Decisive Force

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Decisive Force

Post by marpat96 » Sun Dec 08, 2013 1:09 pm

I had a wonderful time, I'll post more later. It was a great game by Dom, and I enjoyed hauling that stretcher all around the map during the day. Bravo was too silly to even look for it.

On a side note:

To the major douchebags who kept shooting me while running the gauntlet when I fell down, go play somewhere else. Its spoiled, signal minded morons like you that screw stuff up. Most of you just unloaded on me while I was down, I was signaling stop.

That really seriously pissed me, I thought you knew better. No wonder some of you play Operator and were never in the military.

I believe Alpha won, but I'm not sure. Have to wait and see.
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Re: Decisive Force

Post by Romba » Sun Dec 08, 2013 1:26 pm

More later, but a couple things:
Bravo looked for the stretcher for 15-30 mins. We couldn't find it. :P
I'm pretty positive bravo won. We kicked some butt, and got pretty much every objective we needed to except that stretcher.
And the people that kept shooting marpat: not cool. When someone is on the ground clearly rolling about in pain, that means stop.
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Re: Decisive Force

Post by captainkirk05 » Sun Dec 08, 2013 6:25 pm

I wasn't there, but to continue to shoot a person in a way other than what is expected out the "Gauntlet", especially when the person is signaling to stop, can be viewed as a case of battery. Not only is that unsportsmanlike, but illegal as well with possible jail time. Those of you who continued to shoot him should be glad Marpat hasn't taken any action other than dissing you on this forum.

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Re: Decisive Force

Post by Felix » Sun Dec 08, 2013 6:38 pm

^that wouldnt fly in court.

You ran a gauntlet, willingly, to get shot at by every player in a line. Hopefully from point A to point B. You seemed to have tripped between there and players continued shooting you in the joy of what you signed up for. You tried to signal, but I dunno if that was established before hand. If it was a massive overshoot like your saying it was, why did no one say anything actually at the field? Why did no one stop them aggressively, get their names, call a rep, etc etc?

Next time, grab their pictures or name, tell a rep, and be more careful on signing up for Gauntlets. I am not saying they were in the right. I am not saying it should have happened at all, but honestly, you did ask for it when you decided to run a gauntlet. Theres a reason most people don't run it. If you believe this is a serious problem, then you need to bring before the GC an all out ban. Because I know of this happening at least twice before.

The only reason this isnt in a PM is because i believe everyone else is about to explode on this thread about if it was right, wrong, or anything else. My suggestion, drop it.

So, on to what matters with this thread. I wasn't able to make it out to this "milsim" event, so I would like to know more about it. How were the objectives, did it start on time, was there any game related problems, was it fun, what were some good stories, etc etc.

If Marpat has a legitiment problem with what happened he needs to contact the Reps. Gauntlets need to stop if this is at all a problem. If you wanna talk more of it, start a Gauntlet hate thread. Lets talk about how the game went.
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Re: Decisive Force

Post by Echo1 Operator » Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:02 pm

captainkirk05 wrote:I wasn't there, but to continue to shoot a person in a way other than what is expected out the "Gauntlet", especially when the person is signaling to stop, can be viewed as a case of battery. Not only is that unsportsmanlike, but illegal as well with possible jail time. Those of you who continued to shoot him should be glad Marpat hasn't taken any action other than dissing you on this forum.

hahahahahaha. right

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Re: Decisive Force

Post by Hatch » Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:03 pm

If you weren't there and don't know what happened you prolly shouldn't post about it.

Marpat Man up bro people stopped shooting you like 2 seconds after your brother crossed the line you're lucky there were 2 of you running it.

As far as the game the morning was fun I killed alot of people, completed every objective, and had a great time with my homies dawg. I have no complaints about the game besides the weather but. After lunch I left, typical bravo player, better things were to be had.

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Re: Decisive Force

Post by Echo1 Operator » Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:06 pm

Hatch wrote:Marpat Man up bro people stopped shooting you like 2 seconds after your brother crossed the line you're lucky there were 2 of you running it.
Bro you are lucky he didn't call the cops. You could be in jail right now bro.

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Re: Decisive Force

Post by RPK95 » Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:12 pm

Fun game, wish the turnout was better, but what can you do……

Pros: The game was pretty well run, with both factions playing well and fighting for objectives. I was very excited when I heard the half built house on property was in play, but that actually meant the area around it was in play, not the actual house. The weather could not have been better for this type of game. Small squads of players would sneak around using the drizzle and rain to cover their foot steps, and one of my teammates used the rain to cover the sound of his shots. Rules were easy to understand, and I had a great time. Big thanks to Dom for hosting a fun game.

Cons: Hit calling. Normally, this wouldn't be bought up, but when I see well known forum members shrugging off shots from ten feet away, I feel it becomes an issue. People, it doesn't matter who you are or how long you have been playing, call hits. Take a simple rule I try to use: If you are in doubt of your hit, call it. Its only three minutes and then a short walk to respawn.

Thats the only con I could see with the game. Was able to put some names to faces, and now I wish I hadn't. :'( Big thanks to the gentleman who I believed to be Romba. (the face mask during the gauntlet was a life saver.)

Overall, this was a fun game. I hope to see more of you at SQA in January.
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Re: Decisive Force

Post by Star_folder » Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:25 pm

As someone who was there, I was unaware of any issues until the gauntlet was over. I saw Marpat fall and simply switched to his brother. I knew he was going to continuously be shot when he was down, and the shooting stopped once his brother finished the gauntlet. There was video taken, and upon reviewing the video, Marpat's waving for people to stop appeared to be almost jokingly.

Just a reminder, the gauntlet is optional. There isn't anyone forcing you to do it, only lots of peer pressure. If you don't want to do it, don't do it. Everyone needs to understand that those who take up the gauntlet will be shot, over shot, and most likely hurt because of it.

And, for future reference, my birthday is March 19th.

As for the game, I played on bravo, the game started a tad late, but nothing to be upset about. The attendance was a little low, and I'm sure it was because of the weather. But for those that came out, it seems that everyone had fun.

We started out the mission in two platoons. One went to the sand pit to take that, the other to the barn to take that. I was part of the barn group. When we arrived, the barn was already taken by alpha, so, we had to take it back. I was using my M60, and of course, using it well. We quickly took the barn and then guarded it for the first hour. During that hour, plot wise, we "decapitated" two enemies. Our next objective was to take those heads and display them for the enemy to see, at the sand pit. So, we started moving that way, to take the sand pit back, which we had lost. (The other platoon encountered a little too much resistance, and couldn't take it during the hour my platoon was guarding the barn.) With my platoon as back up, we were able to take the sand pit and hang the dummy heads.

We held the sand pit for however long we were supposed to, with much more difficulty than it was when we were holding the barn. At the end of the holding, Dom had all of bravo gather in the middle to dance for our victory of hanging the two heads out for display. And of course, alpha took this to their advantage. After we finished "dancing" (if you could really call it that, lol, white people....), Someone quickly popped over the edge of the pit behind me, and shot into the crowd. I'm pretty sure I took about 90% of those shots, and the people in front of me happily used me as cover. Not sure who it was, but they quickly disappeared.

Our last objective before the lunch break was to take the barn back. But, it was a rather unique objective. Alpha had a case in the barn. Originally, we were supposed to stop people from getting close to the barn, but, dancing, we didn't make it in time, they already had the case there. Our next goal was to stop them from taking the objective to another location. The trick was, we couldn't touch the case, we couldn't even get within 50ft of the case for more than 3 mins, or they would just "cut their losses and bomb the place." That made it rather interesting, because we couldn't get into the barn for any length of time. We basically had to keep outside for most of the time. Thankfully, we where able to suppress the barn down enough, and quickly clear it out and leave before the 3 mins. Then we simply held the area, keeping alpha out until lunch. Alpha tried once or twice to hit us, but I believe the second platoon was giving them issues, and they only attacked the barn once or twice. Then, it was lunch time, and I called it a day due to weather.

While the game was good, I was not prepared for the weather. My very thin massif shirt was no where near enough for the cold rain falling from the sky. I'm sure many of those at lunch remember me freezing to death during the raffle.

I will say, it was really cool watching the cold front move through. Humidity slowly growing up until about 12-12:30 when it started drizzling. And then the rain really started, the wind as well, and the temperature just started dropping. It stopped raining about 3-3:30ish, but it was too late for me by then. Those massif shirts are awesome for summer, but they're basically as covering as tissue paper for the winter, and I left my warmer clothes at home. I didn't even bring a jacket. So, being freezing and wet, I decided to call it a a day. Next time, I'll remember to bring my underarmor to layer up to stay warm. In the end, it was really the combination of the cold and the rain, not either or.

All in all, Well done Dom, it was a good game for the parts I was there for. Thanks to Red Tactical for providing the raffle items. Thanks to those of you that braved the weather to actually show up. For those of you that ditched because of the weather, you missed a good game.

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Re: Decisive Force

Post by marpat96 » Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:32 pm

Why would I take any other action?

Why would I call the cops?

I mean, why go to court? The waiver stops that from even happening, its not that serious. Its just stupid to shoot someone if they're down running a gauntlet.

This is what you do:

Fall down, stop shooting, I get up, keep shooting.

I was just mad cause I got shot like 40 times in my right hand. I was fine like 5 minutes after that.

Its okay guys lol we're all friends here.
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Re: Decisive Force

Post by captainkirk05 » Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:46 pm

Like I said, I wasn't there. While it was probably best to just sit with my popcorn and watch instead of jumping into this one, I get a bit overeager to hop into discussions since what happens at one game tends to be contagious to other games. As it was worded, I figured some super duper over excessive shooting was going on, otherwise there wouldn't have been a complaint from an AOSC veteran. One extra second of shooting someone on the ground, too bad (especially since the gauntlet run was voluntary). 5 extra seconds of shooting someone on the ground flailing around screaming stop, and sir we have a problem. I assumed that it was much longer than one second of shooting or there wouldn't have been any complaints thrown on here (and I was wrong as the poster has given better insight into it). I apologize for taking a complaint on this thread too seriously.
I'm just saying to save someone's butt in the future, like with all sports, there is a line that can be crossed between unsportsmanlike play and criminal behavior. Jumping ship in 3, 2, 1... sploosh

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Re: Decisive Force

Post by Echo1 Operator » Sun Dec 08, 2013 10:37 pm

I've already alerted the authorities of the battery that took place yesterday. SLED will be investigating and pressing charges against anyone that shot this kid while he was on the ground.

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Re: Decisive Force

Post by Romba » Sun Dec 08, 2013 10:39 pm

Thanks, E1. Have you sent them the video yet? I'm sure it's important evidence.
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Re: Decisive Force

Post by Dalek11 » Sun Dec 08, 2013 11:08 pm

New guy here...

1.) Happy late birthday Marpat and RPK! Hope yall had fun.
2.) Sorry about the mishap with the gauntlet. Stuff happens :/

Anyways, I had a fun playing with bravo for the day; glad to have AJAX on bravo, you guys were great! I ran with the QRF for most of the day hitting objectives and providing support wherever we could. Glad I could meet some faces at the game. Hats off to Dom and others for putting this thing together last minute.

And bravo totally won that. We completed all but 2 objectives. ;)
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Re: Decisive Force

Post by uboat4 » Mon Dec 09, 2013 1:18 am

I had a good fun day being bravos co first half and playing with the alpha guys second half. Nice to finally meet the AJAX guys for real. It was well run and put together pretty well. Had some fun moments defending the barn from both alpha and bravo. Doubt ill co again for a while though, some things left a bad taste in my mouth. Ajax did good and so did my qrf, alpha just didnt seem organised or experienced enough. I still wish i successfully kicked rombas thunder b, but oh well, a funny story to tell my friends.

Kudos to dom and everyone who came. Thanks red tactical for commin, ill definatly be doing business with you guys soon.

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