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April 24 OP Black Skies (Trigger Tyme)

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:20 pm
by Diesel
The AOSC and Graveyard Operations Presents:

Field: Trigger Tyme.
Fee: $15
Date: April  24th
Rules: This is an AOSC sanctioned game. All rules apply

Operation Black Skies
CIA Intelligence File[/i

3/1/10 I am now looking for 1 CO and 2 XO's for each side. PM me and I will get a list. I prefer former experience, but will accept any willing person.

Top Secret – Eyes Only

01 10, 2010

It seems our North Korean friends didn’t give back all of our people in Pyongyang. A few American scientists and their research for the Peoples’ Ministry for Agriculture were seized by local authorities. Our intelligence branch was working on tracking down missile sites, and these individuals managed to evade our surveillance equipment.

Three weeks after the invasion by North Korea, one of the scientists by the name of Harold White contacted us through one of the secure channels used at the US embassy. Since he was seized by the DPRK secret police, Doctor White and the other scientists have been forced into developing a new biological agent for the North Korean government. Six months before the missile attack on Pusan, the North Korean government bought a Small Pox strain from the Peoples’ Republic of China. However this strain could not be perfected with domestic labor and Saran gas was chosen instead.

The Small Pox strain Doctor White has been working on is different from the disease that modern vaccines eradicated 50 years ago. This new type; named Small Pox X, produces 100 percent casualty rate in humans, and can kill in as little as 20 minutes. The Doctor stated that his staff and samples of the new strain have been moved to a testing site in a small village 25 kilometers north of the historic city of Panmunjom. Apparently Comrade Kim wishes to see this new agent tested on American soldiers there.

01 20, 2010

CIA Intelligence has confirmed the site of the Small Pox testing facility. A small Special Forces team has been dropped into the area to retrieve a sample of the new strain and extract Doctor White and his staff. In the same area is a detachment of US Army Light Infantry with orders to secure the same village that houses the testing site. Units of the DPRK 104th Infantry Division have been fighting holding actions against Coalition forces since they broke out of the DMZ three weeks earlier. These units are defending a small village north of Panmunjom under direct orders of the DPRK secret police. The work of these American scientists will not be in vain.

Teams Choose your camo carefully. It will designate what team you will be on. Some players that have several may want to bring them to help even out the teams.

Please look at the camo for each team. It is important that you pay attention to these. It will decide what team you are on.


U.S. Light Infantry: Multicam, ACU
U.S Special Forces: Desert(marpat DCU)


North Korean Army (DPRK): Green Varients (BDU's, Marpat, Tiger Stripe)
DPRK Special Forces: Solid Colors(civilan, all black,etc), Contractor Loadouts

Contractor loadouts are defined as any combination of clothes other than full set of camo.  ie tan pants with black shirt, green pants with black shirt etc.

Taking Prisoners

The person has to be dead; they then must be healed by the enemy medic in order to be moved. While the prisoner is in transport he must keep his dead rag on and drug with one hand. The prisoner must remove mag and clear gun once captured and secured. The dead player can be searched for intel and vials and they will have to give up whatever intel they may have on person.

Prisoners can escape at anytime after being transported. MIND THE MINIMUM ENGAGEMENT!!!!!

Prisoner exchanges are allowed.

POWS can be held for no more than ten minutes. Admin must be notified when a POW is successfully transported to the HQ.

If you capture a person. They must first be medic'd so they can talk.

They remove their mags--this shows that they are captured.

They have to answer specific questions-- what is your mission?, do you have and orders in this pocket?, and so forth.

After these questions are answered. They have to stay with the team or person that captured them or they are free to go to respawn. they can only be held for the maximum time . This time starts as soon as they are captured, or healed


There will be 1 Medic per 5 people. this means if you have 5 team members you will have 1 medic. 10 people will have 2 medics, and so forth. If a medic is shot, he must remove himself 50ft from firefight and wait 2 minutes, then may return.


f you want to be one of the following, please PM me.
- Need several people to volunteer for non shooting roles.
- Dr White and several scientists(4 - 5)
Need CO's for both forces and each team will provide an XO(total of 4 XO)
The XO will be a fighting position and will not be at HQ the whole time.
They will be leading the fighting by being there.

American Forces will have 2 hrs to extract Dr White and associates. If they have been extracted, successfully, they become American Forces and can join in the fighting according to their camo. If not, then they become North Koreans.

Their will be 12 containers of the strain to find. American Forces can call in to have them extracted once they have a minimum of 3.

The Korean forces can recapture the containers once they are in the possesion of US forces, but not after they have been extracted.

Korean Forces will have the ability to call in artillery support every hour after the first hour of play.
American forces will have airstrikes available every other hour. Planes have to be refueled.

CO and XO do not have to stay in their HQ. They are free to move about the field during play.

Points will be awarded for Dr White and associates. Extracting containers, Killing the CO or XO's, invading and capturing bases/HQ. Point total and division of points will be given to the CO in the CO pack.

(Approved, hosted and supervised by Tanker)

Re: OP Black Skies (Tigger Tyme April TBA)

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 9:08 pm
by Bushmaster
Sounds fun...

Re: OP Black Skies (Tigger Tyme April TBA)

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 9:50 pm
I'm there....

Re: OP Black Skies (Tigger Tyme April TBA)

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:55 pm
by IronChef
stop...its tigger tyme!

[img width=100 height=100] ... /2424c.gif[/img]

Re: OP Black Skies (Tigger Tyme April TBA)

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 3:43 pm
by stuckmojo
you dont have to ask me twice i'm there

Re: OP Black Skies (Tigger Tyme April TBA)

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 4:28 pm
by BigMan23
GEARS will be there in contractor. HOOAH.

Re: OP Black Skies (Tigger Tyme April TBA)

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 5:10 pm
by Gambler
Sounds like you've got a good game going Diesel.  I plan on being there.

Re: OP Black Skies (Tigger Tyme April TBA)

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 6:32 pm
by Werewolf
task force K9 is there its right down the road from us 8)

Re: OP Black Skies (Tigger Tyme April TBA)

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:40 pm
by Dominum
Sweet, I'll be there!

Re: OP Black Skies (Tigger Tyme April TBA)

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:30 pm
by BlackGhost
you know I will be there.
I mean it's TriggerTyme!!!  Why would I not be there.

Re: OP Black Skies (Tigger Tyme April TBA)

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 9:39 pm
by Bushmaster
Looks like this is gonna be an awesome game, we hope to be there. :)

Re: OP Black Skies (Tigger Tyme April TBA)

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 1:43 am
by Vanquish
Count me in. :)

Re: OP Black Skies (Tigger Tyme April TBA)

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 6:21 am
by azpod55
sounds like a great scenario. loved playing at OP White Noise, and will definitely be coming out to this game

Re: OP Black Skies (Trigger Tyme April TBA)

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 5:22 pm
by Red Fury
i hope to be there

Re: April 24 OP Black Skies (Trigger Tyme)

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 12:50 pm
by Unknown Theory
If I got nothing else planned, I'm there 8)