The Delimitation Conflict

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Dominum » Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:30 pm

It sounds like the tan guys walked into a base marked green, surrounded by guys with green camo, didn't shine a light on anyone to see their camo, and didn't ask what team they were on... and you are saying the green guys who shot them did something wrong? What should they have done in that situation?
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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Felix » Thu Jun 23, 2011 5:03 pm

I agree with dom's statement. This is (airsoft) warfare, use some cunning every once and a while. While this is a dirty trick, walking up casually and killing them all is a perfect way to play.

Story/example time: I made my way to Georgia's base during this game at 4 in the morning. A team of three guys were walking down the path. I ran after them, gun at my side dangling and my plastic gameknife in hand, saying "Hey, wait up guys!" Yes I could have shot them but in this circumstance i would have been immediatly swamped by every Gerogia player at J-Davis and at their base. So when they stopped I ran up and tagged each one of them. Had they asked me "Georgia or SC?" I would have said SC and shot them, but they didnt ask. And to be truthful thats what kept this game you want to ban, unbanned.

Read the quote again, We let that squad of Georgians draw that conclusion on their own. Thats why that one squad died, they thought I was some GA kid running up to join them. The other guys were just "GA" guys walking into the base.

Also the 'bang bang' thing, they easily could have. Heck I would have.

Coclusion, dont ban something for the incompetence of one side to camo check at night.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by specter » Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:57 am

Romba wrote:Yea that thing was coming pretty damn close and shooting us... if it really does shoot 400 that thing could seriously hurt someone that close.....
i still have a scar from where it shot me when i was dead from less than 10 feet.
>Implying I'm not going to just shoot you in the face

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