Crisis In Dunundistan II August 6/7 2011

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Crisis In Dunundistan II August 6/7 2011

Post by The Strange Taco » Sun Aug 07, 2011 2:48 pm

This is Taco, I must say, I had a great time at this game today, just got back home after a long (second) day of slinging plastic and hauling objectives. I definitely loved having the chance to play the entire Redfox field with no paintballers around, that was definitely fun.

However, for how hot it was I think that a lot of the objectives and capture points were way too far from eachother, most people by the end of the first day were all completely tired out and left for home, by the second day, we only had around 30 - 40ish people left and we still played the entire field, but having such small teams trying to cover the entire field was just too much work, a lot of people left early, and by the end of the day, Alpha forces were dwindling down to nothing, and the majority of our players were either sitting in the parking lot doing nothing, or were just individual people scattered up and down the field with no orders.

In the end though, Bravo really fought hard and it showed, good job guys. I had a great time, it was awesome meeting you guys, and I got a facemask from the raffle, I'm quite pleased with how this event turned out.

Edit: In case anyone was wondering, I was the Asian guy in ACU with long hair and a black helmet ;)
Also, who was the guy who I heard had a heatstroke the first day?

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Re: Crisis In Dunundistan II August 6/7 2011

Post by Veimos » Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:53 pm

Great game today and yesterday! Saturday, I got there after lunch, and a storm had rolled through cooling things down a bit, so for me it was pretty nice. Sunday, it was hot, no doubt about it. Still though, the humidity was low, and pacing myself I did okay. Objectives I thought were done well. Granted, our CO spared us the task of trying to hold harbor, which allowed us to stay a little fresher than your average mudhumper, so props to command!
I learned much from the GA boys. Really, very simple things, that makes all the difference. If someone is fired upon, you hear "CONTACT" yelled out, directions about where the enemy is coming from, and HEADCOUNTS of the enemy. Mother, and Diesel was always there to motivate people. Giving them tasks to do, and I mean basic tasks such as, "Okay quit standing out in the open, you and you, setup a perimeter on this side, you and you on yadda yadda side, blah blah blah in building 2" . Assigning even a small task helps give people direction, and something to do, and they WAY they do it.....they just say what they need, and accept volunteers, instead of ordering people around. It works great! Don't get me wrong, we have this in SC on a team level, but I mean ALL of bravo was doing it. Communication makes all the difference.
I also saw a step up in Admining, and wish to give all those who did a hearty thanks. We had more admins on the field than I've ever seen. (This is just my personal experience). Props to Dom and his helpers, I was very impressed.
To Alpha, I hate that the heat washed out your numbers. Let me tell you, that this has happened to me as a bravo player quite a few times. Take it all in stride, never give up, but DO stay safe and hydrated, and leave the field by all means if you think a heatstroke is coming.
To all of those who drove HOURS to show up and play....Thank you! I can respect the time and money it took you to just get to the field. I would guess Sunday at least would have been a bit of a washout if it wasn't for you long distance airsofters, and I'm not just talking about GA. You people are helping keep Airsoft healthy in SC....Thanks.

Nuff said.

Edited (Hicap has been found!))
Last edited by Veimos on Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Crisis In Dunundistan II August 6/7 2011

Post by Romba » Sun Aug 07, 2011 8:27 pm

I thought CID2 was a great game. I've had better games in terms of kills, but this has been one of my most enjoyable games I've been to. 

Before I get into game logistics, a couple of personal addresses. As to avoid confusion, I played Bravo day 1 and Alpha (in tan camo) day 2 to balance teams. 

Mojo: I enjoyed fighting under your command. You're a good leader and I will gladly fight under your command again. By the way when I was in apache and you were trying to tell me to get the flag, you were breaking up every 1-2 seconds and we were pinned from all sides. So I wasn't being an ass about it, so no need to get all PO'ed at me :/

Brandon: I thought you were a good commander day 1. But day 2 you have really pissed me off. Beginning of day 2 (today) when you shot me at mile high, I clearly exclaimed I was dead and put on my dead rag. You left me alone for a few seconds then provided to light me up again for absolutely no reason. You complained I was moving toward my medic, who I told you was way behind me way to the right. And besides, why would you shoot me instead of the medic (who was again no where near me). You then decided to light me up AGAIN. just wanted to let you know how much that pissed me off and how I lost quite a bit of respect for you. I will post a picture of the numerous welts on my stomach if you'd like. I'd love to hear your explanation. 

Dom: you put on a great game. I just don't think I'm going to any more big OPs in August. I got pretty dehydrated and sat out feeling like crap for like the last 30 mins. 

It was awesome how many people came from GA and other states, and they ended up being the only ones (for the most part) that stayed for day 2. 6/8 of my guys didn't come back for day 2 because they didn't want "to get dirty again". We only live 20 mins away so they got showers and AC. It's really pretty lame. It seemed like all who were left by day 2 were out of staters and regulars/people on the forums who I recognize. 

Day 1 was not very "actiony" for me, so I'll talk about day 2. 

You've read my game start troubles, but other highlights:

One of our objectives was to go steal the spawn flag from the harbor. I led (navigation, not command) a largeish force on the road past junk yard through valley of doom to the harbor with no opposition. We sent 2 to run the flag to silverado for capture and proceeded up the road to crossroads and took that spawn with NO OPPOSITION. There was an ammo can at crossroads. I couldn't raise Mojo to find out if it was ours so we left it. Was that ours?.... If so I blame red. He told us to leave it. :P

We proceed to mile high and cleared all buildings. Bravo had for some reason deserted it. We went on to apache which Mojo told us to hold until further command. By the time we got the objective to bring that flag to silverado we were pinned by mother I believe. Some guy who i remember from TDC (for the same reason) was not calling his hits (who was rolling with mother). I was rather pissed off because me and another teammate had both shot him when he was in "cover" AND when he charged us but that is neither hither or thither. 

Thought it was a great game. Big thanks to Dom and Felix and the red fox employees and other admins I'm missing. 

Sorry my thoughts are rather erratic this was typed on my phone on and off for a couple hours. So there may be autocorrected words that don't make sense too. Good game. Good game. 

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Re: Crisis In Dunundistan II August 6/7 2011

Post by fallout11 » Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:16 am

Got home safe and sound last night (620 miles round trip), tired and a bit gimped up from a Saturday leg injury I managed to inflict on myself in Mile High City during the first mission, when the tank had broken down in the street and we were out fighting on foot. Had a good time, plenty of targets to shoot at and all around good sportsmanship from my perspective. Good dry run for the tank in preparation for Fulda Gap in October as well, found a few issues that I need to address before then and tested out some changes/mechanical work. Fielding a tank is in an endless battle of maintenance and repair. ;)
The tank assisted Bravo for Mission 1 on Saturday, then switched sides and assisted Alpha for the remainder of the event, giving both sides a chance to play both with and against us. Neat to see the difference in structure, organization, and leadership between the two sides. Honestly even the junior Alpha players were pretty good when they had someone more experienced to accompany them and give them a little hands-on guidance (and a bit of a morale boost). It was seriously hot/humid, especially early on Saturday and then again late on Sunday, saw a lot of people clearly flagging from exhaustion (btw, its hotter in the tank than out of it), and unfortunately quite a few fogged/hot goggle-removers as a result ("keep your mask on!"), but that's pretty commonplace fair. Sorry to hear about the heat casualty on Saturday but can clearly see how that could have happened, didn't ever hear what happened or if they were okay. We got hung up a few times on the "speedbumps" and stumps on field, but otherwise thought the field was great. A little more grown up than most were expecting, I do believe, would love to go back to Red Fox again during cooler weather, with the leaves partially off the trees. The jungle-like foliage lended itself well to hidden ambushes and short range firefights, and we were not nearly as combat effective as we'd been at, say, TDC. Got destroyed by AT attack 10 times during the event, shot about 30,000 rounds from the main gun.
Thanks again for having us, hope to see you all again soon.

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Re: Crisis In Dunundistan II August 6/7 2011

Post by xyzpdq0121 » Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:57 am

Before I get in to my AAR, this is a quick note to Romba. ( I will type my AAR when I have more time and energy)

Romba. I completely apologize for our encounter. I thought there was a a medic behind you in that bush you were standing next too. I kept taking fire from that bush or somewhere right next to it. I even got a nasty hit to the top of the head from it. I was not aiming at you but at that bush. I was using 0.20g BBS in that gun instead of 0.30g which I normally run. The reason for this is that gun fires about 500+ and 0.30g just plain hurt too much out of there. The draw back to that is those lighter BBs were having some more spread than I was use to. That is why I was trying to get you and the other guy to move out of the way but not back into that bush were you could improve your position by getting healed easier. (Hence I told you not to move back to that medic that I thought was back there.) I knew there was a medic there somewhere because one guy got medic dragged. But those are not excuses. I am sorry that you got hit a few times extra, it was not on purpose. I knew you were already dead. Seriously, I completely apologize and believe me, it would never have happened nor will it ever happen again if I could prevent it.

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Re: Crisis In Dunundistan II August 6/7 2011

Post by Felix » Mon Aug 08, 2011 10:02 am

That was my first game Admin-ing, and man was it a good one! Got up there too early on friday and helped set it all up and waited for Saturday to come. Play the first half to lunch, which was a lot of sneaking around the outer rim of the field. Admin-ed the second part, which i was stationed at Mile High. Played the night game which was just us screwing around and sending off pretty colors. Sunday there was almost no one on alpha, but Thank You Multicam for switching factions to make a fair game. Then a smalll one shot pistols match withc ended up with us gettting tossed out of the junkyard due to paintballers

Ill say even though the field was huge and the objectives were spread out, allllll of the fighting was Mile High (Ew), Apache, and Bunker. And man, Georgians LOOOOOVE their multi-story buildings!! Bunker hill was a very interesting place and I loved it, but it took little fire fights due to how uphill of a battle it is. Apache was just a pain because of the brush XD.

There was only a few incidents that i remember being in, which was the heatstroke and a few multi-leveled issues. All in all it was a smooth day with bravo winning with 1500 points over alpha. Mainly because alpha had a lot of drop outs. But for the teams that did play alpha, they held their own pretty well. Georgia and SC partners of course, knew what they were doing.

Good job Mojo for keeping the Alpha ball rolling and working with the new players and hot weather, and good job Brandon for being a good sport and keeping it all interesting. Thanks Henry for the good game, and a great first admin.

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Re: Crisis In Dunundistan II August 6/7 2011

Post by BKMrBlack » Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:59 pm

Very sore after a great weekend. Thank you, Dom, for putting together a neat scenario with lots of missions.

I saw a lot of great play this weekend, but would like to point out one particular player who rolled with us Saturday afternoon by the name of West. West was a teenage player who did something I can only hope that everyone here reading this would do: he called a hit even when he wasn't shot at, was in complete cover and no one even knew where he was, and no one else knew he was there or had been hit (it was a stray bb from a tank strafing). If you ever wanted to know what integrity looks like, there it is. Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one else is there to hold you accountable. Thank you, West, for giving us all the model of how to play this game.

There were tons of great things this weekend, and I had a ton of fun, but I would like to point out a few things that I believe need to be worked on. Please don't look at this as a complaint, but as input from someone who has been doing this for a long time.

1. Safety: safety is lax or non existent, and it only a matter of time before someone loses an eye if something doesn't change. I saw people without eye protection on the field a LOT. And in the parking lot, where no one is wearing eye protection, there was gun after gun with mag in. Go to a shooting range and see how long it takes before you're kicked out if you walk around with your AR with mag in. Or join the army and step off the firing line with mag in and see how long before you are being disciplined. We HAVE to teach good practices, especially to our young players.

2. Time: Games need to start on time, and Sunday play needs to start bright and early and end early for those who traveled (9-12 on Sunday would have been good play time). I heard the game called a "military simulation". If that's the case, I would remind folks that if our soldiers are at a FOB in Afghanistan and the Taliban attacks, our soldiers can't yell out "hey, we aren't ready!". If everyone knows that game is on at 11:00 and it's starting with our without them, they will get there (or not. I've been the only one on the field when the horn sounded at a game before...)

It's too bad that more folks didn't show up for the game and we lost so many due to the heat. Those who didn't play missed out on a lot of fun. I look forward to coming back to SC to play, and I hope that some SC players will join us in TN and GA soon.

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Re: Crisis In Dunundistan II August 6/7 2011

Post by stuckmojo » Mon Aug 08, 2011 1:50 pm

i had a great time but i definately wish that more players showed up. let me first thank all who helped me command alpha: star folder, ironchef, aka killer and all the players i put in chrage of squads. i also whant to thank all of the alpha players that showed up and had the endurance to stay until the end. alpha had alot of new players and we were out classed by bravo but im still proud of alpha and how they played. to the bravo co: you are a very honorable player and i enjoyed fighting against you. i would love to do it again. i especially want to thank all of the tenn and ga players who made the trip for this game you guys rock and put up a very good fight as i expected you to. i hope that the new alpha players that were here learned a lot from fighting you. i also want to thank mrblack and the black knights for fighting for me on sunday you guys are awesome and i look forward to playing with you again. i had alot of fun hanging out with the ga and tenn players in the parking lot. airsoft is about having fun and making new friends. i did think that this op should have been done in the cooler months but i really enjoyed it and dom and ninja did a good job with designing the game. i loved the prim minister objective and i hope to see that again in future games. the highlight for me on saturday was hearing my xo on the radio cussing and saying im going to complete this ........objective if it kills me. well done chef. to romba im not mad at you i will fight with you anywhere anytime.

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Re: Crisis In Dunundistan II August 6/7 2011

Post by Romba » Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:48 pm

xyzpdq0121 wrote:Before I get in to my AAR, this is a quick note to Romba. ( I will type my AAR when I have more time and energy)

Romba. I completely apologize for our encounter. I thought there was a a medic behind you in that bush you were standing next too. I kept taking fire from that bush or somewhere right next to it. I even got a nasty hit to the top of the head from it. I was not aiming at you but at that bush. I was using 0.20g BBS in that gun instead of 0.30g which I normally run. The reason for this is that gun fires about 500+ and 0.30g just plain hurt too much out of there. The draw back to that is those lighter BBs were having some more spread than I was use to. That is why I was trying to get you and the other guy to move out of the way but not back into that bush were you could improve your position by getting healed easier. (Hence I told you not to move back to that medic that I thought was back there.) I knew there was a medic there somewhere because one guy got medic dragged. But those are not excuses. I am sorry that you got hit a few times extra, it was not on purpose. I knew you were already dead. Seriously, I completely apologize and believe me, it would never have happened nor will it ever happen again if I could prevent it.

I suppose I should apologize too, as my rant was a bit unnecessary. coming home and finding 10-15 large welts on my stomach really pissed me off. But to clarify the guy in the bush was dead too and I did tell you that. With a gun shooting THAT HOT I was pretty pissed when you lit me up for shuffling around. ANYWAY thanks for apologizing and I'm sorry too.
BKMrBlack wrote:2. Time: Games need to start on time, and Sunday play needs to start bright and early and end early for those who traveled (9-12 on Sunday would have been good play time). I heard the game called a "military simulation". If that's the case, I would remind folks that if our soldiers are at a FOB in Afghanistan and the Taliban attacks, our soldiers can't yell out "hey, we aren't ready!". If everyone knows that game is on at 11:00 and it's starting with our without them, they will get there (or not. I've been the only one on the field when the horn sounded at a game before...)
The one thing I know about that was we were waiting for admins to place objectives. Nothing against our admins, you ran a great game, but maybe objectives could be placed before players are on field.
stuckmojo wrote: romba im not mad at you i will fight with you anywhere anytime.
I know you're not mad at me I was just trying to clarify that I wasn't reading you when you were getting mad at me I wasn't trying to be smart just couldn't hear you or do anything about it due to brig pinned. And WAS that ammo can ours?

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Re: Crisis In Dunundistan II August 6/7 2011

Post by Skywalker » Mon Aug 08, 2011 5:34 pm

Romba was he lighting you up full auto?
[align=center]I'm here to hate your M4[/align]

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Re: Crisis In Dunundistan II August 6/7 2011

Post by Romba » Mon Aug 08, 2011 5:49 pm

Umm yes.

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Re: Crisis In Dunundistan II August 6/7 2011

Post by Diesel » Mon Aug 08, 2011 6:11 pm

No it was not full auto,Romba. Even though it may seemed like full auto, I was there and it wasn't. The gun he was using has some amazing trigger response.
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Re: Crisis In Dunundistan II August 6/7 2011

Post by Romba » Mon Aug 08, 2011 6:47 pm

Ok ok it's got good trigger response felt an awful lot like full auto. Now let's not derail the whole thread.

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Re: Crisis In Dunundistan II August 6/7 2011

Post by stuckmojo » Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:00 pm

i would like to add a note hear about safety in the heat. if your going to play in the summer drink plenty of fluids the day before and the day of. i put out water coolers for alpha and they hardly drank from them. you should be drinking at least 20 ounces of water or gatorade every hour.

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Re: Crisis In Dunundistan II August 6/7 2011

Post by IronChef » Mon Aug 08, 2011 8:48 pm

What a way to make a return after a year of down time. 1 st armor kill. First command role...first repremand....(I guess I can't yell at everyone, like i yell at my son).... as far. as the game. Confusing...and objectives spread way to far out. I did prove u can take abunch of rookies and get a hard job done. For the next big dynamic op. I would like to see the major teamws bring 2 sets of camo..balance makes fun gameplay. Ad if a "suggestion" can be made....i don't discourage new players but u don't start running a marathon day one. Pick a game that won't put u in over your head. Mini games are a good way to start and accept the fact you are going to get shot a LOT. its just plastic....
Btw....Mother u are one BAMF...when I grow up I want to be like you!
Last edited by IronChef on Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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