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Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:24 pm
Thank you for such kind words , but I really didn't want to tell everyone that story , but since you did , thank you Avenger!

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:38 pm
by jsts ghost
THAT WAS AWESOME, Avenger!! Two thumbs up and a tissue to my watering eyes!

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:02 pm
by Gambler
Avenger wrote:I wish to share another of my experiences, this one about the Alpha commander's selflessness and bravery.

It was a cold, rainy day at the abandoned factory the capitalist Bravo forces were holed up in. It had been a long, hard day of fighting. The most glorious Alpha teams were being overwhelmed, but wouldn't give up without a fight. MANY of us fell to Bravo fire, and there were more rounds in the air than leaves on the trees. We thought we were finished, defeated. We had little ammo and no supplies, so we abandoned the last barricade to Bravo. I'll never forget what happened next. We heard a soft crying sound, like a baby crying almost. Our brave CO, Cleric, heard it, and knew that someone or something was in trouble. Cleric shoulders his rifle and charges through the rain, back toward Bravo, into the hail of fire! I immediately try to lay down cover fire, but to no effect. My rounds were like a drop of clean water in the sea of evil.
I watched in horror as our CO dissapeared inside the building, rifle blazing. The others were trying to make me fall back, telling me that he was gone, but I could not leave our commander in there. Suddenly, I saw him! Bathed in the blood of his enemies and carrying two kitten POWs, he ran back toward our cheers! Then, things took a turn for the worse. The evil Bravo commander Dominum had released his rabid Dobermans! The Dobermans bore down on our hero, and we though we would see him dismembered. Our sniper would not shoot for fear of hitting Cleric or the kittens.
What happened next is truly impressive, and often disbelieved. Our hero tossed the kittens into the air, did an epic crescent kick breaking both dog's necks and pulled an M1911 from his holster, dropping Dominum in the doorway and THEN HE CAUGHT THE KITTENS!


EDIT:Also, I believe that this is how the "omg cleric kikz puppies!!!111!!one!!1" rumor spread by elitists originated!
Obvious false propaganda. I've seen Cleric mess his pants in a game before. Do you really want to follow someone that leads himself into quicksand??? Just saying.

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:08 pm
by Bishop

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:45 pm
by Dominum
^Those kittens were self admitted terrorists, in fact they had recently bombed a bus full of adorable puppies and koalas on the way to an orphanage to cheer up the sick children there. I could have dealt worldwide terrorism a severe blow that day, a major victory for liberty, had it not been for Cleric.

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:59 pm
by jsts ghost
Sorry for this wasted post, but I am hurting from laughing at this. I will choose the co that has me piss my pants from laughter.

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:20 pm
You guys keep jacking my game thread and im going to curbstomp your face on the firepit.

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:32 pm
by Mr. Marauder
GARRETT wrote:You guys keep jacking my game thread and im going to curbstomp your face on the firepit.

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 6:59 pm
only Obama supporters run tan...LOL.... Even though I will not be playing the entire game, I do plan to shoot some bravo. I will admin with complete fairness, but alpha will have my gun. Cleric while still new in the command pisition is a good leader, and will lead alpha well.... As will Dom.

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 7:37 pm
by Matthews
I would think Obama supporters get free admission, the right to use the opposing team's ammo, and all mission credit from the opposing team.... And would rules technically apply?

That reminds me, can I pay with my EBT card (Obama Support Verification)? ... r_embedded

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:20 pm
by Romba
GARRETT wrote:only Obama supporters run tan...

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:36 pm
by Felix
So Charlie would be Gary Johnson right?

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:43 pm
Romba wrote:
GARRETT wrote:only Obama supporters run tan...
I have been there for almost four years.. You guys know I am just pulling your chain.

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 12:28 am
by darkhaven3
Matthews wrote:I would think Obama supporters get free admission, the right to use the opposing team's ammo, and all mission credit from the opposing team.... And would rules technically apply?

That reminds me, can I pay with my EBT card (Obama Support Verification)?
I can't find the image in question that I was initially going to post in response to this, but save to say this is a very bad post.


Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:16 am
by Doublewolf
I can't find the image in question that I was initially going to post in response to this, but save to say this is a very bad post.

Only if you're an Obama supporter.

Warning: Rule #4: Although religious and political discussions will not be allowed in the airsoft section of the forum... (AOSC Charter Article 2)

We don't need to get this thread even more off topic.