You summed it up. Bravo was holding strong most of the morning, and then my radio went silent as the deadlines approached (pretty quiet about an hour before, but no responses at all approx 30 minutes before). I estimate that at least half of the faction was already off the field when lunch was sounded and the bases were scored. This time allowed alpha to easily (for the most part) secure the pilot and roll through all four bases (the northernmost base was a fight-in-progress as lunch sounded, but it was a losing fight for Bravo).Dominum wrote: That score surprised me, in the first half of the day I saw Bravo winning most engagements, I guess they just weren't relevant engagements as far as points are concerned.
The afternoon seemed to be dominated by which faction was losing players faster...the rain caused a lot of malfunctions and even a few minor injuries.
It was still an awesome game, though