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OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th and 28th.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 7:04 pm
When - October 27th and 28th
Where - The Airfarm 470 Halfacre Rd Newberry SC
Time - briefing and safety 9:30 am on the 27th
game starts at 10 am
game ends at 10 am on the 28th
Rules - All AOSC rules apply.
Fee - $25.00 which will include a Saturday evening meal ( hamburger or hotdogs with drink and chips) delivered to your HQ.[/align]

waiver - Microsoft Word Format ... m-13k?da=y
waiver - PDF Format ... m-47k?da=y

The year is 2012 and once again Vayvida Russia is at a political unrest. Parts of the Global Hawk 1 satellite that was believed to have been destroyed back in 2009 have been making there way into the black market in Russia. Anti American team nick named The Regime are reporting that a group known as the Villagers who were involved in the satellite conflict between The US and Russia years ago are behind the sudden appearance of the remaining components. In a video released today a spokes person for the Villagers claim they have nothing to do with it and can prove to the rest of the world who is actually behind it. A special group of US officials are currently in route to Vayvida to get to the bottom of this once and for all.

The Regime – TAN
The Villagers – GREEN

Ammo rules : You may carry as much ammo onto the field as you like, but will only be able to reload in held locations, ie – forward respawns, HQ’s, and so on.

1) support gunners(m249,m240bravos,M60) will be allowed to carry 5000 rds in mags. That would give them 2 box mags. When they are out, they will follow reloading rules.

2) snipers(bolt action only) they will be able to reload in the field any time. Since most only have 1 or 2 mags that only hold 20 to 30 rds.

3) All other weapons will still be under the 1600 loaded mag rules.

And DON"T forget your glow sticks.

This will be a full 24 hour op with no breaks. Rest areas and camping areas will be available for players who need them. Be sure to bring layered clothing as the temperature will change throughout the game, as well as food you can eat on the field.

Capture rules for OP24
Any player can be captured.
To capture a player you must shoot them, and then medic them.
When that player is medic'd back into the game, he is your hostage and must take his mag out of his gun.
If asked the player must turn over any held objective he has on his person, and give his last mission to his captor.
You can not take the captured players weapon, maps, bb's, etc.
After these questions are answered. They have to stay with the team or person that captured them, or may be released to go to respawn. However the captured player will only do what he is told. If you walk off and leave your hostage by more than 20 ft, he can run off
They can only be held for the maximum time . This time starts as soon as they are captured, or healed. CO and XO 20 min others 10 min.

New map is almost complete and will feature lots of new technology. Will be available for all smart phones, gps, you name it. Map will include all boundaries, basses, towers, stands, bunkers, and even gps navigated trails that most players don't know about.

The game play is gonna be different as well.

Building weapons from objectives picked up on the field.

Decipher codes to gain extra Intel.

Moving live wounded soldiers to extraction points.

Shutting down communications of enemy forces for timed periods.


A few things that are being added this year.

Airstrikes- they can be obtained by using points from previous missions. Airstrikes can only be called on bases or structures, and kill everyone inside and within a 20ft radius. No HQs.

Single grid nukes- Can be obtained through missions. Same as the airstrike (structures) but kills everyone in that map grid. Grid remains unusable for 2 hours. No live players may travel through the grid during that time. No HQs.

Nine grid nuke - can be obtained by using points gained in other missions. Wipes out a 3X3 grid strategically anywhere on the map for four hours.

Bonus missions for snipers/DMRs - There will be faction officers who are tagged with orange squares on there shoulders for assassination. Details will be given to your CO, and will be worth good points. There will also be recon objectives that are only to be given to you.

NO SPIES or switching teams will be allowed unless it is crucial to promote game play.

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 7:20 pm
by Dominum
Woot woot! Garrett's OP 24s are my all time favorite series, I can't wait!

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 7:34 pm
by SteevoLS
Can't say where I'll be on October 27th, but I like the banner. :P

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:15 pm
by Mr. Marauder
SteevoLS wrote:... but I like the banner. :P
Agreed. I'd like to know who designed it.

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 10:13 pm
Mr. Marauder wrote:
SteevoLS wrote:... but I like the banner. :P
Agreed. I'd like to know who designed it.
me sucka, who you think?

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 12:06 am
by Mr. Marauder
If I'm honest, my first thought wasn't you. Something about that scruffy beard threw me off.

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:09 pm
by stuckmojo
i have to say that garrett is pretty good with graphics....after all he did design the aircross patch. with that being said, i have to agree with dom, the op 24 series have been my favorites to i cant wait

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 12:42 pm
by Dominum
Garrett is a man of many hats.

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:16 pm
by PRincess
I can't see that far into the future, but I am sure is has something involving cars.

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 4:29 pm
by Doublewolf
I want to be there. I've been busy lately, but I'll see what I can do. I was at the first two, and they were great.

Are you going to be a CO, Henry?

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 5:06 pm
by sacarus
Now i have never missed a op 24. And i don't want to start soon. So i will try to work this into schedule plus I miss shooting you people T^T ~ Ray , Sacarus

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:50 pm
by Dominum
Maybe I will, we'll see. I took a break from a staff position at the last one, maybe it's time for me to step up again. It'll be nice to see both of you again, it's been awhile. If you come give me a heads up and I will bring your M4 doublewolf.

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 9:25 am
by asianhaw808
I would go to this if I didn't have an FTX at Fort Jackson that weekend.

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 3:16 pm

Re: OP24-4 at the Airfarm - October 27th

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 3:21 pm
by Dominum
Mmmm, sounds sexy.