The Delimitation Conflict

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by UF_Jester » Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:59 am

Nytestalker wrote: I know it didn't help that Ga had NVGs but their success was mainly due to there ability to play together.
I would again like to thank Ga for bringing us some fierce competition.
Thank you. So many people think the Team Airsoft guys (most of the guys with NV play at Team Airsoft) are only effective at night because we have night vision. We turned it off for a little while at the game and still did alright. Not quite as well, but we were effective. Night games tactics are mainly about coordination and communication.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Diesel » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:02 am

On a side note. I took 18 apple and 12 lemon pies with me. I have 4 apple and 4 lemon left. Not bad
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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by slickridley » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:02 am

Palmetto Guard had 7 members show up the event
SargentSoba / cadet
SlickRidley / 2nd Platoon LT

Original Assignment:
2nd Platoon, Middle AO Commander, control the middle of the field

Actual :
Left side/J Davis / Tower and where ever else we could get some action

We did pretty good over all. We've showed a lot of improvement, our bi weekly practices have started to pay off!
Our main issue was that our over priced radio setups wouldn't communicate with everyone else. PG enjoy playing with the honorable Ga players and hope to be able to make the trip next time to Ga!

The Big Red thanks teams ROYAL, Iron Fox, GRAVE and Tanker for their support in holding objectives and taking out the tanks!

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by BKMrBlack » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:10 am

BTW: We found a zippo on the field. If you can correctly identify it (it's pretty easily identifiable), we will be glad to mail it to you. Just PM me with a description and I'll let you know if the one we found is yours.

On a side note: Having been the CO for a number of games in years past, I can tell you it's not an easy job (and generally pretty thankless). From the looks of things, the SC team was very organized in the beginning. It's easy to start out organized, but not so easy to stay that way. Good leadership is an excellent start, but you also have to have players and teams who are willing to do what they are asked (which might be: stay here and guard this. (Not always glamarous, but often highly necessary).

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by fallout11 » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:26 am

Romba wrote:
Bushmaster wrote:The other thing was that the tan tank with the "strafer" on it was somewhat hard to determine whether or not it was dead. We walked up to about 20 feet away on the road at one point assuming it was dead because we could see 2 orange flags hanging on it. We were destroyed and informed that the flags didn't matter unless they were standing up.
I ran into the same problem. Leaving base we saw it, saw orange flags, said "Oh, those are dead rags." Walken on only to be assaulted. We had a dead guy walk up and ask them to take off their dead rag, they wouldn't. I somehow think this is a tactic.
I was the operator of the small GA tank (the one with the flamethrower), and we've used the same pop-up orange 'dead flag' at other events in other states (FL, GA, etc) and never had a problem before. They are in fact a requirement at Command Decision Wargames (Fulda Gap) up in NC, so that's why it is there. I would have indeed removed it except it was screwed to the roof and I didn't have a screwdriver. The second larger rear mounted flag was a tan one, to let folks know that we were "tan" (and hence not green). The best laid plans of mice and men..... I do apologize for any confusion this created.

Other than this unfortunate misunderstanding, we had a grand time and generally tried to take it easy on folks with the death ray. SC fought well and hard, and were great opponents.
Last edited by fallout11 on Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by fallout11 » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:33 am

Felix wrote:Image

I see one dead rag and one GA flag.

While on the tank topic, beautiful creation there GA guys, I bet it got hot in there didnt it

And yeah, who has the info on that flamethrower? I need me one :P
Thank you for the picture and explanation Felix, right on point. We are "dead"/out of action in that picture.
It was actually quite comfortable in the tank, lots of mesh allowed the wind right through. We also have a fan/blower unit (to keep goggles from fogging) but didn't need it, gorgeous weather other than the soaking we got right at the's far from waterproof.

The 'flamethrower' unit is a simple pneumatic design, uses a 60 pound CO2 scuba tank to basically blow BB's out of a container. Think Wagner paint sprayer, only with BB's instead of paint. We used the el-cheapo .12g bbs from Walmart so they wouldn't have much sting at distance, it's inaccurate as heck, basically fires a cone pattern like a shotgun, and has no hop-up (the rate of fire would just chew the rubber to pieces).
It chronos 280-320 with .25's (depending on ambient temperature...CO2 being finicky), but we still tried to use our AEP's on close targets and stay back. There are plans on the web to build one yourself, however the big problem is that it is a massive gas hog and carrying around that much CO2 on your back is, well, not very fun.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Romba » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:45 am

Where are the plans?? I want them.

EDIT: what vehicle is that based off? A Go-kart?

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by stuckmojo » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:54 am

BKMrBlack wrote:Great game overall. Lots of great play on both sides.

I will say that the safety kill rule was used ridiculously. The concept is good, but was abused. Example: my team walked up on a guy who, incidentally was in the wrong uniform, and at about 15 feet he says "safety kill, ur all dead". 2 to 1 odds? Killed everyone (there were 6 of my guys, some as far back as 30 feet)? Seriously?

I understand the intention of the rule (to stop point blank shots), but it should only be if u truly have the drop on someone (as in, ur behind them) and certainly not more than a person (maybe 2) at a time. So many people were calling ridiculous safety kills.

The way it was used this weekend by many is just asking for arguements. If u sneak up on my back within 10 feet and say "bang" or safety kill" or whatever, I will gladly pull out my dead rag and congratulate u on a job well done? but if u walk up on 5? Or if u r in front of me with ur gun down? I dont think so.

I think all in all it was a great weekend. For so many players there were very few problems. Thabks for everyone who played with honor and integrity!

The Black Knights

to mBlack yea i know that safety rule is a little confusing and alot of our young players dont fully understand maybe one of our reps should have gone over it during the safety briefing. i believe it was you guys who attacked camp wounded around 12am and i safety killed 3 of your guys who where within 5 feet of me and i had my gun on them and one of your guys was about ten to 15 feet away and had the drop on me and i accepted it. you guys did an awesome job attacking that base. come to find out my mag was empty and didnt know it. there was one instance during the nite where i watched a sc guy try to safety kill a ga player from over 20 feet away and i walked to that player and called him out i agree that is pushing the limits on the safety kill thing. me personally if im ten feet or closer and i have the drop on a guy i will call safety instead of lighting him up unless he raises his gun

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Romba » Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:08 am

If everybody carried 0 MED sidearms, we wouldn't have these problems. I came up behind one guy who was about 20 feet in front of me, through some brush. Had I tried to sneak up on him, he would have heard me. So I shot him with my "0 MED KWA M4" (That thing is brand new, stock, and it was shooting about 310. Something was up with the chronos.) I didn't light him up I just shot him once. but if everyone carried a sidearm we wouldn't have as mny problems. My pistol is only shooting about 200-220, so it wont hurt much even from close.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by VoidSuicide » Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:10 am

Well, It was a very interesting game. I got to light up a few georgians with my grenades too. Sucks that pyro was banned though right about the time i gave up and just started chucking them all over the woodline north of sc hq.

Also, Somehow I managed to go the entire game without being shot. I did call myself out a couple times, and I was shot at a few times, but I'm pretty pleased that I managed to avoid being shot from the time it started until I left at about 4 in the morning.

And I will say this, georgia better hope I cant get things together in time, cause if I can come up with the money, I'm going to have a very epic tank for next year.

I am rather dissappointed about one thing tho, and that is that some GA players took a bunch of SC gear from lincolns hold when it got over ran in the after noon before dinner break. among the gear taken was Dom's helmet and my two cobra radios. I still don't know if the gear was given back or not.
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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Gambler » Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:13 am

UF_Jester wrote:
Bushmaster wrote:My only other real complaints are that there were a bunch of GA guys in woodland camo, which caused some confusion. On at least 2 occasions I approached them under the impression that they were SC and promptly got mowed down. The other thing was that the tan tank with the "strafer" on it was somewhat hard to determine whether or not it was dead. We walked up to about 20 feet away on the road at one point assuming it was dead because we could see 2 orange flags hanging on it. We were destroyed and informed that the flags didn't matter unless they were standing up.
There were only one or two guys in woodland. We offered them to SC to simplify things, but we got them somehow anyway. Also keep in mind that Multi looks like BDU at range. We had a bunch of guys in Multi.

To that end though, how about the SC guys telling people they were Ga guys then knifing them?
Jester, I watched 2 SC players in BDU's come up to some GA players at night asking them how things were going. They never identified themselves as being from GA and were never asked what side they were on, so in that instance it was the GA's players fault for asking them what side they were on. I even asked them myself(so that nobody else could hear) as I was admining at that time if they were on GA, and they just smiled and shook their heads no.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by fallout11 » Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:14 am

Diesel wrote:On a side note. I took 18 apple and 12 lemon pies with me. I have 4 apple and 4 lemon left. Not bad
You had pie?!?

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Diesel » Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:18 am

Stealth, Dom's helmet was taking in fun. Yes he got it back and even got a Airdogs patch to go with it. I was not aware of your radio's, but I will check with them and see if they took them or what.

Fallout, yes I did have some. Should have let you try some. See me at Fulda. I will have more there.
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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by fallout11 » Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:19 am

Romba wrote:EDIT: what vehicle is that based off? A Go-kart?
The undercarriage was/is a 1995 Club Car DS, a very mild mannered (and tired) golf cart.

We found a springer revolver, black, 8" barrel, and turned it in to the staff on Sunday AM, and a nice SC AT weapon at Camp Wounded just before dinner break, but left it where it was leaning....I hope both owners got them back.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by stuckmojo » Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:22 am

let me throw something out here i know that there was alot of stuff in lincolons hold that we left when ga took it over at 4pm and when we went back down there at 6 it was all gone. im not accusing anybody of stealing here so dont get me wrong but we do need to find out where the stuff is one of them was dom's helmet so if he got that back im sure the other stuff was returned.

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