CQB NIGHT GAME at Hangar18, this Sat. July 10th, Operation Delta Echo

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CQB NIGHT GAME at Hangar18, this Sat. July 10th, Operation Delta Echo

Post by Dominum » Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:01 pm

*UPDATE* Camping on site at no extra charge! *UPDATE*

Hangar 18, located at:
2327 Adelaide St.
Newberry, SC 29108-4501

Pics of the field: http://www.southcarolinaairsoft.com/forums/http://www.southcarolinaairsoft.com/newforums/viewtopic.php?t=6

$15 field fee
Bright glow stick for use as nighttime deadrag
Normal deadrag for daytime
Be in compliance with the special CQB FPS and eyepro rules

HIGHLY reccomended:
Flashlight (though the field will be lit, it's a good idea for the dark areas)
Expect pyro special effects

All standard AOSC CQB rules apply. All friendly players will be medics to friendlies, two handed thirty second heal. No firing while healing. Each player may receive two medic heals, after the second heal (meaning the third time you've been hit) you must return to respawn to reenter play. There is a mandatory three minute bleed out time before you may return to respawn, even if you were shot in your respawn itself. After you bleed out, you must return to respawn in order to be back in the game. One person may "drag" a hit friendly player by grabbing them, if one live friendly drags than you must walk, if two live friendlies drag then you may run. All mag types will be allowed, however all players will be limited to carrying only 1500rnds of ammo in mags at any given time, period. The only exception is for LMGs, which may carry 5000 rnds in mags at any given time. The moveable objectives can obviously be moved only by live players. Do not attempt to manipulate the rules, if that's the only way you can win, than find another game. Treat your opponents with courtesy and respect, and don't do anything that you would consider underhanded if you were on the receiving end. Alpha will be assigned all even numbered channels from 2 up, Bravo will be assigned all odd numbered channels from 3 up. I and any other admins will be on channel 1, if you ever have questions or concerns during gameplay, get on channel 1 and talk to me. Otherwise, stay on your own faction's channels.  Bravo's command channel is 3, and Alpha's is 2. SitReps and objective updates will be given on these channels. You have only to touch your actual respawn flag to reenter gameplay when bled out. Even if you are in your respawn, you must still bleed out when appropriate. Understand that if you enter the enemy's respawn area, the other faction's players may be able to respawn right next to you. Excessive camping will result in me using my temporary admin invincibility cloak to shoot you in the back ;).

"On all CQB fields there is an absolute limit of 340FPS with a .20 gram BB (~305FPS with a .25, etc.). Full auto is allowed and there is no MED. With direct approval from the AOSC Game Coordinator Representative hosting a particular CQB game, a player may use an airsoft gun on semi auto only that is higher than 450 FPS with a .20, but not more than 600FPS with a .20. They will have a 100ft MED. Also, with said direct approval a player may use a bolt action airsoft gun from 341FPS-600FPS with a .20, they will have a 100ft MED. Only players who have proven themselves responsible and rule abiding will be given this permission, and players under the age of 18 may not obtain it."
PM me now to apply for DMR/sniper status for this game.

"All players under the age of 18 shall, when playing in a CQB game, wear a hard face mask with full seal eye protection. All players at or over the age of 18 shall be required to wear full seal eye protection. Additional face and mouth protection for players over 18 will be at their own discretion."

Failure to follow any and all of these rules will be grounds for immediate dismissal from the field without a refund (By myself, or any other AOSC Rep), it is your duty to familiarize yourself with them prior to the game. (Not trying to sound harsh, but it is what it is ;))

04:30PM - Chrono and registration open
05:15PM - Safety briefing begins
05:30PM - Section one of the game begins
07:30PM - R&R break starts
08:00PM - Section two of the game begins
11:00PM - R&R break starts
11:30PM - Section three of the game begins
02:30AM - Operation ends

After seizing power in Panama several months ago, Jose Chavez had been largely ignored by the international community, and thought of as just another thug dictator like all the rest. It is known that he had originally made his fortune through illicit cocaine trafficking, primarily due to his secret processing plants in the jungles of the country. He had large amounts of raw material shipped in from South America which he would then process in these plants, and export the refined and concentrated cocaine via ship or plane to large Asian markets. He clearly made enough at it to fund his own private army, which he soon realized he could use to overthrow the government and thus be able to continue his business free from troublesome interference. However, just a few months ago he completely closed the Panama Canal to all international traffic, demanding billions of dollars in monetary "aid" before he would reopen it. This bold move, essentially amounting to a ransom, has expectedly enraged nations around the world, and has severely upset the fragile economic balance that relies heavily on transcontinental shipping, much of which must pass through the Panama canal. As expected, the UN and NATO entered into negotiations immediately, prepared to offer him substantial sums of money, that would be (as usual) actually payed for by the US. The US president until now had been his usual indecisive self, stating again and again how vehemently he was extremely committed to considering possible thoughts on taking some form of action at some time in some manner, maybe. However, the polls recently shifted drastically in favor of taking immediate military action, rather than waiting for 16 UN resolutions (angry letters) in which they merely wag their finger at the offender. Hence, he has decided now that that is indeed the best course of action, and promptly assigned US SEAL Task Force 16, to forcibly remove Jose Chavez from power, and reopen the canal. In order to do so, the obvious immediate solution is to defund him, which will cause his government to collapse with very little subsequent resistance.

For that purpose, during the past two days it is believed that all of his refining facilities in the jungles have been discovered and eliminated with high explosive and incendiary bombing raids, except one. This last processing facility is defended by multiple SAM sites nearby and is also a product storage facility. Therefore, in order to reduce aerial combat losses and capture rather than destroy one of his largest caches of product, this facility has been designated for infiltration, recovery of intelligence, HVTs, and subsequent evac and destruction. Insertion and evac will be via helo, heavy resistance is expected once on the ground.

US Task Force 16 (Alpha):
Find and recover any and all cocaine, eliminate armed threats and remove the containers back to your base of operations for aerial evacuation. You will be given specific intel concerning alternate objectives as it becomes available.

Jose Chavez's Panamanian Army (Bravo):
Repel the American invaders! The capitalist pigs wish to force out your glorious leader, and regain control of the canal for their own selfish interests! You must recover all the cocaine you can, and return it to your base of operations for aerial evacuation to a more secure location. You will be given specific intel concerning alternate objectives as it becomes available in order to assist you in your mission.


[img width=645 height=413]http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/1646/hangarmap.jpg[/img]

*UPDATE* Camping on site at no extra charge! *UPDATE*
Last edited by Dominum on Fri Jul 09, 2010 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CQB NIGHT GAME at Hangar18, this Sat. July 10th, Operation Delta Echo

Post by Dominum » Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:31 pm

*NOTE: Remember, this game runs from 4PM on the 10th to 3AM on the 11th. Sorry for the last minute notice, but we had trouble contacting the field owner.
PRincess and jsts ghost CERTIFIED "Tier 1 Operator"
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Re: CQB NIGHT GAME at Hangar18, this Sat. July 10th, Operation Delta Echo

Post by Doublewolf » Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:31 pm

Darn. If I had known about this sooner I could have come. Oh well, guess I'll have to wait a month for Trigger Tyme.
Last edited by Doublewolf on Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: CQB NIGHT GAME at Hangar18, this Sat. July 10th, Operation Delta Echo

Post by JohnsonMP » Thu Jul 08, 2010 5:09 pm

Don't know if I can make this, I have work on saturday...

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Re: CQB NIGHT GAME at Hangar18, this Sat. July 10th, Operation Delta Echo

Post by Boogieman » Thu Jul 08, 2010 5:12 pm

I would love to come but not likely because of Sunday morning church
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Re: CQB NIGHT GAME at Hangar18, this Sat. July 10th, Operation Delta Echo

Post by Dominum » Thu Jul 08, 2010 5:40 pm

There are exceptions you know, like for the first all night game in SC ever ;).
PRincess and jsts ghost CERTIFIED "Tier 1 Operator"
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Re: CQB NIGHT GAME at Hangar18, this Sat. July 10th, Operation Delta Echo

Post by Doublewolf » Thu Jul 08, 2010 5:42 pm

Is there church at night?


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Re: CQB NIGHT GAME at Hangar18, this Sat. July 10th, Operation Delta Echo

Post by SteevoLS » Thu Jul 08, 2010 5:46 pm

If somebody doesn't want to come because they don't want to skip church, good for them.

For example... me.
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Re: CQB NIGHT GAME at Hangar18, this Sat. July 10th, Operation Delta Echo

Post by Inked » Thu Jul 08, 2010 5:52 pm

SteevoLS wrote: If somebody doesn't want to come because they don't want to skip church, good for them.

For example... me.
X2 good luck guys, drink lots of fluids!!!
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Re: CQB NIGHT GAME at Hangar18, this Sat. July 10th, Operation Delta Echo

Post by Dominum » Thu Jul 08, 2010 5:55 pm

SteevoLS wrote: If somebody doesn't want to come because they don't want to skip church, good for them.

For example... me.
That's what second service is for ;).
PRincess and jsts ghost CERTIFIED "Tier 1 Operator"
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Re: CQB NIGHT GAME at Hangar18, this Sat. July 10th, Operation Delta Echo

Post by GARRETT » Thu Jul 08, 2010 6:23 pm

I will be there, as well as church on Sunday. Come on guys, don't be a wuss now.

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Re: CQB NIGHT GAME at Hangar18, this Sat. July 10th, Operation Delta Echo

Post by SteevoLS » Thu Jul 08, 2010 6:24 pm

*lives nearly 2 hours from the field*
There's no kill switch on awesome!

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Re: CQB NIGHT GAME at Hangar18, this Sat. July 10th, Operation Delta Echo

Post by Stomper87 » Thu Jul 08, 2010 6:41 pm

*lives nearly 2 miles from the field* :P
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Re: CQB NIGHT GAME at Hangar18, this Sat. July 10th, Operation Delta Echo

Post by Boogieman » Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:02 pm

Doublewolf wrote: Is there church at night?
No, but it starts at 9:15 in the morning and I live in Greenville, so ... I do not want to be dog tired
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Re: CQB NIGHT GAME at Hangar18, this Sat. July 10th, Operation Delta Echo

Post by Doublewolf » Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:10 pm

Vicigor wrote: No, but it starts at 9:15 in the morning and I live in Greenville, so ... I do not want to be dog tired
I meant Sunday night.

