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The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:45 am
by Foxx
I suppose I'll kick of this thread by saying for the hours I was out there, I had a great time. I regret that we had to leave early due to the injury, but we really didn't have any other options. I hope we played a valuable role in the beginning phases of the battle to make up for our absence in the later portion. I also hope you guys were able to keep the point advantage over the Georgians, despite the barbaric tactics that were being employed. Dom, it was an honor to serve under you again, and Tanker, we'll follow you into combat any day. :D

As far as I know, my buddy is doing much better and will most likely be on "leave" for a good while to give him some time to heal up.

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:17 pm
by Romba
I was wondering about that. Was he the one who got hurt in the treeline right before dinner? What exactly happened?

I left at dinner, and I had a great time in the hours I was there. I quite enjoyed guerrillaing in the back of the technical at Lincoln's hold. Driving up and shooting from the sides... Whoever (Georgian) it was who landed a smoke in the back where we were, you had me coughing for the next hour, but helluva throw. I was dissapointed that my easter eggs didn't get any kills... I thoroly enjoyed shooting you Georgia, and I hope SC won (I do not know the final score)

Dom, you were great. Garrett, you were too, even though we ended up getting stuck at HQ so we weren't with the platoon most of the game...


that is all.

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:30 pm
by Arbee
I'm sorry that I had to leave early, guys... I had a bit of a family emergency to attend to, and there wasn't time to make the rounds and say goodbye. :/

Anyway, I had a blast while I was there. Setting up the HQ was about as fun as moving a ton of tires can be, haha, but it was great to see/hang out with the old faces again, and even meet some new people. Looking forward to the next one, guys.

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:48 pm
by Diesel
What a weekend. I will post up my thoughts and all later. Time for food, shower and nap. Please post up what you liked about the game and what you didn't. We as mods and reps need to know the good and bad so we can make the games even better.
Remember fellas, Georgia came to play and brought a lot. Give them the props they deserve.

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:50 pm
by Romba
Who won?? SC or GA?

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:11 pm
by Doublewolf
It was a great game. I think the games keep getting better every time.

At the beginning, a couple guys and I went down into the creek. I got at least 5 kills while I was there. I must say that the only downside to waterproof boots is that if you go in deep water and it gets inside, it doesn't come out.

Riding in the technical was awesome, although we almost flew out of it. Then we got killed by a GA tank. That tank was really cool. I don't know how you made that gun, but that thing was insane.

At night, we were helping hold J - 9. After a while we decided to leave and try to flank GA, but a dead guy gave away our position. We shot a few enemies and then decided to move across the field. We thought we were invisible until some guy turned his light on. We sprinted to the middle and lay down in the grass. We sat there for a while and decided to go back to HQ. Somebody yelled GA at us, and then somebody yelled a random state back. I would've gotten the guy, but I ran out of ammo. That was funny.

Oh yeah. There was that guy who kept getting shot and kept yelling, "You can't make me more dead!" and "I'm not getting mad at all, yet." That was funny.

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:24 pm
by Romba
Doublewolf, I was with you in technical at Lincoln's hold doing those sueside runs, but which tank got yall later? The minigun or flamethrower??

I must say that minigun caused hell. I am chillin (eating lunch) at HQ and reloading my mags, when someone screams "MINIGUN!!!" we just ran like hell until we got lit up...

Me and a few people went to help out at J Davis, when we snuck up behind some Georgians... I shot two of em and then we proceded up the road looking for a place to go throuhg the woods to get to the base. I check our six and there's what? THE frickin minigun. So We hid in the woods. The minigun comes rolling up, lights the hell outta us, then some dude with a SAW comes in behind it and starts screaming "HANDS UP! I WANNA SEE YOUR HANDS! HANDS IN THE AIR!WHERE I CAN SEE EM!!" and stuffing his saw in our faces. not that he could have shot us from that close anyway. it was pretty funny. We were all just laughing.


Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:26 pm
by Arbee
I remember when the GA tank rolled up into our HQ. Never run so fast in my life, haha.

And Romba, settle down. Your question will be answered eventually. Just keep reading. :P

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:33 pm
by Romba
Yes Arbee, nothing like a minigun to make you run fast. That thing must have attacked us 7+ times, just while I was there... hehe we built a roadblock after the game-stop when that dude got hit in the forehead with the blast cap from the firecracker... The (dead) minigun tank couldn't get out... Diesel made us take it down.... :(

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:46 pm
Great game to everyone. Thanks to GA guys for making the trip and making this LARGEST game the AOSC has ever seen. Over 300+ players ( i cant remember the exact count ). Chrono'd nearly 1000 weapons and saw some of the largest fire fights I have ever seen. Considering the number of players, most were honorable which resulted in some great gameplay. I give lots of credit to GA guys for good tactics and being such excellent enemies on the field.

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:25 pm
by Chippy
Great game! Stayed up the entire time, I left right before the morning game picked up. I had a great time taking J9 with clutch, smoke, and another SC player(I didn't catch his name). Had even greater fun waking up the rest of the SC players with the help of georgia. Although there was only 7 of us towards the end of the night, we did a pretty good job and I had a lot of fun.

Oh and I got a nice amount of headshots with my m28 and atleast 20 kills with the SCAR-L.

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:30 pm
by Vesper
Here's something that happened, and don't quote me on anything, as everything I am about to write here is a hearsay.

So, this GA guy walked off the field with bloody lips, and multiple OPEN wounds from BBs.
What had happened was, he and a number of GA players were inside a bunker, and he popped out and shot a SC player in the chest. Now, he doesn't know if he hit that SC player or not, but he claimed that he heard the BBs bouncing off his PC. The GA player was popping up and down very quickly, so he couldn't exactly see if he clearly hit the SC player.
Then the SC player walked over to him, saying that the GA player was blind firing, so he had the right to light up the GA player on full auto from a point blank range.

I don't know if this claim is entirely valid, but if the story's validity is proven, I would like to see a heavy punishment on the SC player.

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 4:01 pm
by Star_folder
Diesel wrote:What a weekend. I will post up my thoughts and all later. Time for food, shower and nap. Please post up what you liked about the game and what you didn't. We as mods and reps need to know the good and bad so we can make the games even better.
Remember fellas, Georgia came to play and brought a lot. Give them the props they deserve.
While I enjoyed the game itself. I was displeased about how the chrono line was run. I don't know who was in charge of it, but they did a poor job of it. The chronos they used required a straight shot through the chrono, and this didn't happen most of the time, causing guns to read 50fps lower than they usually would. This happened to me and to friends. The tags where also hit or miss as to what they stood for. Red was always 100ft, but I talked to several people with green tags, some people said they had no MED, some said 20ft, some said 50ft, all with the same color tag. I feel that these two problems lead to people having guns that shot way too hot for the MED they where given.

Now that I got that off my chest, I enjoyed playing against GA players. If found most of you to be very good, very honest players, only hearing about a few problems during the day, much less than normal at least. I would definitely play with you guys again. Just maybe not during the night unless I can get my hands on some night vision.

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 4:13 pm
by Romba
One thing is there were a couple fires (just in HQ) when I was there. One when I was dead and had just come back to HQ and GA was screwing us and we were pinned down... They were some small flames and me and my buddy stamped them out. Then there was that larger one n the brush... Maybe we need stricter pyro rules... IDK, just wanted to mention it.

Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 4:39 pm
by Team Airsoft
Hey guys,

Thanks to Diesel the other admins, land owners, SC players and GA players for putting on or showing up to this event. I'm at an airsoft game every week but had to drive 3.5 hours away to actually get to play and enjoy myself. Why didn't SC ever attack GA's camp site, or maybe I missed it?


P.S. A very special thanks to those who let me shot them with the mini-gun.

P.S.S. Good shooting to those who kept taking out the Rage Rover with the AT weapons.