Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Dominum » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:22 pm

As an added note Savoy, I have run any number of games perfectly smoothly while still playing a good portion of the time. I am not arguing your valid point that much was left to be desired from the admins, but it is a fact that you can run relatively large game smoothly without remaining out of play the entire time.
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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Dominum » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:27 pm

CharleyNovember wrote:2. I did hear a few fellas state they didn't feel right about shooting you while you were riding around. What if the shot made you wince(not implying you are somehow not manly enough at all so don't take it that way) and you crashed the bike hurting yourself. That is a legitimate concern that certainly gave me pause and hence I never shot at you while on the bike.
That's why I never shot from it, because I figured some people would think just that and I thought it wouldn't be very polite to shoot them if they were hesitating to shoot at me. This is also why I told people "feel free to shoot me on the bike if I do not have a dead rag on". I still didn't want to take advantage of their hesitation, so I didn't. No one can dispute that.
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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Skywalker » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:52 pm

There is only 1 thing you can control about the airsoft games they you attend, and thats YOUR attitude. The amount of money you spend or drive time has absolutely no direct connection to how good of a day you can/should expect.

If you want to come from far away to complain about heat and lack of organization, then feel free to do so. But somehow, I managed to have a great time. Not to mention I did some damage to my front bumper turning into the place, which was difficult to find. Or that I smack landed one of my $1k+ guns in the mud when I fell. Or that a guy almost shot me in the face from 15feet away with a 50ft med gun. (lol, I yelled out to him before he shot to make sure he was outside his MED, at which point he switched to a pistol). This could have made for a horrid day of airsoft... ..... or a great one; depending on my attitude.

I don't care to pick names or point fingers, I just hope that I get to play with these guys sometime in the future and run on their squad, to make sure they have a good time :)
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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Dominum » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:56 pm

I had a good time too Luke, though there were certainly things that should have been done better.

As Stephen said, I will be hosting AOSC games here within the next couple of months on a regular basis. Expect great things, but bring lots of water! LOL
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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by KingSalami » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:00 pm

Of everything the players were the best part, of course. I did hear a "**** you!" from across the field within 5 minutes, coupled with some minor hit detection issues, but for the majority the players were great. The high point of the day for me was in between the two missions, smoking, eating canned pasta, and chatting with my friends. No matter what event I'm at (awful or awsome), this will always be the high point for me.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by CharleyNovember » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:01 pm

Hence my original assertation that I indeed did have a good time, but perhaps your post is not directed at

Towards civil and beneficial comments though as someone who has also run many events I have to say the games were much better when they had my full attention in running them. Sure it can be done but I think overall you get a better game together when you are solely wrapped up in running it and keep things moving full time. Just a difference of opinion. The water thing I agree with I certainly knew it was going to be hotter than hell. I wasn't sure how big it was till I actually got there. Had I organized the game I would have trucked people across that area or had two camps and several more admins to run with both sides in tandem. not had them walk from one end to the other. Again just a different way of doing things. In the end I hope to see a lot of you guys at Fulda Gap this year that is the next event for me this year.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Dominum » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:07 pm

You should seriously consider coming out to Crisis in Dunundistan II.
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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by CharleyNovember » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:10 pm

I would but I am currently back in college seeking a degree and as such my funds are very limited and my games have to be picked. Not that your game is inferior just I had already planned to go to Fulda I know many on my team are going so that is where my money has to go.

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Dominum » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:17 pm

No sweat, life happens! I did enjoy getting to play with you again, especially against the tank! I don't think I had ever really talked to you before, though I am sure I played with you at a RR game a long time ago.
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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by jaguar12airsoft » Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:57 pm

Incase anyone was wondering, we brought the pyro. It was another player who wasnt in my group who fired off the round that struck Fallouts tank- and i told him 3-4 times NOT to fire directly at the tank. Told him to fire into the air above them in a effort to try to distract the tank. After making sure Fallout and his crew were ok, we all agreed to make sure that wouldnt happen again. didnt have any other problems with the pyro after that, that im aware of.

I think that fallout knows how sorry me and my guys are about that happening. He says its oright but we still feel guilty about it and owe him one.
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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Felix » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:14 pm

Ive been off so im just gonna say, Dom doesn't flinch when getting shot on that bike. XD

Before I left at 4, Dom and I had a shoot out, my 36 on semi vs dom's gas gun on the bike. I told him id hid and he could hunt me. After i killed him 5-7 different times, allowing him some good range inbetween and very VERY close shots at me, he did happen to shoot me XD.

Dom, only issue is that clutch/gangsta firing thing with the bike, otherwise you basically absorb most hits and extrude it with a very loud OWWW!!

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Dominum » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:20 pm

I can't begin to tell you how hard it is to hit a moving target at 50-100ft with a GBB in one hand while riding a minibike at however fast I was going, especially while being shot! Thanks for finally standing still LOL. Did you guys get the vid? Had I tried to fire from it in the game it wouldn't have really done any good unless I got right up on them, by which time they could have easily shot me.
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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Felix » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:23 pm

I do have that video but its with Sky.. who has the blue hole footage fromt he 7 people game, the Anni game, and other random footage..

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by stealthsoldier1 » Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:26 pm

The game sucked. Plain and simple. I drove over 7 hours to this, and was severely disappointed. It was the most unorganized, least thought out, piss poor excuse for an "operation" that I have ever been to (and I have been to more games than I can remember, in 5 separate states). The only thing that even moderately redeemed this otherwise wasted weekend were the players, both the ones I came with/met there and the ones that I made friends with on-site. The people I refer to were really fun to hang with, so thanks to yall for un-ruining my weekend.

Something that I think needs more attention than it has been given- why the hell did someone shoot mortars at the tank?! Seriously, firing 4 (yes, 4) of those things at the tank with both myself and Fallout in it was quite possibly the stupidest, most dangerous thing that I have ever seen in an airsoft game. Why the hell did someone think that this was a good idea? Especially when there was a perfectly good launcher resting on a nearby tree?

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Re: Blue Hole - Op Guardian - June 18 2011

Post by Dominum » Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:34 pm


I have had to edit no less than 4 posts in this thread for obviously disallowed expletives. This is a clear violation of the posted forum rules. This is a family friendly forum. (Don't apologize for it, just stop doing it.)
PRincess and jsts ghost CERTIFIED "Tier 1 Operator"
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