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New vehicle rules

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 3:07 pm
by Mr. Marauder
Due to recent events, we have decided to implement a rule regarding players' vehicles on the field. This is to ensure player safety, and to prevent confusion on the field and in game.
  • Unless it is stated beforehand by the hosting rep that there is an open rule allowing vehicles on the field, (i.e. OP 24), etc, you need expressed and deliberate consent to bring your vehicle onto the field. You must get approval BEFORE entering the field. This applies to in-game and out-of-game vehicles.
  • If at anytime you need to ingress or egress the field during gameplay, you are to contact an admin and/or hosting rep and inform them of such.
  • By taking the field with your vehicle, you are agreeing and understanding of the risks associated with it and that you assume any liablity and hold harmless;
    any non-playing or active airsoft participant, any representative of the AOSC or admin, and the property owner, along with anyone him or her designates as a representative.
  • Unless otherwise noted or expressed, you should assume and treat all vehicles on the field as out-of-play. Do not fire upon, engage, or attempt to use any vehicle for cover unless you know it to be in play. Furthermore, you cannot change the status of your vehicle mid game unless authorized by an AOSC rep or game admin. Ex., entering the field as an out-of-play vehicle then switching to in play and engaging players.
  • Lastly, if you take the field with a vehicle, you are agreeing to drive at a safe speed, not operate it recklessly and to always be mindful of your surroundings. AOSC representatives reserve the right to remove any vehicle from play deemed unsafe.