My name is Dr. Felix. I live in the town of Wellford... or what used to be Wellford. That desolate infected city deserves no name. But if you’re of pre-virus Wellford please take no offense. And since you can read this it means your mind has yet to be taken. I write this now to you and your friends who can think clearly, the virus is curable! Since the release of the virus I name Solanium, I have been working diligently on the cure. Solanium, for those who have been under a rock for the past few years, attacks the nerve system inside the human and numbs it down to a fetal state. The body still reacts and still does as it wishes, but it has no way for communication with normal civilized people. It seems however the can communicate with themselves and have made some sort of hierarchy, but the only thing they desire is the sweet nectar of our O negative. For three years I worked secluded in my laboratory, breaking only to enjoy some casual infected shooting. Since then, I have found a cure, which will not only cure the infected, but will make immune the consumer! The issues are, however, that it requires a large amount of the cure to bring froth these changes, and the materials needed to concoct the cure are very rare. I need as many survivors of sound mind to come to my office and to help me begin the mass producing of these vials and the acquisitioning of the materials. Hurry, as time is running out.
-Doctor Felix
Felix Scripting and Productions
This game will be played with a team of survivors that respond to the above letter send by Dr. Felix. There will be 4 teams of survivors that have 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete the tasks and the storyline. Each team will get points for their victories, objectives, and other things. There must be at least 3 players per squad, and at most 6. They must pre-register under a team name, and teams with more than 4 players will not only be scored harder but will have harder objectives.
Players must bring two changes of clothes, one to play as a zombie and the other as a survivor. This is to be as realistic as possible so please spend some time on the loadout. As a team plays the mission, everyone else will be zombies. The teams will rotate depending on their times. The Chrono will open up at 4:30 and everyone is required to preregister.
Zombie rules:
Each zombie takes three regular shots to kill. Headshots are discouraged and to not have any added bonuses. When a zombie is shot, they must make what looks to be a small recoil. After the third shot the zombie must fall to the ground and remain dead for at least 60 seconds. After the 60 seconds the zombie can either run off into the woods or continue to attack the survivors only if the survivors are at least 10 feet away. If a zombie ops to run away, please do not shoot them. If they run away it’s a safe bet that they are not hostile. Zombies need to groan, ache walk, and look like zombies. Zombies can't talk out loud infront of humans but can communicate tactics when by themselves.
Human rules:
300fps w/.25 ONLY.
AR- Lowcaps or mids please, one per team. Semi Only
Shotguns- if it’s a multi shot then each bullet counts as a hit, meaning one trishot, one dead zombie
Pistols- recommended
Ammo- 100rnds per AR, 300 with Shotguns, and as many mags as can be carried with pistols.
Aim not for the face but chest please.
Must have a glowstick for when touched and infected as well as a flashlight.
Each team must have a radio, because that is how you will recieve information from the Doctor. If you don't have at least one, then you will have a hard time figuring out what objectives you need to find.
Medic and Hit Rules:
Each team has 6 vials of quick solution. When the 6 run out that person must be dragged to the Doctors house to be cured.
A zombie must touch a person in any way to get them infected. Therefore there is no safety kills.
Team Slots
Team 1- 5:30-7:00
Team 2- 7:30-9:00
Team 3- 9:30-11:00
Team 4- 11:00-1:00
Registration instructions (This is required for ALL participants and is due no later than January 15th):
Paypal $25 Special price of only $21 if you register before 2012! (net amount must be received, you are responsible for any Paypal fees) to dominumh@gmail.com. Type in the comment section your name, call sign, and the shift you are requesting. If it is for multiple pleople, include this information for each individual.