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OP24V End Game - Airfarm - Nov 16th 17th

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 4:57 pm
[align=center]The Final OP24

LOCATION : The Airfarm - 470 Halfacre Rd Newberry SC .

DATE : Nov 16th-17th, 2013

FIELD FEE: $20.00

Registration and chrono will be open Friday night and early Saturday morning. Detailed hours to come.
8:30: safety briefing
9.00: Factions will gp over main game briefing with there CO's
10:AM: game begins.... no matter what.
10:AM: Sunday - Game will end..
Camping will be allowed Friday night

This will be a full non stop 24 hr game. Missions will continue the entire 24 hours with deductions for factions that choose not to run after the night missions.

The world sat and watched in agreement as the countries joined into a one world Government. A government that ruled all nations and seemingly brought peace to the world. People failed to notice there freedoms disappearing until it was to late as the New World Order introduced the RFID chip as a requirement for all world citizens. Refusal to accept the chip immediately made you a enemy combatant and millions were beheaded or shot dead in the streets. With all identification and banking tied into the RFID chip, being able to trade or purchase became impossible. Small communities of rebels began to congregate, refusing the rule of a one world government. Stock piling small arms, gathering food supplies, intelligence, building militias of freedom.

THE MILITIA will be divided into three separate factions. There main goals will be to gain communications between each other, ultimately forming one large army. Find the inside informant for intel into OWG's communications, weaponry, and movements. Over throw there stronghold.

OWG main goals will be to take control over strategic positions. KeepThe Militia separated and eventually eliminate or tag all Rebels with RFID. Destroy enemy communications. Find the informant.


OWG - Dress code will consist of all military styles. BDU, ACU, Marpat, Tiger Stripe, and so on. Tops and bottoms must match. NO solid color shirts or contractor loadouts. HQ will be at base 1, located at D-4.

MILITIA - Dress code will be contractor loadouts, civilian, real tree or hunting camo. You can even get crazy with a mad max loadout. NO military type clothing allowed. Main faction HQ will be located at base 3, located at U-3.

Please note that not all of The Militia will start in the same location. They will be divided into 3 smaller groups, and each group will start in different locations. Details will be given by Command staff.

Capturable respawn positions - 6-14-10-7

Player Capture Rules - Any player may be captured. To capture a player you must be able to medic him/her before there three min bleedout is over and inform the player he is being captured. Once they are healed you can add a zip tie to the players vest/gear simulating them being hand cuffed and stripped of there weapons. You must then tell the prisoner to fallow, sit, or whatever. If you walk more than 10 ft away from the prisoner he can try to escape. Failure to use a zip tie leaves your prisoner un cuffed, he can try to run if you do not keep at least one hand on him or he can use a hidden weapon such as a knife to fight and escape. To gather intel from the prisoner you just have to ask. DO NOT touch any players guns, gear, maps and so on. Players may be held for up to ten min, Command Staff for twenty min. Extra points will be given for capture of command, and double if captured command is brought to your HQ.

1 - for admin only and emergencies. DO NOT call admin on this channel for any game rules or gripes. Go to your command staff and have them contact admin.

Even channels are for OWG
Odd channels are for Militia


Medics will be 1 per every 5 players. Medic cards will be handed out by command, and can only be switched in HQ or captured spawn. Medics will tie a small ban on your arm to medic. Each player will get 2 field heals, on the 3rd hit you must bleed out 3 min and report to spawn or HQ.

Assault weapons - max 1600 rounds in mags. No reloading unless you are in HQ, spawn, or inside a base.

Support weapons - max 5000 rounds in mag. No reloading unless you are in HQ, spawn, or inside a base.

Snipers and Dmr's over 450 fps - max 1600 in mags. May reload in field.

There will be 2 sniper cards given out for each faction for special missions. Details can be given out by command.


Re: OP24V End Game - Airfarm - Nov 9th

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 6:07 pm
by jsts ghost
Looking forward to this. Enjoyed last one.

Re: OP24V End Game - Airfarm - Nov 9th

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 6:38 pm
by Dominum
YES! I've been looking forward to another OP24 for months now! I can't wait, you know I'll be there (on the field and in play) from start to finish.

Re: OP24V End Game - Airfarm - Nov 9th

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 8:17 pm
I have to warn you guys, this one will make the last four look childish.

Re: OP24V End Game - Airfarm - Nov 9th

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 8:39 pm
by Mr. Marauder
Let's just hope the players that come out to play, stay to play.

Re: OP24V End Game - Airfarm - Nov 9th

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 8:46 pm
by Achilles1
I wi stay to play, even if its 30 vs 6 during the night. I jut hope thy this time our glorious CO and XO don't fall asleep as leave te radio on the wrong channel *Cough* Dom and Marauder *Cough*

Re: OP24V End Game - Airfarm - Nov 9th

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 8:58 pm
by D.Smitty
Is it the last one because we can't count to six in roman numerals?

Re: OP24V End Game - Airfarm - Nov 9th

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 9:10 pm
by Dominum
I went to sleep because it was my shift, and my radio was on channel 1. I woke up at the agreed upon time and tried every 5 minutes for 25 minutes to raise anyone on channel 1, AND both primary faction channels. I did so with a Puxing 777, so I know my signal was good. No one responded, so I turned the volume on my radio all the way up on channel 1 and went to sleep (my cell was dead). I took every action appropriate given the circumstances.

Re: OP24V End Game - Airfarm - Nov 9th

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:30 pm
by Mr. Marauder
Dominum wrote:I went to sleep because it was my shift, and my radio was on channel 1. I woke up at the agreed upon time and tried every 5 minutes for 25 minutes to raise anyone on channel 1, AND both primary faction channels. I did so with a Puxing 777, so I know my signal was good. No one responded, so I turned the volume on my radio all the way up on channel 1 and went to sleep (my cell was dead). I took every action appropriate given the circumstances.
And before I went to sleep, Dom was woken up.

Re: OP24V End Game - Airfarm - Nov 9th

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 11:20 pm
by jsts ghost
Guys, without having sentries or a command and control unit, that will happen. If you are worried about your leadership having loss of communication, the you as players should have set up to help watch over your leaders as they were getting needed down time. So many can complain about losing comms with your leadership, but you should have setup a CNC unit to help your leaders during their down time.

I hope that no one expects to say up for the full 24 hours. Shift/ rotating unit is key to keeping a mobile force, and staff, for the full operation.

Re: OP24V End Game - Airfarm - Nov 9th

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:56 am
by Achilles1
Yes, we would not want someone falling asleep hiding in a hole

Re: OP24V End Game - Airfarm - Nov 9th

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:58 am
by mives

absolutely fantastic op, cannot wait for end game and at the same time very sad, cuz we cant count to 6 :(

Ill be ready and rolling all night with appropriate amounts of R&R to keep me at full combat readiness. this time (hopefully) Gamecock Airsoft will show up in full force to give 110% hooah for the entire op... right guys? :P

if you're on the fence about 24 hrs, dont be. we have tents, we need bodies for day operations, and the more sentries, the more sleep between guard duty we all have!

see yall on the field
- Infidel Out.

Re: OP24V End Game - Airfarm - Nov 9th

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:28 pm
by Iam_Hoss
if we all start clapping and cheering maybe Garrett will do an encore in the future

Re: OP24V End Game - Airfarm - Nov 9th

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 6:54 pm
by Achilles1
I'm not sure. 6 is a hard number to count to. He may need more than a pat on the back and clapping

Re: OP24V End Game - Airfarm - Nov 9th

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 1:17 am
by stuckmojo
yes another op24 me and red decide to skip faded giant for this game since this might be the last one. as far as rest goes, when i was the co for alpha at op24 II dom was my xo and he did a rest schedule that enabled all players to have a 4 hour break and it worked beautifully. what would be cool is if we could get all the past co's from the last 4 op 24's to be the faction leaders. i know i would be down for going against smitty again and im sure he wants some payback for the beating he took at op24 II. i know of at least 30 rock hill, charolette and nc players that would be down for this. so let slip the dogs of war and lets get it on