Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

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Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by SteevoLS » Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:17 am

I had a great time. We played on parts of the field I'd never seen before, saw a bunch of new faces, and got burnt to a crisp by the sun.

I will say the AJAX Shock Transfer System is the best upgrade you can spend your money on if you're building a V2 DMR. The entire front of my gearbox broke off, but with the STS installed I still got good compression and the gearbox cycled properly.

For me, the best part of the day was a 30 minute shootout with Clutch across a 100-110 yard ravine. Neither of us got the other, but there were certainly a lot of close calls. Clutch kept missing me by 1-2' with his VSR10, but as soon as I could see a glint from him scope lens I would have 5-10 .40s smacking the tree within 6" of the lens. I couldn't get a kill (a 55mm lens over 300' away with a cross wind is a very, very small target), but if he had been a normal player standing up and not expecting anything, he would have been dead as a doornail. I still have a little tweaking to do, but this "broken" gun is certainly proving to be a workhorse.
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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Felix » Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:11 am

I had fun for the first half of the game, because we left after 4. I swear the best part was myself and Chippy walking for two and a half hours all the way around and taking Bravo's flag, then walking back. We got lost, dehydrated, and by the grace of Falcon Team got rescued XD it was a good day.

Also did alpha ever use that trail we showed them to get around?

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by idiot88 » Sun Jun 19, 2011 12:59 pm

Felix wrote:I swear the best part was myself and Chippy walking for two and a half hours all the way around and taking Bravo's flag, then walking back. We got lost, dehydrated, and by the grace of Falcon Team got rescued XD it was a good day.
Yeah, you snuck up on about 5-6 of us and safety killed us all. Kudos to you for that. I have to say that was the biggest pawnage to have happened to me in my four years of playing airsoft. It was very embarrassing, and I don't think I shall ever mention it again.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Clutch » Sun Jun 19, 2011 3:53 pm

Really cool field. I hope the AOSC can get it into the rotation. I'd like to see a large scale game planned here. Soooo many possibilities. First half of my day was running under LJ's command. Great guy and ran a tight ship. Second half a lot of people had left for the day leaving only a handful per side. So it was basically attack and defend. I had a spot on Alpha's plateau that allowed me shots across to Bravo's plateau as well as the valley below. Oddly enough, I got more pistol kills than rifle kills due to people climbing up to my position or walking directly under me.
SteevoLS wrote:For me, the best part of the day was a 30 minute shootout with Clutch across a 100-110 yard ravine. Neither of us got the other, but there were certainly a lot of close calls. Clutch kept missing me by 1-2' with his VSR10, but as soon as I could see a glint from him scope lens I would have 5-10 .40s smacking the tree within 6" of the lens. I couldn't get a kill (a 55mm lens over 300' away with a cross wind is a very, very small target), but if he had been a normal player standing up and not expecting anything, he would have been dead as a doornail. I still have a little tweaking to do, but this "broken" gun is certainly proving to be a workhorse.
LOL No kidding. 300' + and the wind. Not to mention tan bb's flying across tan terrain. At least from your view point, you were shooting into contrasting colors (pine trees on my side - nothing but tan dirt ravines on yours). I was wondering where I was hitting. I could see the bb as far out as 175'sh and then it'd vanish. The only way I could tell if I had came close is if you ducked out of site into the ravine you were in. I was hoping to see at least dust fly up. Nothing!

On the flip side of that all you had to aim at was a lens glare. The large split pine I was behind was not only at the front edge of the plateau (great vantage for me) but on the back side of the base of the tree the ground sloped down and then dropped off the cliff side. There were varying underbrush around the tree. I had the rifle stuck between the brush and the tree trunk. I was lying on my side below the level of that plateau and only had to lay my head to the side to look through the scope. I'd hear the shots hit the tree from a few feet up down to the base. Blasted semi auto! :evil:

I don't know if you seen my position at this point, but just before our fire fight or right in the beginning, I had a guy pinned between you and I in the ravine at my 12 and one guy I had just shot who was advancing through the valley with two other guys at my 9 o'clock. His two buddies ran underneath me out of visual. I don't think dead guy seen me initially after being shot. I heard the two underneath me and wasn't sure if they knew my position either. I switched to my pistol and tried getting a look at them. I didn't have a clear shot. They had just thrown some sort of concussion nade (?) over my head and way behind me (thankfully). At that point I just stood up and shot them both. At which time I was hit. I'm assuming it was the guy I had pinned.

Then Luke and another guy (with the frying pan!) came into the valley trying to advance on you and the guy behind you during our fire fight.
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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by SteevoLS » Sun Jun 19, 2011 4:27 pm

At the point that you stood up (as you mentioned at the end of your post), I was actually enjoying a cool sip of gatorade. I was also wondering if that guy with a SCAR was in fact Skywalker, and if it was, what the gun was capable of. Fortunately for me it didn't appear to be anything special. :P

As Skywalker mentioned to me on the walk back to the parking lot, I had the ultimate sniper's perch. While I wasn't exactly concealed, I had the advantage of not really sticking out like a sore thumb (thank you, painted rifle and DESPAT), had no possibility of being flanked, and had an excellent field of view. By the end of the game, I had a stack of empty mags and Gatorade bottles on the ground, and a nice fat kill count. On the flip side, I was also sitting out in the sand for 3 hours in direct sunlight, while you were sitting in the shade.

As far as more games in the future, we will be hosting games there shortly. I'd like to use it as the site for our first heavy milsim game.
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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by rack0730 » Sun Jun 19, 2011 4:31 pm

Hey cluthc I was that guy you had pinned. I hit you with a bone stock VFC M16. You almost tagged me a couple of times until I got up and ran to right behind steevo. Then I just started to try and pin down and shoot Skywalker.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Skywalker » Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:10 pm

Too many people talking about me! Um...

I fell in a sinkhole. That pretty much sums up my day.

Ya steevo it would've been a nice firefight if I had my scar instead of the borrowed tan one; alas, my scar didn't appreciate that I tried to repaint it in mud earlier in the day, and told me to go **** myself.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Felix » Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:46 pm

idiot88 wrote:
Felix wrote:I swear the best part was myself and Chippy walking for two and a half hours all the way around and taking Bravo's flag, then walking back. We got lost, dehydrated, and by the grace of Falcon Team got rescued XD it was a good day.
Yeah, you snuck up on about 5-6 of us and safety killed us all. Kudos to you for that. I have to say that was the biggest pawnage to have happened to me in my four years of playing airsoft. It was very embarrassing, and I don't think I shall ever mention it again.

Haha it happens with me all the time, got them GA guys at TDC, and a few at Phantom Hawk. I get mor safety kills than normal kills!

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Bushmaster » Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:08 pm

Skywalker wrote:
I fell in a sinkhole. That pretty much sums up my day.

And I fell off of a cliff trying to come down to help you.... :'(

Overall it was a pretty fun day, definitely a field I will go back to. I think we should have limited the playing area more, as there weren't really enough people for how much field we were using.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Trig » Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:13 pm

Walked a couple of miles, got into a small firefight, drove truck back to give people water, got truck stuck, got it out, went to taco bell, walked a couple miles.

That's about how the day went for me lol.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Clutch » Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:44 pm

rack0730 wrote:Hey cluthc I was that guy you had pinned. I hit you with a bone stock VFC M16. You almost tagged me a couple of times until I got up and ran to right behind steevo. Then I just started to try and pin down and shoot Skywalker.
I was wondering why Luke and Co. hadn't advanced more. You had a good spot behind that mound for people coming in through the valley. I think I seen the top part of your head when I made the first shot. After that I was bouncing between you and the guys below me. I didn't see you after a few minutes and was wondering where you went. I knew if I stood up and you were still there you had me and if I waited it out, the guys below me would come out firing. 1 pistol against two AEG's under 100' isn't a good situation. I decided to go for two since I did have the element of surprise.

If it were possible, wouldn't it be cool for everyone to have helmet cams so you could reconstruct events and see how they unfolded? Cool stuff.
SteevoLS wrote:As far as more games in the future, we will be hosting games there shortly. I'd like to use it as the site for our first heavy milsim game.
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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by rack0730 » Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:04 pm

Yeah man a helmet cam would be awesome and from that first shot I thought you could see my whole body not just my head. Once you shot I ran to where steevo was and just helped him spot people until the end of the game.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Skywalker » Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:31 pm

It really is a snipers field. Millions of locations where engagements can happen at maximum range. And tons of cracks in the cliffside to hide behind. I was just unlucky to not be running with one of my sniper rifles.

Yeah clutch even if I had the PSG down in that valley, it would've been suicide to try and advance on steevo any further, especially while he had the high ground. I have to estimate that with that uphill advantage he was landing bbs near me while I was still 350'-375' away from him.

I'd love to see a bigger op there; but only close to winter. The direct sunlight all day really cut down on the game a ton. I cant say that I cared, but I think more than 50% of the players stopped at one time or another to try and cool down.

Thanks bushmaster for so willingly sacrificing yourself! Lol. I was worried though that if anyone else tried to make their way out to me that they'd get stuck also
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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Chippy » Sun Jun 19, 2011 10:26 pm

Felix and I snuck all the way back to parking from alpha spawn. Realizing we went too far, we snuck right up to bravo base, stole the flag, then snuck our way back to alpha spawn...we had to climb that giant drop-off. Unfortunately, we dropped our gear off right behind bravo base so we wouldn't make as much noise. After a few minutes, I realized that was a bad idea because we left our water with out gear...

The only action I saw was when we had one of LJ's boys with us and we had a minor fire fight on one of the roads. I shot one and I think I safety killed two more. I wasn't quite sure what happened...
After that, Felix, the kid with the helmet cam, and I snuck around and came up near the bravo base that we stole the flag from. Right as that happened, the game was called.

In the end, I got a tan, found a half-eaten burrito in Matt's van, and almost passed out from dehydration. I did have fun, though.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Mr. Marauder » Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:38 pm

It was great to see some many come out and have fun, though I had expected more to show. All in all it was a very active day. Did anyone stick around to see if anything happened Sunday?


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