SQA Game Dec17, 2011

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SQA Game Dec17, 2011

Post by vanevery » Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:32 pm

This was my third game attended in SC over the last 2 years but my first time to SQA field
Every game has been good and it is nice to meet some new players in the Carolina's.
I had a good time today and the weather was perfect.

My day started off a little strange in that I paired myself up with a group of others who were first timer's at the field as well. We really did not have a good grasp of where the bases were that we were trying to get to and I believe a couple of the guys I was with were pretty new to organized airsoft in general.

We ended up behind another fire team who did most of the work in clearing our area of any Tengo's and we were told to focus our efforts on finding the bomb. We fanned out and looked for the bomb, but to my knowledge no one ever found it. I actually went a little too far from my squad and got a little lost.
I tried to contact my squad via radio without much success. I was by myself at this point.

I decided to use this as an opportunity to work on basic stalk/sniper movement and attempt to make way behind enemy HQ's undetected ,by enemy forces and my own. The cover in the woods was thin and the sun was shining pretty good over the field casting shadow patterns but lighting up large spotty areas as well. In other words I had to navigate given what I had to work with as opposed to picking and choosing my route. It was good training.
I covered about 150 yards and ended up where the golf cart and truck were parked on the dirt road.
There I met up with a gentleman on the same force as I was who was returning from respawn and gathered all the intel I could from him. Together we navigated undetected about 50 yards and secured positions behind enemy HQ's high up on a ridge. We were assessing the situation in order to get better lines of sight/fire on the enemy. As we were preparing our positions to unload a barrage of fire power down on the enemy, The Admins called for a lunch break.
So the first half of my day went by without me even firing a shot.
The second half of the day was more action packed and even went through most of my mags: 6 mid-caps and 3 high caps.

It was good to meet and conversate with stuckmojo.
He is a good guy and look forward to future conversations with him.

It was also nice to meet the Escue family. I really did not get a chance to chat with star_folder but I did get a chance to speak with Mr. Escue at the end of the day and was just very impressed with the way the Escue family runs their field and games. And the Pizza..... I have been to over a hundred games and have never had a field owner bring everybody a free lunch. Wow ! That was awesome.

I would like to apologize to the guy who lit me up from 5 yards away a few minutes after I had already been shot out for cursing at you. I was aggravated because the dead rag I was wearing - a bright orange hunting baseball cap that can be seen for miles - was easily visible and I thought you should have identified that I was a dead man walking before firing. I am a veteran of airsoft and should not have spoken to you that way.

Thank You everybody for a good day of airsoft and look forward to the next one.
Last edited by vanevery on Sat Dec 17, 2011 10:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: SQA Game Dec17, 2011

Post by TokenTech89 » Sat Dec 17, 2011 9:01 pm

you can't really blame him. we are all used to an actual rag as a dead rag. i remember one game i atteneded, someone had a bright yellow cap and wore it out there.

other than that, i enjoyed it, and my brother did as well. i got to see how my team works from an opposite side, and can help us be better. hopefully we will have more guys from el cid come out. right now, we have 5 people confirming of buying airsoft guns.

the only thing i was disappointed was the low number. 30 is good, but mmore is better. but we made it work and had fun.

Great matching a name to face with mojo, star, and a few others.

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Re: SQA Game Dec17, 2011

Post by Felix » Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:29 pm

I was only there for the first part, but just going out and running around was so fun. Its been a while since ive had such a relaxed game without any issues or guns breaking. :)

Oh, and the fact that I took the base before lunch *almost* single-handedly. :P
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Re: SQA Game Dec17, 2011

Post by stuckmojo » Sun Dec 18, 2011 8:15 am

im glad everyone had a good time. i was expecting alot more to show up but it happens. vanevery let me know when you are coming to a game down here again and we will hook up and roll together

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Re: SQA Game Dec17, 2011

Post by dftrent12 » Sun Dec 18, 2011 4:42 pm

What was the player count?
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Re: SQA Game Dec17, 2011

Post by Star_folder » Sun Dec 18, 2011 5:25 pm

I believe it was 25 or so? we had a few people join late, and then some people leave.

I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to say hey vanevery, I usually am able to make my rounds and say hey to everyone that shows up. But I missed that a bit this go round, I had some unexpected friends show up and spent most of the time talking to them instead of being a good host.

But all in all, I had a blast all day. My gun preformed most admirably, and I thoroughly enjoyed not having to go get a back up because something I did failed on the field.

Some fun times of the day, Gambler and I attempted to take the ridge at Ellesmere, the Allies HQ, too bad felix cut us short before we were able to make it up there. I believe TokenTech was there too, but he had point at first, and was quickly shot because of it. Thanks for taking that for us TokenTech.

Um, there was also that time that Felix and I took 20ish minutes looking for the bomb, us and most everyone else. Turns out it was a little more out of the way we thought it would be. But, it was still only 10 or so feet off the path, we took "middle of the field" a little too literally. Well, I guess that's a good thing that no one could find it.

And, now that I think back on it, soon after the game was called, I saw a few people walk down the hill with our comms package. Turns out, they had looped around the whole field, taken the case from our unprotected HQ, and had almost brought the case back to their HQ. But, it was cut short just a little too soon, and they didn't make it in time to shut down our comms. Good try fellas, that was some excellent work to get around like that.

The day ended with a fairly epic battle at the trenches. It must have stretched on for an hour or so, but there were many crazy firefights during that game. My battery died right at the end and I ended up refilling mags for buttontk. It was kinda funny because the mags had anything from .2s to .4s, and he was frantically adjusting his hop up to the bb weight. It finally ended when mojo jumped in to have a little fun with an AEP, some of the bravo that had died for their last time came up, and one gave me their gbb, and on my way moving forward, a teammate who had also died and was out gave me his G36 (thanks paul). But, Red and Mojo ran too fast, and gathered the left group too quickly, and buttontk and I found the game was finished by the I was up and ready to start shooting again.

Some fantastic teamwork, and some very awesome sportsmanship all day long. Thanks to everyone who showed up, seems to me that everyone had a great time.

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Re: SQA Game Dec17, 2011

Post by asianhaw808 » Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:07 am

The game was very fun despite the small turnout. The trenches was by far the greatest part of the day. I wish more people came, then we could have had a great OP game.

here is the pictures I took of the game. A lot of them are from Team Extorrus, but they are some other pics mixed in there.

http://s1109.photobucket.com/albums/h42 ... many%20II/
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