Redfox Game: December 15th

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Redfox Game: December 15th

Post by atl » Sat Dec 15, 2012 9:19 pm

Fun as redfox games usually are. It started out with a "warm up game" I guess to get warmed up for the action to come which was fun and fairly well balanced. Then did the mile high thing which was pretty intense and as green ninja once said correctly "the land of butthurt" but still fun. Then after an extended lunch break waiting for the paintballers :roll: then on to silverado which bravo cremed us the first game and I had to leave after that. I got to see Mrs. dominum and dom and marauder were wearing bdus which is pretty unusual.

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Re: Redfox Game: December 15th

Post by Mad Magpul » Sun Dec 16, 2012 11:01 am

All in alll it was a GREAT day of airsifting. I can't say much about the games before lunch but the games at Silverado were very fun. The objective was great and I got to use my new kmp9 which was a blast. During the case objective we pushed alpha back whether we had high ground or low ground. During the Elite Squad games I and all the other bravo who weren't wearing multicam had to switch to alpha. Bravo got to start in the town but we ended up clearing it out by me leading a squad to flank from the rear and the rest of alpha to face them head on. After the town was secured bravo had moved into the tunnel and I tossed a grenade in and thankfully for bravo it didn't go off. I then led a squad in there got about 20ft in turned a corner and saw a wall of bbs coming at me. After that I left as happy as I ever am with any of Doms games!
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Re: Redfox Game: December 15th

Post by Foxx » Sun Dec 16, 2012 12:45 pm

Decent game. Bandit gear worked pretty well, considering it was more form than function. The game wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, though. Definitely ran into more smugness than usual, and some of the rules for mile high were borderline retarded. Not to mention having to wear full seals. I'm used to shooting glasses, so I kinda felt like I had my foot in a bucket all day.

Silverado was fun. The objective was kind of much and the balancing was a little off, but the games were still fun. Had some guy with a grenade launcher take out one of my teammate at almost point-blank range. Yeah, it's a pain sport, but it was a dick move to get in that close. All the times I've brought my M203 or the M79 out, I've never even considered getting that close to someone when firing.

The final deathmatch was fun. Got into some action in the tunnels near the end, so that was cool.

I don't know if I'm just becoming jaded toward airsoft, or if AOSC games just aren't as fun as they used to be. :-\
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Re: Redfox Game: December 15th

Post by Wolfy » Sun Dec 16, 2012 12:59 pm

I can agree on some of the issues posted by Foxx. I was involved in an incident in Mile High that involved shooting though floors (not allowed even though the cracks are big enough to shoot through, and in any real situation, a person would take the opportunity) and after shooting a Bravo player through the railing, apparently allowed however, they decided to ignore the arm hit and run around, shoot me in the arm almost point blank with a pistol. When I called him on his hit and the fact he couldn't shoot me he just stated "well it doesn't matter, everyone in this building is dead anyway!" Well, in that case, all of your teammates who ran up after you are dead too....but... yeah. Foxx called himself out despite having not been shot or officially safety killed (though they thought they had safetied him while wildly waiving their guns and just shouting "Safety" without looking at anyone person). But oh well. Hoss held out on the top floor until someone reached up and shot him with a pistol, a little blindfire in my opinion, but Hoss called out after being hit in the lip.

The silverado games could have been more fun if it wasn't for the flanking around and spawn camping on Alpha done by Bravo. I'm also not sure why Bravo flanked to take our briefcase then run off, but oh well we got it back. As always there was a lot of not calling hits, but on both teams. After the grenade to at least two peoples faces on Alpha however, it was just a little unnecessary, no matter what it shot.

Just putting my two cents in about this game. I had fun (somewhat) got some good play, the most kills I've gotten at a game due to close combat, and got to see everyone I hadn't seen in a while due to college and work.

And no, I'm not trying to start trouble, point fingers (not too many anyway) or anything. There was a lot of fault on both teams due to either poor communication, big headed-ness, inexperience, and just plain carelessness. When Dom would say "hey, what they did is okay" I'd accept it and move on even if I didn't agree with it and I just hope everyone else did the same. Airsoft can get heated, but it's not exactly worth holding grudges over.
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Re: Redfox Game: December 15th

Post by captainkirk05 » Sun Dec 16, 2012 6:45 pm

I had a great time at the game, one of my best experiences yet. I thought Dom did a great job putting on the games. The warm up game was SO MUCH FUN!!! No objective other than shoot people, for some reason I liked that. There were battles breaking out all over the field at the same time that first game, with plenty of cover and open expanses for you to test your maneuvering and quick shooting. That one vs 7 engagement I had with a back side flanking Bravo squad was fun. Seeing all of them get sprayed down trying to rush our respawn later by our teammate with the m249, wish I had filmed it :) And then the push by Alpha at the end of the game, I had fun with that taking on the large number of players to the right side.

Mile High is a blast once you figure out the play style you need for it. If you haven't realized you need to bum rush and get up and personal to win, Mile High can become frustrating. It's just something you learn with playing the field a few times. Once I got in the tower as alpha the second game, I was having a hayday holding down the trigger on Bravo running down from the hillside. I can't count how much ammo I went through or how many hits on Bravo I got.

Silverado City was fun as usual. This field can require you to be a bit more athletic to get the drop on the opposition. Coming up from behind Bravo's base and taking out a giant group of players focused on the city, priceless. My 3 man fireteam crossed 100 yards of open pine forest to love tap them from 20 yards behind. Just afterwards I was hit out by one of my own Alpha players, 2nd worst case of friendly fire I've ever taken (I have never worn so much green, all green gear and m81 woodlands bdu's, 20 yards away with clear vision and shoots me, the bugger), and then outed again after he revived and I was shot out by a Bravo behind the red building during a prolonged firefight.

It was the most enjoyable day of airsofting I've ever had. Sure I had more problems than usual with players not calling hits, it was more widespread and blatant than usual, but nothing shooting a few extra bb's at them can't solve. One Bravo player even said "OUCH!" when I shot him. When he didn't raise his hand I asked if he was out. And when he raised his gun at me for the answer, I made him say ouch some more :) While the games are always fun, it feels like some of the objectives are a bit complicated for most players to really go for. The locked 5 letter briefcase game, the second I heard that I knew no one was going to get anywhere with that, especially with the time limit. Something like, find the key and unlock it, much like we did in Silverado City, I think would work out much better for the player base.
Last edited by captainkirk05 on Sun Dec 16, 2012 10:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Redfox Game: December 15th

Post by crossfire876 » Sun Dec 16, 2012 10:36 pm

captainkirk05 wrote:I had a great time at the game, one of my best experiences yet. I thought Dom did a great job putting on the games. The warm up game was SO MUCH FUN!!! No objective other than shoot people, for some reason I liked that :) There were battles breaking out all over the field at the same time that first game, with plenty of cover and open expanses for you to test your maneuvering and quick shooting. That one vs 7 engagement I had with a back side flanking Bravo squad was fun. Seeing all of them get sprayed down trying to rush our respawn later by our teammate with the m249, wish I had filmed it :) And then the push by Alpha at the end of the game, I had fun with that taking on the large number of players to the right side.

Mile High is a blast once you figure out the play style you need for it. If you haven't realized you need to bum rush and get up and personal to win, Mile High can become frustrating. It's just something you learn with playing the field a few times. Once I got in the tower as alpha the second game, I was having a hayday holding down the trigger on Bravo running down from the hillside. I can't count how much ammo I went through or how many hits on Bravo I got.

Silverado City was fun as usual. This field can require you to be a bit more athletic to get the drop on the opposition. Coming up from behind Bravo's base and taking out a giant group of players focused on the city, priceless. My 3 man fireteam crossed 100 yards of open pine forest to love tap them from 20 yards behind :) Just afterwards I was hit out by one of my own Alpha players, 2nd worst case of friendly fire I've ever taken (I have never worn so much green, all green gear and m81 woodlands bdu's, 20 yards away with clear vision and shoots me, the bugger), and then outed again after he revived and I was shot out by a Bravo behind the red building during a prolonged firefight.

It was the most enjoyable day of airsofting I've ever had. Sure I had more problems than usual with players not calling hits, it was more widespread and blatant than usual, but nothing shooting a few extra bb's at them can't solve. One Bravo player even said "OUCH!" when I shot him. When he didn't raise his hand I asked if he was out. And when he raised his gun at me for the answer, I made him say ouch some more :) While the games are always fun, it feels like some of the objectives are a bit complicated for most players to really go for. The locked 5 letter briefcase game, the second I heard that I knew no one was going to get anywhere with that, especially with the time limit. Something like, find the key and unlock it, much like we did in Silverado City, I think would work out much better for the player base.
I second much of what was said here. As part of that 3 man group we shared many of the same experiences.

Most of the people I ran into over the day called their hits admirably, but there were a few shining examples of blatant disregard for calling hits that was frustrating. Take for example the young gentlemen mentioned above that was obviously pained by the hit he took in the stomach, only to attempt to return fire. This sport, and especially the AOSC, perpetuate itself based on a friendly atmosphere and "honorable" gameplay.

I may be one of the few that enjoyed the elaborate game types. The addition of more than just take "A" to point "B" was a nice change of pace. Although none of the missions were completed, it was nice to have a more lofty objective to shoot for. Communication among alpha as a whole could have been better and likely would have contributed to a more organized, objective oriented gameplay.

I'm not sure what happened to Alpha later in the day. We were able to hold our own for much of the morning, but come afternoon and Silverado City, we got steamrolled something awful.

Red Fox, as my signature suggests, is my favorite map currently in rotation by the AOSC, so I have a good deal of fun based on that. Warm up game was rather fun as well as it was a field I had never been on.

Turnout was good and it was nice to see ACTS out there. Cool ministry.

All in all, a very enjoyable day of airsoft.


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Re: Redfox Game: December 15th

Post by Wolfy » Mon Dec 17, 2012 12:24 pm

crossfire876 wrote:
captainkirk05 wrote:I had a great time at the game, one of my best experiences yet. I thought Dom did a great job putting on the games. The warm up game was SO MUCH FUN!!! No objective other than shoot people, for some reason I liked that :) There were battles breaking out all over the field at the same time that first game, with plenty of cover and open expanses for you to test your maneuvering and quick shooting. That one vs 7 engagement I had with a back side flanking Bravo squad was fun. Seeing all of them get sprayed down trying to rush our respawn later by our teammate with the m249, wish I had filmed it :) And then the push by Alpha at the end of the game, I had fun with that taking on the large number of players to the right side.

Mile High is a blast once you figure out the play style you need for it. If you haven't realized you need to bum rush and get up and personal to win, Mile High can become frustrating. It's just something you learn with playing the field a few times. Once I got in the tower as alpha the second game, I was having a hayday holding down the trigger on Bravo running down from the hillside. I can't count how much ammo I went through or how many hits on Bravo I got.

Silverado City was fun as usual. This field can require you to be a bit more athletic to get the drop on the opposition. Coming up from behind Bravo's base and taking out a giant group of players focused on the city, priceless. My 3 man fireteam crossed 100 yards of open pine forest to love tap them from 20 yards behind :) Just afterwards I was hit out by one of my own Alpha players, 2nd worst case of friendly fire I've ever taken (I have never worn so much green, all green gear and m81 woodlands bdu's, 20 yards away with clear vision and shoots me, the bugger), and then outed again after he revived and I was shot out by a Bravo behind the red building during a prolonged firefight.

It was the most enjoyable day of airsofting I've ever had. Sure I had more problems than usual with players not calling hits, it was more widespread and blatant than usual, but nothing shooting a few extra bb's at them can't solve. One Bravo player even said "OUCH!" when I shot him. When he didn't raise his hand I asked if he was out. And when he raised his gun at me for the answer, I made him say ouch some more :) While the games are always fun, it feels like some of the objectives are a bit complicated for most players to really go for. The locked 5 letter briefcase game, the second I heard that I knew no one was going to get anywhere with that, especially with the time limit. Something like, find the key and unlock it, much like we did in Silverado City, I think would work out much better for the player base.
I second much of what was said here. As part of that 3 man group we shared many of the same experiences.

Most of the people I ran into over the day called their hits admirably, but there were a few shining examples of blatant disregard for calling hits that was frustrating. Take for example the young gentlemen mentioned above that was obviously pained by the hit he took in the stomach, only to attempt to return fire. This sport, and especially the AOSC, perpetuate itself based on a friendly atmosphere and "honorable" gameplay.

I may be one of the few that enjoyed the elaborate game types. The addition of more than just take "A" to point "B" was a nice change of pace. Although none of the missions were completed, it was nice to have a more lofty objective to shoot for. Communication among alpha as a whole could have been better and likely would have contributed to a more organized, objective oriented gameplay.

I'm not sure what happened to Alpha later in the day. We were able to hold our own for much of the morning, but come afternoon and Silverado City, we got steamrolled something awful.

Red Fox, as my signature suggests, is my favorite map currently in rotation by the AOSC, so I have a good deal of fun based on that. Warm up game was rather fun as well as it was a field I had never been on.

Turnout was good and it was nice to see ACTS out there. Cool ministry.

All in all, a very enjoyable day of airsoft.
Glad to see some players who had a great time. It was my first time at Red Fox and I deffinentley enjoyed the field. With Silverado City though I do agree the objective went in one ear and out the other for us and I'm sure some others once we heard it was basically a four parter with a time limit. We instantly switched from the briefcase is priority to kill all Bravo. However I do have to admire the creativity and thought input with that one.

I know from my earlier post it might seem that I had a bad game but it really was a very fun game and I hadn't been in almost 6 months so it was much needed. I did pretty well for myself out there and I couldn't agree with just the facts of blatant disregard for calling hits as well as poor communication. Those will always be a teams downfall.
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Re: Redfox Game: December 15th

Post by Lord Wyatt » Mon Dec 17, 2012 6:13 pm

crossfire876 wrote:
captainkirk05 wrote:I had a great time at the game, one of my best experiences yet. I thought Dom did a great job putting on the games. The warm up game was SO MUCH FUN!!! No objective other than shoot people, for some reason I liked that :) There were battles breaking out all over the field at the same time that first game, with plenty of cover and open expanses for you to test your maneuvering and quick shooting. That one vs 7 engagement I had with a back side flanking Bravo squad was fun. Seeing all of them get sprayed down trying to rush our respawn later by our teammate with the m249, wish I had filmed it :) And then the push by Alpha at the end of the game, I had fun with that taking on the large number of players to the right side.

Mile High is a blast once you figure out the play style you need for it. If you haven't realized you need to bum rush and get up and personal to win, Mile High can become frustrating. It's just something you learn with playing the field a few times. Once I got in the tower as alpha the second game, I was having a hayday holding down the trigger on Bravo running down from the hillside. I can't count how much ammo I went through or how many hits on Bravo I got.

Silverado City was fun as usual. This field can require you to be a bit more athletic to get the drop on the opposition. Coming up from behind Bravo's base and taking out a giant group of players focused on the city, priceless. My 3 man fireteam crossed 100 yards of open pine forest to love tap them from 20 yards behind :) Just afterwards I was hit out by one of my own Alpha players, 2nd worst case of friendly fire I've ever taken (I have never worn so much green, all green gear and m81 woodlands bdu's, 20 yards away with clear vision and shoots me, the bugger), and then outed again after he revived and I was shot out by a Bravo behind the red building during a prolonged firefight.

It was the most enjoyable day of airsofting I've ever had. Sure I had more problems than usual with players not calling hits, it was more widespread and blatant than usual, but nothing shooting a few extra bb's at them can't solve. One Bravo player even said "OUCH!" when I shot him. When he didn't raise his hand I asked if he was out. And when he raised his gun at me for the answer, I made him say ouch some more :) While the games are always fun, it feels like some of the objectives are a bit complicated for most players to really go for. The locked 5 letter briefcase game, the second I heard that I knew no one was going to get anywhere with that, especially with the time limit. Something like, find the key and unlock it, much like we did in Silverado City, I think would work out much better for the player base.
I second much of what was said here. As part of that 3 man group we shared many of the same experiences.

Most of the people I ran into over the day called their hits admirably, but there were a few shining examples of blatant disregard for calling hits that was frustrating. Take for example the young gentlemen mentioned above that was obviously pained by the hit he took in the stomach, only to attempt to return fire. This sport, and especially the AOSC, perpetuate itself based on a friendly atmosphere and "honorable" gameplay.

I may be one of the few that enjoyed the elaborate game types. The addition of more than just take "A" to point "B" was a nice change of pace. Although none of the missions were completed, it was nice to have a more lofty objective to shoot for. Communication among alpha as a whole could have been better and likely would have contributed to a more organized, objective oriented gameplay.

I'm not sure what happened to Alpha later in the day. We were able to hold our own for much of the morning, but come afternoon and Silverado City, we got steamrolled something awful.

Red Fox, as my signature suggests, is my favorite map currently in rotation by the AOSC, so I have a good deal of fun based on that. Warm up game was rather fun as well as it was a field I had never been on.

Turnout was good and it was nice to see ACTS out there. Cool ministry.

All in all, a very enjoyable day of airsoft.
Our guys had a fantastic time, got some great video and pictures, and I think this has caused a stir in more guys to come out to games next year!

Thanks for the encouragement, we LOVE what we do and are glad to be a part of the community!!!!!

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Re: Redfox Game: December 15th

Post by popo9878 » Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:26 pm

had a great time with the team at this game really well balanced teams but man did we steamroll alpha. there was a issue with a admin about a kill on the first game but was resolved quickley. but i lol ed so had when my team mate got the admin with his m203 and said now your dead but all and all i have to say this is the best game ive been to in a while. hopefully we will see more games like this and would love to see wven more people on the 5 next year
Last edited by popo9878 on Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Redfox Game: December 15th

Post by Dominum » Tue Dec 18, 2012 9:21 pm

With a turnout of 80 total players, cool weather, a change in rotation, and new objectives, it was a fun day. As always at Redfox, we had a lot of new and inexperienced players. This means they will take some time to learn the ins and outs of the sport, but it is up to us to lead by example with honorable play and lending advice when needed. The first game was a lot of fun, Mrs. Dominum, Mr. Marauder and I helped Alpha push up on the left flank right up close to Bravo HQ, but then I got shot for the third time and had to bleed out and head back to our HQ, helped defend it for a bit until the end. It was Mrs. Dominums first game since the Zombie game last year, and she had a great time. There were a couple individuals I had to talk to about minor issues, and one confusing incident that Mr. Marauder and I cleared up after that field. All in all it got us warmed up and broke in several new players.
The next couple games were in Mile High, and unfortunately both teams got the idea late that the only way to take the city is to get as close as you can as fast as you can and systematically clear the buildings. Trying to shoot people in the windows from the woods is a waste of time. I have to agree with Foxx and Wolfy about the retardedness of the crack rules in Mile High, but due to the way they were built, there is no way to deal with them that isn't retarded. That's probably the primary reason why some people dislike that field, and I really wish they hadn't built them like that. I admined both of those games primarily due to this, and a couple players I was observing due to complaints at the previous game. I tried to be as helpful as possible, but I wish I could make it less confusing. Neither team accomplished the objective, but they both tried very hard and made serious headway.

After lunch we moved to Silverado City, which was held up a bit by some paintballers who decided to play past their time, but once we got there we tried another new set of objectives. Both times they were completed by Bravo, though the second time I made sure to be a lot more confusing about it lol. Though the numbers were even, Alpha had a lot of younger players that weren't aggressive enough, though they fought hard and many of the Alpha players made some great flanking maneuvers. At both of these games I played the operative with the key to the cases, and had a grand time. Mrs. Dominum wanted to stick with me, so she added another element that slowed Bravo down for a bit when they took her hostage and left me, thinking she had another key on her. The Elite squad games at the end were intense; I played on Alpha and waited for the initial charge and disbursement, then quietly made my way into the city with just a Glock. I shot several Bravo in the back while they were focused on the Alpha that had all moved on their flanks and rear. Once we cleared the city we found the remainder holed up in the tunnels. I took the second spot on the stack going into the E tunnel, and took a shot to the thumb after thinning them down by two. I painfully extricated myself while taking more rounds to the knee (it was dark and close, so I can't blame them for that) and went outside to find everyone either dead or reluctant to go in. The dark was coming and we called it a day.

Thanks to Marauder for helping me run things, and thanks to all the players that made it out. I appreciate that my wife didn't experience any problems with anyone, she's a noob and she said the players were polite and helpful.

I have to admit it is a bit difficult to please everyone, people often ask for new and innovative objectives, but then when we implement them people say they are too complicated. We were trying to make things more interesting for those who wanted it, and hopefully it was still amenable to those that prefer more standard objectives. Though they weren't completed in the Mile High games, even if it had been a simple objective like "retrieve the case", they still would not have succeeded. The other objectives in Silverado were met both times though, one team succeeded in capturing the operative, taking him to their base to unlock the case with the code word, then they found the money case and unlocked it with the code word. The second time it was even more complicated because they first captured the wrong agent, and when they finally had both the case and the code the primary agent tried to double cross them and run off with the money. Unfortunately for Alpha, he was promptly shot, dragged, and tortured (to no avail). The other agent then released the code under interrogation however. Albeit by this point in the day they had an advantage in experienced player percentage.
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Re: Redfox Game: December 15th

Post by crossfire876 » Wed Dec 19, 2012 12:24 am

Sorry for the poor quality (standard def), running budget cameras. A quick view of the day as told by Alpha. ...



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Re: Redfox Game: December 15th

Post by qnkz » Mon Dec 24, 2012 1:59 pm

Another video from the days games, from my point of view.

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