Directions: Google Maps
Address: 1348 State Road S-42-195
Woodruff, SC 29388[/align]
The field owner REQUIRES all players to wear FULL SEAL eye protection, period. DO NOT attempt to wear shooting glasses or any other form of eye protection that is not fully sealed around all seams at this field. Mesh is allowed.
All players receive one raffle ticket with registration. Additional raffle tickets may be purchased at $1 ea.
Field fee is $25 Preregister; $30 after Sept 13th. Details at bottom on how to preregister
After much controversy surrounding the 2000 election, the supreme court has decided to recount all the votes. A final result revealed Al Gore was in fact elected president. Based upon new legislation, he is inaugurated in 2017 as the incumbent. In his first act as President, Gore decides to issue a ban on all firearms.
Throughout the United States, numerous rebel factions have risen up to respond to the trampling of their rights. Anarchy runs rampant. Amidst the chaos, two forces grow within South Carolina. The Alpha Federation and the Bravo Coalition square off, both vying for control. Which side will you choose?
Saturday-Sunday Sept. 27-28th
0800: Registration and Chrono open
0915 Safety Briefing begins
1000 Game start
1300 Lunch Break
1430 Gameplay resumes
1830 Game Ends/Dinner break begins
2030 Night game begins
2430 Night game ends
0845 Sunday game briefing
0915 Sunday game starts
1315 Sunday game ends
1345 Raffle begins
1700 Field closes
Field opens for camping on Friday, 26th @ 5PM
Campfires are not allowed. Grills are fine.
No illegal substances or underage alcohol drinking allowed.
Anyone wishing to operate in-game vehicles should contact Mr. Marauder or Dominum.
Vendors are encouraged and welcome to attend.
-No medic heals inside buildings/mostly enclosed structures
-All players will be issued medic bandages. To medic a dead player, tie a medic bandage (white cloth) around the player's arm. After the third kill, the player bleeds out and returns to spawn. Mandatory 3 minute bleedout always applies. Only friendlies may medic, each person will have two bandages on them and when dead may point to the pocket/pouch in which his bandages are kept.
-Bravo has odd channels, Alpha has even (as always, no going on enemy channels)
-Channel 1 is for admin, call on channel 1 if you have any problems or questions at any time
-Deadrags are required. Glowsticks are required as deadrags for the night game
-Only 0 ft MED guns firing on semi only may be used for night game.
-Standard AOSC rules that apply:
Click Here
-Bring a radio or you won't know what is going on
-Dress for one faction or the other per the rules, you mix faction camo, you don't play (Black with green/tan is NOT OK, etc.)
-Stay hydrated!
Per the field owner: NO disposable containers (water bottles, etc.) are allowed past the parking lot. Use camelbacks or canteens.
If you are UNDER 18 years of age and will not have a parent or legal guardian with you at registration to sign, have them sign one now and bring it with you:
PDF File
Word File