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Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 8:04 am
by specter
Well, I had fun. Me. RPK95 and ATL did our best to give those Georgia boys hell and I'd say we did a pretty good job, taking out at least a third of their guys within the first 2 or 3 minutes of the game.

Re: TDC 2

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 8:14 am
by Wolfy
Overall this game was alright if I'm being honest, however I don't think it's how anyone on SC really expected it to go. I feel like the game more or less became Op. Screaming Match. Ironfox ended up leaving before the night game for many reasons, one of the main ones was that we didn't have proper guns for a night game. As far as the game went it was the usual issues so I hope this doesn't become a huge forum about "GA is a bunch of cheaters and liars. They don't call their hits" and so on. I only remember one instance where a Ga guy didn't call his hit, but I lit him up even more until he did and that was that. Ga was a little whiny at times, but the screaming that took place when Ga would get to our HQ made me embarrassed for both teams. Was I pissed that they did it? Yes. Did I want to stand there and scream about it? No. Did I want to just go try to get them back and play a game? Yes. I saw way too many people getting way to serious about this game and it is just that, a game. I wanted to put my two cents in about how at the end of the day, it is just a game and no matter what we will always find fault with the other team, every single time. So for once, I'd like to see this be a nice discussion on how everyone felt the game was run, what they'd change, if they saw any blatant, major rule breaking, if they enjoyed the game, what they did in the game etc. I'm sure Foxx with have more to say on the subject of the gameplay and what IronFox did later. It was a game, I had fun even though I got my ass handed to me multiple times, I got more kills at that game than at any other and at the end of the day I didn't feel like I'd wasted my time.

Sorry about the long rant, I just felt those things needed to be said.

Re: TDC 2

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:04 am
by shaggybird
I had a great time and loved and hated the tanks it just made it that much harder which was fun. I actually. Got to shoot up a lot of GA players. I had no incedent were players weren't calling hits. My only complaintswere that there were not many objectives to do besides capture and the other was I shot a Guy on our side and he blew up. He could have tooken it a little differently and just got up and went to respawn. It wasn't but like 100 feet away from him so that could have been handled better. Other than those two things I had the fun.

Re: TDC 2

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 10:26 am
by Arbee
I showed up to take pictures, and pictures I did take.

Everyone seemed pleasant enough, but then everyone wasn't shooting at me. I wasn't around but for a small fraction of the day, but the game seemed to run more smoothly than other games I've been at, and I managed to capture an entire video with nobody yelling "call your hits!" or stupid childish crap like that.

Kudos, by the way, to everyone for how they handled the blind man and resulting cease fire that happened around midday.

Re: TDC 2

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 11:06 am
by Bishop
I had a great time. for me, it was a fun day of hanging out with friends, and shooting lotsa tan(which feels odd, because I am so used to running tan!)

I only played Saturday, and I had to take it rather easy due to some medical complications, but I had a fun time running around shooting at targets. As soon as I got to the airfarm in the morning, I knew it was going to be a steamroll of alpha, whatever, I came to shoot things, and that just meant more targets. Star_Folder, Bald_Eagle and myself were all wearing our new ATACS-FG, which caused some complications throughout the day, but did a phenomenal job of blending in with the environment around us. I was part of Green Platoon, with our glorious kilt wearing hero Infidel, which was a ton of fun, until I got separated from everyone after awhile. I met up with Skywalker and some other friends, until HQ was overrun and a alpha player told me I had 50+ bravo players pushing up behind me. With a farewell to Skywalker, I promptly decided discretion was the better part of valor, and ran away vociferously.

I met up with another alpha player and headed to the pea patch, before Bravo sent a huge force up against them. I took off into the woods to harass bravo, and try and link up with some other alpha forces. Then I got shot by a team mate in brown realtree, who thought I was a bravo player, and I thought he was a bravo player. Unfortunately, he was not a medic, so I had to wait for one. After that I met back up with Gold Team, and got in a nice long range firefight with the bravo players at the pea patch tower. Once Star and I saw we were going to get over run, we retreated back into the woods and linked up with the command staff, and that pretty much ended the interesting part of the morning.

The afternoon was fairly dull for me, since it mostly involved staying in one place shooting tons of bravo trying to over run the base, so it was a lot less movement based. All in all, a good day airsofting.

I do have a couple points I wanted to address, but first I want to say I had a great time, the GA guys played fair and great, props to the guy that 40 Alpha players went stupidly trigger happy on for a minute, Poor guy musta been hit over 200 times... He had a good attitude about it when Star and I went over to apologize for alpha to him, which was awesome. Props also to Ghost, for trying to medic me, before I informed him that sadly I was an alpha player, and couldn't let him medic me in fair conscience, since I would just shoot him with my pistol when he finished. Also, hats off to the GA guys who encountered Star, another Alpha Player and I on the road, thought we were GA players, and parlayed with us. Fair sportsmanship abounded with my encounters with players, and it was a nice game on that end.

Now, my main point. I got shot at least 4 times by Alpha Players, and Bald_Eagle also got shot by friendly fire a couple times. I think this has to do with the ATACS camo. It's extremely extremely similar in color palette to Multicam. Now, I wouldn't bring this up, except all of Gold Team had incidents where GA(ie Bravo) players thought we were playing on bravo. Perhaps ATACS FG should be considered a bravo camo, because I feel it would have less of these incidents. Anything else, I am sure will be addressed by others, but I really think this needs to be decided on by reps.

tl;dr Had a blast of a good time, and ATACS FG should be a bravo camo, not alpha.

Re: TDC 2

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:02 pm
by stuckmojo
had a great time. it was fun seeing old friends and meeting new ones. got to play with my dmr for the first time and it worked awesome..thanks red tactical got about 30 kills just in the first 45 minutes of the game. the tanks gave us alot of fits out there but it was a blast. good sportsman ship from fallout its always fun to play against you and thats what its all about. a big big thanks to red tactical for showing up and donateing stuff for the raffle i finally got to play with you guys and it was alot of fun(not to self for future reference never let zoobie throw a grenade). i didnt have any negative experiences on the field while playing. i was the hvt during the night game and 6mm boggie men found me and escorted me to their hq. that was actually fun they did an excellent job and worked very well together as a unit. i got into some good pistol matches with ga players and all in all had a blast which is what its all about. cant wait until next year

Re: TDC 2

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:43 pm
by captainkirk05
I had a lot of fun at my first large scale game. Tanks and large forces definitly make you adapt and form new play styles versus the typical 40 player matches I attend. The majority of players were good about calling hits and being respectable. I left around 6:00pm after GA had us spawn trapped for the past hour or so. I just didn't see the point of respawning to immediately be hit out again.

Re: TDC 2

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:48 pm
by Felix
Girlfriend came and we had a buncha fun. Played some of the night game. didnt bring sleeping arrangements so we headed home.

No hit calling problems: I was around a lot of different parts of the field with a lot of different people and I did not see any hit problems. The only two I heard of was one I did myself, and one with the lady. Both were solved with a second volley.
Game was smooth: I may not have know the objectives but the game ran great, no problems there at all

Breaks and game start: Lunch break and game start were both at least an hour behind schedule....
Target identification: Multicam and Atacs alike blend in a little to well with Airfarms green lush woods, and honestly I had troubles picking colors apart all day long. Battles turned into Ga v Ga a few times..
Objectives: A few objectives were unclear, but not a big problem.

To say something about the HQ takeovers: GA rolled through the lower half of the field and kept moving, looking for what they though was a briefcase we had to secure. It just so happened that SC decided that bunkering down at HQ was a good idea to defend against the Line. If you don't like it.. move out of the HQ and go elsewhere (which was possible because the line held one direction, not all directions.)

Re: TDC 2

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 3:06 pm
by idiot88
What was the total player count of tan and green?

Re: TDC 2

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 3:27 pm
by kraminater66
yea that game was a lot of fun... however i feel that someone may have stolen my reflex sight. it looks like your typical black, all metal red dot sight off of cod. its got a green dot and red dot setting, and it also has multiple reticles, including a skull and smiley face. if you guys found a sight matching that description, please PM me...

Re: TDC 2

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 3:50 pm
by Felix
idiot88 wrote:What was the total player count of tan and green?
SC 115 to GA 140something?

Re: TDC 2

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 5:19 pm
by Achilles1
I lost a black L96 mag, if anyone finds it please PM me. I got the count from Garret at the end of the game and SC won by 2-4 points.
Very fun match with lots of people and shooting.
Only one hit calling problem. solved with another round to the head
Badass looking grand cherokee (Black Mamba)
I finally got to use Fallout's AT gun (amazing)
Friendly players all-around
Able to shoot a tank gunner in the head :)
(they had tried to chase me. I'd say I won that battle)
We won

Really long lunch break
The game started late
Our AT gun broke
Lost my L96 mag (only one)
Kept getting shot while alredy dead

Overall it was a blast and I can't wait to do it again.

On a side not, the smoke geandes from red tactical (enola gay) are amazing and only $5. And I believe that a few of us south carolinians and a few gergians had a great time running aroung the parking lot at nigh with smoke grenades :)

Re: TDC 2

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 5:21 pm
by specter
I heard of C Taylor torturing some kid with an L96. Something about popping him in the neck and doing it again for laughs? Must have been great.

Re: TDC 2

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 5:51 pm
by C Taylor
specter wrote:I heard of C Taylor torturing some kid with an L96. Something about popping him in the neck and doing it again for laughs? Must have been great.
This is a new story I haven't heard.

Re: TDC 2

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 6:44 pm
by fallout11
Had a fun time despite a late start and the weather, glad it held off most of the day on Saturday. Shot waaaaayy too many people, got several clumps of GA players as well (friendly fire) when we mistook one camo for another. Harlem shaked. Got to hear my own MG from outside the tank for the first time ever, and got sniper shot while out and on foot screwing around with Specter and company. Had a grand time seeing old friends and met a few new ones as well, and enjoyed the alternate side arrangement of the field for this event (i.e. East vs West, rather than the usual North vs. South). Decided to pack up this morning before the rain set in hard so didn't see any action on Sunday.
Glad to hear SC pulled out the win, as I felt a little bad about the early odds on Saturday.
See ya'll again in the autumn.