AOSC Game Rules

Information about upcoming official A.O.S.C. games.
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AOSC Game Rules

Post by Dominum » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:29 pm

Dominum wrote: Article III; Game Rules:
*The following game rules apply to all AOSC games unless otherwise noted.

Rule #1:  A "hit" or "kill" occurs when a BB makes contact with any part of your person excluding your weapon. This includes backpacks, pouches, camel backs, headgear, etc. Upon being hit you MUST loudly announce you are hit, and IMMEDIATLEY don a "dead rag" on top of your head. A dead rag must have a minimum perimeter of 32 inches, and a bright, neon color that does not match any part of your gear. You cannot talk or communicate in any way when you have been hit. The only exception to this is to call for a medic. Giving information concerning game play or talking on radios while hit is strictly prohibited. BBs known to be "ricochets" do not count as a hit. This is any time that you are certain that a BB has hit an inanimate surface or another player prior to bouncing off of them/it and then hitting you. This being said, always remember: "When in doubt, call yourself out!".

Rule #2:  Blind firing is not allowed. Blind firing is any time you are discharging your weapon without looking down the barrel or sights of your weapon, or are not presenting some form of viable target to your enemy. Examples would be shooting over or around a wall, shooting behind you, shooting through a small crack or hole, etc.

Rule #3:  A "safety kill" MUST BE CALLED when players engage each other under their minimum engagement distances. A safety kill is when you point your weapon at another player and announce "safety kill" or "surrender". Safety kills must be accepted at or under ten feet. A safety kill may only be called if you have "the drop" on someone, meaning you have them in your sights and they do not have you in theirs. You may never fire under your MED even if you call a safety kill that is not accepted. You may not call a safety kill at more than thirty feet, and you may not call one without an airsoft gun aimed at the target. Use common sense concerning this rule, if you happen upon another player at close range and you both have your weapons up, call "parley" and consider both of yourselves hit.

Rule #4:  A "stealth kill" occurs when another player kills you by making some form of physical contact, either with a rubber knife, muzzle, or anything else in their possession, even their bare hands. This is intended to replicate knife or bayonet kills, and thus is the same as being hit with a BB, with the exception that, though you must immediately acknowledge it and dawn your deadrag, you may NOT make any sound until they are a minimum of fifty feet away. Stealth kills are nonnegotiable. You must have line of sight to stealth kill.

Rule #5:  Any person leaving bounds, wearing a dead rag, or otherwise indicating they are no longer in play (ex: saying they are looking for something, etc.), are no longer in play, and in order to reenter game play must return to their respective respawn point pursuant to the respawn rules in effect at said game.

Rule #6:  Pyrotechnics, pneumatics, or devices of any kind (whether homemade or store bought) that are not considered a normal airsoft gun will only be permitted at the field owners discretion. If allowed, you must have it approved by an AOSC Representative before the start of the game. No lasers over 5mW are permitted. Use common sense with lasers and powerful flashlights, as there can be some safety risks associated with them. Though it will happen once in a while on accident (and that is understandable), intentionally and repeatedly shining lasers in people's eyes will be treated as unsportsmanlike conduct and may result in removal from the game or further action.

Rule #7:  The following is a list of minimum engagement rules. A minimum engagement distance is the closest you can get to another player and fire upon them.
The exception to the FPS limits and MEDs above occurs on any field deemed by the Game Directors to be a CQB field. On all CQB fields there is an absolute limit of 300 FPS with a .25 gram BB. Full auto is allowed and there is no MED. With direct approval from the AOSC Game Director Representative hosting a particular CQB game, a player may use an airsoft gun on semi auto only that is higher than 400FPS with a .25g BB, but not more than 560 FPS with a .25. They will have a 100ft MED. Also, with said direct approval a player may use a bolt action airsoft gun from 301FPS-560 FPS with a .25, they will have a 100ft MED. Only players who have proven themselves responsible and rule abiding will be given this permission, and players under the age of 18 may not obtain it. This permission is on a case by case basis per game.

Rule #8:  Games have two teams: Alpha and Bravo, the teams are divided by the dominant color of their outfit:

Alpha is predominantly green uniforms such as: M81 BDU's, Woodland MarPat, Flecktarn ,etc.

Bravo is predominantly tan uniforms such as: Desert MarPat, MultiCam, DCUs, DBDUs, etc.

Balance colors will go to whichever side needs numbers: Black BDUs, Private Military Contractor, ACU, Urban Digi, civilian, etc., though they are usually considered Bravo.

A Game Director will balance factions depending on circumstances prior to game start.

Rule #9:  Your gear's predominant color must match your outfit's predominant color UNLESS you have headgear of some form and sleeves that go at least to your elbows that are the same as your outfits predominant color . If you do not meet these requirements and your gear has a different predominant color than your outfit, you will be required to strip your gear. Weapon colors and paintjobs have no bearing on faction affiliation.

If you choose to wear headgear, it must match the predominant color of your uniform and/or you factions color schemes. This means that you may not wear green headgear with a tan uniform, and vice versa. If your headgear is a balancer camo (ACU for example), you may only wear it if ACU has been assigned to your faction, i.e. if ACU has been assigned to Alpha as a balancer at a particular game, than someone on Bravo may not wear ACU headgear. Additionally, red/orange headgear or any headgear easily mistaken for a deadrag may not be worn except as an actual deadrag.

Rule #10:  Age Requirements:

0-14yrs          Parent or Guardian must be within sight at all times either playing or in the field as a noncom with a deadrag and eyepro.

15-17yrs        An adult (age 18+) must be present to claim responsibility for them, they do not have to be related.

18+yrs            None.

Eye protection requirements:

0-14yrs          Must have a full facemask.

15-17yrs        Must have a facemask or full seal eye protection with a mouthguard or shemagh.

18+yrs            Must have ANSI rated eye protection.

All players under the age of 18 shall, when playing in a CQB game, wear a hard face mask with full seal eye protection. All players at or over the age of 18 shall be required to wear full seal eye protection. Additional face and mouth protection for players over 18 will be at their own discretion.

Eye pro requirements are subject to field owners' discretion. Most fields will require a signed waiver, if you are a minor it must be signed by a parent or legal guardian. If at any time a player removes his or her eye protection in the field of play while a game is in progress, they will be immediately ejected without a refund. There is no exception no matter how far away you think you are from the action, even if you are at your respawn.

Rule #11: Guns/Deployable Items in Safe Zone:

Safe Zone: any location that eye protection is not mandatory during game time.
Game time: from time the first player on game or camp location until the last person leaves the property.
Gun: any item that discharges a BB by the means of a trigger pull.

All handguns must be holstered during any movement in the safe zones. All loading and unloading of handguns must be done in a safe direction away from any person. At no time is a handgun to be displayed in an unsafe manner, i.e. pointing at any person, property, or non-cleared area.

All rifles, shotguns, SMGs, PDWs, and any other removable magazine fed gun must have magazine removed, selector switch on safe, and the chamber should have been cleared prior to leaving the field of play or previous to showing up to a game.

All box fed magazine guns must have a barrel blocking device on in the safe zone OR must have the feeding tube disconnected from the receiver.

All guns must be pointed upward or to the ground. At no time is a gun to be pointed at any person in the safe zone.

All deployable items, i.e. claymore, mines, grenades, and other items in this fashion, must be loaded and unloaded 50 feet from any person or property and with full eye protection. That deployable item must be secured in a complete closed pouch, were no bb can escape, if accidentally deployed.

It is the player’s responsibility to police themselves and assist in reminding all others. If a player does not respond in the proper way then two players must notify the game host or their assistants of non-compliances. At that time it is up to the game host to take disciplinary action against said player.

Recommendation for punishment:
1st: verbal reprimand
2nd: time out period from game play
3rd: ejection from event with no refund

Rule #12: Game registration and chrono:
The following rule is being put into effect to help resolve the issue of games starting late.

Registration and chrono for all AOSC games will close at 9:30AM and will reopen after the game starts. Safety/game briefings will start at 9:35AM thus allowing the games to stay on schedule for a 10:AM start. Once the game is started registration and chrono will reopen for players arriving late, and there will be an extra 5 dollar charge. All players intending to participate in any AOSC hosted airsoft game are required to pay the pre-determined field fee and chrono all weapons intended for use before taking the field to play. Any player caught attempting to or circumventing these rules is subject to ejection of the game/field and a possible game ban.

Times subject to the schedule of the actual game. i.e. if the game starts at 9, you would have 8:30 closing, etc.
Henceforth the AOSC will be standardizing MED (Minimum Engagement Distance) tag colors to the following at all AOSC games:
Clear = 0' MED (0-300 FPS w/.25)
Green = 20' MED (301-360 FPS w/.25)
Blue = 50' MED (361-400 FPS w/.25)
Red = 100' MED [+semi ONLY] (401- 560 FPS w/.25)

Henceforth the AOSC will be conducting random spot checks of at least 10% of the players at any given event. Either the game host representative, another AOSC representative, or an admin that has been appointed by the game host representative may conduct them at any time of their choosing. The person administering the spot check may choose to supply the BBs to chronograph the gun. Refusal to submit to a spot check is grounds for immediate dismissal from from the AO without a refund, and possible further disciplinary action. Any player caught violating FPS and/or MED rules (i.e. having a tag that is less than their actual MED, etc.) will be immediately ejected without a refund and will be subject to further disciplinary action including, but not limited to, being banned from all AOSC games for a period of time to be determined by the AOSC governing council.

The AOSC will be enacting a new program called the "AOSC Frequent Player Card". Any player age 16 or older at the time of issuance, who has attended at least three AOSC games within a 6 month period immediately prior to applying for said card, and has had no rule violations or disciplinary action of any kind previously taken, may apply for an AOSC card that identifies them as a frequent player. Bearers of this card do not have to chronograph airsoft guns that still bear their accurate chrono tag from a previous AOSC game chrono, provided they are certain nothing has been done that could alter the FPS of said gun. Said tags must be in compliance with the new tag color code as stated above. Bearers of this card will still be subject to random chrono spot checks like every other player. Bearers of this card will still be required to chronograph any and all airsoft guns that have not previously been chronoed at an AOSC event, or have been altered in a way that can affect FPS since the previous AOSC chronographing, or no longer have the same colored chrono tag attached as was given at the last AOSC chronographing. The custodian of the AOSC Frequent Player Card program is the Executive Director of the AOSC, Dominum.

If you meet the previously stated requirements for this card, please contact Dominum with the following information:
Full legal name as it appears on your federal or state ID
A clear headshot showing your entire face without undue obstruction (no hats, but glasses OK if you wear them, etc.)
Your exact username on the AOSC forums
Your in game callsign
Your date of birth
The dates of the last three AOSC games you have attended
Date (or approximate date) of your first AOSC event (optional)
Your team logo or some other image you'd like on the back of your card (optional)
Your team affiliation (optional)
Your position on said team (optional)

Remit $8 if you are applying for a new card, or $5 if you are having a card reissued due to loss etc. There is no expiration of these cards. Payment can be sent to (the stated prices include the Paypal fees), or in person at most AOSC games.

After the information provided is verified, your new AOSC FPC will be retrievable at the next AOSC game by presenting your federal or state issued ID, assuming the information given matches the information on your federal or state ID.
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Re: AOSC Game Rules

Post by atl » Sun Dec 18, 2011 7:17 pm

I find it funny that only 54 people viewed this.

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Re: AOSC Game Rules

Post by Dominum » Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:25 pm

This is an updated post, it hasn't been around long. The old post had a ton.
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Re: AOSC Game Rules

Post by GARRETT » Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:25 pm

To help AOSC games to be able to start we are implementing the fallowing rule. Sorry guys, just the way it has to be ...

Rule #12: Game registration and chrono:
The fallowing rule is being set into effect to help resolve the issue of games starting late.

Starting July 7th Registration and chrono for all AOSC games will close at 9:30AM and will reopen after the game starts. Safety/game briefings will start at 9:35AM thus allowing the games to stay on schedule for a 10:AM start. Once the game is started registration and chrono will reopen for players arriving late, and there will be an extra 5 dollar charge.

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Re: AOSC Game Rules

Post by jsts ghost » Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:29 pm

Simple. Plan to be there on the field one (1) hour prior. It is better to be way to early than at starting time.

Very good rule.

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Re: AOSC Game Rules

Post by marpat96 » Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:06 am

This rule seems to be very well put. I support it.
Last game I went to: Redfox, March 29th, 2014
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Re: AOSC Game Rules

Post by scartha » Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:23 pm

Dominum wrote:Also, with said direct approval a player may use a bolt action airsoft gun from 301FPS-560 FPS with a .25, they will have a 100ft MED
i don't understand this part about "direct approval" being a sniper with a 550 fps bolt action, i would like a little clarification. could anyone help me?
Last edited by scartha on Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: AOSC Game Rules

Post by marpat96 » Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:25 pm

When you chrono the gun, and it shoots that high, you will be given a red tag usually for your gun, this means you have 100 ft MED.
Last game I went to: Redfox, March 29th, 2014
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Re: AOSC Game Rules

Post by scartha » Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:27 pm

Oh, ok, that makes more sense.

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Re: AOSC Game Rules

Post by marpat96 » Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:27 am

Yeah, it'll be pretty obvious.
Last game I went to: Redfox, March 29th, 2014
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Re: AOSC Game Rules

Post by SteevoLS » Fri Jul 27, 2012 10:21 am

No, it's talking about CQB games. Anyone can use a hot gun at a normal game.
There's no kill switch on awesome!

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Re: AOSC Game Rules

Post by marpat96 » Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:24 am

SteevoLS wrote:No, it's talking about CQB games. Anyone can use a hot gun at a normal game.
My mistake, I mis read the comment.
Last game I went to: Redfox, March 29th, 2014
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Re: AOSC Game Rules

Post by Dominum » Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:21 pm

scartha wrote:
Dominum wrote:Also, with said direct approval a player may use a bolt action airsoft gun from 301FPS-560 FPS with a .25, they will have a 100ft MED
i don't understand this part about "direct approval" being a sniper with a 550 fps bolt action, i would like a little clarification. could anyone help me?
I know it is old, but no one has answered the question yet, my bad.

As stated, direct approval from the Rep hosting a particular CQB game is needed in order to field anything meeting those requirements. The direct approval cited here is that of the aforementioned Rep hosting that particular game.

At any game NOT at a CQB field (all games except FPTC currently), you follow the normal FPS and MED regulations. At a CQB field (FPTC) you have to follow this:

"The exception to the FPS limits and MEDs above occurs on any field deemed by the Game Directors to be a CQB field. On all CQB fields there is an absolute limit of 300 FPS with a .25 gram BB. Full auto is allowed and there is no MED. With direct approval from the AOSC Game Director Representative hosting a particular CQB game, a player may use an airsoft gun on semi auto only that is higher than 400FPS with a .25g BB, but not more than 560 FPS with a .25. They will have a 100ft MED. Also, with said direct approval a player may use a bolt action airsoft gun from 301FPS-560 FPS with a .25, they will have a 100ft MED. Only players who have proven themselves responsible and rule abiding will be given this permission, and players under the age of 18 may not obtain it. This permission is on a case by case basis per game."

This means that not a SINGLE airsoft gun of ANY kind will be allowed on the field that is above 300 FPS with a .25g, EXCEPT a semi auto gun between 400 and 560 FPS, OR a bolt action gun up to 560 FPS and only for people who have contacted the Hosting Rep of that game for approval.

Since there have been questions about this in the past, I will also point out that this means that if you have a gun like that that you want to use, and have had it approved at a previous CQB game, either by the same host or a different one, you HAVE to request permission for each individual game. It is not a permanent permission. It also means that NO semi auto or full auto gun will EVER be allowed that is between 300 and 400 FPS at any CQB game, regardless of the circumstances.
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Re: AOSC Game Rules

Post by RebelSniper » Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:25 pm

"15-17yrs An adult (age 18+) must be present to claim responsibility for them, they do not have to be related."

Im 17 and wanting to go to the op-24 game on the 27th and i am wondering if this means the "adult" has to be there the whole game or just to sign a waiver? I dont know of anyone who will stay the whole 24hrs

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Re: AOSC Game Rules

Post by GARRETT » Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:40 pm

RebelSniper wrote:"15-17yrs An adult (age 18+) must be present to claim responsibility for them, they do not have to be related."

Im 17 and wanting to go to the op-24 game on the 27th and i am wondering if this means the "adult" has to be there the whole game or just to sign a waiver? I dont know of anyone who will stay the whole 24hrs
Just get your waiver signed by a parent or guardian. See you on the field.

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