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Operation Vietnam Patrol II (Memorial Day Weekend)

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:30 pm
by Dominum
Escue Airsoft (SQA)
Address: 1205 Founders Road, Lexington, SC 29073
Google Maps: Click Here
Portajohns will be on site, Escue Airsoft has a complete airsoft store with rentals, snacks/drinks, BBs, battery charging outlets, and all sorts of other airsoft stuff, debit and credit cards accepted, unlimited potable water provided free.

Saturday, May 23rd through Monday, May 25th (Gates open early for camping on Friday)

$45 (walk on, will NOT be able to participate in the raffle and will be assigned to whatever squad needs the numbers, walk on groups may be split up. Certain squad roles may not be available to walk on players.)
$5 off for all active duty military, will be verified at registration so bring your Military ID

1400: Gate opens for camping/setup
0830: Registration and Chrono open
1000: Breifing begins
1030: Factions assemble at their FOBs
1045: Faction breifings begin at their FOBs
1130: Game begins
*Gameplay continues throughout*
1300: Game ends
1330: Raffle begins in parking lot
1430: Event ends

A small contingent of North Vietnamese are thought to be operating unhindered in a remote area of south western Vietnam, near the Cambodian border. A company of US Army infantry will be deployed to begin gathering intelligence on enemy movements and the local geography for possible operations on a larger scale. They have instructions to assemble a small Forward Operations Base and begin scouting the valleys until further reinforcements arrive. Initially they must avoid major contact as fire support is unavailable and air support in this part of the country is unreliable at best, especially in the nearby valley (due to weather conditions that impede visibility). Troop strength of the North Vietnamese operating in the area is thought to be manageable, but is presently unknown, as are their intentions. Regardless, engagements will be inevitable once the company of GIs arrive and begin sending out patrols in the area.

This scenario is meant to portray the various strengths and weaknesses of both military organizations during the Vietnam conflict. On the one hand; a vast conventional military with plentiful heavy weapons, all-round superior firepower in any stand up engagement, and the best logistics (though mostly tied to roads and LZs). On the other hand; mostly small arms and rudimentary logistics that relied on human backs; with an emphasis on guerrilla tactics to avoid the conventional military strength arrayed against them.
US forces will be highly unit cohesive (you'll be with your squad every step of the way), with a rigid command structure and a focus on patrolling the AO for contact, holding valuable locations, and attempting to 'find, fix, and finish' any North Vietnamese they come across. Immediate casualty collection is a must as Americans can't simply be left halfway across the globe.
The North Vietnamese will rely on their local intelligence and knowledge of the landscape to set numerous ambushes for patrols, breaking off when at a disadvantage and then massing to surround and eliminate smaller, isolated US elements. Unit cohesion and command structure will be of great importance, but may not be as rigid as the entirely conventional military of the US. With the loyalty of many locals and the likely need to collect casualties under cover of darkness, it is not as immediate of a concern.

This is not your run-of-the-mill paintsoft style 'MilSim' Scenario, this is closer to a RealMil. Make sure you read thoroughly, noncompliance means you don't take the field.

NVA/VC: An historically accurate load out is not required, but it is highly encouraged that you at least try to resemble something closer to historical accuracy than not. Therefore, please pick a load out and weapon that is at least similar to an historically accurate one, or better yet, one that is historically accurate.
Acceptable pants/shirts/jackets/headgear: Anything that is solid (not a pattern) black, tan, or brown.
Acceptable gear: Anything that does not have a pattern and is not a plate carrier.
Acceptable guns: Whatever you have, though it is HIGHLY encouraged that you use some sort of AK variant or similar, or an M16/M4 variant. Basically something that at a glance from a distance doesn't look ridiculously out of place.
What is not allowed in/on your kit: Anything green except gear (green pouches/LBVs/Chest rigs are OK); Camo patterns (DCU, MultiCam, DesPat); brightly colored footwear or clothing, modern helmets, modern optics/attachments.

US Army: An historically accurate load out is not required, but it is highly encouraged that you at least try to resemble something closer to historical accuracy than not. Therefore, please pick a load out and weapon that is at least similar to an historically accurate one, or better yet, one that is historically accurate.
Acceptable pants/shirts/jackets/headgear: M81 woodland BDUs, period correct Duck Hunter camo, OD fatigues, tigerstripe fatigues, period or closely resembling period correct helmets
Acceptable gear: Anything that is not a plate carrier and is not a modern camo pattern like MultiCam or MarPat, etc.
Acceptable guns: Whatever you have, though it is HIGHLY encouraged that you use some sort of AR variant or similar, or an M60/M249 variant. Basically something that at a glance from a distance doesn't look ridiculously out of place.
What is not allowed in/on your kit: Anything tan/brown/black except gear (tan/brown/black pouches/LBVs/Chest rigs are OK); digital camo patterns (MarPat, etc.); brightly colored footwear or clothing, modern helmets, modern optics/attachments.

A contest will be held for the best individual historical loadout from either side, and another one for the best team historical loadout for either side. Prizes TBA.

Positions Available:
Staff Officer: Spends half their time at the TOC, and half their time getting in on some action. US staff will be comprised of; CO/Admin, XO, S2 (Intel), S3 (Operations), S4 (Logistics), S6 (Comms). N Vietnamese staff will be comprised of; CO/Admin, XO, S2 (Intel), S3 (Operations). Most of these positions are already filled, but not all. If you are interested, you must be at least 18 years of age and an experienced airsofter. A significant field fee reduction is provided due to spending half of the time not actively engaged in a combat role.

Squad Leader: The leader of a cohesive unit of 8-12 for the entire duration of the game. Answers directly to command staff, responsible for everyone under his command and the execution of all orders from command staff. Must be competent and wholly devoted to the oversight of the men under his command, and the direction of his superiors. One of only two people in his squad that can carry a radio in game.

RTO: The only person besides the Squad Leader that can carry a radio in game. An important asset to his squad, he is responsible for relaying information via radio between his Squad Leader and command when out in the field. Must be able to speak clearly and follow basic comms etiquette.

Medic: Usually two per squad, depending on numbers. They will be the only players able to carry and apply bandages to wounded players. Bandages will be supplied by support staff and will be limited.

Support Gunner: One per squad max, carries a support weapon.

Riflemen: Seven per squad max, carries an assault rifle or DMR.

Sniper/Spotter: Must have a legitimate (100' MED w/accuracy mods) DMR or SWS and be competent in field craft. Each faction will have no more than 2 sniper/spotter teams of 2 persons each, they will report directly to command. One person in each of these teams may carry a radio.


Game-specific rules that apply:
-It is your responsibility to understand and comply with all rules and regulations at all times. In game missions will be given to your Squad Leader, he will be briefed by command staff at the TOC (Tactical Operations Center) prior to going out on mission. Your Squad Leader will then breif you and conduct a quick PCI (Pre-Combat Inspection) before you step off. If you have any issues or questions at any time, report it up the chain of command.

-Specialized rolls like Medics and Radiomen cannot be swapped between players anywhere except the TOC.

-Upon being shot, players may either call for a friendly medic if there are any live ones available in the area, or wait ten minutes (five minutes for Vietnamese) until they have bled out, at which point they must head back to their TOC (after having bled out players are 'walking dead' and may not interfere with the game world) and report to command staff as KIA, they must wait to link up with their unit until directed by command staff, DO NOT just walk back onto the field by yourself after having bled out and making it back to the FOB. If a friendly medic has bandages and is able to apply one to you before your ten minute (five for NVA/VC) bleed out has elapsed, you are back in the game. You may never have more than two bandages on your body at one time. After being bandaged two times, you must bleed out the next time you are hit. The ten minute (five for NVA/VC) bleed out is mandatory no matter where you are when hit, unless you are bandaged prior to the time having elapsed. Hit players may not talk except to yell for a medic, and may not use a radio in any way, even to call for a medic. Hit players may not move unless "dragged" by a live player. If a live friendly "drags" you, the two of you can limp; if two live friendlies drag you, all three of you may walk quickly.

-All players may carry unlimited midcaps/lowcaps, and no more than ONE hicap of any kind. You are HIGHLY encouraged not to carry hicaps at all, this exception for a single hicap is purely for reasons of non-exclusion. Their are no restrictions on mags for support gunners. There are no limits on M203 shells, claymores, grenades, or pistol mags. You will be checked during PCIs.

-Though you may bring extra BBs with you in the field, players may NOT reload ANY magazines/grenades/etc. UNLESS they are either; at their TOC/FOB; or are sent a "resupply drop" by command. If you run low on loaded mags and you are out on mission, ask your squad leader to approve a request to command for a resupply drop.

-NO private vehicles in the play area during game on will be allowed.

-Thunder Bs, Tornado grenades and similar airsoft grenades are allowed. If one of these detonates inside a mostly enclosed building/structure/trench section/etc., everyone inside is dead (in multi-roomed buildings, it affects only the room or halway in which it detonates, use common sense). If thrown outside of a structure, a BB must make contact with a player to kill them. Any other device such as claymores, mines, M203s, etc. must fire a BB to cause a "kill". Hits from any of these devices are hits, no matter who placed them or got hit by them (because friendly fire always counts).

-Camping is allowed Friday night, and during the game. There are designated camps for each faction, you will be required to drop your gear at your designated camp (FOB), and then move your car to the parking area and leave it there. Each squad in each faction will have a designated section of the FOB, and while the FOB area will be 'cold', it is still considered an in game area and part of the AO. The TOC will be at the FOB and will be staffed by command 24/7. Make sure fires are extremely well contained and supervised by an adult at all times. Be respectful of others in the vicinity in regards to noise, etc. Any illegal activity on the premises will be prosecuted. There is plenty of fire wood to be gathered on the premises. Portajohns will be on site.

-You are REQUIRED to bring with you the following items in addition to what you would normally need: a reliable timepiece that you can use in the field (this is VERY important), glow sticks (at least 2) for a nighttime deadrag, flashlight you can use in the field, semi-auto capable gun for use at night, spare batteries and charger (this is a long game), spare radios/radio batteries so you can let your Squad Leader or RTO borrow them when the ones they bring die, changes of underwear/socks and fatigues if you have them, enough BBs for 50 hours of airsoft, a small notepad and pen for quick notes during a pre-mission briefing, and camping supplies.

-Only players 16 and up are allowed to participate unless an exception is granted. Exceptions may be granted to family members of other attendees or players that can have their maturity vouched for. If you will be less than 16 years of age at the time of this game and wish to participate, please contact me.

-Armored vehicles will be in play at some point, though not at night. Do not go within 10' of any vehicle with it's engine on. Do not attempt to touch a vehicle, stick a gun (or anything else) into a vehicle, throw a grenade into a vehicle, throw smoke in/adjacent to a vehicle, etc. Use common sense and stay safe. Armored vehicles are impervious to small arms fire (BBs). You may disable a vehicle by firing at it with an AT gun firing a Nerf pocket vortex or similar soft projectile and hitting any part of it directly. Launchers and projectiles must be approved by admins. Additionally, these projectiles will cause a 'hit' on anyone inside a confined structure if it goes into it or hits it's wall directly, for multi roomed structures this applies only to the room it hits. At the direction of your command staff, anti-vehicle barriers may be constructed and/or removed. The occupants of a vehicle hit by AT are considered hit, but can be pulled out and given medical attention per above medic rules. A hit vehicle must stay in place (and inactive) for 15 minutes. During this time if the crew is pulled out of the vehicle healed, and at least two crew members 'repair' (make physical contact with the outside of the vehicle while outside of it, as if repairing) for a minimum of 10 minutes, the vehicle will be considered repaired and operational again. If this does not happen, the vehicle will return to it's respawn once the 15 minutes has elapsed, and will wait there an additional 15 minutes before it can come back into play. A vehicle that was repaired in the field and is hit again may not be repaired a second consecutive time.

Standard rules that apply:
Dominum wrote: Article III; Game Rules:
*The following game rules apply to all AOSC games unless otherwise noted.

Rule #1:  A "hit" or "kill" occurs when a BB makes contact with any part of your person excluding your weapon. This includes backpacks, pouches, camel backs, headgear, etc. Upon being hit you MUST loudly announce you are hit, and IMMEDIATLEY don a "dead rag" on top of your head. A dead rag must have a minimum perimeter of 32 inches, and a bright, neon color that does not match any part of your gear. You cannot talk or communicate in any way when you have been hit. The only exception to this is to call for a medic. Giving information concerning game play or talking on radios while hit is strictly prohibited. BBs known to be "ricochets" do not count as a hit. This is any time that you are certain that a BB has hit an inanimate surface or another player prior to bouncing off of them/it and then hitting you. This being said, always remember: "When in doubt, call yourself out!".
Rule #2:  Blind firing is not allowed. Blind firing is any time you are discharging your weapon without looking down the barrel or sights of your weapon, or are not presenting some form of viable target to your enemy. Examples would be shooting over or around a wall, shooting behind you, shooting through a small crack or hole, etc.
Rule #3:  A "safety kill" MUST BE CALLED when players engage each other under their minimum engagement distances. A safety kill is when you point your weapon at another player and announce "safety kill" or "surrender". Safety kills must be accepted at or under ten feet. A safety kill may only be called if you have "the drop" on someone, meaning you have them in your sights and they do not have you in theirs. You may never fire under your MED even if you call a safety kill that is not accepted. You may not call a safety kill at more than thirty feet, and you may not call one without an airsoft gun aimed at the target. Use common sense concerning this rule, if you happen upon another player at close range and you both have your weapons up, call "parley" and consider both of yourselves hit.
Rule #4:  A "stealth kill" occurs when another player kills you by making some form of physical contact, either with a rubber knife, muzzle, or anything else in their possession, even their bare hands. This is intended to replicate knife or bayonet kills, and thus is the same as being hit with a BB, with the exception that, though you must immediately acknowledge it and dawn your deadrag, you may NOT make any sound until they are a minimum of fifty feet away. Stealth kills are nonnegotiable. You must have line of sight to stealth kill.
Rule #5:  Any person leaving bounds, wearing a dead rag, or otherwise indicating they are no longer in play (ex: saying they are looking for something, etc.), are no longer in play, and in order to reenter game play must return to their respective respawn point pursuant to the respawn rules in effect at said game.
Rule #6:  Pyrotechnics, pneumatics, or devices of any kind (whether homemade or store bought) that are not considered a normal airsoft gun will only be permitted at the field owners discretion. If allowed, you must have it approved by an AOSC Representative before the start of the game. No lasers over 5mW are permitted. Use common sense with lasers and powerful flashlights, as there can be some safety risks associated with them. Though it will happen once in a while on accident (and that is understandable), intentionally and repeatedly shining lasers in people's eyes will be treated as unsportsmanlike conduct and may result in removal from the game or further action.
Rule #7:  The following is a list of minimum engagement rules. A minimum engagement distance is the closest you can get to another player and fire upon them.
Rule #9:  Your gear's predominant color must match your outfit's predominant color UNLESS you have headgear of some form and sleeves that go at least to your elbows that are the same as your outfits predominant color. If you do not meet these requirements and your gear has a different predominant color than your outfit, you will be required to strip your gear. Weapon colors and paintjobs have no bearing on faction affiliation.
If you choose to wear headgear, it must match the predominant color of your uniform and/or you factions color schemes. This means that you may not wear green headgear with a tan uniform, and vice versa. If your headgear is a balancer camo (ACU for example), you may only wear it if ACU has been assigned to your faction, i.e. if ACU has been assigned to Alpha as a balancer at a particular game, than someone on Bravo may not wear ACU headgear. Additionally, red/orange headgear or any headgear easily mistaken for a deadrag may not be worn except as an actual deadrag.
Rule #11: Guns/Deployable Items in Safe Zone:
Safe Zone: any location that eye protection is not mandatory during game time.
Game time: from time the first player on game or camp location until the last person leaves the property.
Gun: any item that discharges a BB by the means of a trigger pull.
All handguns must be holstered during any movement in the safe zones. All loading and unloading of handguns must be done in a safe direction away from any person. At no time is a handgun to be displayed in an unsafe manner, i.e. pointing at any person, property, or non-cleared area.
All rifles, shotguns, SMGs, PDWs, and any other removable magazine fed gun must have magazine removed, selector switch on safe, and the chamber should have been cleared prior to leaving the field of play or previous to showing up to a game.
All box fed magazine guns must have a barrel blocking device on in the safe zone OR must have the feeding tube disconnected from the receiver.
All guns must be pointed upward or to the ground. At no time is a gun to be pointed at any person in the safe zone.
All deployable items, i.e. claymore, mines, grenades, and other items in this fashion, must be loaded and unloaded 50 feet from any person or property and with full eye protection. That deployable item must be secured in a complete closed pouch, were no bb can escape, if accidentally deployed.
It is the player’s responsibility to police themselves and assist in reminding all others. If a player does not respond in the proper way then two players must notify the game host or their assistants of non-compliances. At that time it is up to the game host to take disciplinary action against said player.
Night Game Rules (In effect after sunset and before sunrise):
-EVERYTHING on the field will be SEMI-AUTO ONLY during the night portion of play EXCEPT anything that has a 0 MED (under 300 FPS w/.25gs) AND is firing glowing tracer rounds.
-A colored glow stick (chemical or electric) is required to participate (it will be your dead rag)
-A flashlight of some kind is required (in case you or someone near you needs to be able to see in an emergency situation)


Your squad will be given time to eat, reload, and sleep throughout the game; but your breaks will not always be long enough to cook up a four course meal while you shoot the sh*t around the camp fire (if you're lucky enough to have one). This is immersion, not chairsoft. When you have down time, you need to reload first, eat second, and try to catch a quick nap if you can. That's why MREs are a great option; they're fast, filling, and add just one more element of realism to your experience. If you do not want to deal with the hassle of bringing, cooking and preparing meals for yourself and your squad mates during the course of this game, limited quantities of MREs (A&B mix) will be available at the US TOC for $8 each.

If you have questions or concerns that require a detailed explanation, feel free to call or text me at 803-six zero nine-7681.

The following is a list of those already registered:

Staff (Incomplete):
Henry Williams-CO/ADMIN
Kyle Warren-XO/ADMIN
Nelson Clark-S2-Intel
Mr. Marauder-S3-Operations
Anthony Petrillo-S4-Supply

Sniper Team 1 (Incomplete):
Matthew Haynes-SNIPER

Sniper Team 2 (Incomplete):

1st Squad (Incomplete):
Christopher Browder-SL
Nils Ekberg-RTO
Adam Ensling-RIFLE
Greg Page-RIFLE
Nathan Burton-SAW

2nd Squad (Incomplete):
Noah Bouknight-RIFLE
Joshua Porter-RIFLE
Alex Bowe-RIFLE
John Butler-SAW

3rd Squad (Incomplete):
Tyler Roy-SL
Bradley McAllister-RIFLE

Staff (Incomplete):
Andrew Henley-CO/ADMIN
Matthew Ives-XO/ADMIN
Paul Jeanmougin-S2-Intel

Sniper Team 1 (Incomplete):
Luke Moseley-SNIPER

Sniper Team 2:
William Moseley-SNIPER
Jesse Ballington-SPOTTER

1st Squad (Incomplete):
James Schafer-RIFLE
Adam Spires-RIFLE
Benjamin Ritz-RIFLE
Samuel Bryant-RIFLE/AT
Joshua Osterhaus-RIFLE
Luke Osterhaus-RIFLE
Hayden Blakeney-SAW
Brad Blakeney-RIFLE

Re: Operation Vietnam Patrol II (Memorial Day Weekend)

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 8:33 pm
by Skywalker
I'm in for sniper/spotter...

Re: Operation Vietnam Patrol II (Memorial Day Weekend)

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 8:41 pm
by Dominum
No problem, just make sure to specify your spotter during pre registration.

Re: Operation Vietnam Patrol II (Memorial Day Weekend)

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 8:42 pm
by Arbee
Skywalker wrote:I'm in for sniper/spotter...
If slimshady222 says you can, you mean. :P

RBDA will be covering this event, at least the first two days of it. I managed to get the 23rd and 24th off, but I can't not work, because that just doesn't work, so I'll be bugging out late in the day that Sunday. Who knows, though, maybe I'll have some interns by then that I can force to stay and document the action on the 25th, haha.

Re: Operation Vietnam Patrol II (Memorial Day Weekend)

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 1:20 am
by jarhead904
Building a NVA loadout as I type.

Re: Operation Vietnam Patrol II (Memorial Day Weekend)

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:29 pm
by neonman1427
My dad and I have an 80% chance of showing up as VC rifleman.
Being a senior in high school, this event is on my first weekend of summer vacation. :)

And Arbee, I just happen to be a budding photographer that would be happy to take pictures on Monday, provided I can make it.

Re: Operation Vietnam Patrol II (Memorial Day Weekend)

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:51 pm
by Dominum
What better way to kick off your summer?

Re: Operation Vietnam Patrol II (Memorial Day Weekend)

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:55 pm
by neonman1427
In case anyone is wondering, I was the guy with the UAR at paintball central last September. Just need to get some midcaps/batteries for my ak and some black pj's and I'm all set!

Re: Operation Vietnam Patrol II (Memorial Day Weekend)

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 9:10 pm
by Arbee
neonman1427 wrote:Arbee, I just happen to be a budding photographer that would be happy to take pictures on Monday, provided I can make it.
That would be awesome, man.

Re: Operation Vietnam Patrol II (Memorial Day Weekend)

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 10:06 pm
by neonman1427
I think it would be cool to record at least some part of my first milsim game anyway, so it's no big deal.
Just a suggestion, could we post the game details on the vietnam airsoft forum? It seems like there are few southern players, especially from Florida, who dying to come out to a nam game.

Re: Operation Vietnam Patrol II (Memorial Day Weekend)

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 10:16 pm
by Arbee
Dom would love that, man, he's trying to get this as high-profile as he can, so share away.

Re: Operation Vietnam Patrol II (Memorial Day Weekend)

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 10:30 pm
by Dominum
Absolutely, I am devoting a lot of time this week to posting this up elsewhere and getting the word out. Assistance and suggestions are welcome.

Re: Operation Vietnam Patrol II (Memorial Day Weekend)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 6:04 pm
by captainkirk05
All the way in Columbia instead of closer to me at Airfarm :(

Considering that this game is a little more expensive than last year's game, can we expect to have any neat props or added elements?

Re: Operation Vietnam Patrol II (Memorial Day Weekend)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 6:20 pm
by Dominum
Absolutely. In the interest of keeping the field fee low at the first one, I feel like I didn't make it all that I wanted it to be. This second one will have a larger budget so that I can incorporate more of what I wanted to at the first one. Some of the cost difference is also the fact that it is two nights and three days as opposed to one night and two days. Having a little bit larger budget at the AOSC fifth anniversary game, for example, gave us the ability to make the experience that much better for the players.

Re: Operation Vietnam Patrol II (Memorial Day Weekend)

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 6:36 pm
by Arbee
What kind of things are you planning to incorporate into this one?