Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by rack0730 » Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:01 pm

If anyone finds the PERFECT airsoft game by all means let me know because I would love to play it. If you have any better ideas host ur own game at ur own field. Not everyone is the perfect game maker so give the guys a break. They tried to put on a good game and you didn't have fun oh well sucks for you because I had a blast. No one put a gun to your head and forced you to come. Is it the field owners fault you live over 5-6hrs away and the game wasn't up to your elitist standards? I don't think so, get over it only cost five bucks to play and everyone had to drive from somewhere to play if you couldn't afford the 80 dollars in gas you shouldn't have come.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Dominum » Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:15 pm

I think the main issue they had was that it was billed as a serious MilSim and was really more of a pickup game. There is nothing wrong with posting valid criticisms. What I do have a problem with is people blaming me for things I had nothing to do with, lying about me, and generally besmirching my reputation. That pisses me off, I take honor seriously.
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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by MarksInnerDemon » Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:04 am

I updated my post on page 3 added as many names in bold as I could, and recounted my perspective of the game.

Anyone who wants to complain about what I did or call me some ego person by all means I take critisim well and deserve a ton for much of my bungling while commanding and/or coordinating Alpha. Alpha you guys made my game even if it wasn't the best first big game for half my team it still was fun.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Dominum » Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:14 am

I think you did fine and gave a good AAR, I enjoyed meeting you as well. Thanks for all the great grub! I enjoyed meeting quite a few people actually, and I hope to play with all of you guys I met again sometime. I left Saturday night because the admin said with the huge storm rolling in there would be no further games.
PRincess and jsts ghost CERTIFIED "Tier 1 Operator"
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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by savoy6 » Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:17 am

Dominum wrote:
savoy6 wrote:when you are running a game that means you don't get to owe it to the folks the gave up time and money to come to your event..end of want to play? do it on the weekend games with your friends.that also includes riding around on the mini bike yelling about being shot at while you are on it and then get off next to players and start shooting at them with your red cylindered PTW.
You owe me an apology, everything you said about me is downright bullcrap.

1: As stated many, many times both prior to the game on the forums and throughout the game day I had nothing to do with the running of this game in the least. I did not plan it, design it, run it, or assist in admining at all. I was a player like everyone else, and you have not one reason to believe otherwise. This was not an AOSC game, as was stated many times and there was never any reason to believe it was, or to believe that I was in any way involved in running it.

2: Not one time was I shot at while riding the minibike, and not one time did I tell anyone not to shoot me while I was on it, nor did I complain about being shot at (I wasn't being shot at anyway). Pray tell me then, what prompted you to say that I was "yelling about being shot at?". In fact, I told several Alpha players that I was in play and that they were more than welcome to shoot at me as long as I was not wearing a dead rag, because I found it odd that they weren't shooting at me.

3: Other than the one time I was on my way back to respawn, I was wearing DCUs (clearly a tan camo) all day, with nothing other than tan on my person. That would make me a Bravo combatant, both on and off the minibike, and I never said any different, (quite the contrary, I repeatedly told Alpha players that I WAS in play ans hould be shot).

4: At what point did I "get off next to players" and start shooting them? This seems to me to imply that I somehow tricked someone by riding past them or near them and then jumped off firing catching them unawares at near point blank range. The only time during the day that I dismounted within sight of an enemy and started firing was once when I drove up the main road and noticed Alphas up on the hill heading to our respawn to my left. I dismounted 300' away from them and did promptly pull out my red cylindered PTW and begin firing. They did promptly fired back, etc. The whole time I was clearly marked as an enemy combatant, and made it very clear. I never fired under my MED of 100' with my PTW, which you seem to imply with the "next to" and pointing out the "red cylinder". I was carrying a TM G26 Advance (well under 300 w/.25g, meaning 0' MED) and used it.

How dare you impugn my honor with such unfounded BS. Who fed you this load of crap?
well ,first off we were told before the game by your fellow SC folks near us in MC that you had told folks not to shoot at you..("hollerin'" was the term they used).......after we had raised the question of shooting at must not have JUST been me since you yourself admit that NO ONE was shooting at you....
because I found it odd that they weren't shooting at me.
as for thinking you were an admin...well, that's probably an assumption made by myself and others since you were going around checking on folks to see if they were ready to go,checking if there was water...(though not everyone listened since several people in the group taken out to the hoodoo hill had NO water at all on them), you asked folks several times if they were ready to go ,understood the scenario,etc. all the things admins do at games...all good things,by the to us you were seen driving around to differing groups on the field ,talking to them....again what looks like admin type stuff.....
no one is impugning your honor...folks just were a bit miffed about what they thought was an admin,that they weren't supposed to shoot at, jumping into the middle of the one said you you were close shooting anyone untwist yourself there chief ...this is what i hate about conversing over the internet....
i think also the admin assumption was made by many folks given you and steevols large assistance in the forums as per answering questions about the game.....that really should have been answered by the two seemed a part of the planning for this even though you kept saying it wasn't an AOSC game....
since I'm usually the first person to admit if I'm incorrect about something .....
i apologize for any wrong assumptions made about you or steevol's involvement in this event..and any made about your conduct.....but i'm not going to blow rainbows and sunshine out of my butt for a poorly planned and executed event....not airing out what went wrong with an event leads it to be accepted as the minimum standard for other events...(borrowed from king salami :) )....just ask the folks that USED to go to AWG events in Fl.
As for the other issues raised, they are all valid IMO except for the transport and heat issues. Everyone, yourselves included, was told a billion and one times that this is a desert, is extremely hot, and is a massive field. No one was ever mislead that there would be transports. Though they would certainly be a good idea to have, since you were not told there would be any, but WERE told it was a massive and very hot field you should have come prepared for long walks and serious hydration.
no one was under the impression that there would be deuce and a halfs or something to drive us around.......while it was understood that this was a big field and that it would extremely hot....the game organizer should have taken that into account and been able to make changes to the scenario setup so that the environmental effects of the field would not have had such a huge impact on game i said before,this same scenario could have been run on half the field with better effect...
dom, once again i apologize for any assumptions made about you just seem to be a completely different person from the guy i talked with and met at i didn't know what was up...if you still feel the need for an honor arrangement, we can duel at pistols at 30 paces...or something.. :)

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by MarksInnerDemon » Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:29 am

Savoy6 I get where you were coming from and being upset, but a lot of your comments could have been paralleled on to LJ who most certianly was not a organizer but was doing the same thing. That is just his way of doing things and I got asked if he was a organizer once which made me laugh.

Frankly with all the issues I had fun, it could have been a LOT better, but many of you guys made it fun enough that I will do it again, lets not spoil it by griping to much, critique like you were is fine just go easy. Also I would apolgize for assuming because that makes a ____ out of you and me. Although again I see why you made the conclusions it still was wrong. I hope my first game being hosted I don't get this much flack, but at least the host knows the issues now. Also when another organizer wants to attempt this field everyone will have a good idea of what is coming.

Also it was a blast running with you by the way and I hope you do come back to the area!

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by savoy6 » Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:32 am

rack0730 wrote:If anyone finds the PERFECT airsoft game by all means let me know because I would love to play it. If you have any better ideas host ur own game at ur own field. Not everyone is the perfect game maker so give the guys a break. They tried to put on a good game and you didn't have fun oh well sucks for you because I had a blast. No one put a gun to your head and forced you to come. Is it the field owners fault you live over 5-6hrs away and the game wasn't up to your elitist standards? I don't think so, get over it only cost five bucks to play and everyone had to drive from somewhere to play if you couldn't afford the 80 dollars in gas you shouldn't have come.
there is no perfect game...but when things happen that show a lack of any organization then they should be brought to show what NOT to per better do know that some of us, like CN and fallout and others, have been running and hosting large airsoft events since before you were in first grade right?and there is a difference between the idea of running a game where no one may need to be hospitalized and having "elitist standards"....what ever that is supposed to mean.....

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by savoy6 » Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:35 am

MarksInnerDemon wrote:Savoy6 I get where you were coming from and being upset, but a lot of your comments could have been paralleled on to LJ who most certianly was not a organizer but was doing the same thing. That is just his way of doing things and I got asked if he was a organizer once which made me laugh.

Frankly with all the issues I had fun, it could have been a LOT better, but many of you guys made it fun enough that I will do it again, lets not spoil it by griping to much, critique like you were is fine just go easy. Also I would apolgize for assuming because that makes a ____ out of you and me. Although again I see why you made the conclusions it still was wrong. I hope my first game being hosted I don't get this much flack, but at least the host knows the issues now. Also when another organizer wants to attempt this field everyone will have a good idea of what is coming.

Also it was a blast running with you by the way and I hope you do come back to the area!
i did the whole "let's not spoil it" thing doesn't work for AS communities as a whole...a good example is FL....over the last few years several groups there have made it a point to discourage any sort of post event criticism by any means from just shouting folks down to actually sanitizing or removing forum posts and threads....this has led to a sharp decline in event quality because promoters now feel like they can just keep doing the same crap over and over again...since they don't have anything other than people posting "bestz event evar"...on their forums for fear of being out of future events...
Last edited by savoy6 on Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Dominum » Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:36 am

Why would I "holler" at people not to shoot me if I am saying that no one was shooting at me? The group in MC was not from SC, I'm not sure who they are, but they heard me say no such thing, as I did not. I don't even know them (that I am aware of at least, maybe I met them some other time, but I did not recognize or speak with them on Sat.) In any case, I said no such thing, I said exactly the opposite many, many times. I do not expect you to blow sunshine out of your butt for a poorly run game (which it was), but I do expect not to be blamed for it and then accused of doing things I did not do.

Did anyone assume that Marksinnerdemon or LJ on Alpha were admins? Nope. Did they do exactly the same thing I did as far as reminding people to drink and trying to bring some semblance of order to their faction? Yes. I did advise people on the terrain and the need for water consumption because I knew that hardly anyone else there had ever been to the field, and I had been several times. Naturally I felt a responsibility to warn people about water consumption. I never did anything to indicate that I had anything to do with the running of the game, in fact I repeatedly, over and over, and even redundantly said just the opposite. Neither of us were involved in the planning, but we knew the answers to the questions because we have been to many games there, and would rather answer them then wait days to see it answered. Your point seems to be that being helpful means I was an admin (even when I said I was not, I must have been lying since I was being helpful) People making undue assumptions that had already been debunked are responsible for their own misgivings and should not hold me liable for their hastily drawn and poorly informed conclusions. I think you would have been offended by that had you been in my shoes.

I do however think a duel is in order! ;) Loading via muzzle only of course :D
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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by savoy6 » Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:47 am

ok see your point...(though the MC guys that told me that said they were from SC and were mostly on the SCAA forums) for the g26 vs my tanaka SA..and someone did ask if LJ was an
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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Dominum » Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:55 am

I was told they were team SS (or something like that) from GA, but I never spoke with them so I don't know for certain I guess. I wasn't trying to go off on you, but it really irks me when I am told that people were "miffed" thinking I was somehow being underhanded, dishonorable, or douchy and that I did a bunch of other stuff I did not do, especially when I had specifically done everything in my power to avoid exactly that from happening.

Deal on the duel, at dawn then!
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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by savoy6 » Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:57 am

well at least let me get my coffee in first...

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by CharleyNovember » Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:29 am

Fine you are both douchebagels and will be flogged publically at the next event...Don't worry we can charge a cover fee at that..... ;D

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by fallout11 » Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:31 am

jaguar12airsoft wrote:Incase anyone was wondering, we brought the pyro. It was another player who wasnt in my group who fired off the round that struck Fallouts tank- and i told him 3-4 times NOT to fire directly at the tank. Told him to fire into the air above them in a effort to try to distract the tank. After making sure Fallout and his crew were ok, we all agreed to make sure that wouldnt happen again. didnt have any other problems with the pyro after that, that im aware of.

I think that fallout knows how sorry me and my guys are about that happening. He says its oright but we still feel guilty about it and owe him one.
I didn't really have a problem with it, I have more faith in my creation than some of my fellow teammates/crewmen do. I've also seen the video, where the mortar starts out aimed into the sky and just falls over, hitting us was accidental. No worries, all is well. They couldn't find Dom or his AT weapon, and tried to improvise (like the guy who tried to block the wheels with a log).
Build yourself a Nerf launcher!

I honestly had a decent time at this OP, I enjoyed meeting several nice folks, hanging out, shooting the s**t, and honestly I'm not sure I can have a "bad day" riding around in the tank (unless I manage to wreck or break it). Was this event disorganized and poorly planned? Yes. Was it hot as h**l? Yes. Could things have been better? Yes. That said, it was better than staying home!
See you all at some future event. :)

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by CharleyNovember » Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:16 am

I think one of my teammates that was not able to make it summed it up best. "It's better than sitting on the couch watching golf with the inlaws." A bad day airsofting is better than a great day of sitting on your ass at the house now lets move on.. ;)

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