The Delimitation Conflict

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by severed » Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:40 pm

From an observer point of view both teams played their hearts out, GA just literally outlasted SC, plain and simple. The night game is when GA grabbed the momentum swing and took the lead and with that pulled slightly further ahead with the final objective and CO capture. If the SC command structure had stayed in place I have no doubt SC would have maintained focus and held on not giving GA the chance to rally.

At the final Base index GA was ahead by 400pts, an easily overcome margin with Dom back in control but GA had learned the field and where SC was getting 5 of 7 bases in the beginning GA was now holding bases. Both teams had 3 which meant GA had preserved their lead, SC only had a slim chance to tie it up and a slimmer chance to win. Unfortunately for SC, GA struck a deathblow by completing the final briefcase objective and preventing SC from getting to theirs.

As with all games you got about 95% of the people out there playing with great integrity, honor and respect for their fellow players. Upholding the true spirit of the game and playing by the rules as they understand them. With 320 players on the field that small % of people looking for an unfair advantage is magnified but it seems that no one let them ruin the game.

Indexing the bases every 2 hours kept us busy and with bases spread out over the field it took us about 45mins to get to all of them. in between that, the calls for Admin kept Diesel and I very busy... nothing huge, a couple heated discussions but mostly just rule clarifications or a request to address a specific issue. With only 2 of us out there we did our best to respond to every call as quickly as possible, the pit bike helped with that during the day but at night it was all on foot. Late in the evening Admin calls started to slow down so we could get a breather in. We took the Tower out of play so that we could set up a central Admin camp and be able to respond to any part of the field quickly. We did get a cup of coffee down our throats but there was no rest to be had. At 6:15-30ish AM, what I've been calling, the Unified Assemblage (15-20 SC&GA players still up and kicking ass at that time) decided to cause a little raucous to see if they could raise the dead at the SC HQ... didn't work, lol. Some of the SC players that stayed in the field used the distraction to complete a mission and keep SC within easy striking distance of the GA lead. After some pat on the backs and mutual respect for staying in the fight all night, there was a gentleman's agreement between the remaining players to go their separate ways to rehydrate and get some breakfast. That right there was music to my ears as I only had 4 hours sleep Friday night and now I get to crash for 45mins. Admining was harder than playing for me, not just the constant walking, no breaks, running all over and trying to plan/plant objectives and orchestrate firefights for 300 players, but because of how many times I wanted to grab a gun and play myself! I only remember getting hit 3 times, 2 of which I know who did it and expected it (a-holes, lol). The 3rd was from a nervous trigger finger and he got both Diesel and I.

It was great to see some of you that I hadn't seen since OP24 and to meet a bunch more new people. I can't wait till TDC2 so I can run along side and against all the great people that showed up this weekend.

Here are a couple of questions/notes/comments/etc that I saw that BOTH teams can improve on.
1. Still not 100% sure why teams focused on pissing BB's to either attack or defend anything not worth any points, that isn't capturable (read SC HQ) or doesn't give any tactical advantage
2. When you are defending an objective or base, DON'T start your defense from inside that base. Set up perimeters and fall back or push the enemy out as needed. The interior base or objective should be your last stand.
3. Turn VOX off on your radios. If you don't know what that is it's the setting where your voice and also your gear or gun can start your radio to transmitting effectively locking up that frequency and annoying the crap out of anyone on the freq.
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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Doublewolf » Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:40 pm

MCG wrote:^ This. We were careful to not say we were Georgia. We let that squad of Georgians draw that conclusion on their own. On that note, it was nice meeting you DW. Had a great time holding down the fort with you.

Yeah. It was nice playing with you guys. The night game was really fun.

To address some complaints:

The chrono' line was long, but this was the largest game the AOSC was hosted so far, so that was expected. Everybody says that the chrono's weren't working, but my gun was chrono'ed at 380 as always.

There were some issues with MEDs. I got my skin broken on my nose while we were moving our roadblock out of the way for a car to get through. I clearly wasn't shooting back, and a bunch of people were yelling to stop shooting. I saw a couple other people with blood on their faces. This may have had something to do with the confusion with MEDs. The color of zip ties should be standardized. That would help. People were forgetting what color meant what, and sometimes when one color ran out, another color was distributed, so more than one color was meaning the same thing.

Again, when the GA guys thought we were friendly units at night and we shot them, we never yelled "Georgia" or anything similar. We didn't announce that we were SC, but we never put up a green flag or told anybody that we were friendlies, and there isn't a rule anywhere that says you are required to tell the enemy your position. A challenge and response that the enemy didn't know could've helped clear up any confusion. That way if nobody answered, you'd just shoot. As I said before, one of our dead guys had a glow stick, so our green camo was clearly visible.

At night, although still not acceptable by any means, you can expect to be shot up close. It's a risk associated with playing in the dark. It's probably a good idea to wear extra protection on your face at night.
You Georgia guys played well. I look forward to next year. Maybe I'll even play on the GA team since I'm from Savannah. That isn't likely, though. :P

I think there was a lot less bad sportsmanship than usual, and that was good.

Diesel, you and the other admins did a great job.

Thanks to GARRETT and the other reps for putting on such a great game.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by fallout11 » Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:11 pm

As with many others from Georgia, I would happily come back and play this field again, and/or team up with SC to take on NC at some time in the future.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Veimos » Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:18 pm

severed wrote: Here are a couple of questions/notes/comments/etc that I saw that BOTH teams can improve on.
1. Still not 100% sure why teams focused on pissing BB's to either attack or defend anything not worth any points, that isn't capturable (read SC HQ) or doesn't give any tactical advantage
2. When you are defending an objective or base, DON'T start your defense from inside that base. Set up perimeters and fall back or push the enemy out as needed. The interior base or objective should be your last stand.
3. Turn VOX off on your radios. If you don't know what that is it's the setting where your voice and also your gear or gun can start your radio to transmitting effectively locking up that frequency and annoying the crap out of anyone on the freq.
Well #1 was a very effective tactic by GA because SC failed to do #2. At least at night. During the day though, you are completely right.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Pieman » Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:39 pm

During the day around Lincoln's Hold SC had a good perimeter set up for about 3-4 hours, but It fell apart when GA attacked in our rear from the field. Most of our forces were not ready for that kind of attack. I had just been coming back from our forward parameter to check on things when I saw that all hell had broken loose.

Overall it was a great game, but the night war seemed a bit unorganized from the SC point of view.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Chippy » Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:59 pm

Yeah, towards the end of the night/early morning there were only about 7 of us still fighting. We took J9 but then a patrol of around 15-20 of some georgia guys stopped by and lit the woods up with a spotlight. We put up a nice fight but they just had us outnumbered. And that's when the fun started and we tried to wake up the rest of SC :)

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by fallout11 » Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:07 pm

severed wrote:1. Still not 100% sure why teams focused on pissing BB's to either attack or defend anything not worth any points, that isn't capturable (read SC HQ) or doesn't give any tactical advantage.
I can partially answer this one, at least for the GA folks on Saturday afternoon, and you may was the one location on the field that we knew for sure where it was! ;D

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by UF_Jester » Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:21 pm

Severed, I kept sending my guys to the SC base to boost morale. Between bunker indexes at night they were asking if they could have some fun and I gave the go ahead, even joined some of them.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by 3rd0ptik » Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:34 pm

Glad to hear folks had a good time. Sorry I couldnt make it, If I had, SC would have won easy.. :o lol.. I want to see some footage! More Pics & Vids Please!!

Also I keep seeing the rocket launcher left on a tree in question.. If it was Black with a Red Dot on it, its mine, did Garrett get that back??

Again sorry no show, next one..

See ya!

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Zoobie » Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:41 pm

fallout11 wrote:
severed wrote:1. Still not 100% sure why teams focused on pissing BB's to either attack or defend anything not worth any points, that isn't capturable (read SC HQ) or doesn't give any tactical advantage.
I can partially answer this one, at least for the GA folks on Saturday afternoon, and you may was the one location on the field that we knew for sure where it was! ;D
Lolz Hey look at it this way. If you wanted a fire fight, just go there! ^-^

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by UF_Jester » Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:47 pm

No kidding Zoobie. Your base was a violent hangout for everyone. I hope the tents didn't get shot up too bad, but SC was using them for cover and even shooting from inside them. And people laughed at us before the game for having our main camp 100 yards from our base.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Zoobie » Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:57 pm

Lol well when your spawn was set behind the tents and all the metal cover was at the front filled up with G.A. players you kinda have no choice but to use them, as for those hiding inside I didn't hear of that. All I know was the pyros where out of control for both sides. S.C. with those bombs and G.A. with Smokes. Either way I had a blast at main camp. I got 4 Stealth kills in 30 seconds! =D

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by VoidSuicide » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:00 pm

I kinda need to apoligize for the incident with the grenade and your face zoobie. I walked into camp five minutes brother that happened and found that my brother and 1-2 other guys had got hold of my crate full of nades and took cover behind my tent to start lobbing them.
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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Veimos » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:04 pm

Pieman wrote:During the day around Lincoln's Hold SC had a good perimeter set up for about 3-4 hours, but It fell apart when GA attacked in our rear from the field. Most of our forces were not ready for that kind of attack. I had just been coming back from our forward parameter to check on things when I saw that all hell had broken loose.

Overall it was a great game, but the night war seemed a bit unorganized from the SC point of view.
Two things were failing there on SC part.

1. The attack from the rear was no surprise. They had been circling around the back off and on, and the squads were getting bigger.

2. The attack from the rear by the TANK was a surprise. I figured that GA finally figured out the road to Camp Wounded, and sent that bad boy in. We had one AT that I could see. A guy holding it got shot. So I grabbed it, and asked how it worked. (didn't know if it was primed, but saw the valve to shoot it). A guy behind a tree said throw it to me. So, I tossed it to him, boom he was shot. That was the last I saw of it.

We should have reacted sooner to the tank, and been more prepared for the rear attack. This isn't all "after-the-fact" thinking btw. This is just reading the writing on the wall at the time. We had plenty of people just milling around Camp Wounded at the time. Dom or Stuck(I can't remember which but I think it was Dom) told players to spread out, get back in the fight, etc etc. It seemed like few listened. Shortly after, the tank attacked with our pants down. The only good thing about the attack was Dom bled out before he could be revived by the enemy, if they even noticed he was there.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by GARRETT » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:08 pm

Wow what a game. Several months ago when this game entered into my mind, I would not have fathomed such an awesome turnout. Props to GA and SC for bringing it hard, and for some of the best fighting I have been a part of. To many epic moments and great firefights to mention any one is particular, as so with the teams and individual players I had the honor of running with. Mad props to my boys AIRCROSS.

I started the game as leader of 3rd platoon along the creekline, that's why you peacheaters couldn't . I am very proud of the teamwork by 3rd for the first 4 hours of the game as not one time did we get pushed back even an inch along the western border. That changed around 4ish as GA plowed down the road from center of the field, and from the north with a tank and infantry striking a hard blow to Lincoln's Hold. I personally was blown away here cause I thought SC was still in control of both locations. Shortly after that I find out that our tank was down due to a crazy rogue driver. Something had to be done so I went back found us a new driver. Things got funny here.... As we entered the field of play we came head to head with a GA tank right at I-8. Somehow he missed us with his AT and started chasing us across the At the time we had 3 AT guys in the back, and no one could get a shot off as we were driving. So we took off toward Camp Wounded in hopes of gaining enough time for our guys to get out and set up. That's when this happened..
fallout11 wrote:As a side note, SC anti-tank weapons blew us up 4 times (might have been five...can't remember) on Saturday afternoon alone (including a shot from the red truck after we finally caught up with it at Camp Wounded).....nicely done.
The rest of the evening game we spent in GA HQ dreading the Bronco that we knew would get there eventually...

I have seen a lot of guys complaining about the safety kills. This is a problem at every game I have been to. If a guy gets shot in the back, he cries why didn't you just safety me. If you safety him, he says no way and shoots you instead. It happens. But respect to the 3 GA players who I safety killed in J-9 somewhere around 3am for being champs about it. Myself and 2 other SC gents thought we would try to raid the J-9 base. I decided to take point on the approach and got popped just a few ft from the base. Pulled out a menthol and my glow stick and thought to myself this isn't gonna end nice. A few min later I feel Sacarus grab my foot for the medic, as the GA guys kept firing on Vemois. Very calmly I lowered my glow stick back into my pocket, walk around the GA players right into the back of the base and one at a time I call the safety kill. No problems, the guys took it like champs.

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