The Delimitation Conflict

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Romba » Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:28 am

Anyone find a TM P90 at SC HQ by BOS's tent at the North (I think) end? It is my friend's and in the rush to get out without the vehicle picking them up getting damaged he left it.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Star_folder » Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:33 am

Some of Gold Team was at Lincoln's Hold when it was over run. After talking with them, they said that they where rather upset with the GA players, that many of them where not calling hits when they where obviously hit. They just figured that they where so excited about over running the base that they weren't paying attention to being shot.

Anyway, when the Hold fell, my guys carried most of the stuff back to HQ with them, or the stuff they recognized. So most of the stuff in the Hold was taken back with us. We didn't find any radios though, sorry Stealth.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by fallout11 » Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:49 am

As a side note, SC anti-tank weapons blew us up 4 times (might have been five...can't remember) on Saturday afternoon alone (including a shot from the red truck after we finally caught up with it at Camp Wounded).....nicely done.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by urbansix » Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:10 am

I found a set of binoculars on Sunday morning. If you can ID it (i.e. location lost, brand, etc.) just PM me and I will be glad to ship.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by UF_Jester » Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:45 am

Dom's helmet was taken and returned along with a patch from the team who took it. Dom asked that team about it after the game and they said they did not remove any other items from that base. They saw the helmet and, knowing it was his, took it to send some sort of message to him.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by hardwired » Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:09 pm

It was a fun game minus a few things that happened.
One the pyros thrown in are HQ ended up with one of them exploding in Zoobies face leaving him with some scratches luckily.
A few fires started one about knee high.
HUGE mix-up with MED, I personally had a bb logged into my eye-brawl, a chunk of flesh ripped off my cheek. One guy’s full face hard mask was chipped up. And multiple people with blood drawn wounds from bb's.
One guy from GA was shooting ppl strait on from the forest-line by the tower across the field into the opposite forest-line with the bb going strait as an arrow and whistling like he was shooting 400 plus FPS and then later was shooting ppl with in 10-25 feet claiming his gun had no MED.
The Guy who shoot me multiple times in the face from less then 10 feet a night and logged a bb in my eye-brawl also claimed to have no MED. A few GA were also spotted with no tags on their guns.
Now not to just cap on GA, Their were also SC players out their deff shooting ppl at close range claiming to have no MED and there is no possible way their guns were shooting as low FPs as they were claiming.

I suggest the pyros be limited to smoke and to eliminate any that explode for safety bc their was too many flash and bang pyros thrown blindly and it could result in a major unnecessary injury.

Now to the good stuff.

The objectives were challenging and fun, they keep the game going the whole time.

GA was prepared and it showed it just show SC how being prepared matters. So I give props for GA on that.

Most of the GA players were also pretty cool when it came to discretions with rules, and settling them. Yes both side had players not following rules but every game has those people.

And some people don’t know this but GA helped SC out a few time during the game to keep the game fun. And to even it out, so once again big props for GA on that.

Also if their was a High Cap for a M4 light grey that is longer then a normal High Cap and a AK High Cap mag that was found i am miss them thanks.

Good job on the game but next time put SC HQ in a better place.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by SteevoLS » Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:20 pm

As far as MEDs go:

I know I was tagging them properly on the 250+ guns I personally chrono'd. I know it chrono'd my personal guns and those of some friends properly, but as always it is possible that it was reading to low for some people. On the other hand, there are always people who don't respect their MEDs or misjudge the distance. It's not a good thing, but it happens.
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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Hollywood » Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:49 pm

I had a blast. From what I heard the rest of the Black Knights had a blast. I read all the post so I will leave out saying those over and over again. Heres my take it all.

1 The rain seperated the men from the boys(ladies included in that statement).I was soaking wet from gear to clothes. If it aint raining it aint training.
2 The chrono line was a pain but in most big events they usually are. Maybe next time all the vendors/big teams bring and extra chrono and help out?
3 I saw a few people not calling hits but the problems could range from not feeling it, thinking its a ricochet from all the rounds being exchanged, blatantly not calling it, or it hit the weapon.
4 Over shooting. Guys it happens. The adrenalin is pumping, shouting, thinking you didnt hit the target when you actually did. To even your buddies hit him but the trees are so big that from your point of view you think he is still alive. I saw this alot. Plus the thick brush helped the issue. I really tried to make sure the target was active before shooting. I got lit up in the face 5 times while attacking the SC base on the front wall. I also lit up the back of the deuce and a half with alot of you in it. Sorry if I hit you more that once but there were like 7 of you in the back all trying to get out and shoot us.
5 Sportsmanship. I heard alot of "Good shot man" going on. I love this.
6 Admin you guys did well with what you had. One idea to get more help and also involve the community is to get the local boyscouts or JROTC ROTC community involved in helping out the event. I think all 3 get a badge or ribbon for it.
7 SC had us at the start. We didnt know the field and the Black Knights along with some of Team Blackwater and others were assigned to hold the left side of our field and keep SC from pushing up to HQ. This was probably some of the most intense fighting I have seen in a long time. If I am not mistaken 3rd platoon for the SC side was assigned to hold the right side and push so they met us alot of the time. You guys fought well. You had us at a disadvantage with the terrain and knowing the field. We were hurting for the first few hours just barley keeping you at the respawn and also you kept us out repelling nummerous attacks. Out F'ing standing.
8 Around 3-4 SC broke down. Now dont get me wrong alot of Georgia totally forgot there were also missions and were just running around holding bases. The georgia commander did very well with what he had. Next time I suggest the commander go around and ask for the big teams radio channels to keep better contact.
9 Apple pie. Yum.
10 Safety kills. Some do not believe in it. If you have a weapon that is allowed to shoot in the range that your opponent is I suggest you just shoot them in a nice friendly area. I saw alot of kinda funny safety kills and a few almost heated debates over it. Your best bet is to shoot if you can. Pistols are meant for this. Along with rubber weapons. Oh, LOLOL to the guy who threw the rubber knife at me. You didnt get me but I almost died laughing when it flew by.
11 SC Pretty much gave up on Sunday. Resistance was light. Your commander was unguarded and also killed, captured, returned, and scored. Never give up. Fight to the end. There is honor in staying to the end and still putting up a good fight even when you know its over.
12 Once the Black Knights had enough of butting heads with the SC boys on the left we pushed right hard and then flanked from J9, to The Tower, then assaulted Lincolins Hold on 3 sides. That was officailly the beginning of the end for SC.
13 A word on the overrunning of Lincolins hold. From my view of things in the field moving into the woodline: SC resistance was scattered along the treeling and further in all the way up to LH. SC at the treeline was eventually overrun on the treeline side and then simutaniuosly flanked from both angles thus pinching you guys in. The group I was with I nicknamed the ACU boys. They were all dressed allike and all in a prone line position. I rallied them up as best I could and took 2-3 of the SC boys out before getting hit. This got them moving and they hit the treeline about 30 seconds after I died and my medic died. I was 3 times killed so i had to bleed out thus I stopped moving. I watched the ACU assault and can confirm that from the field to about 10 feet into the treeline they took no hits nor recieved any fire once hitting the treeline. They then went out of my sight. The right flank was from the Black Knights and they pushed fast. The left side was a band of mixed people from other teams from what I could see. But SC was just had too little of a number to hold all 3 sides at one time. I hate that I bled out and missed it.
14 People I had a blast.
15 Weapons shooting hot: Yeah I caught a few rounds that broke the skin. One was right on my cheek, and another on my elbow that broke the skin and bled. Meh it happens.
16 Overall I think everyone had a good time. I freaking love the field and look forward to comming back again for another big event.
17 Thanks again Diesel and admin.


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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by xyzpdq0121 » Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:14 pm

First off, I want to say thank you to the SC guys for putting on a great event!It was well worth the long drive I had to make to get there!! Diesel, You did a great job! You guys were understaffed but always seemed to respond on the admin channel or in person promptly and your calls were fair! I really only got to meet you at night and on Sunday morning, but I would love to play with you someday!

We will start with my complaints first to just get them out of the way. Please remember, these complaints are only constructive and there is no ill will (well maybe only a bit):

[Warning here is the bit of ill will] To whoever was driving that red truck (Eddie I believe was the name) after the ceasefire on Saturday... If I find you, I will do some things to you that you will not like. You are lucky I did not have you arrested for hitting me at 20-25 miles an hour and almost running over a 7 year-old child! But if I find you, you will not come out unharmed, BELIEVE ME. I will make sure you are not welcomed at any GA game that I am at and I hope your SC brothers shun you in the same manner! [/end ill will]

There was a lot of non-calls on hits on Saturday. Seemed to be a lot of younger SC players and that is to be expected to a bit. We get the "day players" here in GA that are the youngsters and have the same problem. I do not think it reflects on SC as a whole at all. But from everything else I saw things were good on that front.

Only other major complaint I have is about game communication. When there is a Cease Fire called, Diesel, you need to get on EVERY channel of those radios and let the people know, do not leave it up to the CO. I NEVER heard a cease fire over the radio and I never heard an announcement enduing the cease fire!!! One time, a group of SC players called cease fire, moved around to reform and then started shooting at us. Just not cool. The words cease fire should only be used in an emergency and only be called by the admin. On the same note, We were told that COs could not be captured because Dom left the game. Then I guess on Sunday morning you found another CO so that rule was lifted. No announcement was made to the players over the radios. This is a non-stop game and if rules change when we are in the field, you need to let us know. I was lucky enough to find someone who looked like your CO in the last hour of the game. It was by accident because I heard COs were no longer in play.

And there was some "mis-information" given at the start of the night a J-9. It is not cool for SC guys to call back "Georgia" when you are SC and then shoot VERY CLOSE in the dark when YOU just can not see how close you are or where you were aiming! I heard excuses like "We did not say anything back" or "We said GEORGE of the jungle but we did not say Georgia!". Just not cool, these rules are not meant so we gain an advantage, they are there to keep people safe!

Ok, now to the good stuff and compliments. Chippy and Felix were stand up players. There was nothing funnier then watching SC guys walk in circles for about 45 minutes looking for a briefcase with a glow stick on it in the middle of an open field. I could see the thing 400 feet away!! We thought about playing Marco Polo or "hotter, warmer, colder" with you guys to help you find it!!! Priceless!!

We did kind of try to help out SC to keep things moving and keep engagement happening. Where was ya'll night shift though?!? I looked forward to shooting some people at night and I am good was a few Wipper-Willows (Or what every you call those birds) and some night time entertainment!

There were two guys in a buggy tank. I think one of their names was Lee but I could be wrong. You two were pretty stand up guys! We have to get a rule clarification on our encounter, but that is how things should be handled! Please know it did not go unnoticed and I wanted to give you two a shout out. I think your buggy broke in fear of us though, sorry for that!!!

Again all in all a fun event and I would do it all over again next weekend if I could walk, which I can't anymore now! Some of the SC officers and others said that ya'll were working on getting better trained and more sophisticated in your style of play. That is not meant as an insult to you saying that you are not those things, just need to improve as we all do. Well, you are on your way! Remember, you came up against some of the most die-hard GA players and you held your own many times. There is something to be said about that. I say we team up and throw down against NC in the fall, what you say?!? I just do not think I can wait 12 months for another border war!!!

Only other recommendations that I have is that there be something done just after the game. Announcing who won and letting more people meet and greet who do not know each other. It kind of felt like, "Ok it is over and so it is closing time." Something to get some people together might have been nice. But it was no big deal!

Thanks again guys,

Last edited by xyzpdq0121 on Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Veimos » Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:25 pm

Great game! GA showed up in full force against SC in their own state, with excellent knowledge of the field and still WON. PROPS all around! I saw great sportsmanship, and leadership from GA all night long. Hope we can do this again, and a year away isn't soon enough!!

With that said, there are a few things I would like to address.

1. Lets not post about what bad thing you "heard" happened. In these cases there are always at least three stories. Your story, their story, and the truth. Let the people it happened to post it, or if you were an eyewitness, that is fine.
2. (And I saw this mostly at the Lincoln Hold push with the tank by GA) Don't sit there, in the middle of a fire fight yelling, "I'm hit CAN'T you see the DEAD RAG!!". MOVE out of the firefight if you are dead and don't want to be hit. This isn't breaking any kind of rules so LONG as you're not moving closer to someone to be healed. I expect to be hit, even after my dead rag is out. It happens all the time. 9 times out of 10, they aren't even shooting at you, but at the people behind you. MOVE or be shot.
3. The tank dead-rag thing, I did not know about until later in the game. The flag system they use is not confusing at all after it's explained. With that said, I'm not going to walk out in front of possible enemy armor unless I am satisfied that they are, in fact, dead.
4. Flashlights. This only happened twice to me personally, but if you are shot, you need to turn your flashlight off. According to Diesel, standing there dead, with your flashlight on, spotting your enemy for your team is breaking the "dead men tell no tales" rule. No worries though GA, the same thing happened to me by a guy from SC in our OP24-2 game!
5. Just because 1 idiot lit you up on automatic, at point blank range, does not give you the right to start doing the same. Remember it was just the 1 guy, give the other 80-100 guys that are NOT doing that credit.
6. GROUP SAFETY kills happen because it happens to a group of guys, and they think, "Hey I didn't know it worked like that.". Usually they ask if that is the way it works, and are told NO. But it seems like there is always that 1 guy from the group that didn't hear about it. So he still thinks it's okay to do it. Or else someone is being a jerk. Lets just stop it. :D

I am not trying to take anything away from GA, they did a fine job of it, but we made it easier for them at times, no doubt. That night especially. There were many times that I would look around a point we held, or our HQ and it looked like a freaking girl-scout meet and great. And this is absolutely FINE. You paid your 20 dollars, just like me. Far be it for me to tell you how to enjoy it. But those same meet-n-greeters were the ones getting fed up the most, and giving up first. It is OUR failure when we are over-run.
Accept it and learn, or SHUT YO MOUTH! :D
With that said, a lot of GREAT things happened by SC. Dom you made some great calls. Guys in 3rd plat, we did a fine job at Lincoln. We had hilltop snipers, spotters, great assault crews, and even swamp rats in the creek. GA may not have known the field well, but they DAMN sure did know where Lincoln was, and you guys did a fine job holding it off as long as you did. At night, it was just like being in Bravo again. 5-8 men against at least twice their number or more. I love those odds! It makes every kill much more special to me! Thanks to all that stayed up and ran with Smoke, Clutch, and I the whole night, and to those that stuck with it till the end. Good play with the briefcase at J-9 and J-Davis Hardwire and Smoke. That made my morning!

To Mother and crew. You are a great bunch of guys, lets do it again sometime soon!

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by SteevoLS » Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:02 pm

We will try to run more chronos in the future, but by the time they were offered to us we only had 30-40 players left in the chrono line.
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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Raibyn » Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:23 pm

Great game everyone. All of CORE really enjoyed this one. This was the first time we have played that field, so it took us a little while to get our bearings. Once we did, though, we had a ball. Especially after Dom sent us on a secret mission to get some blue pump thingy. Had to sneak back deep into Georgia controlled territory to hunt for this thing. The highlight was when I was escorting Mirakaski with the pump to our HQ, and I came upon about a dozen Georgia guys attacking our HQ from the main road. They had no rear security, and I took out every one of them and we captured the pump thingy right around 5pm. It was great! Georgia, you guys played a great game. Those tanks you guys brought were awesome. Well done.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Zoobie » Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:56 pm

First Off Thanks AOSC and Georgia Airsoft (I guess thats what you guy are called, correct me if I'm wrong) for putting on a great game! A lot of people there, as well as vehicle. It was a great experience as well as game. I really enjoyed it as well as making some new friends from both sides. There was these two G.A. guys I kept running into and every time either I died or they died we would chilled for our dead time and talk about airsoft and the game. Great guys and I want to give props to them for being such good Players as well as showing what Airsoft is suppose to be like. When ever they where killed or killed me they would come over and say "Good Job" or that was a "Fun Firefight" or something encouraging and friendly, this is one of the things that kept me playing was knowing that someone was actually trying to make if fun and as well as inviting to everyone. As always I had a blast when we got out there. The smoke and tanks, all around made the game really different and a little more intense which is what I liked. I also enjoyed the fact that it was a larger game but with larger games came problems.

The down side
I was a little depressed by both sides in how they handle things. One was the S.C. was blind throwing cherry bombs and other explosives, seeing as one blow up in my face and throw me to the ground, this could have played out worse but didn't. I also heard of a tail that one G.A. guy got hit with the exploding eggs and he was knocked down but not as bad. Another part was S.C. members where messing with G.A. Objectives. I don't care how mad you are at some one don't ruin the game for everyone because of it!!! The next thing I encountered was G.A. Players Operating outside the bounders as well as using bad cover. Bad Cover meaning, Cars that where not in play, getting with in 10ft of opposite state Vehicle (hey if you blow up the duece in a half at the entrance of our base it your fault and you should not have gotten any closer to it when its dead. My guys kept away from your vehicles when they where dead to be respectful of the rule as well as for safety), and Other Players (This was actually for both sides here. IF YOU ARE ACTING AS A MEAT SHEILD SO YOU CAN BE HEAL DON'T COMPLAIN ABOUT IT! Too many time did I see S.C. and G.A. Players complaining that they where already hit when they where acting as a shield for the guy behind them to heal them. You have no right to get upset! Tell the person healing you to expose him self if you wish not to get hit, other wise suck it up!). The Final thing, and probably the #1 thing that got to me was when a Truck from G.A. (that was marked with a dead rag on it) Did a drive by to S.C. HQ. It was marked with a red rag going down and back from the field and the G.A. guys fired into S.C. HQ. This was both stupid and unsafe for both parties (Fast driving and shooting from a dead vehicle is never a good mix). One was there was visitors/Admins on and off at the S.C. HQ. However I found it rather funny that they never really killed anyone in our camp due to the fact that they where out of play in the first place.

Other than that I really enjoyed it and if I had to make a list of all the good it would way out weigh the bad. I want to thank all the G.A. and S.C. players that came out, I also want to thank all the leaders and Admins from both sides that help set this thing up! It was one of the best airsoft game I've been too and can't wait till next year.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Hollywood » Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:28 pm

Also I forgot to add.
The equipment at Lincolins Hold. The Black Knights were some of the last Ga. guys to leave the bunker area. We saw a Black LARGE rocket launcher leaning up against the wall, a SVR 10 sniper rifle that was leaning inside the bunker wall and a backpack by the hut area. We debated on taking the gear to lost and found but considering we had just taken the respawn we figured the SC players would be coming right back for them. Looking back now we should have taken them. I appologize. From now on I have decided that if a weapon is left laying around unatended it will be picked up and takin to the staff. Makes me feel bad that other players took it. I hope you guys get the gear back.


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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Romba » Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:30 pm

The tank deadrag should have been explained. I think we could avoid all the confusion had it been explained at briefing.

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