op24 V aar
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op24 V aar
what can i say i had a blast and im hurting all over. i think this was the best turn out for an op24 game except for the first one. first of all i want to thank garrett and allen for doing an awesome job organizeing the game. some of the rules could have been made clearer but its practically impossible to run a perfect game. and i appreciate all the dedication that garrett has put into all the op24 games and willing to stay up for the whole game to run it. I for one am going to miss your op24 games and hope you reconsider doing another one in the future or at the very least allow someone else to put up the gaunlet and continue it. now on to game play. I for one loved all the objectives. they were difficult and challengeing. the 2 best by far is the one wear during the day we had to capture allen and bring him to base five to meet me and i walked into base 5 to meet with allen and he pulls a bomb out of his sleeve and say boom your dead. I will take the blame on that one and apologize to viper milsim for not explaining that you can physically search the weapons dealer. garrett and allen had told me that earlier in the week and i forgot. but proops to viper milsim for completeing that objective. second one was the first objective on sunday morning have to find a map and decifer the code. garrett told me friday nite that me and cleric were going to hate that one. the code for ours was carolina football sucks and the code for cleric was miami football sucks. i didnt get as mad over that one as i did with allen having a bomb up his sleeve but it was all in good fun and we all had a good laugh over it which is what its all about. btw garrett we will find out in 2 weeks whose football team sucks. next a shout out to the black poison guys....its alway a pleasure playing with you or against you. you guys made the game fun for owg and i want to assure you that all my players said they enjoyed going against you guys . bobby you and your guys are a class act and i look forward to playing with you again. i want to give you guys a big shout out for capturing me at the start of the game. i was told yall had to start in your hq so that i why i was there and you definately took me by surprise. but its all good and you guys deserve all the credit. next i want to give a big shout out to all the owg players. i have to honestly say that in all the game that i have commanded in you guys are by far the best group of players i have ever had the privilledge of commanding. you all worked well together communicating and giving your best effort. i cant say enough about you guys. all my squad leaders did an awesome job and i look forward to playing with all of you again. i want to personally thank infidel for doing a great job as xo for the militia..you were fun to play against. and to jimmy one of the platoon leaders...you did a good job and kudos to you for leading that charge to our hq during the cease fire. i know you guys were bored and wanted something to do. that was actually very fun and my guys did an awesome job picking up their guns and fighting you guys off
I dont know who officially won yet because garrett told me after the game that cleric had not turned in his chips but i turned in 19 and we had all 6 barrels.
1. great objectives
2. great communication with owg
3. good admin during the game
4. black posion tank
5. great players on owg
1. some rules not being 100 percent clear
2. some rules being changed during game play
3. militia co leaveing the field of play on several occasions without owg being told. my guys were hunting for him to find out he was out of play and on one occasion when my guys killed him and went to capture him he told them his calf was hurting and he couldnt be captured
I dont know who officially won yet because garrett told me after the game that cleric had not turned in his chips but i turned in 19 and we had all 6 barrels.
1. great objectives
2. great communication with owg
3. good admin during the game
4. black posion tank
5. great players on owg
1. some rules not being 100 percent clear
2. some rules being changed during game play
3. militia co leaveing the field of play on several occasions without owg being told. my guys were hunting for him to find out he was out of play and on one occasion when my guys killed him and went to capture him he told them his calf was hurting and he couldnt be captured
Re: op24 V aar
Cleric was trying not to play because he tore his Achilles' tendon at faded giant. And none of us knew that it was a cease fire when we attacked your hq, it was quick thinking on your teams part to fire back instead of surrender, but you guys did make a mistake in capturing me and not our xo, he was up there with me and when he got shot he bled out and left. AAR to come later
Getting friendly fired since 2011
Getting friendly fired since 2011
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Re: op24 V aar
I don't have time to post my aar yet, but really important, if anyone had found a black mtech folding knife, I really would like it back. I've had that knife for a long time and through a lot of things and hate that I lost it. I am willing to pay to have it mailed to me as well if need be.
Edit: The last place I remember having it was out by the bucktower during the early night game.
Edit: The last place I remember having it was out by the bucktower during the early night game.
[align=center]Back from the dead?

- idiot88
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Re: op24 V aar
If the guy who took the photo of the orange spider reads this, please post or send me a link to the photo. Thanks.
- I do in fact have a life.
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Re: op24 V aar
yea i forgot to mention the attack of the orange spider...it was beautiful but weird
- I do in fact have a life.
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Re: op24 V aar
i understand that cleric was hurt but if your not going to go along with the game mechanics then you need to appoint another co and let admin and the other teams co know. thats all im saying. those 2 guys that killed cleric worked very hard for that objective to not see a reward not to mention all the times i had players looking for him when he wasnt on the field. its cool if your hurt or need to leave the field just let the other team and admin know. as far as the cease fire...garret told me that it was a cease fire while the reps dealt with something so if that didnt get communicated to you guys its ok im saying it was fun. one of the best fire fights i saw all dayAchilles1 wrote:Cleric was trying not to play because he tore his Achilles' tendon at faded giant. And none of us knew that it was a cease fire when we attacked your hq, it was quick thinking on your teams part to fire back instead of surrender, but you guys did make a mistake in capturing me and not our xo, he was up there with me and when he got shot he bled out and left. AAR to come later
Re: op24 V aar
It was very enjoyable even when I got shot in the mouth. But again well played by your team to be quick in there feet and grab their guns and destroy out amazingly unorganized but greatly fun assault
Getting friendly fired since 2011
Getting friendly fired since 2011
Re: op24 V aar
I had an awesome weekend. Op24 is always the most challenging of AOSC games. I really want to thank every single person who stayed the entire 24 hours (surprisingly a lot). You guys have a lot of dedication. Thanks even more to the fella's all the way from Georgia that came out. Also I don't think we would have had an icicle's chance in hell without the fire support from Black Poison, thanks guys. Last but not least, thank you Garrett for putting on another successful game. I know it's got to take a tremendous effort to organize all of that.
The OWG took the initiative In the first couple hours of the game, gaining ground and pushing our forces back towards our HQ. Our guys put up a fight and held them back until we could move again. Platoon leads did an excellent job keeping in contact with command staff. I was without a primary weapon and spent the majority of my effort in organizing forces to hold back the enemy and recapture ground.
Later in the day we gained some breathing room and began accomplishing objectives until the "unofficial" time-out that wasn't properly broadcast. I don't know about you guys, but when I think Op 24, I think 24 hours of uninterrupted combat operations. Unless someone is in dire need of medical attention or Blind man is called, I'm playin' me some airsoft. So with only an idea of what the enemy forces were doing, and no official information, I began naturally securing ground and planning a course of action. That course of action led to a pincer move on the OWG HQ with the majority of our forces, which resulted in epic-ness. My only regret was nothing, and I hope that the OWG players enjoyed the spontaneity of our surprise attack. From the fast response of OpFor players and the exchange of fire that resulted, I would say y'all did. Our boys weren't quite as aggressive as I would have liked, but I believe that was a highlight firefight of the weekend.
The remainder of the evening and night were spent in a difficult struggle against superior numbers and an unfortunately lop-sided distribution of TICs (Thermal Imaging Cameras). However, we still were able to dodge enemy patrols and hot-spots and accomplish several night objectives and retrieve most, or all of our barrels from the field.
Sunday was a blast. Both teams retained a majority of players for Sunday's game. Early Sunday morning was a unique experience, as a dense fog combined with early morning darkness, made a sporadic enemy attack on our HQ a suspenseful one. Top that call of duty. Our guys did an outstanding job maneuvering in the field to accomplish objectives and deny the enemy their objectives. The final battle for base 2 (buck tower) was a confusing, but epic battle. Our guys did a fantastic job spreading out around the objective and of course, without the infamous Black Mamba, we would have had a much worse time. Mr. Achilles did an outstanding job all weekend and Sunday especially with coordinating troops with myself. He held radio contact with our Command structure all weekend and was a valuable asset. Also, in the final battle, airstrikes were abused, by both sides... that is all.
Again, I would like to thank all the players for coming and putting forth so much hooah for 24 hours. You guys motivate me as a leader. Without the players, there would be no command.
~ Infidel out.
I had an awesome weekend. Op24 is always the most challenging of AOSC games. I really want to thank every single person who stayed the entire 24 hours (surprisingly a lot). You guys have a lot of dedication. Thanks even more to the fella's all the way from Georgia that came out. Also I don't think we would have had an icicle's chance in hell without the fire support from Black Poison, thanks guys. Last but not least, thank you Garrett for putting on another successful game. I know it's got to take a tremendous effort to organize all of that.
The OWG took the initiative In the first couple hours of the game, gaining ground and pushing our forces back towards our HQ. Our guys put up a fight and held them back until we could move again. Platoon leads did an excellent job keeping in contact with command staff. I was without a primary weapon and spent the majority of my effort in organizing forces to hold back the enemy and recapture ground.
Later in the day we gained some breathing room and began accomplishing objectives until the "unofficial" time-out that wasn't properly broadcast. I don't know about you guys, but when I think Op 24, I think 24 hours of uninterrupted combat operations. Unless someone is in dire need of medical attention or Blind man is called, I'm playin' me some airsoft. So with only an idea of what the enemy forces were doing, and no official information, I began naturally securing ground and planning a course of action. That course of action led to a pincer move on the OWG HQ with the majority of our forces, which resulted in epic-ness. My only regret was nothing, and I hope that the OWG players enjoyed the spontaneity of our surprise attack. From the fast response of OpFor players and the exchange of fire that resulted, I would say y'all did. Our boys weren't quite as aggressive as I would have liked, but I believe that was a highlight firefight of the weekend.
The remainder of the evening and night were spent in a difficult struggle against superior numbers and an unfortunately lop-sided distribution of TICs (Thermal Imaging Cameras). However, we still were able to dodge enemy patrols and hot-spots and accomplish several night objectives and retrieve most, or all of our barrels from the field.
Sunday was a blast. Both teams retained a majority of players for Sunday's game. Early Sunday morning was a unique experience, as a dense fog combined with early morning darkness, made a sporadic enemy attack on our HQ a suspenseful one. Top that call of duty. Our guys did an outstanding job maneuvering in the field to accomplish objectives and deny the enemy their objectives. The final battle for base 2 (buck tower) was a confusing, but epic battle. Our guys did a fantastic job spreading out around the objective and of course, without the infamous Black Mamba, we would have had a much worse time. Mr. Achilles did an outstanding job all weekend and Sunday especially with coordinating troops with myself. He held radio contact with our Command structure all weekend and was a valuable asset. Also, in the final battle, airstrikes were abused, by both sides... that is all.
Again, I would like to thank all the players for coming and putting forth so much hooah for 24 hours. You guys motivate me as a leader. Without the players, there would be no command.
~ Infidel out.
"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
-General George S. Patton
-General George S. Patton
Re: op24 V aar
The Greenwood crew had a great time, minus the abuse of power and rule changes. It's unfortunate that a great game like this is dampened by those types of things. Either way, it was a fun weekend.
Anyone know the final score for each team?
Anyone know the final score for each team?
Re: op24 V aar
I don't have the time to write a full on AAR but I will say that myself and the other Acts guys on the militia side had an absolute blast. Definitely one of the best games I've attended. I want to give a quick shoutout to Infidel for being an awesome leader and always being there when a leader is needed. He helped with motivation throughout the whole team and I think a lot of guys would have been dragging if it weren't for him. Another shoutout to the Viper Milsim guys, you guys are awesome. In the one firefight we got into you guys had great communication and awesome tactics. You guys were great sports by going around and shaking the hands of guys on the other team, I really appreciated that. One final shoutout to Cleric, You have no idea how much it meant to me when you said a prayer at the beginning of the game. I believe that it was needed and a lot of guys needed to hear it. All in all, it was a good two days and if by some miracle there is to be another Op24, you can bet that I'll be there.
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Re: op24 V aar
I want to thank everyone for coming out and making it a great event.
I will post up more as soon as I get the time to breath.lol
Still waiting on the final score as a few people have actually sent me messages on facebook after finding a chip in there pocket.. If you have one send me a pm asap... dropping the score in the am no matter what
I will post up more as soon as I get the time to breath.lol
Still waiting on the final score as a few people have actually sent me messages on facebook after finding a chip in there pocket.. If you have one send me a pm asap... dropping the score in the am no matter what

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Re: op24 V aar
I agree with you 100% man, but that was the field owner Robertqnkz wrote: One final shoutout to Cleric, You have no idea how much it meant to me when you said a prayer at the beginning of the game. I believe that it was needed and a lot of guys needed to hear it. All in all, it was a good two days and if by some miracle there is to be another Op24, you can bet that I'll be there.

Re: op24 V aar
I had a really good time, the most fun I had in a while at airsoft. I hauled specter's AT around all day though I only killed the tank once. At the beginning of the game I went down the road and got in a little skirmish but after we were killed the crew and I went to base 6 and defended it against a major attack with 4 others beside myself and barely held. My friend was the only one left alive and there was one attacker and they were both within there meds so the attacker with the rpk honorably put on his dead rag. Then the 2 guys left giving me a ied and said that is the tank got within 5 feet of it wave it down and tell him he's dead. So they left the 3 of us there to defend base 6 when the tank and probably 20 others attacked us. When I saw them coming I thought of shooting the tank with the AT but I thought I might miss or get shot so I'll just hunker down until it gets blown up by the ied. When it got close enough it then shot our base with the turret so we were all dead but I flagged them down to tell them they were dead but it turns out the thing had to make a noise so it didn't count but what ever. After that we took I lunch break and when we came back we went to hq because there was an "incident" as we were told. We sat around for a while until we got attacked which was fun when everyone was running or the guns and I dived behind a tent and crawled into the woods but by that time the enemies were dead. When we got organized I was put with a milsim squad and we moved tactically down the road until we came across the tank which was just sitting there, I was instructed to take it out and when I got close I was lit up. When I responded I linked up with my friends which turned out to be captured so when I walked up to them I was captured too. When I was let go, we headed down the road and met up with the "greenwood crew".
We set up an ambush near base 13 and when the tank came by I took it out. My friends and the airforce guy moved out and went into the enemy hq where there were 2 guys who were eating and willingly surrendered . When the airforce guy suggested we capture them all the guys said were "I don't care as long I get to eat my cheezits" we decided not to capture them and moved onto base 7 which we capture and I was about to kill the tank at base 11 when it was time for the night game so I went back to base to eat dinner. After dinner we played about and hour of the night game and left.
fun scenario
honorable players(from everything I saw)
cool people I got to meet
didn't know what the objectives were
confusion on ied
We set up an ambush near base 13 and when the tank came by I took it out. My friends and the airforce guy moved out and went into the enemy hq where there were 2 guys who were eating and willingly surrendered . When the airforce guy suggested we capture them all the guys said were "I don't care as long I get to eat my cheezits" we decided not to capture them and moved onto base 7 which we capture and I was about to kill the tank at base 11 when it was time for the night game so I went back to base to eat dinner. After dinner we played about and hour of the night game and left.
fun scenario
honorable players(from everything I saw)
cool people I got to meet
didn't know what the objectives were
confusion on ied

- I do in fact have a life.
- Posts: 1133
- Joined: Sun Oct 04, 2009 6:08 pm
- Location: lexington sc
Re: op24 V aar
just so you know infidel i keep the same number of players as you did in the nite game to keep it fair and everyone else hung out. as a matter of fact between 1am and 3am you out numbered us 8 to 2. and from 3:30 until 6 am we had about 9 to your 8. or i should say this is what garrett told me was in the field. just wanted to clarify that since you said you were out numbered at nite.
Last edited by stuckmojo on Mon Nov 18, 2013 7:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: op24 V aar
^That's a negative ghost rider (I'm not saying you knew, but I can confirm that this was most definitely not the case).
Sorry, no time for an AAR right now but when I was playing I had a fantastic time and got some good stories.
Sorry, no time for an AAR right now but when I was playing I had a fantastic time and got some good stories.

[align=center]"Searching for my goats since 2009"
"All you have done here is take the typical leftist line and regurgitate it in a barely palatable,
quasi poetic, pseudo intellectual format. Quite frankly, that makes you a moron."[/align]
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