by GrimWulf » Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:51 pm
Alrighty, very good guesses, however they are incorrect. The samurai in the back is Ogami Itto played by Wakayama Tomisiboro from the Lone Wolf and Cub series, and the guy in front is Zatoichi from the Blind Masseuse series. If you are at all into sword fighting movies like Kill Bill, I would suggest you check both series out for some of the best swordsmanship you will ever see. In fact Kill Bill was loosely inspired by Lone Wolf and Cub. There is a great remake of Zatoichi that came out a few years ago that you can watch on Google videos in it's entirety.

"Know that I am the one you seek. I am the one born to rule and destined to conquer! Let those who fear me, follow me. Let those who oppose me, die! For I am the GrimWulf, and this I Command!"
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