The Delimitation Conflict

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Doublewolf » Sun Apr 17, 2011 8:30 pm

BKMrBlack wrote:Great game overall. Lots of great play on both sides.

I will say that the safety kill rule was used ridiculously. The concept is good, but was abused.
Yeah. You're only supposed to be able to safety kill 1 person at a time. There isn't an official rule, but that's how it's understood. You also have to be aiming at the person when you say it. I would've argued those kills.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Felix » Sun Apr 17, 2011 8:31 pm

BKMrBlack wrote: I will say that the safety kill rule was used ridiculously. The concept is good, but was abused. Example: my team walked up on a guy who, incidentally was in the wrong uniform, and at about 15 feet he says "safety kill, ur all dead". 2 to 1 odds? Killed everyone (there were 6 of my guys, some as far back as 30 feet)? Seriously?
The rule is a safety kill can only be called within 20 feet and must be accepted at 10 feet. Also you have to say safety kill for each person. So what that player should have done was to walk up and say either Safety kill..1..2..3 and count them off or go Safety Kill..Safety Kill..Safety Kill. By then he would have been shot.

Its a hard rule to understand for some people and unfortuantly this kind of stuff happens all the time in overnight games.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by BKMrBlack » Sun Apr 17, 2011 8:40 pm

one at a time, saying "safety kill" or "bang" each time is fine. thats perfectly reasonable. Not how it was used, however, by many. Glad to know that it isn't as ridiculous a rule as it seemed from the weekend.

My team had a blast, and we are looking forward to next year.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by UF_Jester » Sun Apr 17, 2011 8:42 pm

Star, I talked to the guy you guys knifed 3 times. He believed that asking him where Ga players were counted as you saying you were Ga players. He would be wrong there. That's probably where the whole thing started. Y'all didn't break any rules there.
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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by SteevoLS » Sun Apr 17, 2011 8:42 pm

It's not hard to understand if you...

A. Have a brain
B. Bother paying attention to the rules.

What bothers me is the sheer number of players in SC who continually misuse the rule. We go over it at almost every safety briefing!

Felix summed it up perfectly; call them within 30' if you wish, but they most only be accepted under 10'. Lots of players don't accept them because their egos get bruised, much as many players don't call hits for the same reason. Others don't accept them because they feel it wasn't a legitimate kill (for example, a guy with a bolt action calling a safety kill on multiple targets).
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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by savoy6 » Sun Apr 17, 2011 8:43 pm

I ran into the same problem. Leaving base we saw it, saw orange flags, said "Oh, those are dead rags." Walken on only to be assaulted. We had a dead guy walk up and ask them to take off their dead rag, they wouldn't. I somehow think this is a tactic.
fallout,the tank owner was talking about how there was some confusion due to the fact that when the flag is down ,laying flat on the roof,you can still see some of it,especially if the wind was blowing it. but the flag is permanently mounted on the post so there really isn't a way to "take it off" without the issue of it being blown off by no, it isn't a "tactic"....and the other flag was tan ,not
as for calling will happen in any event of this size...though i will say what of that i saw was evenly distributed on both sides.....there were some georgia folks that i saw get hit and then call it after they saw i was looking at them....mainly, i saw it in some younger players on both sides .a lack of experience might have led them to not be sure if they were hit...especially since sometimes there was just so much ammo flying,bouncing off things,etc....but you get that sort of thing with the sheer number of folks that were out there....
as per the safety kill rule...been my experience that it is something you have to physically demonstrate at every safety briefing....
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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Star_folder » Sun Apr 17, 2011 8:46 pm

UF_Jester wrote:Star, I talked to the guy you guys knifed 3 times. He believed that asking him where Ga players were counted as you saying you were Ga players. He would be wrong there. That's probably where the whole thing started. Y'all didn't break any rules there.
Yeah, they told me that they where asked, but they where close, didn't respond, and just reach out and knife killed him before he shot back.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by SteevoLS » Sun Apr 17, 2011 8:49 pm

Everybody has bad eggs in their groups, it is indeed something to be expected at larger games. I popped up out of a creek bed myself (over by Camp Wounded) and DRILLED a GA player from no more than 2' away. He shrugged it off and shot me in the face. On the flip side, I had several GA players call hits that I'm fairly sure were ricochets. I also saw a lot of honorable during the nightgame that impressed me. I'm not going to say I was entirely happy with the game, but I'll definitely be at the next one!
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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by MCG » Sun Apr 17, 2011 8:56 pm

Doublewolf wrote:We didn't knife anybody, we shot them, and we never said we were GA, we just didn't announce that we were SC. We only did that one time, we didn't violate any rules, and after Diesel told us there was a complaint, we started announcing our presence.

We were all in green camo and a green flag was up on the spawn, and yes it was night, but there was a dead guy with a chem-light inside the bunker right next to us. It shouldn't have been too hard to tell we were enemies.
^ This. We were careful to not say we were Georgia. We let that squad of Georgians draw that conclusion on their own. On that note, it was nice meeting you DW. Had a great time holding down the fort with you.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Romba » Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:04 pm

On teh subject of safety kills, I have learned the hard way not to call safety kills. The one opportunity I had to call a safety kill was when GA was screwing us at our HQ, then the dude got popped with the firecracker. Diesel unexpectedly started the game again unexpectedly, and I saw a kid (bout 11) hiding behing one of the tin things. I am still kicking myself for not pulling my newly aquired cold steel training knife and putting it at his throat (he didnt see me) but I just ran around back of him and shot him in the back with my 0 MED pistol. Every time I call a safety kill I get shot. So I carry a sidearm with no MED, and I don't do safety kills.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by UF_Jester » Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:08 pm

MCG wrote:
Doublewolf wrote:We didn't knife anybody, we shot them, and we never said we were GA, we just didn't announce that we were SC. We only did that one time, we didn't violate any rules, and after Diesel told us there was a complaint, we started announcing our presence.

We were all in green camo and a green flag was up on the spawn, and yes it was night, but there was a dead guy with a chem-light inside the bunker right next to us. It shouldn't have been too hard to tell we were enemies.
^ This. We were careful to not say we were Georgia. We let that squad of Georgians draw that conclusion on their own. On that note, it was nice meeting you DW. Had a great time holding down the fort with you.
Yeah, the whole thing was probably a misunderstanding. Like I said, I was hearing it from others, it didn't happen to me.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by codeman821 » Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:00 pm

This game was awesome. It was the biggest and longest game our team has ever been too, it was also the first night game we have ever attended. The experience was amazing. Props to GA for showing with a lot of player. The few that I actually got a chance to talk to were cool and I enjoyed chatting with them. Also, I admired GA players telling me nice shot when I got them, or coming up to me after shooting me and saying good playing (non sarcastically). I loved running with SC and 3rd platoon was were it was at! Also, thanks Walker for letting me use your rifle! Met a lot of cool people and had a lot of fun!
~Shaggy.... (my call sign used to be "Deuce" but i have changed it to "shaggy")
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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Nytestalker » Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:46 am

First I would like to thank Ga for coming out and playing against us. I really enjoyed this game. I was extremely impressed by the fact that Ga was able to get so many players to drive 3+ hours to play. I just hope that we are able to do the same next year.
Most of my complaints have already been covered but most of the problems seemed to be below average for a game this large. I would however like to comment on several lessons I learned and hopefully so did all of SC. First, about the time that Ga was able to overrun Lincoln's Hold was about the time that I began to notice a break down of communication as an entire force, at a platoon level, and at player level. On several occassions I asked for a sitrep of the entire field only to get half answers, unsures, and wrong information. With the skilled players that Ga brought we could not afford this. Secondly, I believe that SC had gotten too comfortable with the situation for most of the day. We started getting slack and began to stretch out our assets too far. Both of these failures could be seen when Ga finally overran Lincoln's Hold from all three fronts without any notice. Lastly, as far as the night portion goes, we got out skilled in team tactics. Team USA has been playing in Ga for quite some time now with many of these teams and have seen first hand the level of skill they have when it comes to team tactics. I hadn't been really impressed until last night. I know it didn't help that Ga had NVGs but their success was mainly due to there ability to play together.
I would again like to thank Ga for bringing us some fierce competition. I have learned from this weekend and next year my team and I will bring them the same level of skill and competititon that they brought us. I hope the rest of SC follow suit.
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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by codeman821 » Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:57 am

I feel ya nytestalker, when we got taken over at lincolns hold, it should have been defendable! And yea, GA plays with some of the best tight team formations I have seen thus far. When saiko, big nasty and myself ran into SS during the night game, they were not only friendly, but organized to the tee. Like you my teammate and myself leaned a lot this game, improvements are made through experience, and we are working on them now. also, like always, great running with you, USA and Rogue do work! can't wait till next year!!

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Diesel » Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:37 am

The official score
Ga:2850 SC:2100
Yes Ga came and kicked our butts.
Mad props to Ga. They came with guns, tanks, and a lot of people. Those wondering how many would show, well Ga showed they came to play.
As admin from this game, here are my thoughts. Let me first say, if you have never run a game, it is a lot harder than you think. Me and Sev were all over the field and both our radio's were used a whole lot. There were some issues, but we try to handle them as quickly as possible.
For the most part, the play was very honorable. One thing to note, the more players, the more no hit calling you will have. And the complaints I heard were after the fact. During the briefing, I mentioned to call in to admin. We never got a call about people not calling their hits. So we could never see it.
During the first part, Ga was learning the field, which gave SC a huge advantage. After dinner, they knew the field and used it.
The tanks Ga had were awesome. Hopefully we can have some to compete next year.
SC did a great job til Dom went down. The COC(chain of command) fell apart. We will have to work on this before next year. I got to meet a and talk to a lot of players from Ga. Everyone of them thanked me for the game and said they loved the field and were having a great time. Props to SC for being friendly and showing hospitality.
As for chrono; we will work on this. Never before have we had to chrono this many weapons. Everyone that helped in chrono, Thank you very much.
I would like to say to Mother, Brandon, Hollywood, Team Blackwater, great meeting ya'll.
Hopefully we, as SC, learned from this event and will be ready to revenge this lost.
On that note, start saving for gas and everything you need for next year now. We must have a show in force in Ga.
P.S. I will not be in a command position for that game. I will be a grunt runnin' and gunnin' :D
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