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Re: !!!Blue Hole!!! - Operation Guardian - June 18-19

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 8:29 am
by Felix
Black would go to whatever team that needs it. Multicam is bravo, and if Bravo becomes too buffed then they become force balancers.
Black works like this, there are 25 alpha players and 55 bravo players. Obviously in this situation anyone in black would go to alpha with the rest of the force balanced teams (ACU, civilian)

FPS and MED are probably going to be the same as the AOSC, look under the charter at the very bottom of the first post.

Camping stuff and night game stuff ill let SteevoLs get.

Re: !!!Blue Hole!!! - Operation Guardian - June 18-19

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 9:37 am
by SteevoLS
Balance colors...
Since this game is following the standard camo rules, multicam, ACU, black, etc will all be considered "tan". Just as a rule of thumb for South Carolina games, multicam is always considered tan. I'd personally recommend you wear plain old DCU if you want to blend in at Blue Hole.

Last I checked with the organizer, this will be available both Friday and Saturday night. People have camped Friday night at almost every BH game I've attended over the past couple of years.

Itenirary/night game...
123bridges / Matthew is the event organizer. These questions can be best answered by him, though I do recall him telling me that there would be a night game, though it would probably be over by midnight.

FPS/MED rules...
As far as I know, we're following the SC standards for these.

Re: !!!Blue Hole!!! - Operation Guardian - June 18-19

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 10:24 am
by xyzpdq0121
Thanks for the quick reply guys... I'll get all my guys to get their gear together and pick a color. (We do not have matching uniforms) Well see how the numbers pan out and go from there. Like I said count us in for about 7-10. Look forward to playing with ya'll again!!!

Re: !!!Blue Hole!!! - Operation Guardian - June 18-19

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 4:19 pm
by BaldEagle
"After being shot player must lay dead until the medic comes, if medic does not come in 15 min the player can go to their re-spawn point."

Can this be re-visited? After just 5 minutes in that June sun, we'll need a chef (instead of a medic) so we can be flipped and a fresh layer of BBQ sauce applied.

Re: !!!Blue Hole!!! - Operation Guardian - June 18-19

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 5:26 pm
by Felix
Haha i dont think lay is the term, more of just stay out of combat and pronounce your death

Re: !!!Blue Hole!!! - Operation Guardian - June 18-19

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 11:11 am
by fallout11
Mmmm, charbroiled airsofter!

Re: !!!Blue Hole!!! - Operation Guardian - June 18-19

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 1:47 pm
by xyzpdq0121

Re: !!!Blue Hole!!! - Operation Guardian - June 18-19

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 1:49 pm
by xyzpdq0121
fallout11 wrote:Mmmm, charbroiled airsofter!

So I guess that means that lunch is going to be provided, huh?!?

Fallout, are you going to bring up your tank? AARP MIGHT have ours done by then but if not, we are still working on perfecting our AT-4s and our Howitzers.

Re: !!!Blue Hole!!! - Operation Guardian - June 18-19

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 5:56 pm
by IronChef
hopefully u guys can do one in july, booked up in june at those old pics....seeing soap as a medic guarding garrett was good times!

Re: !!!Blue Hole!!! - Operation Guardian - June 18-19

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 7:09 pm
by fallout11
Yep it will be there (or that's the plan), so bring your AT weapons at the least, just in case we're on opposite sides, and you can give them a good testing by firing ''em at me.

Re: !!!Blue Hole!!! - Operation Guardian - June 18-19

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 7:30 pm
by xyzpdq0121
First prototype of the AT-4 should be out of the "lab" this weekend. And I know we can hit ya with these babies:



Re: !!!Blue Hole!!! - Operation Guardian - June 18-19

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 8:12 pm
by 123bridges
Start: 9:00AM
Break: 2:00pm
End: 6:00pm

Night Game
Start: 8:00 or 8:30pm
End: Unknown at this time. An alarm will sound for the end of the game.

Start: 9:00AM
Break: 2:00pm
End 6:00pm
Also, bring your own food and water. Water will be provided.

Re: !!!Blue Hole!!! - Operation Guardian - June 18-19

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 9:14 pm
by 123bridges
Also, the game may end earlier on Sunday. After all, this will be a point based game. I will hand out point objectives to both teams on game day.

Re: !!!Blue Hole!!! - Operation Guardian - June 18-19

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 10:11 pm
by 123bridges
As for the questions for camping. Everybody is welcome to come and camp on Friday as well. 8)

Re: !!!Blue Hole!!! - Operation Guardian - June 18-19

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 6:48 am
by fallout11
xyzpdq0121 wrote:First prototype of the AT-4 should be out of the "lab" this weekend. And I know we can hit ya with these babies:


Those are AK-Andrew's, are they not? I recognize his work, didn't know he was on Team AARP with you.