The Delimitation Conflict

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Zoobie » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:09 pm

Stealth Hero wrote:I kinda need to apoligize for the incident with the grenade and your face zoobie. I walked into camp five minutes brother that happened and found that my brother and 1-2 other guys had got hold of my crate full of nades and took cover behind my tent to start lobbing them.
Ah its alright. It was that bad, I was just a little shaken up. Thanks for apologizing ;)

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Chippy » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:11 pm

Stealth Hero wrote:I kinda need to apoligize for the incident with the grenade and your face zoobie. I walked into camp five minutes brother that happened and found that my brother and 1-2 other guys had got hold of my crate full of nades and took cover behind my tent to start lobbing them.
Although I didn't throw any myself, I feel that I should apologize too. I was pinned down behind your tent and your brother pulled out this god-like crate of explosives...
I kept the georgians down with my m28 while your brother lit some and the other guy threw them. Sorry about the 'nade in the face, Zoobie.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by 75th Raiders/ TFD » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:39 pm

Had a blast keeping j9 all day and enjoyed taking it back that night then to be chased out at 4 am then coming back to take it! had a blast capturing the side objectives. Thanks for the GPS class there diesel ;)

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by GARRETT » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:48 pm

75th Raiders/ TFD wrote:Had a blast keeping j9 all day and enjoyed taking it back that night then to be chased out at 4 am then coming back to take it! had a blast capturing the side objectives. Thanks for the GPS class there diesel ;)
Was it you guys that I safety killed around 3 or 4 am?

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by 75th Raiders/ TFD » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:54 pm

hahaa yes sir. the 4 of us that freaking slept there lmao. 2 of us were asleep when the first shots were fired. our other 4 were in a hottub at the holiday inn i believe. we took hot tub shifts ;)

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by WyattH » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:55 pm

Had a lot of fun guys and i think a created some more airsoft nerds in the florence area. God knows we need em. Got split up from my regular platoon (first) So many times but when i connected with those guys from second it was a blast. Im glad you guys were ready to use a spare hand because i was tired of sitting there guarding that tower for sure! it was a big game after a night of no sleep but it was worth it man im glad i went.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Diesel » Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:07 pm

I also want to Thank Airsoft Carolina and SCAS for coming and vending at this game. Having someone come and sell items helps the player base very much.
Thanks Gentlemen
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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by UF_Jester » Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:16 pm

Diesel wrote:I also want to Thank Airsoft Carolina and SCAS for coming and vending at this game. Having someone come and sell items helps the player base very much.
Thanks Gentlemen
Yes, SCAS came in handy when my gun wouldn't shoot. Thanks for bringing some hop ups Dom!

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Felix » Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:28 pm

xyzpdq0121 wrote:Ok, now to the good stuff and compliments. Chippy and Felix were stand up players. There was nothing funnier then watching SC guys walk in circles for about 45 minutes looking for a briefcase with a glow stick on it in the middle of an open field. I could see the thing 400 feet away!! We thought about playing Marco Polo or "hotter, warmer, colder" with you guys to help you find it!!! Priceless!

Haha thanks man, and yeah I heard about those players. That made me laugh even harder when I found out one of them was one of my boys!

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Chippy » Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:05 pm

Felix wrote:
xyzpdq0121 wrote:Ok, now to the good stuff and compliments. Chippy and Felix were stand up players. There was nothing funnier then watching SC guys walk in circles for about 45 minutes looking for a briefcase with a glow stick on it in the middle of an open field. I could see the thing 400 feet away!! We thought about playing Marco Polo or "hotter, warmer, colder" with you guys to help you find it!!! Priceless!

Haha thanks man, and yeah I heard about those players. That made me laugh even harder when I found out one of them was one of my boys!
Really? Who was it?

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by 75th Raiders/ TFD » Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:28 pm

im just glad GA got their comms back together finally!

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by sgtgray » Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:51 pm

My team Ga Mercs greatly injoyed coming to S.C. to this game. The management did a great job boosting the hype about the game so we could get such a great turn out. I will not go into the bad because it was so minute, and fixed most of the time, its not worth mentioning. The weather turned out great to also help with the effects of the game. I will say that the S.C. players I came in contact with had a great personality and attitude during the whole game. And to the refs, I think they too, did a fine job in being everywhere they needed to be when skirmishes broke out to assist. See yall next year on our turf!

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Clutch » Tue Apr 19, 2011 7:24 am

Seems like most everything has been said so I'll not beat a dead horse. :) A big thanks to all involved in seeing this game through to the end. Very much appreciated. Thanks to GA for the great turn out! I do want to comment on a few things.
UF_Jester replies to Nytestalker wrote: Thank you. So many people think the Team Airsoft guys (most of the guys with NV play at Team Airsoft) are only effective at night because we have night vision. We turned it off for a little while at the game and still did alright. Not quite as well, but we were effective. Night games tactics are mainly about coordination and communication.
I say more power to ya. If you have it, use it. To the GA team as a whole, good job and congrats on the win!
GARRETT wrote: But respect to the 3 GA players who I safety killed in J-9 somewhere around 3am for being champs about it. Myself and 2 other SC gents thought we would try to raid the J-9 base. I decided to take point on the approach and got popped just a few ft from the base. Pulled out a menthol and my glow stick and thought to myself this isn't gonna end nice. A few min later I feel Sacarus grab my foot for the medic, as the GA guys kept firing on Vemois. Very calmly I lowered my glow stick back into my pocket, walk around the GA players right into the back of the base and one at a time I call the safety kill. No problems, the guys took it like champs.
That wasn't Veimos, it was me foo! :) There were a few things that happened behind you that was pretty funny in hind sight. When you got popped, I was in mid stride stepping over that downed tree that was about crotch height. After you called the hit, I slowly put my foot down but was still straddling it (not very comfy). It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

I can't remember the exact order things happened but here's the skinny. First of all, if you never made it to J9 at night, it was hidden back into the tree line and was pitch black with the exception of a few small beams of light breaking through from the moon. When the firing started shortly after that and I ran forward for cover behind two skinny tree's. At this time we were returning fire as they were spot lighting. About this time my battery dies on my M4! I pull out the pistola and hit the one guy. Was this before or after the Bravo guy from the field walks up? Can't remember.

I think Sac got hit at this point but he wasn't too far behind me. I rolled back over the downed tree expecting to take fire while I medic'd him. But no firing. Dead silence again. After healing, he whispers that he was out of ammo. I told him my battery died and all I had left was a clip and a half for the pistol. Looking pretty grim.

Thinking back the obvious question would have been if he could have used my mags - duh - instead I asked him to play cannon fodder to draw them out again so I could hopefully take them out. He dashed to the ground near Garret which was a nice distance when you're that close to an unknown number of enemies. If I remember correctly, no firing. After he healed, he gets up and dashes in the opposite direction of Garret and dives prone. No firing so he kicks the leaves around. They start firing. I start firing back and thats when you stroll up and get the safeties! Well played guys and great job Sac!
75th Raiders/ TFD wrote: hahaa yes sir. the 4 of us that freaking slept there lmao. 2 of us were asleep when the first shots were fired. our other 4 were in a hottub at the holiday inn i believe. we took hot tub shifts ;)
Thats too funny! After the dust settled, I remember walking up to the tire fort seeing everything you guys had and thinking, "wow these guys were here for the long haul!".

Enjoyed a different altercation and if I'm not mistaken, the last for the night at J9 between us and Mother's squad. Props to Mother and the way he ran his guys.

I had a great time Friday night socializing. Was good to see new and familiar faces. Wish we had more time to do that, but slinging BB's is much more fun. :)
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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by fallout11 » Tue Apr 19, 2011 7:25 am

GARRETT wrote:That changed around 4ish as GA plowed down the road from center of the field, and from the north with a tank and infantry striking a hard blow to Lincoln's Hold. I personally was blown away here cause I thought SC was still in control of both locations. Shortly after that I find out that our tank was down due to a crazy rogue driver. Something had to be done so I went back found us a new driver. Things got funny here.... As we entered the field of play we came head to head with a GA tank right at I-8. Somehow he missed us with his AT and started chasing us across the At the time we had 3 AT guys in the back, and no one could get a shot off as we were driving. So we took off toward Camp Wounded in hopes of gaining enough time for our guys to get out and set up. That's when this happened..
fallout11 wrote:As a side note, SC anti-tank weapons blew us up 4 times (might have been five...can't remember) on Saturday afternoon alone (including a shot from the red truck after we finally caught up with it at Camp Wounded).....nicely done.
The rest of the evening game we spent in GA HQ dreading the Bronco that we knew would get there eventually...
Just to add a little bit to this from the other side, we (the little GA tank) were sitting on the road leading to the SC base, deliberating if we should head there and see if the fighting was still going on (we had not yet even shot at your base, only seen it coming on and off the field out of play, although we knew the Rage Rover (green Bronco w/minigun) with infantry had attacked earlier. The red truck is coming up the road towards us kinda slowly (replacement safer driver), we can't see anyone in the back, so we discuss it and decide to just fire a warning shot for fun. You guys make the corner and take off, and my gunner asks me "so now what?", and I tell him "we're going to get that truck!". Off we go, on a merry run of "Jerry chasing Tom" around the buck field. We had you guys on corners, but the little tank was far outmatched in terms of terrain handling and speed, so you would get ahead on the straightaways and we'd make it up on the curves. Very nearly killed ourselves by almost rolling it over several times (what a bucking ride), ask Jordan my gunner (who I apparently scared to death....he couldn't even shoot straight). Accidentally nailed a wounded guy with a nerf who crossed the line of fire between us and the red truck near the tower (he looked more amused than anything else), we would have gotten you with that shot otherwise, all the others were WAAAAYYYY off target and mostly into the dirt as we bounced along over the ruts and potholes.
You pulled ahead and dissappeared as we slowed down to navigate the downslope (and avoid the plowed areas), then tried to figure out which road you'd took. We guessed right and came up from behind again as you were offloading at Camp Wounded, but your AT was quicker and nailed us before we could get a shot lined up.
Seemed to work out okay for us all the same, heard afterwards that it inspired our guys in the field and they basically followed us in to Camp Wounded.
This was typical for the day for us, i.e. we largely just wandered around looking for targets of opportunity, or assisting those who needed support. The attack on Lincoln's Hold from the rear around 4pm materialized the same way....we'd encountered the deuce and a half coming up the road from what we would find out later was Lincoln's Hold (you could hear it before you could see it, typically), and blown it up with the main gun (again). A large contingent of Blackwater (GA) was in the area and indicated that they wanted to try to push back towards the SW (Lincoln's Hold). The said they'd nearly been run over by the 'red and blue truck' and were pissed about it, and it had gone "that a way". We'd been down that road, but only to the point where it forked and went up towards the Buckfield, so we said sure, let's go. We led and they fanned out and followed on both sides of the road. After getting past the wreck of the 2.5 ton we pushed down the road, shooting all those we could see. I remember the SC AT guy on that road, as with all SC AT (!!THREAT!!) we paid special attention to him and he was dead quickly. Another ran up to take over the weapon and no sooner than he picked it up than he was shot too. We could also see the red truck tank in the distance down the hill, and fired one shot at it but didn't have a clear backed up all the same, and about that time Garrett went over and either gave the driver a tonguelashing or ordered it elsewhere, because it departed down the road towards Camp Wounded (as we discovered later).
More GA infantry were coming up from our left (east), and combined with the ones alongside us (who were very good...we were impressed with their coordination) it was mostly a turkey shoot down to Lincoln's Hold proper, where the defense stiffened noticeably.....right up until GA troops attacked from the south as well.
In short, it was primarily luck, circumstances, and curiosity that led up to the 3 prong attack when and where it had happened, at least from my perspective. That seemed to be much the case throughout the day, but then again we only ever saw it from one vantage point. I'm sure others have similar tales.

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Re: The Delimitation Conflict

Post by Bishop » Tue Apr 19, 2011 8:00 am

I had a ton of fun during the day, but one thing that really ticked me off was all the barbed wire down in the third platoon AO. Several of were running and suddenly ended up getting sliced by it, as well as in the portion of the night game, I ran to take cover behind a tree and got rather sliced up on one side.... It would have been nice to have a warning about that in any case, or get it removed

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