LOCATION : The Airfarm - 470 Halfacre Rd Newberry SC .
DATE : Nov 22nd-23rd, 2014
FIELD FEE: $20.00
Registration and chrono will open at 7:AM .
8:30: safety briefing
9.00: Factions will gp over main game briefing with there CO's
10:AM: game on
10:AM: Sunday - Game will end..
341- That’s the number of days the country has been at peace since the Militia pulled a small victory over the OWG. Rubble has been cleared, new construction is happening everywhere, and people feel that maybe life as the once knew it would soon resume. But as the people grew in their comfort, the One World Government grew in anger, weaponry, and numbers. New leadership has risen and vowed to crush the Militia into a memory. Will the militia be ready for what awaits, or will they fall beneath the machine?
This will be a full non stop 24 hr game so come prepared. Missions will continue the entire 24 hours with deductions for factions that choose not to run after the night missions.
OWG - Dress code will consist of all military styles. BDU, ACU, Marpat, Tiger Stripe, and so on. Tops and bottoms must match. NO solid color shirts or contractor loadouts.
MILITIA - Dress code will be contractor loadouts, civilian, real tree or hunting camo. You can even get crazy with a mad max loadout. NO military type clothing allowed.
Player Capture Rules - Any player may be captured once, command can be captured once every four hours. A chip will be given to each player as they register, if you get captured you must turn over your chip. These chips will be counted as points To capture a player you must be able to medic him/her before the three min bleedout is over and inform the player he is being captured. Once they are healed you can add a zip tie to the players vest/gear simulating them being hand cuffed and stripped of there weapons. You must then tell the prisoner to fallow, sit, or whatever. If you walk more than 10 ft away from the prisoner he/she can try to escape. Failure to use a zip tie leaves your prisoner un cuffed, he can try to run if you do not keep at least one hand on him or he can use a hidden weapon such as a knife to fight and escape. To gather intel from the prisoner you just have to ask. DO NOT touch any players guns, gear, maps and so on. Players may be held for up to ten min, Command Staff for twenty min. Extra points will be given for capture of command, and double if captured command is brought to your HQ.
Sniper / Recon
There will be specific missions for dedicated snipers and recon teams including - locating and removing HVT's, gathering specific intel, and so on. Contact your faction staff.
Night Games
Players who have a gun shooting 300fps or less with a tracer unit attached will be allowed to run full auto at night, all others must remain on semi only.
Glow sticks - everyone must have one during the night portion. Color of your glow sticks do not matter
Capturable Spawns
There will be several bases on the field of play with flags. If your team has possession of that base, it can be used as a forward respawn point. To capture the base you have to raise your flag on the flag pole at location.
Anti Tank
Each faction will be allowed 4 AT weapons on the field at a time. So choose your guys wisely.
AT weapons must fire a semi soft projectile such as a nerf rocket, or tennis ball.
AT weapons may only be used to shoot on field vehicles, please do not shoot them at another airsofter.
One hit from a AT weapon will take out a tank, and crew.
1 - for admin only and emergencies. DO NOT call admin on this channel for any game rules or gripes. Go to your command staff and have them contact admin.
Even channels are for OWG
Odd channels are for Militia
Assault weapons - max 1600 rounds in mags. No reloading unless you are in HQ, spawn, or inside a base.
Support weapons - max 5000 rounds in mag. No reloading unless you are in HQ, spawn, or inside a base.
Snipers and Dmr's over 450 fps - max 1600 in mags. May reload in field.
Medic info
Designated Medics - one per five players.
Medics may heal one player at a time by touching any part of the person with one hand for 30 seconds.
Each player gets two field heals. After your third shot there is a three minute mandatory bleed out, at which point you must return to a respawn to get back in (if you have met your quota for heals, you still have to
wait three minutes to go back to respawn)
Any player can medic drag a wounded player. One person dragging, and the wounded walks. Two people dragging, and the wounded can run.
Players who are medic dragging another player may still fire.