Ok there were 7 total missions that the team had to complete. To stretch and warm up the players a bit we started them off on a 1/4 mile relay run through the road that went around the property. This doesn't seem long or hard but the majority of the people were hating life and it made me tired to watch from the back of the Jeep shouting encouragement and taking pictures. The players were also engaging about 9 targets along the run. TF-16 beat Waxhaw in this event with a total run time of 23 minutes and 55 seconds to 27 minutes and 41 seconds.
TF-16 100 point
Waxhaw 50 points
Next was the primary weapons competition. Each team member engaged two targets, one at 150 feet and 1 at 100 feet. They attempted to put 25 bbs in each target. The individual with the highest score would give their team an extra 10 points. Michael Buj of Valhalla scored the highest over all giving Waxhaw a 10 point bonus. Waxhaw won this event with a score of 282 to TF-16's 220.
Waxhaw 100 points
TF-16 50 points
The sidearm competition was next. Each member attempted to hit a target at 50 feet with 15 rounds from a pistol. The player with the highest score overall gave their team a 10 point bonus. Explosive B Man, of TF-16, shot the best over all. TF-16 won this event with a score of 193 to Waxhaw's 155.
TF-16 100 points
Waxhaw 50 points
My father was gracious to be the sacrificial lamb or HVT as some people would call it. The team was supposed ot escort my father down a predetermined path while two snipers laid in wait along the 1/4 miles route. If the HVT was taken out then he went to a respawn and they had to do it again. Both teams let my father take one for the team. Waxhaw had a little better plan of having someone further out front and Ping was able to spot the sniper almost in time. She shot the sniper the same time he shot my dad. TF-16 had a tighter security element right around my dad but the sniper was still able to pick him off. Waxhaw ended up winning this timed scenario with a time of 18 minutes and 53 seconds while TF-16 came in with a 20 minute 48 second escort time.
Waxhaw 100 points
TF-16 50 points
While the competitors were taking a shade break we had them do the medic heal scenario. A variation of medic rules that I enjoy is that each player wears a cord with 5 knots in it. The medic has to untie the 5 knots and retie them to put the player back in play. This is my favorite variation because we do not have to expect that every player can count to 30. It also takes awhile to untie and tie the knots. Every player had to "heal" everyone else on their team and the overall time was measured. Waxhaw beat TF-16 with a commanding time of 10 minutes and 30 seconds to TF-16's time of 15 minutes and 35 seconds.
Waxhaw 100 points
TF-16 50 points
The teams were sent on a sabotage mission as well. They were given the coordinates of a generator and were told to destroy it by shutting it off. Due to operator/owner error the two stroke generator kept shutting off due to it not having any oil in the fuel mix. Buj from Valhalla overcame and adapted in his mission by turning the switch off and unplugging the spark plug then getting out of dodge. There was a 5 minute penalty for killing any guards that happened to be near the objective. Waxhaw won this event with a time of 15 minutes 54 seconds while TF-16 did not complete the mission. All TF-16 members were shot and the last one was killed at 40 minutes. Bman who is your cell phone provider because I could not get a signal all weekend out there?
Waxhaw 100 points
TF-16 50 points
Lastly was the land navigation portion of the competition. Each team was given the same 10 point list of flags to find but were given a different starting point. They were supposed to find the point and read the number off of the flag. There were 30 flags placed all over the field. I was actually very impressed with both teams on this objective. Each correct flag number was worth 30 points. Waxhaw used a gps primarily and ended up getting back a few minutes before TF-16. TF-16 however found one more point than their competitors. TF-16 won the event with 240 points to Waxhaw's 210 points.
Total Points:
Waxhaw= 710
TF-16= 640
Congratulations Waxhaw on your victory at the first Operator Team Challenge. Hopefully we will see both four person teams at the next Real Mil we host in the mountains.
Three Ups
* Location
* Sportsmanship
* weather
Three Downs
* Production team had to iron some stuff out
* Lack of participation from teams who said they were coming
* Not enough people to play much Sunday
Best Team Contractor Competition March 20/21 2010
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Best Team Contractor Competition March 20/21 2010
[img width=450 height=150]http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r39/ ... er1sig.jpg[/img]