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***AOSC Anniversary Game - Sept.25th & 26th at Triggertyme***

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 7:52 pm
by BlackGhost
So far So Good.  I think we had about 90+ the 1st day.  We had some great fire fights. and I think a 2 hour knife fights. lol  mad props to ninja for getting this going.  the knife fight are taking over baby. meet alot of new peeps and saw some and as always great to see you all.  see you 2morrow.

Re: ***AOSC Anniversary Game - Sept.25th & 26th at Triggertyme***

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 8:52 pm
by Bushmaster
Well, I for one had a good day today. It was pretty hot, but that didn't stop anyone, the scenario and objectives were well placed/planned, and kept the game challenging. The Humvee was really nice because it kept, the game going, as you had to constantly watch your back.

I hope tomorrow's games go as well as today's did.

Re: ***AOSC Anniversary Game - Sept.25th & 26th at Triggertyme***

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 2:47 pm
by Felix
I was there for the first day and it was amazing! Great place with good teams. Props to the anderson snipers and for those who watched the knife fights, you missed out on some good cqb pistol fights.

Re: ***AOSC Anniversary Game - Sept.25th & 26th at Triggertyme***

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:37 pm
by Vesper
I had a blast. The weather was pretty warm, but hell, that ain't gonna stop us.
I was confronted with almost constant fire fights throughout the day, and we all know nothing is more exciting than that.
Kudos for Alpha sniper teams that were successfully inserted into near the South base. We had no idea of what was coming.

Re: ***AOSC Anniversary Game - Sept.25th & 26th at Triggertyme***

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:38 pm
by SteevoLS
Given that I left on Saturday before I had a chance to talk to a few people, I'd like to clear up a few situations.

Towards the end of the first game, a couple of other tan players (Hal/Werewolf and "Thomas", who I'd never met) snuck behind enemy lines and assaulted the air field. Shortly after we got there, a ghillied sniper safety killed one of them. I was behind the tower at the time, and didn't hear/notice him until he started moving. I immediately double-tapped him, after which he understandably was a little bit annoyed that I hadn't called the safety kill. I didn't get a chance to say anything at the time, but I just wanted to point out that I was not in his line of fire when he called the safety kill.

After I medic'd my safety-killed teammate, we located the schematics and decided to book it back to the South Base. On the way, I decided that we should clear the Tower of any Alpha sentries to avoid our movements being reported. As I approached, I saw two ACU players on the second floor. I had forgotten that ACU was "green" for the day, so I ignored them until one was kind enough to remind me of their faction by taking a shot at me. At this point, I dove in to the trenches that surround the tower. I somehow managed to make it in to the first floor of the tower without this ACU player seeing me. Once I got there, I shot the first player through the stairs, and then started to climb them. I ended up nearly shooting the final ACU player in the face (I had no MED, but I still try to avoid that), at which point he apparently shouted "Safety kill!"... I had already shot at this point, when he blind-fired a burst in to my nether regions. To clear this one up: Blind firing = BAD. I didn't hear you say "Safety kill!" over the sound of my own gun, so I'm glad nobody got hurt seriously.

20 or 30 minutes later, Iron Fox was headed towards the Air Field when one of them apparently noticed me in the tower, along with Werewolf (the schematics had long since been sent to the South Base for safe keeping). One of them yelled "Alpha or Bravo?" at me, to which I myself responded "Alpha or Bravo?". A couple of seconds later I shot 2 of them, and finished off the last a few seconds later. Quote from unidentified Iron Fox player: "They said with their own mouths that they were Alpha!"


Sorry guys, I'll try to yell a little louder next time.

Anywho, I had a good time, and shot 3rdOptik and Rayne quite a few times. My work here is done.

Re: ***AOSC Anniversary Game - Sept.25th & 26th at Triggertyme***

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 5:02 pm
by 3rd0ptik
I had some fun out there.. Thanks to everyone that put this together.. The hummer was fun ( until shot at ) BTW, cant believe airsoft rounds chipped the glass multiple times, wt?? The knife fighting was cool, ( thai man Riddick was nasty, props on the style.. & fun fights with you Ghost.. ;^) I liked the circle you guys set up, fun, not on my knuckles though.. lol.. apologies to anyone I hit on the hands, fights where intense.. & ooops, I still have all my cards from wins, sorry I forgot they were in my pocket.. anyhow, props to everyone, cant wait for vids and pics..

See ya next time..

Also the laser & flashlight battles with War, for what little I played, mad fun!

Re: ***AOSC Anniversary Game - Sept.25th & 26th at Triggertyme***

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 7:34 pm
by Red Fury
I was only able to make it the second day but i had alot of fun! The pistol games at the end were awesome. It was fun playing with Ghost, Swat, and the fox guys all of yall rule!

Re: ***AOSC Anniversary Game - Sept.25th & 26th at Triggertyme***

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 7:36 pm
by IronChef
sorry we missed it, we were in SC(rock hill) at northwestern HS for Soaps baseball game...which was freakin incredible, yes we do mroe than airsoft and video games!
Soap played 3rd...went 3 for 3, 2 rbis, one run and 2 put-outs. i think it was his career high game and his first time in 14u baberuth ball!

Re: ***AOSC Anniversary Game - Sept.25th & 26th at Triggertyme***

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 7:53 pm
by Diesel
OK, here we go.
First, props to Ninja and Dom. Great first game.
Second, thanks to all AOSC reps. First year has been a little bumpy, but I would consider it a SUCCESS.
Third, Iron Fox, had a blast shooting ya'll. Seemed like everytime I turned around, there ya'll were.
Fourth, the Alpha sniper team. Great job. Good silent movement, good concealment, and great sniper tactics. It was a pleasure playing with ya'll and hunting ya'll. I know that ya'll take pride, and thanks for only shooting me in the chest, when you could have shot me other places.

Now on the the game.
What a game. I was able to catch a ride first thing from Bravo base. I had second thoughts after Alpha rode down first, right into a heck of alot of bbs. That is when the window got chipped. Who would have thought a 6mm plastic bb would chip a window that has been shot at with a .22. The driver was as surprised as we were.(nice shot Raymond) Anyway, Smitty, Gambler, Matthew(Steevo's brother),Darth Chuckie, Raymond and myself took the first ride up. We were able to get there, with only chuck get shot twice and Raymond once. Once we got to the top, we dismounted and was able to make it in the woods. From there we had a blast. We worked our way up to Alpha respawn and just watched it for a while. Alpha must have forgotten bout us. We received intel that Alpha had the diamond box.  At that point we heard the hummer coming back up. Raymond and I crossed the road and supported the bravo exiting the hummer. While doing this, we found the box. Basically, we killed alpha's and stole the box. Dom, remember next time there are some OLD people that play, that box was heavy. We worked our way back, fighting n Alpha, while radioing for help. Near the south base, our radio calls were answered. We got the box there.
The rest of the day I spent with Chuckie, Matt, Gambler and God's Eagle just clearing out Alpha's from around the village and South base. I will say I got tired of shooting Iron Fox guys.
Cudo's to Alpha: They definitely made better use of the hummer than us, but then we had all the objectives, so there was no need to be inserted behind your lines.

Next time 3rd. we will have to go at it more.

Re: ***AOSC Anniversary Game - Sept.25th & 26th at Triggertyme***

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:08 pm
Thanks to everyone who came out Saturday and Sunday. It was an honorable weekend of fun battles and great sportmanship from old and new players, especially all the knife fighting guys. Im glad everyone enjoyed themselves,  the HHMWV was pretty epic and worked out really well for both sides, and I think everyone rode it for the most part. Lots of solid tactics out there and a nice overall weekend. I got a ton of video and pics, a lot of awesome knife and sword fights...i will be postin a few things soon. Oh yeah, I got a ton of HMMWV footage, and even of the window gettin chipped in a hail of fire, .....

Special thanks to all the reps and players who helped.  Hope to see everyone at the next event :)

Re: ***AOSC Anniversary Game - Sept.25th & 26th at Triggertyme***

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:14 pm
by 3rd0ptik
Diesel wrote: Next time 3rd. we will have to go at it more.
yeah sorry man, I never really saw your crew.. We stuck to the outskirts trying to get in, we did well but never made it into any areas where you where. When we felt we were close, your guys range would push us back.. on that note, its funny.. I know the sound of raymonds gun.. lol.. I here the bbs, his trigger pattern, and I say " sup Raymond ".. he says, wassup.. thought that was funny..

one more thing about the hummer.. I really dug being up in the turret.. if that sucker had a 50 or a saw.. I wouldnt leave that thing..  ;D

Re: ***AOSC Anniversary Game - Sept.25th & 26th at Triggertyme***

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:15 pm
by Curry
my first time playing a simulation in south carolina much fun cant wait for newberry ;D

Re: ***AOSC Anniversary Game - Sept.25th & 26th at Triggertyme***

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:17 pm
by Rayne
Had a great time but on my phone so ill cut it short. Shot @ people and vice versa. Humvee was cool despite getting lit up. Grats Steevols, you guys raped my neck trying to shoot me,  third and "the other black guy." Props to the alpha guys i rolled with, especially Tolken. Shoutout to ninja for an awesome game.
p.s - The force was strong ..

Re: ***AOSC Anniversary Game - Sept.25th & 26th at Triggertyme***

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 9:10 pm
by Foxx
The game was great, and I don't regret camping out at all. That initial push to the tower was amazing, shout out to RobK for tagging along with us. Going out in Vietnam gear made for an interesting experience, especially when the rain starting coming down. The night game was insane, those lights really gave away a lot of people and helped me gain a ton of kills. Without radios though everything kind of fell apart, since yelling out to that unidentified guy 30 ft from you could end up in some very serious pain.

The second day was equally amazing, and I'm proud that we were able to hold off the airfield as long as we did when everyone came after our squad during the man hunt. The scenario game was great with all of that intense urban warfare. Clearing the island of StuckMojo and another Bravo was a highlight for me just because of that lovely Nam'-like environment over there. 8)

And of course; The Pistol/Shotgun games were hella awesome.

We got a good bit of footage, but I don't know when I can throw a video together. I'm having some computer troubles with the one I usually edit on. That's why I still haven't posted a lot of our footage from other games lately.

Re: ***AOSC Anniversary Game - Sept.25th & 26th at Triggertyme***

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 9:19 pm
by cripto
That was my first "official" airsoft game,and I had a blast! Thanks Dom and everyone else for setting it up!