Today the Representatives of the AOSC unanimously approved the following comprehensive charter that details everything you need to know about this organization and how it will be run, including all game and forum rules (with the exception of some specific section rules). As you can see they haven't changed much. The part that is entirely new, however, is the first article. It details exactly how things will be run, and who exactly has what responsibilities. We ask that all members read this in it's entirety and familiarize yourself with it. As a member of the AOSC, you have the right to be heard. If you have any input or suggestions, or would like to aid the organization or any of its endeavors in any way, please let us know. Our purpose is to make the AOSC the best it can be for every airsofter in the state.
Comprehensive Charter of the Airsoft Organization of South Carolina
The purpose of this organization is to encourage and facilitate the sport of airsoft in the state of South Carolina. Therefore, the rules, regulations and overall structure of the AOSC are intended to keep this organization a safe, open, and welcoming format for new users and airsoft veterans alike. This organization is not legally bound or affiliated in any way and is solely a voluntary recreational club. It exists for the express purposes of: providing games for players, maintaining internet forums for players, and generally furthering the enjoyment of airsoft in the state of South Carolina.
This charter shall consist of three articles, Organizational Governance, Forum Rules, and Game Rules. An additional section for amendments that cannot simply be added to an existing section will be provided. All rules, regulations, bylaws, and governing provisions in effect concerning this organization must be contained herein, with exceptions noted. This document can and will be amended, edited, and otherwise revised at the discretion of the governing body in pursuance to the process detailed below for doing so in order to better the organization as a whole. All provisions of this charter supersede rules or actions elsewhere embodied in reference to the AOSC.
Article I; Organizational Governance:
Section I; Membership:
A member of this organization is defined as someone who signs up for a forum account, or otherwise participates in the organization in some way, and thus considers him or herself a member. All members are required to adhere to the provisions, et al, of this document. Members are encouraged to voice their opinions and inform the Representatives as to how they want the organization to be run for their benefit. Members may be temporarily or permanently banned from the forums, games, and/or other organizational activities for violation of this charter pursuant to the procedure for doing so entailed below. Members are eligible to become Representatives and office holders pursuant to the requirements and procedures listed below. Though those residing outside the state of South Carolina are allowed to become members, and are encouraged to participate in the organization, only members residing in this state at present are permitted to vote in public referendums or become a member of the governing body. All members of this organization have the right to express their opinions concerning it, and have the right to be treated with respect and courtesy from other members, including the organization's Representatives.
Section II; Governing Council:
The AOSC will be governed by a body of Representatives, each of which must be categorized as a: Forum Administrator, Forum Moderator, or Game Director. Representatives may belong to multiple categories simultaneously. Some Representatives will also serve as office holders with the offices of either; Executive Director of the AOSC, Head Forum Administrator, or Head Game Director. All Representatives are eligible to hold one of the three offices above, but may only hold one office at a time. Said offices must be held by a Representative at all times, and the purposes and modus operandi for each office and category are detailed below.
Section III; Representatives:
Representatives must be a member in good standing of the AOSC; must reside in the state of South Carolina; must be elected to the governing body by the process detailed below; must have the time and ability to contribute regularly to the enforcement of this charter and upholding of its provisions and principles; must attend AOSC games regularly; must participate in the forums regularly; must assist with the running of the organization as either a Forum Moderator, Forum Administrator, or Game Director; and may or may not hold one of the offices of either Executive Director of the AOSC, Head Forum Administrator, or Head Game Director. Representatives are tasked with representing the player base and membership as a whole as best they can, and must uphold the principles and provisions of this document to the best of their ability. They must understand that their status as a Representative does not make them superior to the average player, but rather subservient to and answerable to the membership as a whole, and thus Representatives are required to act in the best interest of the members (and thus the organization) at all times.
Current Representatives of the AOSC:
Dominum (Henry Williams)
Mr. Marauder (Jacob West)
Star_folder (Kory Escue)
mives (Matthew Ives)
Section IV; Forum Moderator Representatives:
Forum Moderator Representatives are to be assigned to specific sections at the discretion of the Head Forum Administrator, bearing in mind their areas of expertise, and the sections to which they wish to be assigned. All sections must have a minimum of two Forum Moderators assigned to them, with a maximum of three. The purpose of the position of a Forum Moderator is to enforce the forum rules listed in this charter, as well as write, maintain, and enforce any specific rules necessary for the specific section(s) to which they have been assigned. Specific section rules are to be written and enforced in the section to which they pertain by the Moderators assigned to said section(s), and will be written, edited, and enforced at the sole discretion of the two or three Moderators assigned to said section(s). Said section rules are at all times pursuant to the forum rules and all other provisions of this charter, and may not conflict with them at any time. Moderators may only take actions either directly pursuant to specific section rules in their section; directly pursuant to provisions of this charter (enforcement of rules, et al.), or enforcement of resolutions of the governing body of Representatives as a whole.
Current Forum Moderator Representatives of the AOSC:
Dominum (Henry Williams)
Mr. Marauder (Jacob West)
Star_folder (Kory Escue)
mives (Matthew Ives)
Section V; Forum Administrator Representatives:
Forum Administrator Representatives are assigned to generally maintain the forum pursuant to this document and its provisions. They are also tasked with enforcing the resolutions of the governing body of Representatives as well as the provisions and rules of this charter. They may not act unilaterally without either direct authorization by an act of the governing council of Representatives or in direct accordance with this charter. There will at all times be only one active Forum Administrator Representative, and said Administrator will be the duly elected Head Forum Administrator. The only exception to this provision is in the case of the Head Forum Administrator requesting a proxy Administrator, or by resolution of the governing council to activate the Proxy Administrator account detailed below. A Proxy Administrator account will be created under that name for use only in the case of a request by the Head Forum Administrator or by resolution of the governing council of Representatives for the purposes detailed in said request(s), the password for said account will be held by two Representatives authorized to use it per the details above.
Current Forum Administrator Representatives of the AOSC:
Dominum (Henry Williams) [Holds Proxy Administrator account authority]
Mr. Marauder (Jacob West) [Holds Proxy Administrator account authority]
Section VI; Game Director Representatives:
Game Director Representatives are given authority to plan and execute airsoft games and other events for the membership of the AOSC. They are tasked with ultimate enforcement of all game rules at the games they host, though all Representatives are given the authority to enforce game rules at all AOSC games. They have the authority to eject players from any game if it has been sufficiently shown that they have violated either provisions of this charter or the actual law of the federal, state, or local governance to a degree to which ejection is necessary. In the event that an AOSC Representative deems it necessary to eject a player for rule violations, the hosting Game Director must first give approval for the ejection. All forum sections with the purpose of advertising, planning, or documenting games must be moderated by Game Director Representatives. All Game Director Representatives are directly answerable to the Head Game Director, and must have his/her approval to host specific games. Game Directors are given authority to negotiate and otherwise represent the AOSC and its interests to field owners and prospective field owners in order to acquire new fields for play, as well as maintain our relationship with current ones. All game threads concerning AOSC official sanctioned games must list what Game Director Representative is hosting that particular game.
Current Game Director Representatives of the AOSC:
Dominum (Henry Williams)
Mr. Marauder (Jacob West)
Star_folder (Kory Escue)
Mives (Matthew Ives)
Section VII; The office of the Executive Director:
The Executive Director of the AOSC is the single office holder responsible for calling any and all motions to a vote that do not pertain directly to editing or otherwise changing either the forum rules or game rules below. He or she is also responsible for the overall coordination and dissemination of information concerning the AOSC, and is thus the public representative of the organizations members and the governing council and its resolutions. Posts or any other form of communication pertaining to the actions of the governing council in reference to the AOSC itself are within his or her responsibility to act upon. All acts of the governing body of Representatives other than editing the forum or game rules, will take place pursuant to the process detailed herein: Any Representative will make a motion to pass a resolution to take action of some form (Including, but not limited to: disciplinary action of members or Representatives, amending or editing the charter, electing new Representatives, holding meetings, changing the forums in some way, changing methods of enforcement of rules, removing or adding office holders, cooperation with other organizations or entities, or any other action not provided for in this charter). Any Representative other than the one making the motion may then second it. After there is a motion and a second from two Representatives in good standing, it is then the responsibility of the Executive Director to call a vote of the governing council after he or she has determined that sufficient debate has taken place and the resolution is worded as the Representative making the motion intends it after he or she has considered the recommendations of his or her colleagues. All Representatives must then vote at their first available opportunity either in favor of the resolution, against the resolution, or state that they are withholding their vote concerning the resolution before them. In the case of a Representative withholding their vote, they must give their reason(s) for doing so. All resolutions that attain a minimum of a two third majority vote will be considered passed, and will take effect immediately with the Executive Director required to direct its enforcement. A two third majority vote is considered to be two thirds of all active Representatives in good standing; this number is to be rounded up in the case of it not being a whole number.
Current Executive Director of the AOSC:
Dominum (Henry Williams)
Section VIII; The office of the Head Forum Administrator:
The Head Forum Administrator is the single office holder responsible for calling any and all motions to a vote that pertain directly to editing or otherwise changing the forum rules below. He or she is also primarily responsible for the AOSC forums and will usually be the only active Forum Administrator Representative. Posts or any other form of communication pertaining to the actions of the governing council in reference to the forum rules are within his or her responsibility to act upon. All acts of the governing body of Representatives that require editing of the forum rules will take place pursuant to the process detailed herein: Any Representative will make a motion to pass a resolution to take action to modify, amend, or otherwise edit the forum rules. Any Representative other than the one making the motion may then second it. After there is a motion and a second from two Representatives in good standing, it is then the responsibility of the Head Forum Administrator to call a vote of the governing council after he or she has determined that sufficient debate has taken place and the resolution is worded as the Representative making the motion intends it after he or she has considered the recommendations of his or her colleagues. All Representatives must then vote at their first available opportunity either in favor of the resolution, against the resolution, or state that they are withholding their vote concerning the resolution before them. In the case of a Representative withholding their vote, they must give their reason(s) for doing so. All resolutions that attain a minimum of a two third majority vote will be considered passed, and will take effect immediately with the Head Forum Administrator required to immediately direct its enforcement. A two third majority vote is considered to be two thirds of all active Representatives in good standing; this number is to be rounded up in the case of it not being a whole number.
Current Head Forum Administrator of the AOSC:
Star_folder (Kory Escue)
Section IX; The office of the Head Game Director:
The Head Game Director is the office holder responsible for calling any and all motions to a vote that pertain directly to editing or otherwise changing the game rules below. He or she is also primarily responsible for all AOSC games and events. Posts or any other form of communication pertaining to the actions of the governing council in reference to the game rules are within his or her responsibility to act upon. All acts of the governing body of Representatives that require editing of the game rules will take place pursuant to the process detailed herein: Any Representative will make a motion to pass a resolution to take action to modify, amend, or otherwise edit the game rules. Any Representative other than the one making the motion may then second it. After there is a motion and a second from two Representatives in good standing, it is then the responsibility of the Head Game Director to call a vote of the governing council after he or she has determined that sufficient debate has taken place and the resolution is worded as the Representative making the motion intends it after he or she has considered the recommendations of his or her colleagues. All Representatives must then vote at their first available opportunity either in favor of the resolution, against the resolution, or state that they are withholding their vote concerning the resolution before them. In the case of a Representative withholding their vote, they must give their reason(s) for doing so. All resolutions that attain a minimum of a two third majority vote will be considered passed, and will take effect immediately with the Head Game Director required to immediately direct its enforcement. A two third majority vote is considered to be two thirds of all active Representatives in good standing; this number is to be rounded up in the case of it not being a whole number.
Current Head Game Director of the AOSC:
Mr. Marauder (Jacob West)
Article II; Forum & Facebook Rules:
The Forum rules apply to the AOSC Web based Forum and the AOSC Facebook page. Wherever the word Forum is used it is to mean both the Forum as well as Facebook.
Rule #1: Each member is required to show common courtesy and respect in their posts for all other members.
Rule #2: It is the intent of this forum to allow free expression of ideas, even dissent. No one will be silenced based on point of view or opinion alone as long as said point of view or opinion does not personally attack a particular race, religion, creed or nationality and does not violate other forum rules.
Rule #3: Rude or offensive behavior will not be tolerated. No swearing, lewd or sexual content and no personal attacks.
Rule #4: Although religious and political discussions will not be allowed in the airsoft section of the forum, members may choose avatars, signatures, or graphics that express their political and religious ideas and philosophies in their personal profile. However, if such images are deemed lewd or offensive on their own merit they will be removed, i.e. racists, putting down or attacking another religion or belief system, or promoting ideas that historically have been considered criminal or immoral.
Rule #5: Personal attacks, "flaming", and "bashing" will not be tolerated and personal differences are not to be displayed or discussed on the forum. Differences in opinion can be discussed without personal attacks.
Rule #6: Playful or humorous bantering or "ribbing" will be tolerated as long as the Representatives can easily tell no one is being offended. It will be at the Representatives' discretion to determine if a single post or thread has crossed this line.
Rule #7: If you feel a member, even a Representative, is not acting with common courtesy and respect, notify a Representative and the situation will be resolved.
Rule #8: No text, graphic, or photograph describing or depicting lewd or sexual behavior, nudity or immodest clothing will be allowed on the forum. This is a public and family friendly forum and pornographic material does not reflect positively on our sport or organization.
Rule #9: All AOSC Representatives (Forum Moderators, Forum Administrators, Game Directors, and Office Holders) are reminded that they represent both the sport of airsoft and this forum to the public. All forum business, enforcement, administration, communication, and problem resolution will be handled in a professional manner and is subject to the rules of governance as prescribed in this document.
Rule #10: Every member has the right to lodge a complaint, via a personal message or other means of private communication, against a Representative to another Representative without fear of reprisal. The issue(s) will be resolved pursuant to the bylaws entailed herein.
Rule #11: Every Moderator and Administrator is expected to enforce the forum rules without prejudice or favoritism, and no member, regardless of rank or position, is exempt from the forum rules, including all Representatives.
Rule #12: Each individual Moderator or Administrator, upon discovering a serious infraction of these rules may institute a 24 hour posting ban on the offender. This ban can only be extended beyond 24 hours pursuant to the bylaws detailing such action. A personal message must be sent to the offending member immediately detailing why the ban has been put in place and which rule(s) have been violated, explaining what action has or will be taken, and that the member has the right to communicate about the incident with any Representative they choose. The purpose of the 24 hour ban is to allow a "cooling down" time in which the problem or infraction can be addressed and resolved. Each member is encouraged to use this time to step back, consider what has happened, and to communicate with the forum leadership or other involved members as to how the problem can be resolved.
Rule #13: The belief of this organization is that most forum problems can be resolved and that retaining members is good for the sport and contributes to the well being of the forum. A "permanent ban" is to be used only in the most extreme cases and requires a two third vote of all existing Representatives.
Rule #14: Every member is encouraged to stay on topic while participating in a thread. While getting off topic is not necessarily taboo, if a thread has lost its direction or the chat is defeating the thread's purpose, a Moderator or Administrator may delete individual posts, lock the thread or request the members to get back on topic. Respect the originator of the thread and his or her purpose and intent in beginning the thread. The originator "owns" the thread and may request that a Moderator or Administrator delete posts or intervene if the thread has been "hijacked".
Rule #15: Be courteous to new users, and remember we want people to become fans of the sport and this forum. If a new user is breaking a rule, asking questions, or appears lost in the use of the forum or forum etiquette, help them learn the ropes. Do not "flame" them or discourage them from using the forum. If you feel action is required refer it to a Moderator or Administrator.
Rule #16: Chatting and "necro-posting" is not forbidden on this forum. Necro-posting means commenting on an old post or thread (posting on a dead topic). Some issues need to be revisited or new users may have something to add. Feel free to browse through old posts and threads and if you have something of substance to add feel free to do so. If a thread gets "chatty" that is fine as long as it does not violate any other forum rules and the originator of the thread does not object, however, use the "shoutbox" for chatting as much as possible.
Rule #17: If material is found to be in violation of these rules, a Forum Moderator Representative will notify the offender via a personal message with a request of removal accompanied with an explanation. In more serious cases, material may be removed by a Forum Moderator Representative without the request of removal. Parties concerned will be notified of removal accompanied with an explanation. These forum rules can be changed, revised, amended, and added to at the discretion of the Representatives pursuant to the procedure for doing so entailed in the charter. Enforcement of the forum rules will take place at the discretion of the Administrators and Moderators of this forum. If you have an issue with the manner in which this forum is run or these rules are enforced, please let us know. The Administrators and Moderators of this forum are here to provide for the enjoyment and benefit of all members.
Article III; Game Rules:
*The following game rules apply to all AOSC games unless otherwise noted.
Rule #1: A "hit" or "kill" occurs when a BB makes contact with any part of your person excluding your weapon. This includes backpacks, pouches, camel backs, headgear, etc. Upon being hit you MUST loudly announce you are hit, and IMMEDIATLEY don a "dead rag" on top of your head. A dead rag must have a minimum perimeter of 32 inches, and a bright, neon color that does not match any part of your gear. You cannot talk or communicate in any way when you have been hit. The only exception to this is to call for a medic. Giving information concerning game play or talking on radios while hit is strictly prohibited. BBs known to be "ricochets" do not count as a hit. This is any time that you are certain that a BB has hit an inanimate surface or another player prior to bouncing off of them/it and then hitting you. This being said, always remember: "When in doubt, call yourself out!".
Rule #2: Blind firing is not allowed. Blind firing is any time you are discharging your weapon without looking down the barrel or sights of your weapon, or are not presenting some form of viable target to your enemy. Examples would be shooting over or around a wall, shooting behind you, shooting through a small crack or hole, etc.
Rule #3: A "safety kill" MUST BE CALLED when players engage each other under their minimum engagement distances. A safety kill is when you point your weapon at another player and announce "safety kill" or "surrender". Safety kills must be accepted at or under ten feet. A safety kill may only be called if you have "the drop" on someone, meaning you have them in your sights and they do not have you in theirs. You may never fire under your MED even if you call a safety kill that is not accepted. You may not call a safety kill at more than thirty feet, and you may not call one without an airsoft gun aimed at the target. Use common sense concerning this rule, if you happen upon another player at close range and you both have your weapons up, call "parley" and consider both of yourselves hit.
Rule #4: A "stealth kill" occurs when another player kills you by making some form of physical contact, either with a rubber knife, muzzle, or anything else in their possession, even their bare hands. This is intended to replicate knife or bayonet kills, and thus is the same as being hit with a BB, with the exception that, though you must immediately acknowledge it and dawn your deadrag, you may NOT make any sound until they are a minimum of fifty feet away. Stealth kills are nonnegotiable. You must have line of sight to stealth kill.
Rule #5: Any person leaving bounds, wearing a dead rag, or otherwise indicating they are no longer in play (ex: saying they are looking for something, etc.), are no longer in play, and in order to reenter game play must return to their respective respawn point pursuant to the respawn rules in effect at said game.
Rule #6: Pyrotechnics, pneumatics, or devices of any kind (whether homemade or store bought) that are not considered a normal airsoft gun will only be permitted at the field owners discretion. If allowed, you must have it approved by an AOSC Representative before the start of the game. No lasers over 5mW are permitted. Use common sense with lasers and powerful flashlights, as there can be some safety risks associated with them. Though it will happen once in a while on accident (and that is understandable), intentionally and repeatedly shining lasers in people's eyes will be treated as unsportsmanlike conduct and may result in removal from the game or further action.
Rule #7: The following is a list of minimum engagement rules. A minimum engagement distance is the closest you can get to another player and fire upon them.
The exception to the FPS limits and MEDs above occurs on any field deemed by the Game Directors to be a CQB field. On all CQB fields there is an absolute limit of 300 FPS with a .25 gram BB. Full auto is allowed and there is no MED. With direct approval from the AOSC Game Director Representative hosting a particular CQB game, a player may use an airsoft gun on semi auto only that is higher than 400FPS with a .25g BB, but not more than 560 FPS with a .25. They will have a 100ft MED. Also, with said direct approval a player may use a bolt action airsoft gun from 301FPS-560 FPS with a .25, they will have a 100ft MED. Only players who have proven themselves responsible and rule abiding will be given this permission, and players under the age of 18 may not obtain it. This permission is on a case by case basis per game.
Rule #8: Games have two teams: Alpha and Bravo, the teams are divided by the dominant color of their outfit:
Alpha is predominantly green uniforms such as: M81 BDU's, Woodland MarPat, Flecktarn ,etc.
Bravo is predominantly tan uniforms such as: Desert MarPat, MultiCam, DCUs, DBDUs, etc.
Balance colors will go to whichever side needs numbers: Black BDUs, Private Military Contractor, ACU, Urban Digi, civilian, etc., though they are usually considered Bravo.
A Game Director will balance factions depending on circumstances prior to game start.
Rule #9: Your gear's predominant color must match your outfit's predominant color UNLESS you have headgear of some form and sleeves that go at least to your elbows that are the same as your outfits predominant color . If you do not meet these requirements and your gear has a different predominant color than your outfit, you will be required to strip your gear. Weapon colors and paintjobs have no bearing on faction affiliation.
If you choose to wear headgear, it must match the predominant color of your uniform and/or you factions color schemes. This means that you may not wear green headgear with a tan uniform, and vice versa. If your headgear is a balancer camo (ACU for example), you may only wear it if ACU has been assigned to your faction, i.e. if ACU has been assigned to Alpha as a balancer at a particular game, than someone on Bravo may not wear ACU headgear. Additionally, red/orange headgear or any headgear easily mistaken for a deadrag may not be worn except as an actual deadrag.
Rule #10: Age Requirements:
0-14yrs Parent or Guardian must be within sight at all times either playing or in the field as a noncom with a deadrag and eyepro.
15-17yrs An adult (age 18+) must be present to claim responsibility for them, they do not have to be related.
18+yrs None.
Eye protection requirements:
0-14yrs Must have a full facemask.
15-17yrs Must have a facemask or full seal eye protection with a mouthguard or shemagh.
18+yrs Must have ANSI rated eye protection.
All players under the age of 18 shall, when playing in a CQB game, wear a hard face mask with full seal eye protection. All players at or over the age of 18 shall be required to wear full seal eye protection. Additional face and mouth protection for players over 18 will be at their own discretion.
Eye pro requirements are subject to field owners' discretion. Most fields will require a signed waiver, if you are a minor it must be signed by a parent or legal guardian. If at any time a player removes his or her eye protection in the field of play while a game is in progress, they will be immediately ejected without a refund. There is no exception no matter how far away you think you are from the action, even if you are at your respawn.
Rule #11: Guns/Deployable Items in Safe Zone:
Safe Zone: any location that eye protection is not mandatory during game time.
Game time: from time the first player on game or camp location until the last person leaves the property.
Gun: any item that discharges a BB by the means of a trigger pull.
All handguns must be holstered during any movement in the safe zones. All loading and unloading of handguns must be done in a safe direction away from any person. At no time is a handgun to be displayed in an unsafe manner, i.e. pointing at any person, property, or non-cleared area.
All rifles, shotguns, SMGs, PDWs, and any other removable magazine fed gun must have magazine removed, selector switch on safe, and the chamber should have been cleared prior to leaving the field of play or previous to showing up to a game.
All box fed magazine guns must have a barrel blocking device on in the safe zone OR must have the feeding tube disconnected from the receiver.
All guns must be pointed upward or to the ground. At no time is a gun to be pointed at any person in the safe zone.
All deployable items, i.e. claymore, mines, grenades, and other items in this fashion, must be loaded and unloaded 50 feet from any person or property and with full eye protection. That deployable item must be secured in a complete closed pouch, were no bb can escape, if accidentally deployed.
It is the player’s responsibility to police themselves and assist in reminding all others. If a player does not respond in the proper way then two players must notify the game host or their assistants of non-compliances. At that time it is up to the game host to take disciplinary action against said player.
Recommendation for punishment:
1st: verbal reprimand
2nd: time out period from game play
3rd: ejection from event with no refund
Rule #12: Game registration and chrono:
The following rule is being put into effect to help resolve the issue of games starting late.
Registration and chrono for all AOSC games will close at 9:30AM and will reopen after the game starts. Safety/game briefings will start at 9:35AM thus allowing the games to stay on schedule for a 10:00AM start. Any players arriving past the cutoff time will incur an extra $5 dollar fee. All players intending to participate in any AOSC hosted airsoft game are required to pay the pre-determined field fee and chrono all weapons intended for use before taking the field to play. Any player caught attempting to or circumventing these rules is subject to ejection of the game/field and a possible game ban.
Times subject to the schedule of the actual game. i.e. if the game starts at 9, you would have 8:30 closing, etc.
Rule #13: Rules concerning vehicles:
- Unless it is stated beforehand by the hosting rep that there is an open rule allowing vehicles on the field, (i.e. OP 24), etc, you need expressed and deliberate consent to bring your vehicle onto the field. You must get approval BEFORE entering the field. This applies to in-game and out-of-game vehicles.
- If at anytime you need to ingress or egress the field during gameplay, you are to contact an admin and/or hosting rep and inform them of such.
- By taking the field with your vehicle, you are agreeing and understanding of the risks associated with it and that you assume any liablity and hold harmless;
any non-playing or active airsoft participant, any representative of the AOSC or admin, and the property owner, along with anyone him or her designates as a representative. - Unless otherwise noted or expressed, you should assume and treat all vehicles on the field as out-of-play. Do not fire upon, engage, or attempt to use any vehicle for cover unless you know it to be in play. Furthermore, you cannot change the status of your vehicle mid game unless authorized by an AOSC rep or game admin. Ex., entering the field as an out-of-play vehicle then switching to in play and engaging players.
- Lastly, if you take the field with a vehicle, you are agreeing to drive at a safe speed, not operate it recklessly and to always be mindful of your surroundings. AOSC representatives reserve the right to remove any vehicle from play deemed unsafe.
Passed in convention by the unanimous consent of the founding representatives of the Airsoft Organization of South Carolina, present the seventh day of January in the year of our lord two thousand and ten. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names:
Dominum (Henry Williams)
Gambler (Jason Adams)
GARRETT (Garrett Hallman)
GrimWulf (Adrian Martin)
Pocahontas (April Barnes)
SteevoLS (Stephen Nabholz)
Tanker (Ben Small)
Amendment #1:
In an effort to provide more transparency in the Airsoft Organization of South Carolina, the Governing Council of the AOSC shall, from this time forward, make public all motions and votes on topics that relate to the AOSC, as well as a record of the vote. These topics will be put in their own section, and will be for information only. When a vote is taken, the majority opinion will be published, and the dissenting Representatives will be allowed to publish their opinion. In matters concerning disciplinary actions against members of the AOSC, the member(s) in question will be kept anonymous and will be referred to as Member A, Member B, etc...
Amendment #2:
The position of Deputy Moderator
A Deputy Moderator is an AOSC member that has been assigned forum moderating authority in order to cut down on blatant spam accounts and trolling. They have the authority to ban known spam accounts only, and may delete posts and otherwise maintain the forums pursuant to the forum rules already in place and the discretion of the forum administrator and moderator representatives. They have no authority to issue bans to actual members or act unilaterally unless enforcing an act by the governing council. They may be removed at any time at the discretion of the Governing council.
Current Deputy Moderators: NONE
Amendment #3:
Reference Article I, Section III
In order to be an AOSC Representative, you must be a regular player. A regular player is defined as playing in or hosting at least one AOSC game every month, with the ability to miss two games a year of them with cited extenuating circumstances. If there are less than two AOSC games in a single month, another game in SC that is posted in the unaffiliated section may be counted in your total. If these criteria are not being met by an existing Representative, they will then be automatically removed from their position immediately.
Amendment #4:
Henceforth the AOSC will be standardizing MED (Minimum Engagement Distance) tag colors to the following at all AOSC games:
Clear = 0' MED (0-300 FPS w/.25)
Green = 20' MED (301-360 FPS w/.25)
Blue = 50' MED (361-400 FPS w/.25)
Red = 100' MED [+semi ONLY] (401- 560 FPS w/.25)
Henceforth the AOSC will be conducting random spot checks of at least 10% of the players at any given event. Either the game host representative, another AOSC representative, or an admin that has been appointed by the game host representative may conduct them at any time of their choosing. The person administering the spot check may choose to supply the BBs to chronograph the gun. Refusal to submit to a spot check is grounds for immediate dismissal from from the AO without a refund, and possible further disciplinary action. Any player caught violating FPS and/or MED rules (i.e. having a tag that is less than their actual MED, etc.) will be immediately ejected without a refund and will be subject to further disciplinary action including, but not limited to, being banned from all AOSC games for a period of time to be determined by the AOSC governing council.
The AOSC will be enacting a new program called the "AOSC Frequent Player Card". Any player age 16 or older at the time of issuance, who has attended at least three AOSC games within a 6 month period immediately prior to applying for said card, and has had no rule violations or disciplinary action of any kind previously taken, may apply for an AOSC card that identifies them as a frequent player. Bearers of this card do not have to chronograph airsoft guns that still bear their accurate chrono tag from a previous AOSC game chrono, provided they are certain nothing has been done that could alter the FPS of said gun. Said tags must be in compliance with the new tag color code as stated above. Bearers of this card will still be subject to random chrono spot checks like every other player. Bearers of this card will still be required to chronograph any and all airsoft guns that have not previously been chronoed at an AOSC event, or have been altered in a way that can affect FPS since the previous AOSC chronographing, or no longer have the same colored chrono tag attached as was given at the last AOSC chronographing. The custodian of the AOSC Frequent Player Card program is the Executive Director of the AOSC, Dominum.
If you meet the previously stated requirements for this card, please contact Dominum with the following information:
Full legal name as it appears on your federal or state ID
A clear headshot showing your entire face without undue obstruction (no hats, but glasses OK if you wear them, etc.)
Your exact username on the AOSC forums
Your in game callsign
Your date of birth
The dates of the last three AOSC games you have attended
Date (or approximate date) of your first AOSC event (optional)
Your team logo or some other image you'd like on the back of your card (optional)
Your team affiliation (optional)
Your position on said team (optional)
Remit $8 if you are applying for a new card, or $5 if you are having a card reissued due to loss etc. There is no expiration of these cards. Payment can be sent to (the stated prices include the Paypal fees), or in person at most AOSC games.
After the information provided is verified, your new AOSC FPC will be retrievable at the next AOSC game by presenting your federal or state issued ID, assuming the information given matches the information on your federal or state ID.