't shooting. Then the Jeep comes at us shooting with a SAW where most of the team lights into the jeep. We had figured it was just a re-spawn run, but nope.

I got nailed once in in the face, then again later which seemed to be sniper shots so who ever that was good shooting I never saw you. I just plopped in the shade with the two guys with me and sat out the last few minutes dead.

After Game

We stayed for the night game that never was, and by that time everyone was leaving. Then we slept through the rain storm. Last but not least my group from Savannah and two from Bravo were left standing in the morning. Alpha had 7 players and Bravo had 2 so I am declaring Alpha victors, plus the tank was still up on the hill. Anyone who says Bravo wins should have toughed it out with us. Anyways pic below is the last of us.

Last edited by MarksInnerDemon on Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:23 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by savoy6 » Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:51 pm

SteevoLS wrote:
idiot88 wrote:-Watching Steevols in his snipers perch
That was the most fun I've ever had at a game. That, and I made it look good too! ;) I'd officially like to complain that nobody took any pictures of that rather awesome looking setup from the ravine beneath me.

glad you had fun...yeah....
CN rode from the middle of florida....
i'll have my full aar up later...still writing it out...with as much fail as was will take awhile....
i will say that in 11 years of playing ,and going to events in the SE since 2002...this had to have been the most poorly planned ,poorly done AS event i have ever been to...
just a couple of things...1) when you are running a game that means you don't get to owe it to the folks the gave up time and money to come to your event..end of want to play? do it on the weekend games with your friends.that also includes riding around on the mini bike yelling about being shot at while you are on it and then get off next to players and start shooting at them with your red cylindered PTW. 2) just because you have a larger field doesn't mean you need to try and impress everyone with how far apart areas of it are....especially not when it's 110 heat index out....this "event" could have been done on half the field.... 3)IFF...clearly delineate what uniforms go to what side....and what they consist of....tan pants with black shirts,od gear all over,multicam on both sides..etc,etc, ad nauseum... 4) milsim....really?..this was the excuse i was given for the distances our side was required to travel on foot in the game.milsim,...kinda like afgans in MC and plate carriers? or the guys in jeans and spiked black armor?.....5) maps...get them for the field......many of these folks had never been to this field before...given the heat and distances the lack of maps and info was patently UNSAT...6)pyro...since we are in the UNSAT category.....what admin thought it was a good idea to fire live pyrotechnic mortars at a vehicle made mostly of wood and plastic with gasoline and people inside?
Last edited by savoy6 on Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by rack0730 » Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:56 pm

I took pictures! Only with my mind.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by idiot88 » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:13 pm

For you guys that came from GA and FL, don't let the bad parts of this game dissuade you from coming to future Blue Hole games that will be hosted by AOSC. I am sure things will be better organized if it is an official AOSC game.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by savoy6 » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:37 pm

idiot88 wrote:For you guys that came from GA and FL, don't let the bad parts of this game dissuade you from coming to future Blue Hole games that will be hosted by AOSC. I am sure things will be better organized if it is an official AOSC game.
correct me if i'm wrong, but weren't Dom and Steevol,both AOSC leaders,part of the running of this game?.........if so,then how would an "official" AOSC game be any different?.....Delimination made me want to play in SC,this abortion is making me change my mind on that..

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Bushmaster » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:47 pm

No, they had nothing to do with running the game. It was run by the owner "123Bridges". This game had absolutely nothing to do with the AOSC, it was just posted here.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by SteevoLS » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:52 pm

How many times will I have to say that NO AOSC STAFF were involved in running this game? I stated multiple times before the game that it was not a sanctioned game. The only reason I even bothered posting the game in other states (or this one) is because the guy planning the game had been out of airsoft for a while and was actually unaware of the AOSC's existence.

The only thing I did at this game (seriously, all frickin day) was sit on a cliff top and shoot at people. Well, two or three cliff tops, but you get the idea.

Idiot88 is correct; if the AOSC runs a game there, it will be run just like TDC. Multiple non-playing admins, etc, etc.

If you go on the GA forums, I even said something to this effect: "This isn't an AOSC game, so I can't guarantee anything about the scenario or admins. If you come out, do so for the field and terrain itself." I don't remember what forum that was, of course. :P
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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by KingSalami » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:58 pm

I'd also like to add that this is one of only two games that I've ever been to where attendance was actually dangerous. (the other being OP: Junior Varsity in Birmingham) Combining the lack of prep for the heat, distance traveled on foot (many guys' camelbaks or canteens were dry before we even got to the moon base), and the airburst mortars being fired at the tank / people (you really can't aim that crap), and lets not forget the warnings about vicious wild dogs on the property ("Show of hands, who has a real steel knife on them?" this isn't Call of Duty pal), it's a miracle no one was permanently injured or worse.

I had a great time at Delim Conflict (Go Georgia! ;D ), and I realize this was not an AOSC game, but it's really damaged my willingness to drive over here in the future.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by SteevoLS » Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:43 pm

One other thing...

If you didn't prep for the heat, that's your problem. It was stated multiple times during the game info thread that it would be very, VERY hot and I even posted pictures of the open desert areas.
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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by MarksInnerDemon » Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:00 pm

KingSalami wrote:I'd also like to add that this is one of only two games that I've ever been to where attendance was actually dangerous. (the other being OP: Junior Varsity in Birmingham) Combining the lack of prep for the heat, distance traveled on foot (many guys' camelbaks or canteens were dry before we even got to the moon base), and the airburst mortars being fired at the tank / people (you really can't aim that shit), and lets not forget the warnings about vicious wild dogs on the property ("Show of hands, who has a real steel knife on them?" this isn't Call of Duty pal), it's a miracle no one was permanently injured or worse.

I had a great time at Delim Conflict (Go Georgia! ;D ), and I realize this was not an AOSC game, but it's really damaged my willingness to drive over here in the future.
I am counter pointing this not to make you wrong, or your other comments because we are mostly in agreement, but I need to point this out as you are distorting some of the issues.

Wild dogs in FL, GA, SC (several other states) are a problem but they are as much a problem as say poisonous snakes. Generally speaking anytime you go into the woods you risk wildlife from deer, boar, being allergic to a insect bite you have never encountered (gotten bitten by). This is probably less risky judging by surrounding homes, the swimming hole, and location. I saw one set of dog tracks the whole time and from the looks of the tracks he was someones pet out taking a walk (you can kinda tell by the nail prints), which doesn't mean it wasn't or was mean just a risk. The reality is any field without 14+ foot fence checked prior to game play for dig holes risks all sorts of animals, not to mention snakes. If the animal threat was a game ended we would all have to go to CQB buildings only, so I think this is a non issue. The warning was kinda ehhh but its good something was said.

Secondly the distance traveled. While this could be mitigated by trucks, personal water cashes (if we had known a bit more before that's what our group would have done) and a slight bit of planning, the walk was about a mile. If you know yourself, and considering the potential size and "quasi-milsim" propaganda pushed most player should have expected a rough day. I am sorry while I would love to place this on the host some of it was player error when we get to water. We had idiots in Iraq, Afghanitan, and Kuwait drop because they didn't need water or some other excuse. If you don't have the ability to carry your needed supplys coming to a big game might not be a good idea I would think. That said one walk during the day by the host would have pointed out it might be difficult terrain for some and ample water is recommended, plus bring extra for your location/base. Many of the bravo team I am told just trotted off field got water came back etc.

That said yes 5% more terrain info and details could have gotten my little bunch of 8 players setup to have tons of water and probably support the normal group that forgets things.

Are you wrong? Not at all just realize if you were going camping, you would see the same thing/possibly alot worse, and I went out with the impression from every persons post on the game thread this place had nothing but game play field and camping area.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by CharleyNovember » Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:08 pm

Yes I am the same CharleyNovember, I drove from Jacksonville FL to Warner Robbins(4.5 hours) on my motorcycle with my gear strapped to the back and the gun hiding in the bag with the camp chair. I then hitched a ride with Fallout in the tank transport up to Aiken about another 3-4 hours. Roughly 900 miles round trip with more than half on a scoot so please don't worry about me "manning up" No worries on the porta john as in the future when in doubt I will bring my own poopbucket and some cat Like I said I am not all like "F them they suck." Far from it even with issues I had a good time. The IFF issue someone brought up was kinda bad I thought I mean it shouldn't be that hard to have both colors. Heck I have several uniforms cheap ones even some tan some green. I bought a green T-shirt because I know I wasn't going to wear a tiger stripe top in that heat. Isn't that doable?

Of note: The tank gave out as much water as we could to both sides we would have happily trucked anyones cases of water back out there we rarely got stuck anywhere.

I also was not worried about rampaging dogs even while out of the tank which wasn't often but still I wasn't worried. The pyro on the tank seemed reckless but I imagine it was a safety slip up where the participants didn't really think about the flamability of the vehicle. I saw no reason to use them over the airpowered AT though. Dom got two kills on us without too much of a problem when I was riding in it. We wouldn't have had a good time just running around in an inviciable tank shooting the crap out of infantry all day. What is the fun in that? The other thing I noticed though please stay away from the tank with pine cones or logs. They won't kill us and I would feel bad if we ran over would the person getting run

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by KingSalami » Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:18 pm

Don't get me wrong I wasn't saying any specific item was the fault of any one person or group.(in that particular post, that is) Rather a combination of a lot of different variables, some known others unknown, some player related some admin related, that combined to make an experience that was a tad hair-raising in hindsight. If I had known beforehand about there being a specific problem with wild dogs I certainly would have brought a machete. (I normally don't because it is prohibited on the vast majority of fields I've played at) If I'd known the moon base was a mile+ from the parking lot I would have brought more water (I had plenty, but many others did not). Much of what I'm talking about is just related to the lack of a safety briefing. Dogs, mile+ walk to moon base, bring more water, who has a 4wD that is willing to evac a heat casualty, etc. Next time, though.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Dominum » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:05 pm

savoy6 wrote:when you are running a game that means you don't get to owe it to the folks the gave up time and money to come to your event..end of want to play? do it on the weekend games with your friends.that also includes riding around on the mini bike yelling about being shot at while you are on it and then get off next to players and start shooting at them with your red cylindered PTW.
You owe me an apology, everything you said about me is downright bullcrap.

1: As stated many, many times both prior to the game on the forums and throughout the game day I had nothing to do with the running of this game in the least. I did not plan it, design it, run it, or assist in admining at all. I was a player like everyone else, and you have not one reason to believe otherwise. This was not an AOSC game, as was stated many times and there was never any reason to believe it was, or to believe that I was in any way involved in running it.

2: Not one time was I shot at while riding the minibike, and not one time did I tell anyone not to shoot me while I was on it, nor did I complain about being shot at (I wasn't being shot at anyway). Pray tell me then, what prompted you to say that I was "yelling about being shot at?". In fact, I told several Alpha players that I was in play and that they were more than welcome to shoot at me as long as I was not wearing a dead rag, because I found it odd that they weren't shooting at me.

3: Other than the one time I was on my way back to respawn, I was wearing DCUs (clearly a tan camo) all day, with nothing other than tan on my person. That would make me a Bravo combatant, both on and off the minibike, and I never said any different, (quite the contrary, I repeatedly told Alpha players that I WAS in play ans hould be shot).

4: At what point did I "get off next to players" and start shooting them? This seems to me to imply that I somehow tricked someone by riding past them or near them and then jumped off firing catching them unawares at near point blank range. The only time during the day that I dismounted within sight of an enemy and started firing was once when I drove up the main road and noticed Alphas up on the hill heading to our respawn to my left. I dismounted 300' away from them and did promptly pull out my red cylindered PTW and begin firing. They did promptly fired back, etc. The whole time I was clearly marked as an enemy combatant, and made it very clear. I never fired under my MED of 100' with my PTW, which you seem to imply with the "next to" and pointing out the "red cylinder". I was carrying a TM G26 Advance (well under 300 w/.25g, meaning 0' MED) and used it.

How dare you impugn my honor with such unfounded BS. Who fed you this load of crap?

As for the other issues raised, they are all valid IMO except for the transport and heat issues. Everyone, yourselves included, was told a billion and one times that this is a desert, is extremely hot, and is a massive field. No one was ever mislead that there would be transports. Though they would certainly be a good idea to have, since you were not told there would be any, but WERE told it was a massive and very hot field you should have come prepared for long walks and serious hydration.
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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by CharleyNovember » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:19 pm

1. Clearly you were simply a participant I think some of the confusion is that you are obviously a leader on the forums so people thought you must be in charge or one of the admins. Obviously that is not how it was, but I guess that is where it came from same for SteveVOLS probably. I didn't know who was running it other than the one fella that took my money in the morning. My impression was HE was it.

2. I did hear a few fellas state they didn't feel right about shooting you while you were riding around. What if the shot made you wince(not implying you are somehow not manly enough at all so don't take it that way) and you crashed the bike hurting yourself. That is a legitimate concern that certainly gave me pause and hence I never shot at you while on the bike.

3. I don't see where he questioned your uniform choice there. I and several others noticed people wearing both tan and green together indicating they were on both that is a simple fix and should be no big shakes to anyone really.

4. This goes back to that mistaken admin thing is all I can figure.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by SteevoLS » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:21 pm

I <3 peacemakers, I do it all the time. :P

Anyway, we'll (that is to say the AOSC) be running games out there by the end of the summer, if not sooner. If any of your remember Desert Crucible or the Border War... expect better! We've got years of experience under our belts since then.
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